The Staff of Power

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The Staff of Power Page 11

by D E Boske

“I will go,” said Kyler, rising from his seat.

  “And I,” said Darian.

  “I could think of none better suited to this task,” said Galavad. “But I fear two is not enough. These are dangerous times. Nephraete, you will go as well.” She nodded in acceptance, her violet eyes shining.

  Kyler groaned inwardly. Kyler sensed something magical about Nephraete that he did not yet comprehend. Almost as if she were bewitching him.

  “Kyler, I will leave it up to you to choose the others,” said the Monarch, showing great trust in his young son. “You will leave in ten days. Kinistaya, you will gather the needed supplies. This council is adjourned,” said Galavad.

  Asa jumped out of his seat and went to Kyler’s side. “I would go with you,” he stated simply.

  “No. Father needs you here,” replied the young prince.

  “You’re my brother! Why should Ni’ Kulana and Shivvendar accompany you and not me? I can protect you,” argued Asa. Before Kyler could reply, Nephraete touched his arm.

  “Let him come,” she said quietly. “You will need him close,” she said, her eyes distant.

  To any that did not know her, she appeared blind, but she was far from it. Her violet eyes sparkled with life. Kyler gave up his argument. He would never win against those two!

  “Alright Asa, but you make sure you leave mother and father well protected. Chamlen, Lorin and Kiel.” Kyler called out, and they made their way over to the slowly expanding group.

  “This time you’re not leaving without me,” said Trighton. Kyler nodded and smiled as he clapped his friend on the back. Then he glanced apologetically at Darian.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “Tynuviel, I’ll need you as well.” Tynuviel did not hear him; her thoughts turned inward. A lone tear traced its way down her lovely face. The Mage seemed about to protest, but went to her instead. Trighton started to follow, but Kyler held him back.

  “Trighton, I need you to find Tireniel for me. I would like for him to accompany us.”

  Trighton nodded, glancing longingly at Tynuviel. He saw that the Mage was stroking her face, tenderly wiping her tears away. Grimacing, he turned away and went to do his prince’s bidding.

  Kyler could have easily done it himself as he knew where Tireniel was. The elf thought the Mage and his sister needed some time alone. He hated sending Trighton away like that because Kyler knew that his friend cared for her as well.

  He gritted his teeth and went in search of his father. This would be a painful meeting, he knew. As he walked down the corridor on his way to his parents’ chambers, Kinistaya fell into step beside him.

  “What troubles you, son?” asked the wise elf in their native tongue.

  “It is something I must tell father,” Kyler replied.

  “And you do not wish to do so.” The ancient stated.

  “He will be very angry with me. Almost makes me glad that I will be away for a while,” the young elf said.

  “Whatever it is, can it be so bad?” asked Kinistaya.

  “I’ve fallen in love, and I asked her to marry me.”

  “That is cause for celebration, surely your father…” but Kyler cut him short.

  “Ni’ Kulana, Kinistaya. Ni’ Kulana!” Now it was Kinistaya’s turn to stare. He said nothing for a long while and when he finally spoke, he was calm, soothing.

  “The heart knows not the difference. Surely, your father will understand. I will go with you if you wish,” the ancient reassured. They walked on in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. At last, they came to the Monarch’s chambers.

  “Dyvana, can you tell the Monarch that we wish to speak with him?” asked Kyler quietly.

  The guard nodded, knocking on the door. Galavad opened it almost immediately.

  “Yes, what is it Dyvana?” asked the king.

  “Kinistaya and Kyler wish to speak with you,” replied the guard.

  Galavad opened the door wide, bidding them entry. He was tall and imposing, his hair golden and his eyes green. He was slender, as all elves were, yet well built.

  “Ah my son,” he said, hugging Kyler close. “It is good that you have returned. We have missed you, your mother and I.”

  Tiriel seemed to float across the space separating them, moving so smoothly and taking her son in her arms. Her long dark hair shimmered in the sunlight through the open windows.

  “I’m glad both of you are here. I need to talk to you.” The seriousness of his tone told them it was important. They seated themselves at a table in the corner of the room, Tiriel pouring Nykessa for them all.

  “I’ve fallen in love, father.” The Monarch beamed and Tiriel clapped her hands, smiling all the while. “With a human, her name is Destiny, and I’ve asked her to marry me.” Kyler finished in a rush before losing his nerve.

  The Monarch’s smile faded away replaced by a look of pure horror, quickly turning to anger. The king noticed Kyler’s ring missing, his birthright. His face flushed red with uncontrollable fury. Before he could say anything, the queen spoke.

  “We would very much like to meet her, Kyler,” she said with a sincere warm smile as she elbowed her husband hard in the ribs. He glared at his wife.

  “Are you mad? Tiriel, this is serious,” replied the Monarch.

  “Indeed, it is.”

  “He is to be king one day. He cannot take a human for a wife! He has a responsibility to our people. Now, if you had said Nephraete, I would say good choice. It might bring our people together once more. It’s obvious she cares for you.”

  “Do my feelings mean nothing to you?” asked Kyler, hurt and angry; not sure which he felt stronger.

  “Of course they do son, but you must understand my position. Your relationship with this woman is forbidden,” stated the king flatly. “Please tell me you did not consummate your love to this woman,” pleaded the king.

  “Yes. I gave her my ring as a symbol until we could make it formal.”

  “Galavad, he has many years before he will be king, if ever. Let him have his wife, I can see he loves her deeply. Besides,” she whispered into his ear, “she is human and will not see but seventy years. What is that to a people who witness the birth and death of generation upon generation?” pleaded Kyler’s mother. All the fire left his father abruptly, as he gazed at Tiriel. For her, Galavad would do anything.

  “Alright son, alert the dwarves and return to us with your bride,” said Galavad, smiling warmly at his son.

  “Thank you, mother, father,” Kyler said as he hugged them both. He never imagined it would go so well. Thank Shenna for his mother. If not for her, who can say how it would have ended?


  “Now, where were we?” asked Galavad as he took Tiriel in his arms. He kissed her deeply, running his hands over her slim form. He deftly untied the dress she wore and it slid silently to the floor.

  Much later, as they lay in each other’s arms, their energy spent for the moment, the queen turned to her husband.

  “Gal, I’m pregnant,” she stated simply.

  “What?” he asked, sitting bolt upright.

  “I’m pregnant,” she repeated with a wistful smile. “I thought you would be pleased.”

  “I am. You just took me by surprise,” he said, knowing he had hurt her feelings. “How long?” he asked with a warm smile.

  “Three moon cycles, no more,” she replied.

  “We’ve got a lot of work ahead of us,” he said.

  Kyler stepped outside of his parents’ room and gripped Kinistaya’s hand in thanks.

  “I wish you well in all that you do. May Shenna guide your footsteps and bring you safely home,” Kinistaya said. Then he was gone.

  Kyler made his way to his chambers. All he thought of was being with Destiny again. He had never asked for the responsibility his father had bestowed upon him. Asa was older than he was, though he knew that meant nothing to the elves. They did not choose their successor as the humans did, the first-born male. Instead, the king chose whom he thought w
as best to replace him.

  Yes, he was prince, but that did not mean that he would ever become king. After all, the elves were immortal. They were also immune to human sickness and disease. What were the odds that something would happen to his father? He had ruled peacefully for centuries already, and Kyler was happy with his life the way it was. He liked traveling with Darian and being in charge of his life.

  Suddenly, he had a terrible feeling. Something was wrong. He could sense it, taste it in the air. Destiny! He thought. I must go to her. He left his rooms and went to find the Mage. As he was passing his sister’s room, he heard raised voices. Just as he was about to knock, the door opened and out Trighton came, nearly bowling him over. His face was flushed, eyes blazing, mouth drawn in a tight line. He barely paused before leaving.

  “What was that about?” asked Kyler gently, as his eyes fell on his sister’s tear-stained face.

  “He’s very angry with me. I’m afraid I hurt him. I… We…” unusually at a loss for words, she wrung her hands gesturing for him to enter. They seated themselves on her favorite couch. Kyler waited patiently, letting her take her time.

  “In the months that you and Darian have been gone, Trighton and I have become…close. I guess somewhere along the way he fell in love with me. But I love Darian. It’s… I don’t know what to do. I never meant to hurt him.” She told her brother everything that had passed between her and Trighton, then rested her head on Kyler’s shoulder and wept softly.

  “You promised him nothing. He has no right to be angry with you,” Kyler said soothingly. He was upset with Trighton’s actions and needed to speak to him soon.

  Much later, the young elven prince went to find Darian. The feeling of dread only became stronger with each step he took. He was certain something terrible had happened, but did not want to concentrate on it.

  He knocked softly on the Mage’s door, which was set apart from the others out of respect for his privacy. There was no answer. He still had not told the Mage what Nephraete said about Morphindinaetlus shifting his form. He was reluctant to go to Asa; unsure of how he would feel upon learning his younger brother had a human lover. His sister was in no shape to help him right now. That left…

  The elven prince made his way to another secluded apartment of rooms. He hoped she was not there as much as he hoped she was. He hesitated to get her involved. Finally, after long moments of burning indecision, he gently knocked. Hearing no sounds from within, he prepared to go when the door opened.

  “Kyler, what are you doing here?” Nephraete asked softly.

  Soft candlelight spilled out into the hallway, setting her silver hair ablaze with soft light. She wore a silver gown that clung to her slender form, soft silver slippers peeking out from the hem of her dress. Her skin looked so smooth with a rosy hue as if she had just come from the bath.

  The sight of her filled his vision, her scent permeated his very being, making him weak in the knees. Her violet eyes penetrated his soul and seemed to see right through him. Suddenly, he was at a loss for words and did not know what to do. She stood aside to let him in and her dress parted to reveal a shapely leg.

  “Kyler, is everything alright?” she asked, sounding concerned. “Would you care for a drink?” she said, looking into his eyes.

  “Yes, thank you,” he replied, not trusting himself to say more. As he crossed the threshold into her rooms, a smile touched her lips as she closed the door.

  “Please, sit. My rooms are yours,” she said with a small, respectful nod. Retrieving two glasses, she poured wine into each and handed one to Kyler. He was clearly upset, his mind on something else. He was so handsome, the candlelight setting his golden hair aglow… She must not allow herself to become distracted.

  His lips looked so soft and she wondered how they would feel on hers. She seated herself across from him, though she would have liked to be closer, she knew this was not what he wanted. At least not right now.

  His eyes were troubled, he did not speak for some time, and she risked letting her mind touch his. An image of a human girl came to her… A name…Destiny. So, that’s it, she thought. She knew at once that he was in love with her and yet… gently, like a lover’s caress, she let her mind touch his again.

  He had mixed feelings; emotions roiling within him like storm tossed waves. Another image… It was she! So stunned was she that the connection was lost. Had the handsome elf not been so troubled, she never would have dared to touch his mind. She never would have gotten close!

  He looked up and their eyes met. Color splashed her cheeks but she refused to look away. Does he know? She wondered. Had he let her get inside on purpose? She decided to let him play his hand first.

  “Nephraete, I need your help. I fear someone I care deeply for is in grave danger. I cannot find Darian and I dare not go to my brother.”

  She rose smoothly and knelt before him, taking his hand in hers. “I will do what you ask of me, though I do not know what you expect of me.” Gently, he lifted her chin, looking into her eyes.

  “I expect nothing but your loyalty,” he said so softly, she barely heard him.

  “You already have it,” she replied, her heart hammering in her chest.

  “I need to get to Limmin as quickly as possible. Will you accompany me?”

  “What of the others?”

  “I fear this cannot wait,” Kyler replied.

  “What of the council ruling?”

  “It will take some time to gather all that is needed. I will leave a note for Darian so he will know where to find us. Then we will return here and go meet with the dwarves.”

  “What of your father? Will he approve?”

  “I do not have the time to waste. Will you go with me?” he asked, his face close to hers.

  “Yes. I will go with you,” she replied, turning away. “I must pack a few things.” But he was already gone. Hurriedly, she changed and threw some clothes and other things into her haversack and went in search of the handsome prince. She went to his room, but he was not there. She found him slipping a note under Darian’s door.

  Darian waited until he was sure the elf prince was gone. Canceling his invisibility spell, he went to the door and picked up the note. He read it thoroughly, smiling to himself. Things could not have worked out better, thought the Mage. This would give him the time to do the things he had planned. Then, maybe he would meet up with Kyler and Nephraete.

  Stroking his chin, deep in thought, he did not regret ignoring Kyler’s summons. What he had planned was much more important.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  Morphindinaetlus followed the Mage’s trail. He would not be deterred. The Mage was crafty, intelligent, and a worthy opponent. He used his magic sparingly. The dragon could smell it, taste it in the air. He hungered to bleed the Mage dry. He would then be powerful indeed! To have control over his own magic alone, he was formidable, add the Mage’s magic as well and he would be unstoppable.

  An otherworldly hunger ravaged his belly. Passing over a small farming community, he swooped down great and terrible, gathering two large cows in his claws. After finishing his grisly feast, he flew on toward the city of Marubiel.

  Stopping outside the city, he changed his form into Kyler’s, and gained access to the city. The scent of the Mage was growing fainter as it had been days since they had been here. His dragon senses were keen, akin to the elves, though in some things his were far superior. He followed the Mage’s trail back to the Platinum Pony and went inside. A serving girl caught sight of him and sauntered over, hips swaying.

  “Did you change your mind? Are you gonna take me up on my offer?” she asked huskily, wrapping her arms around his neck. Her sweet perfume was intoxicating, her hands all over him.

  His arousal was complete and immediate. He crushed his borrowed lips to hers, drinking her life force slowly, so she would not be aware.

  The polymorph spell was powerful; he owned the body of the elf. She took who she thought was Kyler back to her room. As he ma
de love to her, he felt the ebb and flow of her life in his hands, power coursing through him. When his lust was sated, her lifeless husk he cast away like so much refuse. He waited until he heard footsteps in the hall, making sure other patrons saw Kyler leaving the wench’s room. Humans are so easy to manipulate, he chuckled softly to himself. Soon he would have not only the Mage, but the elf prince as well.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  Darian called up a gate and stepped quietly from the elven homeland into another plane of existence. A difficult task bypassing the elves magical wards and protective magic. It felt good to be home, it had been a long time. His tower was severely warded. No one had tried to breach it while he’d been gone. Good, he thought, they have not found me yet. He relaxed as much as a Mage of The Order ever did. He flung himself on his huge soft bed, throwing his pack to the floor. When he finished making his list of things to gather, he slipped into meditation. When he awoke, he felt refreshed and relaxed, his spells replenished.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  The Dark Mage sat in his study alone, cowl pulled close, hiding his identity. Casting a spell of far-seeing, that was magically tuned to whoever or whatever he wished, he spied the dragon in elf form, coupling with a human. She rode him harder than the Knights of Shorlan rode their mounts into battle. He watched as the dragon drained her very life and then sent a telepathic command to the creature. Sensing the communication, the dragon’s head shot up. It was uncanny how much he looked like the elf, even the color of his eyes!

  “How do we stand?” the Mage sent, a hint of amusement in his voice.

  “I am closing in, only days behind them. The Mage uses his magic very sparingly. I know they were here, she recognized Kyler,” Morphindinaetlus said with a sneer, nodding to the lifeless form on the floor.

  “Keep me informed,” the Mage replied, releasing the spell. He sat back in his chair, folding his hands before him. He knew the Mighty wyrm had his own motives, but as long as they did not interfere with his own plans, he did not care.


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