Hidden: A Dark Mafia Romance (Forbidden Kiss Book 1)

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Hidden: A Dark Mafia Romance (Forbidden Kiss Book 1) Page 12

by Lyanna Thomson

  “Oh lord... I’m so sorry. So sorry” she said to him. The mail man held his jaw in pain and made a rather failed attempt to smile.

  “Here... this is for you.” He said to her and handed her an envelope. She took it and stuck it into her ward coat and continued to rush towards the operating room as she rubbed her forehead.

  “Lord please... when will ever stop being such a clumsy person?” She asked herself as she pushed the door to OR4 open and slid into the place.

  “Could you change please... we have an emergency surgery!” her senior supervisor doctor said to her.

  “Yes sir...” she answered back with an instant readiness to work.

  She dragged herself through the hallway and into the hospital car park. It had been a long night and she was glad to be free finally. She was not eligible for a break or vacation yet, but she had convinced her colleague to take her shift in the coming week with a promise to take her own shift later. She had decided that she needed the rest especially after all the mental stress she had been experiencing lately. She needed to find a balance between her present life and the life she had known before it. One would think the years in medical school would have prepared her for life as a doctor but it hadn’t. At least not fully. As she would find, the stress of being a doctor was so immense that she felt overwhelmed in the first few months. She had quickly come to understand that the workload would not reduce and there would always be someone who had broken a femur or a scapula. There would always be someone whose hip bone had been shifted or broken. It was just the bitter truth of life.

  She released herself into her car heavily. As she started to throw her ward coat to the backseat, she noticed that there was something that felt like paper in it. She pulled back the coat and dipped her hand into the pocket of the coat and felt around it. It was an envelope. She suddenly remembered that she had gotten the letter from the hospital mail man. She took the envelope out of her coat and tore it open at the edge. The letter fell out and fell open to her palm. She didn’t need to read to know who it was from. The minute she saw the handwriting in the note, her heart started to pound so fast that she had to drop the note and hold on to her chest for a minute. She took a quick glance around in fear that he might be somewhere in the vicinity. When she didn’t see him, she relaxed a little bit and picked up the sheet of paper that had fallen out of the envelope. She looked at the handwriting on it again and sighed. It was him quite alright.

  “Meet me in the old apartment peep girl!” it said. The message was simple and the scrawl was clear. There was no argument about it. It was him alright. She looked at the back of the envelope, hoping to see the return address but there was nothing on it in that regard. She was staring at it for minutes. The memories of how she had pinned for him over and over washed over her. The thoughts of the days she was lost and couldn’t study and the nights that she had been unable to sleep. She had found a sudden distaste for masturbation in her mind and over and over again when she tried to pleasure herself, she would find it almost impossible to attain any amount of pleasure through it as her mind would continue to go to him. She had endured the frustration of dates and meetings that would chiefly involve her sitting and staring at the person all through the time they would spend together. She would then respond to all their questions with monosyllables. She would then conclude that they were uninteresting and idiotic at the end of the date and never take their call again. Her mother had noticed the cycle and had gotten so worried that she might never find a man. She had come into her room one night and had asked her point blankly.

  “What happened in Britain, Amie” She had asked and Amie had looked up at her with a feigned surprise. She had started to say something but her mother had held a finger up in the air.

  “If you are going to lie to me then don’t say anything Amie. But just know that as your mother, I am worried about you and I want the best for you. I won’t be here forever and I don’t want you to be alone. If there is something you need to tell me, then you better tell me soon.” Amie had been silent after that and had looked away from her mother instead of looking her in the eyes and lying to her. Her mother had nodded and had looked away from her. Tears were in her eyes too and it was obvious that she was trying valiantly not to break down in tears. Amie wondered if she should just tell the woman the truth and move on from it.

  “But it has been such a long time and I have since moved on from it!” she had then said to herself and decided against talking to herself about her experience in Colerain. Now as she stared at the piece of paper that she held in her hand, she knew that she had not moved on from Colerain at all. She was stuck on the place so much that she had never actually bothered to move her things out of her old room totally. She had been paying someone to maintain the house and now she had just received the note to meet there by the one man in the world who knew of her history with the place. She closed her eyes and rested her head on the headrest of the car seat. She was taking deep breaths and waiting for the surge of emotions that had welled inside her to subside. Who did he think he was? Leaving her like that and disappearing for years at a stretch. Why was he asking for a meet now? Had he finally resolved his issue with the blood dragons or was he finally ready to put her life at risk if it would mean that she would be with him for as long as they were both alive? What was the aim of his not exactly? He had known where to send the note so he knew what sort of life she was living now. How could he suddenly expect her to leave her job and her patients and come looking for him in Coleraine? What if she had not just made the arrangement to have her colleague take over from her? What if she had not planned a vacation before? She was angry, but she was delighted at the same time. She was glad that even though it had taken him the whole of six years, he had finally been able to come back to her. She shook her head in surrender to the feeling of love that was suddenly welling inside of her and picked up her phone.

  “This is bell airline how may I help you?” The lady on the other side of the line said.

  “Yea... I'll like to book a plane ticket to Colerain Britain please...”

  “Sure ma’am... what are your details?”

  And that was it. It was decided. She was going halfway around the world again. This time around, she was not going to be studying in the little town; she was going to be meeting the man she loved.


  She stood in the middle of the room, looking around as if she was scared that she would get kidnapped all over again. It had been 4 years but the room seemed exactly the same as she had left it that morning in July. It was neat, it was tidy and it still had the hole in the wall. She smiled a small mischievous smile to herself as she stood in front of the peep hole and stared at it for minutes. She could remember the day she had put her chair near the wall and had watched over him till she slept off and had a nightmare. She could remember how she had watched him through the wall, having sex with that hot Japanese woman who had wound up dead. She could remember everything and it started to seem like her whole life in that room was starting to play in front of her eyes. There was no question about it, she had missed the house. She had missed the feeling she had gotten from it and now that she stood in it again, she wondered if she would want to leave again.

  She moved closer towards the peephole and looked at it. It was as if she was metal and there was some sort of magnet on the other side that was pulling her closer to the wall. She bent towards the wall and put her eye over the wall. What she saw was the same thing she had seen that day.

  That very first day.

  He was naked from waist up and was standing facing the hole. The minute she put her eye over it, their eyes met in a romance of recognition. She jerked away from the wall and screamed. She rushed out of her room and headed down towards his room. She pushed the door open as if she had every intention of yanking it off its hinges and rushed at him like a lion towards a deer. She lunged at him and landed squarely in his arms with her legs wrapped around his waist.

  “OH my
god! Oh my god!” she was screaming and he was laughing and they were hugging each other tightly like their lives depended on it. She would kiss him, pull back and the rush at him all over again. They were kissing and she was crying. His hair was much longer now, almost reaching the middle of his back. She ran her hand through his hair and planted wet kissed all over his face. He responded in full dose and held her close while she alternated between crying and laughing. She held his face away from his and said through her tears.

  “We are not cats yet?” he nodded and laughed. He held her close and let himself fall into the bed.

  “Are you here to stay?” she asked him. He nodded into her hair and her tears increased.

  “We are better like this, Amie... I did the right thing...”

  “Yes... you did. But I’m not sure I’ll ever forgive you” she grumbled. He laughed and buried his face in her neck.

  “I love you.” He said

  “Show me” she said.

  And he did.

  The end.


  Thank you again for buying Hidden!

  I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

  Thank you so much and until next time!

  Author’s Bio

  Lyanna Thomson is a passionate and rebel romance writer, born in Georgia. She is one of the only few writers who loves to take on action romances, with exciting badass badboys and strong willed heroines. Her stories are filled with breathtaking tension, a pinch of sexiness and full of raw emotion and passion between her characters.

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  Preview of next book:


  A spy romance story

  What happens when Maria, an unusual town girl, falls for a secret spy who is being chased by his former organization?

  Now in production.




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