Borrower Queen: The Sixer Series Book One

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Borrower Queen: The Sixer Series Book One Page 9

by Ravyn Fyre

  My second trip into the light, or in my case, sucked up into a spaceship, wasn’t nearly as awe-inspiring when I knew what to expect. I was a little uncomfortable in my new skin and anxious to land so I could satisfy the piece of my soul that was missing my other half. Nervous energy traveled up and down my spine as I wondered if my disguise would work. It was supposed to keep Kalen from recognizing me as his true mate.

  Adira was insistent that I had nothing to worry about because the veil of concealment would alter my chemical nature, making it impossible for the king to pick up on my smell. To be honest, I was a little disappointed Kalen couldn’t enjoy my new form. I felt like a blond bombshell, tall with ample bosoms and hips to rock any man’s world. The only thing I kept from my previous form was my eyes.

  I went through the motions with General Jaelel and Dr. Annalise Triste on autopilot while contemplating how I would prove Onyx was responsible for the murder of Anolla and the attempted murder of Castice. Oh, and let's not forget to mention me as a factor in that equation. Part of the problem was, I didn’t know all the players in the game.

  Onyx topped my list of suspects. I speculated she hired the doppelganger. I couldn’t guarantee it would manifest itself as my handmaiden Selene again, which left me with a limited amount of people I could trust. Bastian’s accusations also needed to be looked at carefully, considering he’s related to my person of interest. I highly doubted those two were the only ones involved. I promised myself I’d use every bit of my power to uncover every last culprit engaged in conspiring against my mate. I needed more people on my side to do that.

  Rushing through my shower, I quickly dressed so I could join the others and mingle. Isolating myself wouldn’t bring me more allies, and I could use some. I was taking a gamble. Assuming Onyx employed the doppelganger, I deduced everyone on board was probably themselves and therefore safe. Going off first impressions, I avoided the siren and sidled up to Beatress as she conversed with the panther jovially. I waited for them to finish their conversation before I introduced myself.

  Sticking my hand out, I plastered a smile onto my face and said, “Greetings, fellow trial participants. My name is Jade from Earth. Anybody else dying to get this thing started?”

  “Who isn’t! I’ve been waiting my whole life to be selected! I’m Sheridath from Icanton, but my friends call me Sher,” replied the shapeshifter with a purr, shaking my hand in return.

  “I’m Beatress from Garrone. I wouldn’t die to get this started. Seems counterintuitive to me,” responded the elf with a frown marking her confusion on my word choice.

  “I didn’t mean to die literally. Sorry, it’s a figure of speech in my world; it means I’m excited for the trials to begin,” I answered apologetically.

  “Oh, that’s a strange phrase. To answer your question then, I’m excited, but I’d be perfectly happy to let it unfold slowly. Three days will go by fast, and I want to relish every step of this journey. For instance, if we skipped things, I might miss out on meeting nice people like you,” Beatress responded with a wink, grabbing my hand and giving it a firm shake.

  Chuckling in response, I dropped her hand and added, “You’ve got a point there. I could learn a thing or two from you.”

  “Living life in the moment is the only advice I’d have for you. Everything else will fall into place if you follow that rule,” Beatress stated matter-of-factly with a firm nod of her head.

  “I’ll try and remember that,” I answered with a shy smile. Clearing my throat, I looked about the room as I scrambled for a topic of discussion that wouldn't give away my ignorance. It’d be nice to be on the same playing field as some of my other opponents.

  The Satyr sauntered into our group and introduced himself, saving me from coming up with anything. “Well, hello there, my beauties. Allow me to introduce myself. You are standing in the presence of Zoar, sex god to lads and ladies across my home planet of Trinton.”

  “I’ve heard of you!” gasped Sher while placing a hand over her chest in awe.

  “You have? What system are you from? It’s always nice to know where one’s fans are located,” Zoar pressed while puffing up his chest proudly.

  Sher pranced toward him, seductively. She ran a finger down his arm before she leaned forward, giving him an eye full, and replied, “It’s called in your dreams, pig.”

  Beatress and I couldn’t hold back our laughter at the look of devastation on Zoar’s face. He sputtered for a moment before he seemed to gather his dignity and leave our little circle with his tail literally between his legs.

  The shapeshifter shrugged and said, “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. Nothing pisses me off more than egotistical assholes who think they are God's gift to women or men, for that matter. I don’t think I’m asking too much for them to have a little poise and decorum when they speak to people. It’s called common courtesy. Gah!”

  I patted Sher’s arm and said, “Nothing to be sorry about; maybe next time he’ll think twice before making a fool of himself. We can only hope the rest of the gang will be easier to get along with. I wonder how many more assholes we’ll encounter during the trials?”

  “Considering there are only 25 participating, the possibility exists that we could meet 22 more assholes before the day is up. Everyone will have their own story to play out, but my Aunt told me the key to surviving is to find others you can trust. Every situation we face will require a different skill set. If we work together, we have a better chance of earning the position we desire,” Beatress answered quietly. When she finished, her eyes darted to the siren in the room nervously before she added in a whisper, “Not everyone will want to be a part of the team. There are always those that prefer to go solo.”

  “Those that are out to prove themselves rarely do,” Sher replied in agreement.

  I stole a glance at the siren behind us and quickly averted my eyes when I saw her looking directly at us. I cleared my throat and was about to mention that tidbit of knowledge when I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. The telltale sign someone was coming up behind me. Whipping around to face the threat, I found myself face to face with her molten colored eyes. A tiny squeak slipped past my lips before I swallowed the rest and stuck out my hand in greeting. I surprised myself when my voice came out strong as I introduced myself, “Hi, I’m Jade.”

  The siren rolled her eyes at my outstretched hand with disgust. I dropped it slowly while I contemplated throat punching her instead. She must have sensed my anger because she smirked before putting her hands on her voluptuous hips and addressing my group, “I’m Cynosis from Acelex, but you can call me Cyn. I couldn’t help but overhear your naive little comments. Normally I’d let you figure stuff out yourselves, but I’m feeling generous today. EVERYONE at the trials is out to prove themselves, not just those of us who choose to go solo. If you’re not . . . what’s the point of even being here? Besides, those who can handle every trial independently have the first pick of the open positions during the All Hands Gathering. I don’t know about you, but no one will ever have that kind of power over me! I’m in charge of my destiny, so don’t stand in my way!”

  The vehemence wafting from Cyn as she practically snarled out that last part was intense. It made me question what might have happened to her growing up that turned her into such a closed-off bitch as she stormed off. It felt like the word ‘again’ was implied or missing from her tirade. It almost made me feel sorry for her until she turned around and flipped us off as she continued to back up towards the outer wall of the loading bay.

  “Damn, something must have crawled up her ass and died. Wonder what her power is?” pondered Sher quietly.

  “My guess is it must be something special if she thinks she can take on the course by her lonesome. I’ve only ever heard of generals who made it through the course on their own.” Beatress responded as she cupped her chin in deep thought.

  I waffled on the edge of uncertainty about revealing my gift and decided the only way to earn their trust was t
o be as honest as possible. Swallowing past the lump in my throat, I threw caution to the wind and offered, “How solo could it be if the person's gift is to manipulate others to do their bidding?”

  “Oh? Do tell,” Sher purred evilly.

  “She’s a siren. Her only power is to lure men to do her bidding. I suppose some females might not be immune. Regardless, I’m not sure how that could be considered unassisted?” I replied with a raised eyebrow and a smile.

  “And you know this how?” Beatress asked, studying me more carefully.

  “My necklace wasn’t on when I woke up. As a borrower, I scanned the room on instinct before the General noticed it was off,” I replied with hesitation. My nerves were on edge as I watched both of their reactions, trying to gauge if my secret would be a deal-breaker or deal sealer. When they both seemed to regard me in awe, I counted my blessings and knew I’d made the right decision.

  “Did you say, borrower? My nan told me they were a myth. What’s my gift?” Sher asked with a nervous laugh.

  “Shapeshifter. Panther, to be exact. Beatress has an affinity to nature. Zoar can teleport. The doctor can heal, and Jaelel is a mind reader if he’s touching you. Although, I’ve never met another like me, I’m real. You’ll have to let your nan know next time you see her,” I offered with a wink.

  “Holy Shit! Do you know what this means?” Sher challenged as she looked between the two of us enthusiastically.

  “Of course. We’re going to have an advantage with her on our side,” Beatress gushed with praise as she hooked her thumb in my direction.

  “Advantage? It’ll be more than that if we ally ourselves with the right Sixers. Think about it. Who’d be able to top a borrower with multiple level one powers at her disposal? We’d be an unstoppable force!” Sher fervently raved before she caught my expression of confusion. Sobering quickly, she mumbled, “That’s if you want to . . . um . . . uh . . . align yourself with us?”

  I snorted in disbelief at my luck before I found myself smiling like a fool and answering just as rashly, “I don’t know about being unstoppable, but I’d be honored to be a part of your alliance.” On a shrug, I added, “Are you sure you want me? I can be quite a bitch.”

  “Look who’s trying to be modest. Damn girl, you’ve got it going on. Not only are you rocking a hot bod, but you’ve got powers and the humility people tend to gravitate toward. I think I speak for both of us when I say the honor is all ours,” Sher responded in admiration as she eyed Beatress to see if she would disagree.

  Beatress didn’t disappoint when she responded, “Oh, yes. Honor is a good description of what I feel and perhaps a dash of fate.”

  Their apparent acceptance of my uniqueness was a balm I didn’t know I needed. A pang of regret crept into my thoughts as I tried to keep my smile genuine and not forced when the general announced our approach to the planet Strixton. The guilt I felt for hiding the reason I was attending the trials threatened my resolve. It’d be easy to forget the mission and just lose myself in the competition, but I knew a lot more was at stake than just my future.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Saying my nerves were shot would be the understatement of the century. I followed my newfound friends towards the exit. I couldn’t help but worry if my disguise would hide me from Kalen. For the sake of the mission, my brain knew I needed it to work, but my heart didn’t want to get on board with the plan. As soon as I cleared the hull, I brought my hands up to shield my eyes from the glaring suns as I looked toward the castle and sought out my mate among the crowd. The second my eyes latched onto him, it was just like the first time when the world faded away, and he was the only thing left in my line of vision.

  My memory didn’t do Kalen justice as I feasted on his male perfection. The dimple from his smile as he addressed Jaelel made me wish I could sprint into his arms and erase going back in time altogether. Making a conscious effort to ignore the calling of his soul, I took a deep breath to remember why I was putting myself through hell and instantly regretted it.

  The second I inhaled his unique scent mixed in with the sea breeze, it brought me up short as I grappled with the desire coursing through my veins. It screamed at me that I was making a terrible mistake. The longing and grief it left behind made me feel shallow, empty, and had me questioning if I was doing the right thing. I was seconds away from giving myself up when someone pushed me from behind. I felt myself free-falling and snapped out of my daydream in time to hear Cyn announce, “Oops. I didn’t notice that she had stopped.”

  Never one to be nimble on my feet, I was even more of a klutz in my new body. It all happened so fast, but I’m sure I made an absolute fool of myself as I toppled down the ramp like a tumbleweed. I had no idea how I managed to pull off not taking anyone else down with me, but as I laid sprawled out at the bottom of the ramp staring up at the violet sky, I couldn’t help but laugh uncontrollably.

  Beatress and Sher rushed to my side, fretting about incessantly, which made me realize my grand entrance was the opposite of staying under the radar. Slapping a hand over my mouth to stifle my outburst, I batted their hands to the side. Rolling over, I got to my hands and knees and froze when I felt Kalen’s presence come over me.

  His black combat boots came into my field of vision, and I held my breath to find out if Adira’s potions would hide me from my mate. My heart felt like it was going to march right out of my chest as I raised my eyes to meet his gaze. Kalen looked stupefied as he studied my face before he offered his hand to help me up. Lost in the moment, I paused mid-reach as I drank him in. He smiled at my obvious attraction and met me halfway. Grabbing my hand, he pulled me to my feet as if I weighed nothing. Stepping forward into my space, he molded me to his body. I reveled in the zing our connection created.

  I felt like I was drowning until I remembered I was holding my breath and let it go with a whoosh. I watched Kalen close his eyes in ecstasy and take in a deep breath through his nose. The look of turmoil when he opened his eyes after breathing me in almost broke my heart. Somehow, I knew a part of him recognized me as his mate, but when my smell didn’t match what the rest of his body was telling him, he looked wounded and confused.

  He searched my eyes one more time before he dropped my hand reluctantly and took a step back. The loss of his touch was almost painful. It took everything I had not to close the distance he’d created between us. Tearing my eyes away from his sorrowful gaze, I stared at his chest and dug my fingernails into my palms. I was mindful enough to stop before I drew blood, unsure if Adira’s potion would mask it, and prayed the pain would distract me from the crushing feeling in my chest. Taking a deep breath, I gathered my resolve and whispered my gratitude, “Th..thank you.”

  I saw him nod in response; remorse evident in his posture before he turned to face Dr. Triste. Raising my eyes, I drank in his scrumptious backside and ached when I watched him run his fingers through his thick black hair. I wanted to be the one grabbing his hair as I brought his mouth down to mine. Slapping my forehead to put an end to my dirty thoughts, I groaned when my memories taunted me. I could almost feel his silky hair running through my fingers when I closed my eyes.

  Opening my eyes to reacquaint myself with reality, I dropped my gaze and stared at the ground. Damn, this was going to be more challenging than I thought. Speaking of hard, my nipples were ready to cut glass. Ugh, I needed a cold shower. Kalen didn’t seem to be faring any better when his voice cracked as he addressed the doctor. Aware my smell was like an aphrodisiac, I shifted uncomfortably, trying to cross my legs to hide my growing lust. He cleared his throat a couple of times, drawing my attention before he tried again, “Annalise, please escort . . . ” he paused and looked back at me, clearly flustered that he didn’t know my name.

  The deep timbre of his voice sent delicious tremors through me, awakening all of my erotic zones in the process. No matter how hard I tried to contain myself, I was defenseless against my mate. A gasp escaped me when I felt my arousal soak my panties and I watched his
eyes dilate in response. Kalen threw up a veil to shield us in a gravity cocoon, giving us a modicum of privacy, before he closed the gap between us and pulled in a deep breath. He growled in response to my arousal, which had a direct link to my libido. My core clenched, and my breath hitched as I lost myself to the sensation he pulled from me without even a touch.

  Feeling overwhelmed, I averted my gaze and attempted to recall why I was tormenting myself like this in the first place. I couldn’t help but feel like my presence was the catalyst that set the previous attacks in motion. I was crazy to think I could do this on my own, but until I knew for sure the pixie’s death wasn’t because of me, I needed to follow through with my plan. Thinking of Anolla helped douse the fire burning inside me.

  My shoulders slumped and I let my head drop. I took a deep breath to harness the guilt building within me as I worked to control myself around the Strix in front of me. I promised myself if my going back in time didn’t alter the events that ultimately lead to my time-travel, I’d drop the farce and beg Kalen for forgiveness. I’d known facing him would be difficult, but I hadn’t expected it to be soul-shattering. My mate made an impatient sound threatening my resolve. He reached out slowly, giving me a chance to step away before he lifted my chin with tenderness and asked in a seductive voice, “I need your name, woman.”

  Knowing I was seconds away from giving myself up if he kept touching me, I raised my chin off his fingers and stepped back. I needed to change the direction our encounter was moving toward if I expected to pull this off. Squaring my shoulders, I gave him what I hoped was the best, back the fuck up glare I could before I layered my voice with annoyance and answered him, “Jade. My name is Jade, and I’d appreciate it if you kept your hands to yourself.” I was shaking by the time I was done with my performance and prayed he would mistake my reaction for anger instead of the desolation threatening to devour me.


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