Hillcrest Academy

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Hillcrest Academy Page 18

by Cassie Pierce

  “I will never tell,” he says rising to his feet and pulling me with him. He reaches into his back pocket, throwing a one-hundred-dollar bill down on the table. My eyes widen as he shouts to Jan, “Keep the change.”

  Hell....I would have called him too.

  I let him hold my hand as we walk out of the restaurant. I take a minute to enjoy the starry night. The stars are beautiful here. I could never really see them in the city. I turn to Jaxon, who is watching me like I am watching the stars. I blush under his scrutiny. Time to change the subject.

  “You said you have known Ash since birth. Are you guys like best friends or something?”

  He laughs, throwing his head back in a deep chuckle. His hand comes up, cupping my cheek as he stares into my eyes.

  “Princess. Ashlee is my sister.”


  ~ Chapter 17 ~


  “How many of you are there?” I laugh, wondering if she is older or younger than them. Mr. Rothe didn’t mention her in his class on the angelic royals. He mentioned the queen B, so why wouldn’t he bring up Ashlee?

  “Ashlee is a year younger than us. She is the only girl in the family,” he says with a silly smile. A look of admiration crosses his face as he talks about his sister.

  “Why didn’t Mr. Rothe mention her in class that first day?” I inquire. It isn’t that I don’t believe Jaxon, but after everything trust doesn’t come so easily. Facts. Facts I can get behind.

  “He wouldn’t,” Jaxon shrugs, taking my hand and pulling me back in the direction of the school. I internally groan. It is a really long walk back. Uhhh... I hate walking on a good day. Walking bare foot. Yeah.... I cannot say that I am looking forward to that.

  Too bad we can’t just fly. Now that would be awesome with a capital A!

  “She is too far down in succession to the throne. By Angelic standards, she is basically not royal.”

  “That is kind of sexist,” I mutter, thinking that she has every right to the throne that they do. It should not matter that she is a girl.

  “No princess.....” he laughs, stopping and tucking a wild hair behind my ear. “It isn’t because she is a girl. It is because she was born last.” He laughs lightly as I make a face.

  “Still backwards. I think that your angelic council should give the throne to the person who earns it. Not the person that was born into it. Think about how much better the world would be if people actually got what they deserved.”

  I smile at the thought. If karma was a person, and she could lay the law down to these idiots who steal and kill, that would be awesome. Instead, often times good people suffer while the crappy one’s profit from their misfortune.

  Jaxon watches me for a few seconds, and I feel a little self-conscious under the weight of his stare. Only Jaxon does that to me. Makes me feel off center, but at the same time, like I am the center of everything. He smiles, stepping up to me and pulling me into the hardness of his body.

  I gasp as all of my soft places line up with all of his hard ones. His breath is warm, blowing my hair as he speaks. “You asked me for something tonight, and like an idiot I turned you away.”

  I shiver as his lips trace a fiery path along the base of my neck, and when he pulls my earlobe into his mouth, I almost melt into a puddle of goo right there on the pavement.

  “It’s fine,” I whisper. “It was probably for the best.”

  I can feel him smile against my neck. “No.....it isn’t. I just wanted you to know,” he says, trailing those sinful lips down and around until he reaches my other ear. “I changed my mind.”

  I gulp as a wave of desire crashes into me. He is talking about when I asked him to let me stay the night. He pulls my other ear into his mouth, biting down softly, and a moan slips free without my permission. I should be embarrassed, but I’m not.

  I kind of want him to do it again.

  He bites down, reading my mind and pulling an even louder moan from me. Some old lady walks by clutching her purse and mumbling about fornication. I ignore her. I know....I know...I am totally going to hell, but if this is hell.... I wonder what heaven is like.

  “I will never deny you again,” he whispers, tightening his arms around me. I don’t get a chance to say anything after that, because the most glorious pair of white wings sprout from Jaxon’s back as he pulls me into his muscular arms.

  “Aaahhh!” I gasp, as we launch into the air. My eyes widen in shock as the world fades away from us, and the stars that I so longed to see moments before grow closer and closer.

  “You wanted to fly....let’s fly,” he laughs. Then we are moving, slicing through the air like butter as the wind teases my hair and the stars twinkle like a million fireflies around me.

  I cannot contain my laughter as we soar over the tiny town. My joy spilling out of me in waves of giggles as I spread my arms and pretend that I too can fly. Jaxon’s wings are strong and steady as the guide us toward the shadow of Hillcrest in the distance.

  Part of me wants to tell him to keep flying. To fly until his wings can no longer carry us. To take me away from the craziness of my life, and land us in a world where we can just exist together.

  I tilt my head back, watching his laughter as a breathtaking smile stretches across his face. He looks so happy...so carefree. In this moment I know... one hundred percent, without a doubt that I love him.

  I am hopelessly in love with Jaxon Lux, and I would not change it. Not for anything. I want to tell him, but this moment is too perfect to be ruined by words, so instead I close my eyes, and wrap myself in the happiness that he gives to me.

  Choosing to just enjoy the moment. It isn’t every day that you get to fly.


  My eyes are still clenched shut when we land. I open them just as his wings fold down, and before I can stop myself, I reach out. I softly stroke a feather. It is soft and velveteen under my touch. Jaxon’s whole body locks up, and I quickly pull my hand away. I bite the side of my lip, feeling a whole new level of awkward.

  I secretly wonder if the same rules apply to angels as dogs. You know...don’t pet them without the owner’s permission. The owner in this case being Jaxon.

  His hand snaps forward, catching mine and placing it softly back into the feathery wing. His lashes flutter, once and then twice as he all but purrs his words. “You can touch me. I was just surprised. That’s all.”

  I snort as I roll my eyes. “I touch you all the time. I didn’t think this would be any different,” I explain, circling a feather in my fingers. Jax grits his teeth, and I still my movements.

  “I’m....sorry,” I say, dropping the feather like it’s hot. He shakes his head, taking a deep breath as he places me on my feet. “Never apologize. It’s just that our feathers are...sensitive. They are kind of an erogenous zone for us.”

  Holy mother! So, I basically just gave him the angelic equivalent of a hand job. Feeling level nine hundred awkward now, I turn away from him. Maybe figuring out where I am will cool the sting in my now pink cheeks.

  We are still outside, but a quick scan of my surroundings tells me that this is a balcony of some sort. It connects to the house that I know all too well. Jaxon’s house. I turn away, walking into the open French doors. I swallow a gulp as my gaze settles on the king-sized bed that dominates the room. It is on a raised platform in the middle of the room, and my cheeks brighten further as I play out in my head all the glorious things that Jaxon and I could do on that bed.

  A cough followed by a chuckle reminds me that Jaxon probably heard that thought. Something that he is getting way too good at. I mean....what fun is it having secret dirty thoughts if they aren’t secret?

  Attempting to get my mind out of the gutter, I switch to a safer topic. “Today is Sunday right? That means that we have class tomorrow.” I already know this, but sometimes I like to talk about things that I already know. There is comfort in knowing things. Right now, I could use that.

  “Yes. We can’t skip again. If we do fath
er will be notified, and no one wants that.”

  That is the second time that Jaxon has paled talking about his dad. A tell-tell clue that the Divine king isn’t divine. He scares Jaxon, and I am not talking a little bit. His entire demeanor changes when someone brings up his father. There is a story there. Probably a damn scary one, but I have reached my limit on scary stuff today.

  I still don’t know how I feel about anything, but I do know that I want Jaxon beside me while I figure it out. He has answers, and I have like a trillion questions.

  “Why did Ashlee need to fake die? I still feel like there is a piece to this puzzle that you aren’t telling me,” I say, walking into the room and sitting on the floor. Jax looks at me like I am crazy before taking a seat beside me.

  “I have chairs princess. Chairs and a bed. Why are we on the floor?” he laughs, trying to fold his long legs in. His wings have already disappeared into his back, and I secretly wonder how in the world his shirt isn’t ripped.

  “I’m dirty. Disgusting really. I am not getting your bed dirty,” I say.

  A heat flares to life in Jaxon’s eyes as he reaches out. He grabs me by the ankle and pulls me toward him. He gently bites said ankle, and holy mother.....

  I did not know ankles could turn me on, but yes please. That was hot.

  He lifts his head, a playful grin pulling his lips up on one side. “Oh Princess. I would love for you to dirty up my bed.”

  “I’m not having sex with you!”

  I don’t know what makes me say it. It just kind of comes out, but once it is out, I am relieved it is. I do not want to dive into my virgin status. I just don’t want him to think that I am ready for that. Because I am not! Not even remotely.

  “I never said anything about sex,” Jaxon says, his face turning serious as he drops my ankle like I have flesh eating bacteria. He swallows, rising to his feet and walking to a dresser pushed up against a far wall.

  My heart does something strange as a sinking feeling takes root deep in my gut. Did I offend him? Is he...mad?

  His head whips back to me, his eyes softening to a swirling mix of gold and silver. “I am not mad. Not at you, and not because of that. Never because of that. I didn’t bring you here for sex. You know that. Right? Because nothing has changed. We can’t complete the bond. Even though every fiber of my being begs me to take you. We can’t. I may be selfish, but not with you. Never with you.”

  I nod, because I have no words for that. In my lust filled haze I had honestly forgotten all about the fact that sex with Jaxon would mean instant death for me. Well...not instant, but it would put me one step closer to being on the council’s hit list.

  “Here are some clothes. I will have you a new uniform and some shoes in the morning. Shower is behind that door,” he says, indicating the door on the far left.

  “Wait...where are you going?” I ask, because the way he is popping off directions makes me think that he is leaving.

  “I think it would be for the best if I took the couch tonight.”

  Ouch. Rejection stings.

  Without another word, Jaxon walks away. Leaving me lonely and confused, and with an ache that only he can satisfy.

  Looks like this shower is going to be a cold one.


  Sleep does not find me easily as I toss and turn in Jaxon’s bed. I must doze off for a few hours, because when I wake up there is a new uniform waiting for me, and I squint...trying to clear the haze of sleep from my eyes. Are those my shoes?

  My beloved red and black heels are sitting on the dresser, beside the clean and pressed uniform. I smile as I make my way out of the bed on shaky legs. A note sits folded on top, and my fingers itch to open it.

  Had to take care of something this morning. Didn’t want to wake you. You are beautiful when you sleep.


  My good mood instantly evaporates as I put the note back on the dresser with a huff of annoyance. He knows how much his brother’s like me, especially pinky. Either he trusts them more than he lets on, or he just doesn’t care if they kill me.

  Ok. Maybe kill is a bit dramatic. I am a Nephilim. A Nephilim that has the same DNA as them, thanks to Jaxon’s little power transfer the night of the accident. Does that mean that I am un-killable like my angel friends, or since I am only a half-blood by birth, did the whole you-can-still-be-murdered-gene pass on to me? That is a question I will have to ask Jaxon. When he decides to quit ignoring me.

  And he is....totally ignoring me. Funny. Most boys pay more attention when you say the word sex. Not Jaxon. It makes him run.

  “Sex! Sex! Sex!” I shout, laughing a little manically.

  “You offering?” Braxton grumbles from the doorway. I spin around, pulling at my way-too-short-T-shirt. His white blond hair is spiked to perfection, and his white uniform shirt hangs open, revealing toned abs beneath. An un-tied tie hangs loosely from his shoulders, completing his bad boy look. I quickly look away, slightly ashamed that I like what I see.

  “What do you want Pinky?” I smile, unable to resist a chance to tease him. His eyes take on that calculating look, and I tense as he opens his mouth. “From you...absolutely nothing. I just want you to stay away from my brother.”

  “Jaxon? Why do you want me to stay away from Jaxon?” I snap, irritated to be sharing air with the blonde Lux brother. I expect him to say something mean, since that seems to be his go to. Maybe that is why he shocks me when he gives me an honest answer.

  “Because you are going to get him killed. You are going to get us all killed. It isn’t personal, but they will always matter more to me than you do. So, do us all a favor and leave.” The way he says it. Not with hate or anger, but as a simple truth. For the first time since meeting the brother’s, I finally understand why Braxton hates me.


  “There you are,” Ryker says, stepping past Braxton and walking into the room. He shoots his brother an angry glare before throwing an arm over my shoulder. “I told Jaxon that I would see you to school today. It starts in ten. Better hurry up.”

  “TEN MINUTES!” I exclaim, grabbing up the uniform and dashing into the bathroom. I can hear whispered arguing between the brother’s as I quickly get ready, but I am so late.

  I dash out of the door with three minutes to spare, following a laughing Ryker out of the house. When he stops in front of his bike, I raise a brow at him. “We are riding Xena? It is like a ten-minute walk,” I say, eyeing the bike with envy. It is a sexy bike.

  “But...” he drawls, hoping on and patting the seat behind him. “We only have two minutes left.”

  Decision made, I jump on behind him. He rises up, stomping on the gas. The wind cuts at my cheeks as we zip toward Hillcrest Academy.

  Maybe today will be better.

  ~ Chapter 18~

  I never thought that I would miss math, but after sitting through an entire lecture on angelic history I miss math. Numbers are facts. They are concrete. The answer is always the answer. People, or in this case angels, are complicated. Their history is messy, and bloody, and full of a million different variables that changed the original answer.

  Mr. Rothe is a great teacher, but today’s class was on the origin of the Fallen race. Not a subject that I want to revisit after my short time with them. I pretty much tuned him out. At this rate. I am going to fail.

  Jaxon was notably absent during class, and I was starting to get a little worried. Whatever he had to take care of this morning must have been important.

  Second block with Mrs. Abner was basically the same. I struggled to stay awake while she talked. When the bell rang for lunch I started to skip, but my growling stomach reminded me that I had not eaten since my cheeseburger last night.

  I don’t like to skip meals. My moods are directly related to my hunger status. If I don’t eat, no one will like me by dinner time. Hell....I probably will not even like myself.

  So. Lunch it is.

  I find an empty table in the corner and have just placed my order when
someone plops down in the seat next to me. She looks tired. Her brown waves hang limply into her eyes, and she does not have on a single bangle bracelet.

  The petty part of me wants to ignore her, but after yesterday all my anger is spent. C.J. hurt me, a fact that she acknowledged. She apologized. I don’t have the energy to keep punishing her.

  Besides. I could use a friend.


  “I’m sorry.....”

  We both start talking at the same time, and together we erupt into a fit of giggles. It feels good to laugh like this, at something so silly. I wave my hand, indicating for her to go ahead. I want to hear her side of the story. I need to.

  I should have given her a chance to explain last night, but it was too raw. Too real. I wasn’t ready to listen then, but I am now. With the dawn of the new day so much has changed. So many truths have been revealed, and some of them I don’t think I will ever truly understand.

  Ashlee was my best friend, and I never would have kept a secret like that from her, no matter the consequences of running my mouth. I wouldn’t have hurt her the way that she hurt me, not even to save myself. I can’t forgive Ashlee. Not yet. C.J is a different story though. What she did was wrong, but she didn’t lie to me for months. She made a decision to save the man that she loves, and that is something that I can forgive. I am after all the queen of bad decisions.

  C.J. was the first person to be nice to me when I arrived here, so in a way I feel like I owe her. The least that I can do is listen.

  She reaches out, placing her warm brown hand on my forearm. Her eyes shine with un-shed tears as the words rush from between her trembling lips. “You were never supposed to get hurt,” she whispers sadly as one of those tears finally breaks free. It streaks a path down her cheek, smearing her eyeliner. “That wasn’t supposed to happen,” she finishes weakly.

  “Well....it did,” I reply, unable to hide the hurt in my voice. It just kind of leaks out of me.

  C.J. swallows roughly, sighing as she pulls her hand back. “I know, and I am so....so sorry. Sorrier than you will ever know. I messed up, and I get that it does not help, but I had to do it.” Her voice carries desperation, and guilt. Her words cracking at the end, like just admitting it breaks her.


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