Borrower Queen: The Sixer Series Book One

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Borrower Queen: The Sixer Series Book One Page 23

by Ravyn Fyre

  My pulse picked up at her one-word statement. It was now or never. Stealing myself for action, I turned my body so I could see everyone in the room and smiled in relief when I sensed Tanen, Paine, and Parthyn approaching. Our back-up had finally arrived. Knowing he would hear any thoughts directed at him specifically, I told him what they were about to walk into before I put on a malevolent smile and said, “Has anyone ever told you Karma is a bitch?”

  “Of course, I have. I just don’t believe in it. I make my own fate,” Onyx sneered.

  “Well. You should, considering you’re just about to meet her,” I snapped back.

  “Meet her? You really are crazy. Karma’s not a person, my dear. It’s merely the idea that you reap what you sow,” Onyx answered with a fake laugh. Turning to Kema, she hissed, “Kema, do your job and shut this bitch up!”

  It was my turn to laugh, and I took joy in making it maniacal. “I assure you I’m not crazy. It’s just that I imagine if Karma had a face, it’d be that of a woman you pissed off. Like me, Anolla, or even the nanny you killed years ago. I’ll let you pick. Oh, and by the way, I’m sure if Kema could answer you, she’d let you know she already tried silencing me, but it sorta backfired.”

  Onyx snarled like a cornered animal. “You’ll pay for this. I’m sure the Mengh will understand why I couldn’t make good on my promise once they find out how untrustworthy you are! I hope you choke on your own blood.”

  “Uh . . . You might want to reconsider that line of thought. I mean, it should come as no surprise to you that I lied about my gift. In my defense, it was a lie of omission, but a lie nonetheless. I wasn’t lying about the fact I can see every nuance of a Sixer’s ability. I just neglected to mention I could also use those gifts like they were my own. I’m what you call a borrower. In fact, you can call me the Borrower Queen, seeing as my mate happens to be a king.”

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  The look of astonishment on her face was priceless, but I didn’t get to savor it for long. It melted into a look of alarm when Tanen and company flashed into the room at the same time as five identical little grey men made an unexpected appearance. Wearing silver one-piece suits, they looked like something out of a B-rated movie. Flanking Onyx, they stepped toward me in unison, raised their right hands like they were a bunch of synchronized swimmers, and froze the occupants of the room before they spoke without opening their tiny mouths. “It’s so nice to meet you, Jade. We’ve been searching for you since the date of your parent’s death, but courtesy of your father, was never able to pinpoint your origins.”

  “What are you talking about? Are you saying parents were Sixers?” I stuttered, taking a step back instinctively.

  They cocked their heads as one, watching my movement with a look of wonder. “We didn’t know your father, but your mother was one of our top agents. Unfortunately, we lost contact with her when she met your father. She made contact with us shortly after you were born, scared for her life as well as yours. Your dad wasn’t too keen about your existence once he discovered her secret. Before she could tell us her coordinates, we lost communication with her. It was only later we learned of their murder-suicide. We believed you perished along with them.”

  “You’re lying. A drunk driver killed my parents in a car accident. I saw the pictures myself. Aunt Kathryn left them out one night after an argument she had with Uncle Peter on whether they should divulge how my parents died. I’d been bugging them for weeks to tell me. In the end, I stopped asking about it because I had my answer, and they never brought it up again,” I explained with tears in my eyes.

  “It matters not if you believe us. It is time for you to take your place on our side. Fill the role your mother once held,” They replied in unison.

  “Well, I hate to disappoint you, but that’s not going to happen. ” I scoffed, squaring my shoulders. I couldn’t let their mental tactics deter me from my prime objective.

  I gathered from the look on their faces, that wasn’t the answer they were expecting. They looked between themselves before they took another step towards me and repeated themselves, “It matters not if you believe us. It is time for you to take your place on our side. Fill the role your…”

  “My mother once held,” I finished for them. “Yeah, you said that uh . . . I mean or thought that whatever you guys call it. Repeating yourselves isn’t going to change my mind. I’m not going anywhere with you! I’ve found my place, and it's not with you!”

  When four of the quintuplets nodded in agreement with me, the fifth pushed to the front of their arrow formation, and the others immediately stopped. The act was strange and had me looking at what kind of gifts they could use against me. It appeared they had some type of symbiotic relationship, where they could amplify the power of one if they stood in the ‘V’ formation. The guy standing at the apex appeared to be a magic warder. He had no defensive moves, but his ability would make it hard to use offensive magic against them.

  I studied the Mengh he had replaced and wasn’t surprised to find he had the gift of persuasion. It almost made me laugh that they thought they’d teleport in here, say some words, and I’d follow after them like a pied piper rat. Obviously, they had no idea what they were dealing with. I considered the gifts of the other three. One could heal. Another was a time warder, which was probably how they teleported in here. While the last was telekinetic.

  When none of them spoke, I borrowed Tanen’s mind reading ability and listened in on their private mental conversation. Only to find them in the middle of an argument about how to handle me. From outward appearances, the five Mengh had no gender specific traits, but I was sure the two females, the healer and time warder, wanted to retreat from listening to their internal exchange. While the males were adamant, my capture was just what they needed for a promotion. My suspicions were confirmed when the time warder stepped toward her sister and said, Brothers, I understand your need to climb the ranks, but Myra and I only agreed to come with you on this adventure because you promised it was foolproof. The Marni cannot be trusted. Let us retreat. She looked at Onyx with disgust.

  The magic warder stepped toward his sisters as he spoke up. She failed. You’ll hear no argument from me concerning that, Lyra. But you should reconsider her usefulness to us in the future. In case we have no choice but to leave without our prize.

  Lyra looked at Myra for direction and answered when her sister nodded in agreement. Fine, Kyro, but one of you will be responsible for her. The persuader volunteered before she continued, Thank you, Nyro. We can kidnap her during her upcoming trials, and if that doesn’t work, we’ll come back with reinforcements. The discovery of Kishala’s daughter will still be ours and will have to be enough. I am not willing to risk our lives for the sake of your ambition. Tyro, you’re welcome to try and bring her with us, but if it doesn’t work, Myra and I are leaving with or without you.

  Hearing my biological mother’s name gave me pause, but postponing my assault, in the chance the Mengh might give me another morsel of information about my mother would put me no closer to victory. It only gave them a chance to worm their way into my brain. While they continued to bicker, I shook my head and worked on expanding the shield around me so my backup would have a chance to be useful. Shit was about to get real, and I could use all the help I could get.

  Hoping Kalen would wake up soon, I spared him a final look before I interrupted their squabble. “It appears we’re at a stalemate.”

  “How do you figure?” The five responded in unison as the time warder opened a portal behind her. They quickly resumed their arrow formation with the telekinetic wielder at the pinnacle.

  I laughed hysterically when I learned they had no idea I was a borrower. Nor did they realize everything they sent my way bounced back to them. When I started snorting, I closed my mouth and slapped a hand over it for good measure. The moment I had control of myself, I dropped my arm to my side and said, “Damn! How egotistical of me. Here I thought you wanted me for my power, but you're
truly clueless. I should be interested in finding out why you wanted me in the first place, but it appears I’ll have to ask you later.”

  “We are glad you’ve decided to join us. We’ll answer all of your questions once we’re away from here,” They answered with excitement as they turned in unison and pointed to their portal.

  “Join you? That’s a good one,” I scoffed with an extended chuckle as I made one more final push to extend the mirroring ability. When I felt stretched too thin, I pulled it back to Kalen and I. Fuck. I’d just have to do it without them. I stopped laughing bit by bit to give myself more time before I finally spoke, “Oh, you were serious. Sorry, I thought I made my intentions clear. I’m not changing my mind. No, I just meant I’d interrogate you in the dungeons later. Of course, only after I deal with the traitorous Sixers responsible for this shit show,” I replied as I eyed each of my enemies with a murderous smile.

  The greys facial expression gave little away as to what they thought as they regrouped. I knew I was working against time. The moment they discovered they had no chance of taking me with them, they’d escape using their portal and bring reinforcements. Time to put my big girl panties on and show these people who they were dealing with. Hoping I still had the element of surprise, I used Kalen’s gift and pulled our friends to me at the same time Tyro attempted to use his telekinetic gift against me.

  It was almost comical to watch four of the five Mengh floats towards me, end over end in the air. Lyra froze their progression when they were somewhat upright and called out to Kyro, I can’t keep the portal open and the room frozen to this degree for much longer. Use one of the disruptors, so I can let the room go, and you can get us down from here! We’ll try again during her trials.

  Which one, Kyro whined.

  Pick something nonlethal, you idiot! Lyra shot back.

  Even though I knew they were planning something, I neglected to take evasive action when I heard the words non-lethal—rookie mistake number one. Mistake number two was standing in place when Kyro pulled a glowing white marble from his pocket and hucked it at me. Staring at the thing while he rushed forward to cancel my telekinetic attack instead of doing something to stop him was mistake number three. Although blinded by the very ball, I was staring at when it detonated into a brilliant white light had to be the biggest rookie mistake in history.

  The place erupted into a whirlwind of activity as Lyra released her hold on the occupants of the room. Without my eyes, I had to rely on my sense of sound and smell to guide my attacks. I let loose an arsenal of defensive tactics and prayed more than a few hit their mark. The ear shattering squeal of the diabolitum, told me we’d have at least one less thing to worry about. Pushing my hands forward, I let Parthyn’s electrical whips flow from my hands as I used Kiso’s ability to lock the lab down. As a precaution, I pulled on Natashia’s time warder gift and closed the Mengh’s portal as I tried to get my bearings.

  Onyx started wailing as the smell of burning hair and flesh reached me. It made me a little happy that I couldn’t see the massacre in front of me. Only a little. Not enough to refrain from using Annalise’s gift of healing. If I could return even a portion of my eyesight, it’d be better than nothing. When I felt flames pass inches from my head, I dove left and coated my skin in diamond plating. I breathed a sigh of relief when I hit the ground, and my eyesight started making a come back. All I could see were shapes, but it was enough to give me a target. I fired off a couple of fireballs and pushed myself to stand up. I caressed the diamond suit and couldn’t help the grin that crossed my face. Who said armor couldn’t be sexy as fuck. I couldn’t see it, but I had a good imagination. There was no way I would survive a magical war just to be taken out by a sword or something normal like that. I know the Mengh indicated they wanted me alive, but I wasn’t willing to take any chances.

  I lost my breath when what felt like a brick wall slammed into my right side, dropping me to the ground. Even with the hardest armor in the world, I still struggled to catch my breath. I would have been dead without it. Whatever hit me knocked the wind out of me for sure. I rolled to my back, used my feet to push myself out from under the slab of rock Onyx used to hit me with. Once I was clear, I shot off an electric chain of energy in multiple directions and gave myself a mental pat on the back when Onyx cried out, “My hair! Oh, you’ll pay for that bitch!”

  “What are you going to do about it, hag?” I replied cockily as I mentally listened for the location of the greys. I was ninety-nine percent confident they had their hands full with my back-up.

  “It’s not what I’ll do to you, miss fucking queen bee. It’s what I’ll do to your king! What can I say? I’m a poor loser, but one thing’s for sure you shouldn’t have revealed your weakness because if I can’t have him, neither can you!” Onyx screamed to my right.

  Her threat, no matter how weak, was genuine. In all the confusion, I had no idea where I’d left my love. How far away had I gone? Shit! Did my borrowed mirror ability still cover him? For all, I knew she could be standing next to him now with a blade of Onyx. Fat luck, a magical deflective shield would protect him from physical damage. Fuck! I turned in the direction I thought I heard her voice and gave her a final warning, “You kill him, and you can kiss a quick death goodbye. I’ll make you wish for death by your diabolitum! I’ll bring you to the point of death every day, and then I’ll heal you so that I can do it all over again the next day!”

  “Thanks for the warning. I’ll make sure to take my life when I’m finished with him!” Onyx promised.

  I swung my head in her direction just as she slit Kalen’s throat. “No!” I screamed as I watched Kalen slump forward.

  Onyx gave me an evil grin as she wrapped her hands around her throat and then changed her arms into sharp blades, slicing through her neck. The crazy bitch cut off her head. I rushed to Kalen and dropped to my knees, tears streaming down my face. With a shaking hand, I felt for a pulse. It was faint and fading, but he was still alive. Hovering over him, I tuned out the chaos around me and put everything I had into healing him. As the last of my energy passed into him, I slumped forward onto his chest, and everything went black.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  I came to slowly and sighed. There was nothing better than the feeling of freshly laundered sheets. I stretched out and cringed. Damn! I was stiff and sore in places I didn’t even know existed. It must have been one hell of a binger. What the hell did I do last night? Propping up on my elbows, I opened my eyes, and everything over the past few days came rushing back. “Kalen!” I croaked, looking about the lavish room. It was the same one I woke up in on my first day here.

  Pushing back the covers, I squealed in surprise when two strong hands wrapped around my hips and pulled me back down. Kalen nuzzled my hair and groaned in my ear, “Where do you think you’re going?”

  I twisted in his arms and burst into tears when I found his aquamarine eyes staring back at me. “Is this real? Are we alive?” I whispered.

  He studied my face for a moment as he wiped away my tears. Leaning forward, he placed a soft kiss on my lips and said, “Yes, we’re alive. Thanks to the Borrower Queen.”

  I dropped my head onto his chest and groaned, “Ugh! You heard that? I thought you were comatose?”

  Kalen placed his finger under my chin and raised it slowly. When I met his gaze, he said, “Oh, I was out of it, alright.”

  Looking at him in confusion, I frowned. “Huh. Then why’d you call me that?”

  “Figured I’d join the masses,” Kalen replied with a grin.

  “What are you talking about?” I queried, tilting my head to the side.

  “You’re a bit of a celebrity around here,” Kalen chuckled.

  “For what? Are you sure you’re alright?” I asked, holding the back of my hand to his forehead, checking for a fever.

  “I feel better than I ever have, but I know how you can make me feel even better,” Kalen replied with a wink.

  “Really? That’s where your brain
is at right now? Concentrate! Let’s get back to the part where you tell me what the hell is going on? I mean, what happened? The last thing I remember besides Onyx offing herself, which I’m still pissed about, by the way, is healing you. What happened after I passed out?” I whined.

  “Let’s see, where do I start?” Kalen teased.

  I slapped his chest, and he captured my hand, kissing it before he spoke, “So impatient for a woman that just saved the kingdom.”

  When I opened my mouth to complain, he placed a finger over my mouth and answered me, “The second you became unconscious, the surviving Mengh were able to portal out. They took their comrades with them. We have Adira and Kema in dungeons now. Jaleal is interrogating them.”

  “Wait! How do you remember anything? Adira said the potion she gave you would erase your memories of me,” I gasped. Pushing back from Kalen, I clutched the sheet to my chest and sat up. Turning to face him directly, I waited for his response.

  Kalen pushed himself up and leaned against the headboard before he answered, “Well, that would probably be because she lied. The potion knocked me out, but I didn’t lose my memories. I think Adira wanted me to know how fucked up Onyx was, even if it meant she faced treason charges for poisoning her king.”

  “She only did it to save her sister. Why would we charge her for treason? It’s not like she purposefully set out to poison and destroy you. She did it under duress,” I argued.

  “Which means her punishment will be lenient, but she will receive something. Uh-uh, let me finish first,” Kalen responded, holding up a finger when I moved to argue. “She had a choice Jade, whether you see it or not. She could have come to me or any of my guards and reported it. She took matters into her own hands and needs to learn a lesson.”

  “What about her sister? Onyx said she was already aboard the Mengh’s ship,” I asked, my heart breaking for Adira. I couldn’t imagine how she was feeling. I’m sure fear paid a large part in her decision, but I could understand where Kalen was coming from.


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