Trixie Provoked

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Trixie Provoked Page 20

by Viktor Redreich

  Trixie was not at all opposed to fucking in public. Indeed, she’d already tried it several times in the past. Her panties soaked through at Jake’s lusty suggestions.

  She squirmed in her seat as her insides clenched.

  “My mother would probably object to that though. Reputation does mean a lot to her, so I guess I'll have to wait until later to make love to you properly.”

  She laughed softly at the mental imagery of his mother scolding them as they got down and dirty on the table for all in the restaurant to see.

  The bit of comedy did not dampen her arousal though, and she looked over at him so he could see the need in her eyes.

  His equally wanton look told her how hard he was for her at that moment, but the lusty mood between them was interrupted when a throat cleared at the table.

  Rick and Sandra had been watching their interaction, and Trixie reminded herself to maintain her composure under their hawk-like gaze. She wasn’t ashamed to show her boyfriend how much she desired him, no matter who looked on.

  “Jake dear, you know it's rude to whisper at the table.” Sandra chided.

  While Rick was watching them with lazy indulgence, Sandra was apparently not pleased with the lack of manners. In the short time, they’d been acquainted, Trixie had already learned how important good ways were to the older woman.

  “Sorry, Mom,” Jake replied trying to placate his mother. “It won't happen again.”

  “Good,” Sandra answered, apparently easily appeased once she got her way. “Now, let's order. The food here is just divine.”

  She patted her hair to make sure it was in place for the umpteenth time since they’d sat down, and delicately motioned the man dressed in black and white over.

  Jake placed his hand under the table on Trixie’s thigh. Just the warmth of it took her horniness up a notch, and the tiny circles he made with his fingertips certainly didn’t help.

  Sandra’s face was smooth and composed she placed her order with the stern-faced waiter.

  The classically presented French dishes were a treat for all the senses, smelling and tasting as sumcious as they looked.

  The foursome kept steady small talk as they ate the artfully assembled and outrageously expensive food.

  Sandra did most of the small talk, listening her many social and charitable achievements while everyone else listened.

  Though Trixie was bored out of her mind with Sandra's endless rambling, she nodded, smiled and interjected where appropriate.

  Sandra was a stereotypically wealthy fifty-something lady of leisure.

  She didn’t have a career but spent most of her days attending society functions, charity events, gala dinners and of course, going on shopping trips.

  “I’ve been featured in a number of publications over the years for the work my charitable foundation does to help kids in third world countries. You’ve probably read a few of them. Most everyone has.”

  “Oh, so you've been to some of these countries then? That must be exciting,” Trixie exclaimed, excited by the idea of travel and providing assistance to others in need.

  Sandra laughed as if that idea was preposterous then confirmed it by saying, “Oh heavens no! Why ever would I do that? It’s does wonders for our family’s reputation to have a foundation in my name, and I write the checks, but I could hardly be expected to actually go to such places. When you reach my age, dear, you’ll realize the importance of appearances.”

  “So, you don’t really care about these kids?” Trixie asked bluntly.

  Sandra was just as blunt as she looked Trixie in the eye. “I do not. Why would I when I don’t know a single one of them? Besides, I have a lot more important things to do with my time than travel to shithole countries.”

  Trixie offered another polite laugh to the obnoxious woman, but couldn’t help her instinctive dislike of the lady.

  She was beautiful with dark hair cut into a fashionable bob and not one strand out of place. Her clothes were designer, far more costly than what Trixie was wearing, and her nails were meticulously done. She must have a makeup artist on call because Trixie had never seen an application as flawless.

  Trixie admired her physical appearance, but the woman’s shallowness was offputting.

  Tired of the woman’s selfish attitude, she steered the conversation away and turned to the big boss.

  Smiling guilefully, she said, “So Rick, tell me about yourself.”

  For the most part, Rick had declined to participate in the conversation, but when Trixie’s eyes fell upon him, he straightened up and replied, “Oh, there isn’t much to tell.”

  “That can’t be true. You run a small empire. You must be very driven, to say the least.” she coaxed. “I hope to be the head of a company such as yours someday, and I’d love to gain some insights from a master of industry such as yourself.”

  Rick was fifty-four years old, and his hair was turning more salt than pepper, but he was in excellent shape.

  The dark gray suit he wore fit his body to perfection, highlighting his broad shoulders and solid chest.

  Just like his son, he was quite the looker, but as an older gentleman, there was an air of distinction and dominance about him that no other younger man Trixie had ever met was able to imitate.

  Although Trixie had never met this man before, rumors about him flew rampant around the company.

  He was bold, outspoken and not afraid to go hard in business dealings.

  Trixie heard he was quite often mean to his employees and she had even seen one of the higher-ups cry after a meeting with him. Most people at the company were afraid of him, and those who had yet to meet him were in no hurry.

  Trixie feared the worst in meeting him, but at this dinner, she’d seen a softer side to him than the rumors reported.

  His intelligence came through when he finally answered her question and let her know a little bit more about the elusive figurehead of the company.

  Rick was the sole founder of the company and had started with just one boutique twenty years ago.

  Now, the company sheltered almost a thousand outlets.

  For leisure, Rick liked to play golf and loved collecting cars, especially Jaguars.

  Trixie was soon fascinated by the way his lips moved as he spoke. He became more animated the more he spoke, and she couldn’t stop staring at him even though she could feel Jake’s hand working its way up her skirt.

  The thing of it was, Trixie had always had a thing for older men. Even though her last relationship had ended badly, she couldn’t fight her instinctive attraction to her boyfriend's dad. There was something about an experienced, powerful man like Rick, one that got her engines revved and gunning to go.

  Rick was by far the most gorgeous older man she’d met. Not only that, but he was immensely successful. Masculine and very assertive despite his laidback air over dinner.

  She could feel herself falling under his spell and shook her head trying to push the intrusive thoughts away.

  You swore you would give up on relationships with older men, remember? A voice insisted inside of her head. It always ends in disaster.

  Trixie reminded herself that not only was Rick married, but he was also her boyfriend’s father!

  That should have made her get over her instant attraction, but instead, she found herself looking over at Jake and comparing the two men.

  For the first time in their relationship, Trixie found Jake lacking.

  When Rick was Jake’s age, he’d already started his own business.

  Jake, by comparison, had only graduated from some well-known university a year ago. He’d gotten by with average grades because he been too busy horseplaying with his frat buddies than paying attention to something as trivial as coursework.

  Trixie hadn’t had the resources to attend a university like he had and found it baffling anyone wouldn’t put in maximum effort to ensure the highest GPA possible.

  Trying to quash the negatives from her mind, she focussed on his positi

  He was very handsome with fantastic hair and a killer smile that made all the girls swoon. He now worked in his dad’s company as Head of Business Development. His job was to grow the company, and he’d been doing a phenomenal job since he’d started.

  Any woman would be lucky to have him, and she did, and she was. Wasn’t she?

  She should have been genuinely delighted.

  All she had to do was ignore her attraction to Rick, and focus on what a loving, caring and generous man her boyfriend was.

  She caught Jake’s eye, and he smiled for her, continuing to feel her up her under the table.

  She sighed and relaxed into his hand as she joined the conversation with his parents once more.

  By the time dessert came he’d pushed her skirt high enough that his fingertips were dancing along the outside of her panties.

  She spread her thighs, discreetly, of course, welcoming his wandering and talented fingers.

  They slipped under the lace fabric and caressed her plump labia. Her thick cream eased the way as he concentrated on rubbing her swollen nub.

  She held back a moan and took a bite of her dessert.

  At that first bite of the chocolate cake, Jake slipped a finger into Trixie’s wet hole.

  Her breath stalled then Sandra asked, “How do you like the cake, Trixie? It is one of the best in the city, isn’t it?”

  Moaning in pleasure, Trixie said, “It’s delicious.”

  Chapter 3

  Forbidden temptations

  The ticking of the wall-mounted clock was the only sound to intrude upon the rapid clamor of Trixie’s fingers across the keyboard. Night had fallen over the city, and she was, once again, burning the midnight oil.

  Or rather, the 8 p.m. oil.

  The other employees on her floor had already gone home, even her supervisor's office door was locked up for the day. Many of the others had said goodbye to Trixie on their way out, but for the most part, all she’d managed was a nod to acknowledge their departure.

  While Trixie was on friendly terms with most everyone she worked with, she knew some of the other employees thought of her as was overly ambitious and resented her for it. Luckily, she cared little for their opinion.

  Even her supervisor, Stuart, a man she thought knew nothing about fashion, seemed threatened by her drive and dedication.

  She had big plans for her future, and she wasn’t going to allow anyone to get in the way.

  If working late was what she had to do to make her way up to the top then that was what she would do.

  Despite the late hour, Trixie wasn’t ready to throw in the towel. Not tonight.

  Tomorrow was a big day for Trixie and she had to make sure that everything was just perfect.

  Twelve hours from now, she was to present the company's new Spring/Summer collection to senior management.

  The collection was a mix of items she’d sourced in Hong Kong and a few other cities she’d visited over the past few weeks.

  While all the pieces were exquisite, they had to be paired perfectly with each other for maximum effect. She, therefore, stood up from the computer where she’d been preparing her presentation, walked to the rack of clothes against the wall of her office and began selecting a few of the outfits, draping them on mannequins.

  When she’d gotten an outfit just the way she wanted it, she grabbed the camera to take pictures of it at different angles.

  Trixie had no idea how long had passed, but the ache growing in her lower back told her it was time for a break. She put down the camera then went through the digital stock of photos she’d already taken.

  They were superb, and she knew the senior management team would be impressed with her work.

  She looked around, and the fact that she was all alone suddenly hit her.

  Even the distant whirl of the janitor’s vacuum had stopped.

  Trixie saw it as the perfect opportunity to unwind for a little while after such a productive day of work.

  After taking a sip of water, she took off her jacket revealing the tight, white blouse underneath.

  She then loosened her collar and popped the top buttons of the blouse. She didn’t stop until the cold air of the air conditioner wafted over the skin of her midsection. The top of her lacy red and black bra peaked out and the deep V between them even more so.

  She stretched her arms above her head.

  Her breasts jutted out with the motion, and the kinks in her back started to unravel.

  Ah, that feels so good.

  The pleasure-filled thought was accompanied by a moan as she continued to stretch her weary muscles.

  A knock on the door of her office caused her hands to fall away from their position and her startled gaze rushed toward the sound.

  Her gasp of fright turned into one of surprise when she noted the visitor.

  It was her boyfriend’s Dad, the CEO, Rick.

  He was dressed in a black suit, but the jacket was missing, and the sleeves of the white shirt were rolled up his muscular arms to the elbow. The state of undress revealed a small tattoo on his right forearm and all at once Trixie was hit with how sexy and distinguished this man looked.

  He had just enough edge to show her there was more to him than a stern businessman. And the mystery had her itching to find out more.

  Four days had passed since the dinner where she’d met her boyfriend's parents. In that time she’d managed to convince herself that her attraction to her boyfriend's father had just been a fluke. That the wine at the restaurant had been the best she’d ever tasted and she’d just been a little tipsy.

  In those four days, she and Jake had bonked multiple times, going at it hot and heavy until she thought the bonking couldn’t possibly get any better.

  She had finally been able to convince herself that Rick was not as sexy as she'd initially thought.

  Looking at him now though, she was dismayed to discover that he was even sexier than she’d remembered.

  All the forbidden thoughts of being with this man came seeping right back into her fantasies, and a few new thoughts were wiggling their way into her wild imagination as well.

  She then remembered her own state of undress and became embarrassed that he’d caught her in a moment like this. No matter the erotic musings going on in her head, he was still her boss and being caught like this hardly conferred the professional impression she’d so worked hard to project.

  She opened her mouth to apologize, but before she could say anything, he spoke.

  “Hi, sorry, I didn't mean to startle you,” he said in that baritone a few decibels deeper than her boyfriend’s.

  A fine chill ran down her back just hearing it.

  She had to clear her throat before she could speak then said, “Oh that's okay. I just thought everyone was gone. What are you doing here?”

  Although his office was on the top floor of the high rise, Trixie had never run into him on this floor before.

  Why was he here now?

  “I heard about your meeting tomorrow, and I just wanted to know if you needed any help with anything.”

  She observed the slight flush in his cheeks and the way he looked away, briefly, as he spoke.

  “Oh no, that's okay. Everything’s going great. I've got it all under control.” she said because it was true and because she didn’t want to look incompetent in front of her boss.

  “Wonderful,” he said.

  She’d expected him to turn and disappear down the hall like a phantom, but instead, he stepped further into her office.

  “Mind giving me a little preview?” he asked.

  She smiled, “Not at all.”

  He sat down in one of the guest chairs as she started giving him a few details on what she’d planned for tomorrow's meeting.

  He didn’t mention her state of undress even though she could feel his eyes roam over her when he thought she wasn’t looking.

  She felt every hot second of his stare and her skin grew warm and fevered under i

  She swished her hips and bent over to give him just a little bit extra to look at as she spoke in the most professional of tones.

  She prepared a few more clothing displays which he asked intelligent questions about and praised without appearing excessively enthusiastic.

  She had to get down on her hands and knees to prep one of the pants, and she could hear his breath catch when she bent over to fix the bottom hem.

  Faced away from him, she couldn’t see his expression but imagined it nonetheless.

  Trixie was being purposely naughty, and she couldn’t stop herself despite the warning bells blaring within her brain.

  She continued crawling across the floor so he could see her cleavage. She jutted her chest out until her breasts were almost falling out of her bra’s lace caging.

  Though the heat between them continued to rise in the room, Rick was the perfect gentleman and smiled as he provided her with professional feedback on her collection.

  “I am impressed with what I’ve seen so far, Trixie. You’re young, but obviously very hardworking and ambitious. I like to see those characteristics in a person such as yourself. As long as you keep this up, you’ll move up far in this company.” he told her.

  Trixie beamed on the inside but made sure to keep her face composed as she acknowledged his words, and in turn telling him how wonderful they were to hear.

  Then a moment of silence fell as they just stared at each other from across the room. He sat with his legs sprawled apart in the guest chair, and she still knelt on the floor bent at the waist so the creamy white globes on her bosom were on display.

  Trixie tried preventing the exposure, but it simply couldn’t be helped. Erotic fantasies filled her mind once again, as she imagined crawling on her hands and knees, closing the distance between them.

  She would undo his pants and pull the zipper down to reveal a cock harder, longer and thicker than Jake’s. It would barely fit in her hands, and it would make her mouth water for a taste.


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