New Quarters

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New Quarters Page 27

by Tey Holden


  As the days passed, Addy got stronger and the nurse stopped staying overnight. She only came in the morning and evening to check on their medications, and Karen’s arm. They also had someone else come to help everyday with house chores and tidying up. James came to pick them up every time they needed to go for medical follow-ups, and when Karen’s stitches were removed. For Addy recuperating from the accident was more of an emotional than physical ordeal. She had terrible nightmares, which took many months to go away. She’d wake up screaming and sweating in the middle of the night.

  “What is it, babe, what is it?”

  “The water was coming in from everywhere, I couldn’t breathe!” Addy replied agitated.

  “Calm down, you are okay now. It was just a nightmare. Come here let me hold you and let’s go back to sleep.”

  Eventually during the next few months the nightmares subsided, until they stopped all together. For Karen it was more physical. She had a scar that ran up her right arm from the top of her wrist to right below her shoulder. When Addy saw the scar she cried endlessly. Karen reassured her that it was a very small price to pay for the joy of having her there. When they were both healthy again and able to make love, Addy always kissed every centimeter of Karen’s scar. She’d say that for as many kisses she’d place on it, it would never make up for the pain she endured, and that the kisses were meant to alleviate her pain. Karen loved it. “I think that my ‘booboo’ has been more than alleviated.”

  “I don’t think I will ever consider it alleviated.” Addy continued with her ritual, as Karen enjoyed every minute of it.

  Intimacy had been cut back for quite a while due to their aggravating physical circumstances. There were too many bruises and cuts, and Karen’s injury was very serious. Sure, they had cuddled and kissed, but physical impossibilities were difficult to overcome, especially when they had so many pains and aches.

  After they both recuperated, their first intimate moment was quite memorable. For Karen, Addy’s near death experience had been such an agonizing ordeal that she cherished every bit of the woman in her arms even more now, if such a thing was even possible. They had talked about it and had decided they were both up to it. Addy was already in bed when Karen lay down.

  “Are you sure that you are up to it? We can wait, baby. I would wait forever for you, you know that, right?”

  “I know, but I don’t want to, I feel fine.” Karen replied.

  “But your arm?”

  “It’s fine. I won’t lean on it.”

  “Okay, but let’s be careful.” Karen smiled and kissed her. “Hmm, I lied, I can’t wait either. I was just trying to give you a break.”

  “I’ve had enough of a break. I need to feel you.” Karen was already enthralled in passion.

  “Wait, we are going to do this differently tonight.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Because you are still fragile and I don’t want you getting hurt.” She gently pushed Karen down on the bed and came on top. She knew that Karen, for the most part, liked to start any action when making love, but that did not seem to be what would happen that night. “I want you to lie back and let me love you.”

  “Addypooh, It’s been so long, and I need—.” Karen stopped talking the minute she felt Addy’s hand at the very spot where she craved attention. Karen climaxed almost immediately. In her need, she covered Addy’s hand to keep it in place. “Stay there. Don’t move.” Karen begged.

  “Whatever you want, whatever you need.” Karen’s good arm held onto Addy’s back until she relaxed. Addy held her for longer than usual, to the point that Karen wondered if Addy had fallen asleep. “Addy?” Karen pushed out of the embrace enough to look at Addy’s face.

  Addy looked at her intensely, she began to trace her face with her finger and whispered. “Yes?”

  “Anything wrong?”

  “No, all is perfect. You are perfect.” Karen smiled, dazed with the words, the tone and the look on Addy’s face. Addy kissed her and continued to trace the contour of her face with her index finger, and then slowly ran her finger down Karen’s chest following it with her eyes on a southbound path until she reached the southern hemisphere, as she called it, and her hand rested on her abdomen.

  Addy didn’t need to speak, Karen sense her feelings and could read her thoughts. She knew exactly what was on Addy’s mind. Karen also knew that she’d let her claim her totally and completely like she’d never allowed anyone before. Karen was about to speak, but didn’t when Addy looked up to her.

  “Let me.” Karen nodded and surrendered to her plea. The sweet agony of her ecstasy began. Addy followed with her lips the same path she had followed with her finger, closing her eyes and enjoying every bit of the woman she loved. She stopped and placed small kisses everywhere along her path while Karen’s heart pounded. After reaching below her belly, Addy looked at the gorgeous, anxious green eyes looking at her in awe and she smiled. She continued with her kisses as she slowly descended to Blondie’s perimeter. Sensing Karen’s apprehension, she thought to add her usual humor. “Mind if I look under the hood?”

  Karen smiled and shook her head, unable to utter a word. This was the first time in all the time they’d been together that Addy had actually wanted to perform what she had described as ‘advanced techniques.’ Karen always laughed when Addy came up with unique terminology to describe things that she did not dare say directly. At this point, Karen was amazed that Addy was going down that path, but thought that she would not follow through. Still, Karen played along.

  “Relax.” Addy knew that Karen’s past experiences had never allowed her to surrender to anyone completely. She sensed Karen’s apprehension, and came back up to kiss her.

  “It’s just that I’ve never, you know—.”

  “I know. But it’s me. One of the things I like most about us is that we always tell each other everything. We stop to talk in the middle of anything.”

  Karen chuckled thinking that Addy had changed her mind, and was trying to back out of it. Karen grinned somewhat relaxed now, and decided to mock her. “Hopefully not for long, cause I’m dying here.”

  Addy smiled and combed her hair as she kissed her. “Ssssh, trust me, baby, I’m going by the book.”

  This comment caught Karen’s attention. “What book? What are we talking about here?”

  Addy blushed and smiled. Karen smiled also. “Addy?”

  “Okay, I’ve read, okay? It’s not like I ever embark on something important without doing my research. You ought to know that by now. This is very important, so I’ve been reading.”

  Karen chuckled still unbelieving her ears. “You researched?”

  “Yes, you know me. So, just relax and let me. I know what I’m doing, okay?” Addy sounded very authoritative.

  Karen was transfixed looking at Addy. It was like being in some alternate universe. And she had researched! The situation was so endearing that Karen thought it was just wonderful. With all the talk, as preamble, Karen began to relax mainly because she thought that it was not going to happen. She thought that Addy would somehow find a way to back out of it, and that would be fine because just being in that situation was more than she could have ever hoped for.

  Even the preamble appeared to be surreal. Addy again kissed her way down to Karen’s thighs. Karen lay back and closed her eyes thinking that nothing would happen. Addy saw the look on Karen’s face and smiled. She thinks I won’t! She positioned herself between Karen’s thighs. “Hmm, Blondie, you are so soft.”

  Karen chuckled unable to bring herself to look at Addy, and looking around the room in what felt to her like a scene from the twilight zone. “Ker, if I do anything wrong tell me.” Karen continued to smile totally charmed by Addy’s comments and doings. Her fears were gone. Karen was amazed at how much she was actually enjoying the moment. There was something very special, something unique about this moment.

  “You are doing fine, Addy.”

  “I’m going to be slow.�

  Karen chuckled. “Slow is good.”

  Addy was no fool. She knew very well how to deal with Karen and was trying to ease Karen’s nerves with humor. “This is all new territory to me. I mean from this end.”

  Karen chuckled. “Yes, I know. Take your time.” Karen continued to smile, as Addy informed all of her actions step by step. Karen thought that if she had been at the gynecologist office, she wouldn’t have been so informed.

  Karen had to bite her lower lip to hold back her grin when Addy laid her head on her abdomen, and held on to her hips. Karen loved the tender gesture, and she caressed Addy’s head with her hands. She loved it. Addy was also taking her time to calm herself, this was a first for her as well. All of a sudden, they were both relaxed. So relaxed and quiet that Karen thought Addy had fallen asleep on her stomach. She also smiled because she thought that if Addy was not asleep, she might be thinking of a way to back out. A quiet Addy was unusual. She didn’t want to look, for fear of ruining the moment, or make Addy think that she was doing something wrong. But the silence was too much. “Addy?”

  “Ssssh! Relax woman, enjoy the moment.” Karen chuckled. She could hardly hold her grin anymore. She laid back surrendering to the moment, and at this point, almost enjoying Addy’s conundrum of how to back out. Karen was also wondering how much longer she could hold off from intervening to help her out of the situation without making her feel bad about it. For Karen life was perfect as it was, and there was no need to explore things that may not be satisfactory to all.

  Addy suspected that Karen was already thinking that she would no go through with it, and was enjoying making Karen wait and wonder. Karen smiled expectantly and even facilitated more access expecting to see Addy retreat. Instead, Addy kissed her thighs. “Relax, baby, it’s me.”

  When Karen felt Addy so intimately close, she closed her eyes and almost stopped breathing. Her guttural sound of pleasure, the second she felt the awaited touch, resonated in Addy’s soul. It was so intense that Karen lifted from the bed impulsively bringing herself fully to Addy’s lips. It was as if all the forces of nature had combined to draw her to where she belonged. The moment was beyond reason. The woman of her dreams, of all the love in her heart was making love to her in the most intimate way she had ever experienced. Karen arched exposing herself fully and made throaty sounds that momentarily frightened Addy, until she saw the pleasure on Karen’s face, and heard her plea for more. Elated by Karen’s reaction, and wanting to please her lover, Addy didn’t hold back.

  Her research was still fresh in her mind, and she knew just what to do. At some point, the research went out the window when her instincts and desire took over and she lost herself to Karen. She couldn’t get enough of Karen’s essence. She could feel Karen’s body react, and could hear Karen calling her name and God’s name as she pulled the bed sheets off, and squirmed on the bed.

  “Addy! Pleeease! Addy!” Karen begged as she twisted and turned and arched driving her center more and more into Addy. When Karen climaxed, she screamed her name, repeatedly, in an agonizing ecstasy that moved Addy to the core. Addy came up to hold her, but when Karen begged for more, she used her fingers to sooth her need. While providing the pleading touch, she could feel Karen’s contractions around her fingers. “I got you, baby, I got you!” Karen held on to her and came again and again in what seemed like never ending orgasms.

  Enthralled in passion, Addy could feel her own orgasm, as if choreographed. After she climaxed, she collapsed onto Karen, and Karen embraced her with whatever strength she had left. After a few loving words, some happy tears, and tender caressing, exhausted, they fell asleep. But not before, Addy had a chance to contemplate the limp body of the woman in her arms. She smiled and brushed the disheveled hairs from her face. “My gorgeousness, I love you.” She kissed her and finally drifted into sleep feeling good, very good.


  The next morning, for a change, Addy was the one who woke up first. She looked to Karen on the bed and thought she looked like an angel. She brushed the hair from her face and kissed her tenderly, unbelieving the previous night’s happenings herself. Karen stirred in bed, but didn’t wake up. Addy smiled thinking that she had exhausted her partner. This is great! She got up went to the bathroom brushed her teeth and tiptoed out of the room. Downstairs, she made coffee and breakfast, and later she got busy around the kitchen. When she looked at the clock she saw that it was almost noon and still there was no sign of Karen. She smiled and decided to go upstairs. The only times Karen had ever remained in bed that long had been when they were together making love or in its aftermath.

  Addy slowly pushed the door of the bedroom and found Karen lying on her side on the bed, nude with the bed sheet barely covering one of her legs. She couldn’t resist the temptation of the beautiful sight and slowly crawled onto the bed and snuggled to her. When she spoke into Karen’s ear, Karen immediately woke up with an instantaneous smile. “Hey, gorgeous, if you stay on this bed too long, you just might not be able to get up for days.” Addy kissed her under her ear and shoulder.

  Karen turned slowly, still smiling. “I may not want to get up for days.”

  Addy grinned, satisfied of her deed. “That good, huh?”

  “Good doesn’t begin to describe it.”

  Addy smiled. “Wow!”

  “So, good, I’m willing to beg for more.”

  “Well if those green eyes keep looking at me like that—.” They kissed.

  “I think these green eyes will look at you like this forever. I’m addicted to you. I will love you until the day I die, and if there’s an after-life, I will search for you until I find you again.” She kissed her again.

  “I guess good things come to those who wait.”

  Karen nuzzled her neck. “Hmm, it was worth every bit of the wait. I still can’t believe it.”

  Addy smiled. “I love you too, baby. Good God, Ker, we are never going to get out of here if we don’t start moving.” Addy pulled from the embrace, leaving a pouting Karen behind. Karen watched her go smiling and went to the other bathroom to shower. When she came downstairs, she was grinning.

  “Don’t look at me that way, you are making me blush Ker!”

  “I like to make you blush. You look cute when you blush.” Getting close to her, she added “And very sexy.”

  Addy stepped away. “Don’t even touch me Larsen. Stay away we have plenty to do today and we are already very late.”

  As they drove to town Karen still had the same dreamy, satisfied smile. When Addy glanced at her in the car, she also smiled. “Are you going to be smiling like that all day?”

  “Yes. Can’t help it. I’m still tingling you know where.”

  Addy smiled. “Was it really that good?”

  “Let me put it this way, I could be smiling for a very long time just on the memory.”

  Addy shook her head and grinned while Karen laughed.


  The inn had been up and running for the last year and half and rendering great profits. The profits went mainly to pay off loans, payroll, maintenance and any renovations needed. Addy had resigned from her position with the legal firm and was working full time at the inn totally dedicated to making things work. Karen, however, remained performing financial consulting for the legal firm in the USA, and their offices in London and Edinburgh, and only worked at the inn minimally and on an as needed basis. Karen made a good income, and it was sufficient to cover their living expenses without any need for them to tap into their savings, or investments. Financially all was going very well.

  Karen usually worked from her home office at the cottage. Normally, she’d quit her work the minute she heard Addy come through the door. However, sometimes work required extra hours depending on the firm’s needs. That meant that, on a few occasions, she’d have to work even though Addy had already arrived home. At the beginning that had been the exception rather than the rule, but as of lately, the firm had overloaded her agenda and she seemed to be worki
ng a lot more.

  “Shit! Who do these people think they are? How can they make these claims and expect anyone to support them?” Karen dialed a number. “Jason, I need you to fax me the quarterly reports and the tax records on this fucking company. No, I can’t wait! What the fuck do you guys take me for? If you want this done, I cannot wait! I need them now!” She hung up.

  Addy was in the kitchen and overheard the yelling and the cursing. When Karen came down to get a drink, Addy looked at her but said nothing. Karen knew from Addy’s look, and her silence that she did not approve how she had handled her phone conversation. “It’s not my fault, these people make me mad. They want a job done but don’t provide all the necessary information. If they don’t like my tone, it’s their fault for not doing their jobs.”

  “Do you want to eat out or at home tonight?”

  “Addy, I don’t have time for eating out tonight. I need to finish this crap I’m working on.” She walked away and went upstairs.

  Addy went out to the patio and sat on the wooden swing. She was looking out at the ocean. A few minutes later, she closed her eyes when she sensed Karen standing behind her. Addy had been expecting her. “What took you so long? I’m okay. Go on and finish. I love you, even when you yell. I know you are not yelling at me. Go!”

  Karen sat down next to her. “Sorry.” She kissed her, and Addy returned the kiss. “I try not to get mad, but I can’t. I hate sloppy work and when I don’t have what I need to work, I just can’t help getting mad.”

  “I know. Go on, get it over with. I’ll make dinner. I’ll call you when it’s done.”

  “Okay.” Karen went back to the office to finish her work and later came down for dinner. They ate quietly. When they finished Karen kissed her on the neck and went back upstairs to resume her work.

  At around midnight, Addy showed up in the office. Karen was surprised to see her up so late. “It’s late. Why are you up?” Addy leaned against the threshold of the door. “I don’t want you to do this anymore.” Karen looked surprised. She didn’t expect this comment of all things. Karen didn’t speak, she just stared at Addy.


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