Trixie Provoked

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Trixie Provoked Page 2

by Viktor Redreich

After the long night he’d had, she knew there was no way he’d be up before noon.

  She found out how wrong she was when instead of finding her dad in the kitchen, their house guest was there instead.

  Wearing nothing but an unbuttoned pair of denims, Zion leaned against the kitchen counter, toying with a cup of coffee and looking at the lit screen of his phone.

  Her eyes grew big as she noted the sculpted muscles of his chest and arms. She’d never seen such evidence of strength in the human figure before, and his powerful aura hit her once again.

  He moved slightly, putting the phone down as he spotted her. His muscles shifted like fine-tuned machines under his tanned skin. Her eyes drifted down his torso and stilled where his jeans were undone. Her tongue wet her bottom lip as she took in the deep V that announced the prize to be found just beyond. A light tuft of hair peaked above his zipper. Beatrice found that rather fascinating as well.

  A cleared throat made her eyes jump up to his. Her cheeks flushed, knowing that he’d caught her checking out his body. The smirk on his lips and the telling light in his eyes left her with no doubt that he had thoroughly enjoyed her ogling.

  His gaze took in the look on her face and then moved down to her bosom. Beatrice became aware of just how stiff her nipples were. She even didn’t have to look down to know that her pointed tips were poking through the thin fabric of her dress.

  Beatrice crossed her hands over her breasts. Zion chuckled, slowly looking back up to meet her gaze.

  Her annoyance came back full force.

  No. It came back ten times stronger, testing her will not to stomp her feet and rile against this man’s presence.

  Her brow furrowed as she bit her lip to keep from telling him off.

  “Your dad’s hungover. Let him sleep in for a bit,” he said casually, as she continued to stand there, vibrating with built-up energy.

  He didn’t take his eyes off hers as he brought the cup up for a sip. She hated her enthrallment with the way his lips closed over the rim and became moist. Was that the way his lips looked against Leanne’s skin last night?

  Although Beatrice was a virgin, she was well aware of the mechanics of sex.

  She’d grown up on a farm after all and knew how baby animals were made.

  Besides, she’d watched porn before. Once. When her friend Shanna threw a slumber party when Beatrice was still in school.

  There were a total of five girls at the sleepover, and they’d all been enthralled when the eldest girl cued up the clip.

  There was a juicy-lipped, long-lashed bimbo in a bathrobe. A doorbell rang. The bimbo opened the door to find a burly dude delivering pizza. Beatrice didn’t even get to see what kind of topping was on the pizza. It was just left to get cold while the dude and the bimbo started making out.

  Soon clothes came off. The bimbo’s boobs were massive and remained surprisingly still no matter how she moved. Even when she was on her back with her legs spread to accommodate pizza dude’s head.

  Beatrice had been enthralled by the action of the dude’s tongue and fingers.

  He licked, nipped and penetrated the pink flesh in motions that went from coaxing to aggressive enough to elicit an untamed response from the plastic-looking woman.

  His skill almost mesmerized Beatrice, but it was the bimbo’s reactions that had hooked her.

  The woman’s skin flushed a rosy pink, and her back arched as she pushed her glistening labia into the movements of her lover’s mouth and hand.

  Her fingers clenched in pizza dude’s hair and pulled.

  She spread her legs wider and exposed her body more as she screamed dirty words to encourage him to keep going.

  And when she came, her thighs shook. Her moans turned into cries that made Beatrice’s young snatch clench deep inside.

  Beatrice’s young body had been on the brink of something powerful, but then the girls heard Shanna’s mother approaching in the distance. They scrambled to shut it all down before they got caught.

  Luckily, Shanna’s mom had just poked her head into the room to ask if they were doing okay before disappearing again.

  Shanna wasn’t brave enough to chance getting caught again, and that had been the extent of their porn viewing escapades.

  The night had ended with all the girls breathing deeply and the scent of aroused female marking the space.

  Beatrice had pretended to be asleep but could hear one of the other girls touching herself under the confines of her sleeping bag. ‘Till this day she had no idea which girl it had been.

  “Earth the Beatrice,” chuckled Zion, “you must be having one hell of daydream the way you’re grinding your hips with your eyes all glazed-over like that.”

  The sound of his voice yanked Beatrice from her naughty reminiscence, and she felt her face heat up in guilty embarrassment.

  There was no way she would ever enact a comparable porn sequence with Zion, so she said instead, “You’re in my way. I need to get breakfast started.”

  His hands welcomed her to proceed but his body barely budged an inch. To get to the fridge and stove, her body would have no choice but to make contact with his.

  There was challenge in his eyes. He didn’t seem to think she’d dare push past him. He seemed sure she’d back down.

  Little did he know.

  With an aggravated sigh and her nose upturned, she trudged forward. Her body shuddered in the split second that they made contact, but she moved quickly and refused to acknowledge to him or to herself that she was even slightly turned on.

  Damn the man and his annoying presence!

  She gathered the ingredients to make pancakes.

  She refused to look in his direction again and continued to work in silence until he broke it with his words.

  “You don’t like me.”

  It wasn’t so much a question as it was a statement, which is why she didn’t feel the need to respond. She kept her head down and continued cracking eggs into a big bowl filled with flour.

  He chuckled again as if she’d played right into his hands. She gritted her teeth to keep from screaming.

  Before either of them could say anything else, footsteps announced that someone was coming down the stairs.

  Expecting her father, Beatrice turned only to find a disheveled Leanne on the landing.

  Leanne’s clothes were rumpled, and even though she should have looked rundown from her late-night activities, she seemed to glow from the inside out.

  Beatrice had admired and liked the woman for as long as she could remember, but at that moment her feelings towards Leanne were akin to hate.

  Stunned, Leanne looked at the teenage girl with blushing cheeks and wide eyes as if she hadn’t considered the possibility of them running into each other. As if she hadn’t realized that Beatrice would had been aware of her going at it with Zion all night like two horny bunnies on speed.

  “Oh, Beatrice honey, I didn’t realize you’d be awake. I thought you’d still be in bed,” she blurted.

  In her late thirties, Leanne was an enigma in town. Meek and quiet, she’d never married, even though most women did in their early twenties. It definitely wasn’t her looks that kept her from marrying any of the town’s eligible bachelors. With her tall, slender frame, deep blue eyes and honey blonde hair, she was gorgeous and didn’t look a day past thirty.

  Instead, she seemed married to her bakery, to making her delicious pastries. Beatrice had loved going to the woman’s shop to for its sticky, sweet treats, but she now had a distinct feeling that from this day forward even the sweetest of treats would taste bitter in her mouth.

  The bitterness intensified when Leanne moved closer to Zion and placed her small hand upon his naked chest.

  Beatrice snarled internally, wanting to yank that icky hand away.

  Feeling snarky, Beatrice replied, “I don’t understand why you’d think I’d slept a wink last night considering the ruckus you guys made.”

  The woman’s cheeks bloomed a brighter shade of re
d and embarrassment made her duck her head into Zion’s chest.

  That’s right you harlot, you should be embarrassed!

  Beatrice’s satisfaction at Leanne’s reaction vanished the instant Zion bent over and whispered something in the woman’s ear.

  Beatrice barely heard what he said but caught the words “suck,” “wet” and “face down ass up.”

  He kept his eyes on Beatrice as his lips moved. Beatrice felt her pupils dilate. She took in the way Leanne reacted to his words by pushing up against his body like a cat begging to be stroked.

  He tapped the woman’s ass at the end of whatever he had been saying and Leanne squealed like a giggly little girl finally gaining attention from her long-standing crush, twining her hands around his neck and seemingly forgetting about Beatrice’s presence.

  Beatrice could no longer stomach the sight of the two lovers and turned back to making breakfast. She couldn’t help the fact that her hearing was extra sensitive right then, and that the sound of sloppy kisses were jarringly clear.

  She beat the pancake batter harder than she usually would have and found herself spilling some onto the countertop.

  “Stay,” Zion’s voice enticed Leanne, “I could use another round with that sweet cunny of yours.”

  Beatrice gripped the handle of the spatula so hard it almost broke.

  It slipped out of her fingers and landed on the floor with a loud bang.


  Then Leanne said, “I wish I could, but I have to open up the bakery. I’m late as it is.”

  Thank goodness!

  There were more wet kissing noises and female sighs of enjoyment and then Leanne said, “Bye Beatrice. Sorry for keeping you up last night sweetie.”

  She sure didn’t sound sorry, which is why Beatrice didn’t bother to answer.

  Soon, the door opened, and Beatrice looked back in just time to see Zion walk the woman out.

  Through the screen door, Beatrice could see them embracing next to Leanne’s four-wheel drive, which was embellished with the name of her business on the side.

  Beatrice pulled her eyes away and bent to pick up the spatula before continuing her task.

  After the roar of Leanne’s truck lessened, Zion came back inside. She had the first set of pancakes on the griddle and had just pulled some bacon out of the fridge when he came in.

  He let the door bang as if angry about something.

  Oh, that’s rich! He’s the one responsible for keeping me up half the night!

  “What the hell, Beatrice? Leanne didn’t deserve that. With such a bitchy attitude, someone would think you’ve never gotten laid before.”

  Beatrice stiffened. All the air left her body as her feminine center clenched as if to confirm her virginity.

  She could hear the tick of the grandfather clock on the living room before Zion laughed. “Oh, you haven’t, have you?”

  The sound and the following words were loud and knowing as he came closer.

  She didn’t answer, for some reason embarrassed at something she’d always been proud of. She had every right to be proud. She was saving herself for a man worthy of the gift of her maidenhood.

  “You’ve never had a cock inside you, have you? I’m willing to bet you’ve never even pleasured yourself with your own fingers. With all that pent up sexual frustration, it's no wonder you’re so bitchy.”

  Zion spoke as if prudence was a vice.

  He pushed up against her from behind and she gasped, feeling the heat of his touch and weight of his pulsating bulge low on her back.

  His lips almost touched her ear as he whispered, “Too bad you’re my best friend’s daughter, or I’d have remedied that situation for you right this instant. I’d have pushed up that thin little dress and taken you right here against this counter… I have a feeling that under all that attitude, you’re an insatiable little nympho.”

  The heat from his body was gone as suddenly as it came and she almost staggered at the loss of it.

  With that parting shot, he went up the stairs and was gone.

  When he left, she felt oddly bereft, as if all the life had been sucked out of the room with his absence.

  Between her legs, she was sticky and empty.

  Mentally, she felt more annoyed than ever.

  As the rays of the rising sun brought light into the house, she shook off the feeling and continued with breakfast, her mood lifting as she thought that since Leanne had left, the house would be peaceful and void of debauchery once more.

  How wrong she was.

  Chapter 3

  Unending throbbing

  It wasn’t even 10 a.m. and the sun was already scorching hot.

  Beatrice was on her way back to the farm with grocery bags tucked into the backseat of her old truck, a plume of dust rising in its wake as she drove.

  Beads of perspiration wet her brow and glistened her skin.

  The air conditioning in the over-two-decades-old truck had long since given up and even though the windows were rolled all the way down, the breeze that moved the trees that lined the road barely whispered upon Beatrice.

  The thought of a bath made her smile but that disappeared as soon as she pulled up in front of her home. She parked next to a big, black, brand-new truck. It was obviously Zion’s, and apparently rental for the duration of his stay. She had no idea how or where he’d rented it, this town didn’t stock such fancy-schmancy vehicles. It was an old town in what some would consider the middle of nowhere. The newest vehicle to be found was at least five years old and was property of the mayor.

  From what she’d heard during her trip to the center of town, Zion had caused quite the uproar.

  The men weren’t happy at how Zion was affecting the womenfolk. The women were turning wild, losing their morals, risking it all for the chance to ride upon the unapologetic bachelor’s supposedly mighty cock.

  Men had started keeping their females under lock and key, forbidding their wives and unmarried daughters from venturing out in public. At least until the storm that was Zion had passed. If Beatrice hadn’t witnessed his wild ways firsthand, she’d have had a good laugh at all the fuss.

  While she was in town, she’d expected to catch a glimpse of Zion even though she’d dreaded it. He’d left the farm before she’d gone on her grocery run. It was a small town and there weren’t many places he could have gone to.

  Still, she’d hoped with every fiber of her being that they wouldn’t run into each other again that day. She was still mortified by their interaction that morning.

  Luck had been on her side but it seemed to have run out now.

  She sighed her aggravation, hearing music blasting from the house.

  She sat for a minute, contemplating her options but her thoughts drifted to her father and his behavior since Zion had shown up the day before.

  Her dad had not woken up a minute after 4 a.m. in the past decade, but that morning, he got up well after 9. He stumbled down for breakfast with red-rimmed eyes, ashen skin and a pounding headache. Yet still, when he could muster it, his smile was huge.

  He kept repeating how ‘thrilled’ he was that Zion had come to visit.

  Beatrice had wanted to chastise him for his behavior but instead, she’d fussed like a mother hen, pleading with him to skip work that day and rest. He insisted, however, that he was fine enough to complete his tasks for the day. Alas, she had no choice but to watch, worry clouding her mind, as he headed off.

  She’d completed a few of her chores without laying eyes on Zion again, hearing the powerful roar of his truck as he left the farm even before her father left for work.

  She’d wanted to luxuriate in the quiet after he left. For once, though, the house seemed too quiet. As she looked at the familiar items around the home she felt, strangely, confined.

  Eventually, she headed out to stock up on groceries, more from needing to get out of the house than the current pantry level.

  Another song blared and she could no longer avoid going into t
he house. She decided to pass through the back, where she was less likely to run into Zion. The stereo was in the living room, which was the foremost room in the house. Surely, that was where he was enjoying the noisy havoc he was creating!

  Grabbing the two paper bags from the back seat, she went around the house towards the back.

  Just as she was about to open the door to enter the house, she noticed that water was running in the outhouse a few meters away.

  Sighing, she wondered which forgetful hand had left the tap running this time.

  She placed the bags on the back porch near the door and didn’t register the other sounds coming from the stall until she opened it--feminine giggles and a deeper male baritone.

  Air jammed in her throat as she inhaled sharply from the sight before her.

  Zion was in there, and he had company in the form of two young women, both of whom looked around Beatrice's age. The women were not local and she guessed they were a couple of tourists, college students passing through on a road trip.

  All three of them were completely naked, the water from the pipe flowing over their fit and sexy bodies.

  No one paused what they were doing when Beatrice showed up. She’d hardly been quiet about her arrival and she was sure they knew she was there.

  Both girls were on their knees before Zion, totally unperturbed by the hard, concrete flooring.

  The girls--one brunette and one redhead--were taking turns sucking and licking at Zion truly massive pillar.

  The pillar Beatrice had once seen in the porn video had not been nearly as impressive.

  Even with mouths stretched wide to accommodate his girth, neither of the girls could swallow more than half of it.

  Zion threw his head back and groaned as he grabbed the back of the redhead’s head to hold her steady so he could thrust into her mouth with deep, steady jabs.

  The perky-titted girl gagged and from her vantage, Beatrice saw her throat bulge as Zion's violated it.

  The girl didn’t fight his hold though. She simply tilted her head back and looked up at him with lusty reverence. Spit escaped from the corner of her mouth and wet, choking sounds escaped from where she was gorged.


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