Forever Magic

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Forever Magic Page 10

by T. M. Cromer

  “I agree.” GiGi set down her teacup and shook her head. “I believe he’s running scared now that Delphine has been found out. Also, he hates Alastair. He won’t quit until one of them is dead.” Their cousin Delphine was responsible for Preston’s murder. That was one back-stabbing bitch who would never see another sunrise. GiGi had made sure her cousin received her just desserts.

  A look of grim determination crossed Spring’s perfect features. “I’ll come up with a solution. Perhaps there is something in either the Thorne or Carlyle grimoires to help. If we don’t steal from the Book of Thoth, Isis can’t be cross with us, right?”

  “It’s worth a shot.” Knox joined hands with his beloved, and the love shining from his bright eyes was breathtaking. “We’ll both devote time to the search.”

  GiGi’s heart melted when she saw these two together. They’d been to hell and back and deserved every happiness. Not for anything would she allow them to be hurt by any of this, moving forward. “Within limits,” she said. “I want neither of you to risk yourselves. You’ve been through so much. Whatever you may find, leave it to Ryker or Alastair to handle, okay?”

  “Of course, Aunt GiGi,” Spring said sweetly.

  Knox rolled his eyes and snorted. “If you trust that act of innocence, I have a bridge in New York I can sell you.”

  Spring laughed. “You must like the taste of dirt.”

  With a low growl in his throat, Knox mock glared at her.

  GiGi signaled to Ryker it was time to leave the two of them alone. Things were about to heat up in their little house.

  “Thank you both. If you find anything, give me a holler.”

  “Will do, Aunt GiGi.”

  “Shall we walk back?” Ryker suggested.

  “No. I don’t think we should be in the open any more than necessary. I don’t trust that Beecham doesn’t have spies in the area.”

  “They’d just see me getting it on with my wife in the clearing,” he teased.

  “I’d rather not be caught in my birthday suit if the enemy attacks.” Still, the idea of making love with Ryker warmed her. GiGi couldn’t get enough of touching him after so many years.

  His smile flashed even as he tried to hide it. Her husband was the very devil. All games, all the time. Yet he charmed her as no other. Touching her palm to his jaw, she rose on tiptoe to kiss him lightly. “See you back in our bedroom. Last one there is on the bottom.”

  She teleported to his wicked chuckle, the deep, sinful sound resonating within her long after she arrived home. She wasted no time exchanging her current clothing for sexy, sheer lingerie. Energy sparked the air around her, and his strong, sinewy arm encircled her waist from behind.

  Ryker had just dropped a butterfly-soft kiss on her bare shoulder when his phone rang.

  They groaned their frustration in unison when they saw the caller ID. With a resigned sigh, GiGi restored her original outfit from earlier.

  * * *

  Ryker allowed his disappointment to show for GiGi but kept his voice even-toned to answer his cell. “What’s up?” Okay, perhaps his brisk tone gave him away somewhat.

  “I received word Georgie Sipanil is dead,” Alastair said without preamble. “She was tied to a chair and tortured. I’m afraid it’s meant to look as if you murdered her.”

  A long silence dragged on while Ryker wrapped his mind around this new development. Georgie Sipanil had held the high seat on the Witches’ Council. She had been an old tyrant but was respected by everyone for her forthright manner and fairness. Ryker had shared the occasional drink with her to ease their mutual loneliness. They’d had long discussions about life and had heated but friendly debates on everything from religion to politics.


  He glanced down at GiGi’s concerned face.

  She laid a hand on his free arm. “What’s going on?”

  Not breaking eye contact, he told Alastair to meet him in the Thorne living room as soon as possible.

  “Babe, you’re scaring me,” GiGi said as he wordlessly gathered her close. “What happened?”

  “Georgie Sipanil has been murdered.” He didn’t tell her the killer intended to pin it on him. There would be time enough.


  Tears formed behind his closed lids, but he ruthlessly suppressed them. The time was not at hand to grieve his friend. No, avenging her came first. Sorrow could come after.

  “I’m going to kill Beecham.”

  “Not that I’m defending him, but are you sure it’s Harold?”

  “I can’t think of anyone else who would have it in for her.”

  “Don’t do anything reckless. We’ll figure this out—together, as a team. You, me, and Alastair. I don’t want that sonofabitch slipping through our fingers.”

  He pulled back enough to gaze down at his wife. Her fierce expression both warmed and terrified him. At least now she was urging caution. There was a time when she’d have been the one going off half-cocked to right a wrong.

  As he drew away, she clutched his forearms. “I’m sorry about your friend, Ryker. I know she had to mean something to you for you to react so strongly.”

  “She was like a second mother to me in many ways,” he confessed hoarsely. “I’m going to miss her.”

  “Let’s go meet Alastair.”

  GiGi tightly gripped his hand in hers, and Ryker wondered if she feared he’d set out to crucify Beecham on the spot. The temptation was strong, but he couldn’t risk walking into a potential trap.

  Alastair was pacing the living room when they joined him. While Nash was present and sitting down, there was a tension in his frame. His nephew always kept a pulse on the happenings of the Council. His grim expression clearly indicated the direness of the situation.

  The energy in the room was thick with worry and laced with a deeper emotion like rage. Ryker suspected that flowed from Alastair. He, too, had admired Georgie. They’d maintained a fun, flirty dance where Alastair skirted the laws of the WC and Georgie scolded him at every turn, all the while protecting him as best she could from her elite position as Head Council.

  “Should we bring anyone else into this?” GiGi asked in between hugging her brother and nephew.

  “I would suggest Knox Carlyle, since he’s the only other one who moonlights for the Council,” Nash said. “I can call him if you’d like.” At Alastair’s nod, he did just that.

  “How the hell did he get to her?” Ryker demanded. “Georgie was one of the most heavily guarded individuals on the planet.” Due to her station as both Councilwoman and magical royalty, her security detail was greater than that of a U.S. president.

  “That’s the question of the hour,” Nash grunted. “If I had to speculate as to why anyone believes you’re behind this, it was your ease of access. She treated you like family, allowing you to come and go.”

  “What?” GiGi’s enraged screech made the men present wince. “Who thinks Ryker is behind it, and why?”

  Ryker sat beside her on the settee and gave her a one-armed hug. “We intend to find out, sweetheart. Stay calm.” To the others, he said, “Even I had to go through fingerprint and retinal scans to gain access to her home. There were also security cameras everywhere.”

  Knox, having arrived during this part of the discussion, finally spoke. “Perhaps that’s why someone broke into your house yesterday. To obtain evidence to plant in her home.” He shrugged. “As to the cameras, they can be altered easily enough.”

  “Do you think that’s the reason Beecham and the Witches’ Council army were practically at our doorstep last night?” Zane asked from where he filled the entrance to the room.

  “You heard?” Alastair asked.

  “Most of it. I came down to get Winnie a bite to eat and stumbled on your little powwow.” He moved farther into the room. “Having never dealt with the WC, I’m unsure of their laws, but if I can offer my legal services in any way…”

  “Thank you.” Ryker nodded to Winnie’s husband. Handsome an
d unassuming, most people overlooked Zane’s intelligence, but the young man was bright and could be calculating when necessary. “I’ll keep that in mind. But I’m sure if Beecham has his way, I won’t make it in front of the tribunal.”

  GiGi’s hand tightened where it rested on his knee, and Ryker covered it with his own. He had no immediate plans to lose what he’d regained only yesterday. If they had to relocate to a remote island in the middle of the Pacific, then that’s what they’d do. Parting from GiGi at this point was not going to happen.

  Glancing up, he noted Alastair’s sharp gaze studying the two of them. A soft light entered his friend’s eyes, and Alastair gave him a partial smile. Ryker had no doubt Alastair had honed in on his thoughts. It also gave him a warm feeling to know that his old friend had his back in all things. If it came down to him and GiGi dropping off the Council’s radar, then Ryker had no doubt Alastair would make it happen.

  “They won’t stop looking for you.” Nash cut through his thoughts and brought everyone’s attention back to the matter at hand. “Not with Beecham driving this train. I expect I’ll be suspended pending an investigation based on my relationship with you. If I had to guess, you won’t be his only target, Uncle. He’ll have tried to set up Alastair and possibly myself as well.”

  “Christ, this is going to get ugly.” Ryker rubbed the spot between his brows. “The only person we had on our side was Sebastian Drake, and I effectively pissed him off yesterday when I went alpha over GiGi.”

  The expressions on the men’s faces ranged from astounded to amused.

  “Oh, to be a fly on that wall,” Alastair stated with a chuckle.

  “I’m surprised you weren’t, you prying prick,” Ryker retorted.

  “Don’t be testy. The ends justified the means.” His friend gestured to him and GiGi together on the couch. “We’re all thrilled you patched things up. Even at the expense of Drake.”

  “Yeah, well now, I need to call him back to smooth things over.”

  “I can do that,” GiGi offered.

  Ryker rounded on her in angry disbelief. “Seriously?”

  Her nervous gaze shot around the room and landed back on him. “He’ll listen to me. What do you have to lose?” She cupped his cheek. “Let me do this little bit. Sebastian is a good man. He’ll understand.”

  “That gives me an idea.” Alastair whipped out his phone and scrolled through his contacts. He held up a hand for silence as he made a call. “Mackenzie? Alastair Thorne. Yes… how are you, child? How’s your mother? Yes… Are you still in England?” He paused to listen. “I need you to do me a favor. If I send you coordinates, do you think you can teleport and deliver a message? Wonderful. I won’t forget this. Whatever you want, you need only ask.” He smiled at whatever was said. “Of course… I’ll text you the information… Yes, right away. Thank you, child.”

  After he hung up, he tapped out a message.

  Ryker waited a bit impatiently, knowing Alastair wouldn’t reveal his plan before he was good and ready. GiGi was the first to snap.

  “Oh, give over, brother. What are you up to?” she growled.

  “I’m introducing the lovely Mackenzie to Sebastian Drake. She’s stunning enough to divert him from your defection and artful enough to help us obtain all we need to know without breaking a sweat.”

  GiGi’s lips twisted in wry amusement. “You clever beast. It’s an added bonus that any calls or texts you make can’t be traced to Drake personally. It stops Beecham looking closer in his direction.”

  “Smart,” Ryker added.

  “You’re welcome.”

  “I’m lost,” Zane confessed.

  “Mackenzie is a Thorne. Cousin to your wife. She also happens to be a supermodel. Most don’t credit her with much up here.” Alastair tapped the side of his head. “They would be wrong. She’s as smart and crafty as they come. Think Spring, Winnie, and Autumn rolled into one.”

  Zane chuckled with evil glee. “Yep, Sebastian Drake doesn’t stand a chance.”

  “No, he truly does not.”

  Ryker studied GiGi for any sign she was upset by Alastair’s machinations. When she turned sparkling eyes upon him, he breathed a sigh of relief. A small part of him was still hurt by her phone call with Drake yesterday. Her lack of jealousy for this new match by her brother went a long way to soothing Ryker’s insecurities.

  He leaned close to whisper into her ear. “As beautiful as Mackenzie is, she doesn’t hold a candle to you. I hope Drake isn’t terribly disappointed he lost out.”

  Her lips curled in a mischievous smile. “Something tells me he’ll enjoy drowning his sorrows by flirting with Mackenzie.”

  “My guess is that he’ll arrive at my mountain estate within the hour,” Alastair said. “Zane, you’ll want to get your wife that food now. In the meantime, the five of us will head to my place to anticipate Drake’s arrival. We’ll fill you in as soon as we know anything. Have Winnie keep a close eye on her scrying mirror. At the first sign of danger, the two of you get to my estate.” He clapped Zane on the back. “Tell your cousins to do the same. I’ll inform my daughter Holly and her husband to remain on guard. I’ll also leave you two of my team for backup.”


  Can you believe you’re already at this point in the book? As usual, this chapter has been omitted to preserve the tradition associated with the Thorne Witches series.

  * * *

  Now, back to your regularly scheduled reading!


  Sebastian Drake surprised Ryker when he pulled him aside. “Inasmuch as I admire your wife, I’m delighted to see you’ve patched things up. No hard feelings?”

  “Only marginally,” Ryker responded. “For the record, unless I am six-feet under, my wife will always be off-limits to you. Even then, I want at least a two-year moratorium on any relationship.”

  Drake laughed and slapped him on the back. “I’ll agree to a one-year mourning period, but then all bets are off.”

  “Eighteen months is my final offer, or I haunt you from the beyond.”


  The two men shook hands and headed for the drink tray.

  GiGi materialized at Ryker’s side, causing Sebastian to swear. Hands on hips, she glared at the two of them. “Were you seriously just bargaining over my future affections?”

  While poor Drake froze like an animal down the barrel of a rifle, Ryker laughed and drew her close for a slow, satisfying kiss. When they came up for air, he said, “Yes. Yes, we were.”

  With an air of complete indifference, his wife patted her hair and smoothed her dress. “All right then. But I shan’t mourn you for longer than fourteen months. A woman has needs.” So saying, she sashayed off, both men observing the seductive sway of her hips.

  “You are one lucky bloke, Gillespie,” Sebastian said on a heartfelt sigh. “Now, I suppose we should discuss this new turn of events with Beecham and poor Georgie.”

  Grief swept Ryker, and he gave a single, solemn nod. “I want to tear Beecham apart more than ever. No doubt he covered up this atrocity with black magic, just as he did my sister’s murder and probably countless others before and since.” He met the other man’s watchful gaze. “I loved Georgie like she was my own mother. I would never—”

  Sebastian held up a hand. “I know, Ryker. I’ve spoken with her in the past. She returned your affection and respected you above all others. She was truly a lovely woman. Anything I can do to bring her killer to justice, I will.”

  “Thank you.”

  They didn’t have long to wait before Alastair directed them all to be seated at the dining table. By silent agreement, those present waited until lunch was served before launching into the discussion of Georgie’s untimely demise. Ideas for outing Beecham were thrown about and systematically rejected.

  “GiGi and I spoke with Preston this morning,” Ryker revealed.

  All the silverware around them clattered to the table with the exception of Knox’s and Alastair’s. Knox, of course, h
ad been informed earlier so the topic of Preston came as no surprise.

  Alastair, on the other hand, carefully set his fork and knife against his plate then wiped his hands on a linen napkin. “Did I hear you correctly? You spoke with my brother?” His voice held only the slightest tremor.

  GiGi explained their visit to the crypt, with Ryker inserting extra explanations here or there.

  “Afterwards, we visited Spring, hoping she might remember any spells from the Book of Thoth to recall Trina to this plane from the Otherworld. If she eventually finds one, perhaps we can bring Georgie back the same way to testify for a tribunal.” Ryker met the thoughtful gazes of every person at the table. “I’m willing to do whatever it takes to bring Beecham down. But that means avoiding detection from the Witches’ Council. Possibly going into hiding. I don’t expect anyone here to keep my secrets because I don’t want any of you to get on their bad side. It’s not worth the risk to what you hold dear.” He faced GiGi. “That means you too, sweetheart. I want you to stay here with Alastair and Rorie until this is all resolved.”

  “No.” Her chin went up, and steely determination entered her eyes.

  “GiGi, be reasonable. Do you know what it would do to all of us if a stray bullet found its way to you?”

  “I said no, Ryker.” She closed her eyes and shook her head.

  Sitting next to her, Ryker could feel the dark emotion brewing within her. “GiGi.”

  She pinned him with a look. “We’re not doing this again. I won’t sit idly by while you go chasing the bad guys. We do this together, or we don’t do it at all.”

  “I work better alone.” He didn’t mean the words to come out as hard or as cutting as they did. Her wince made him squirm inside. Yet he couldn’t back down. Couldn’t allow her to get involved to the degree it could cost her life. He softened enough to say, “Beecham regards women as collateral damage. Look at Trina. Look at Georgie. I couldn’t bear if he hurt you too, sweetheart. I just couldn’t.”

  “You either take me with you or say goodbye to me forever, Ryker. I’m done sitting on the sidelines.” There were no hysterics, simply a matter-of-fact statement. She rose and, with careful precision, placed her napkin beside her plate without looking at him. “I’ll give you one hour to decide.”


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