The Staff of Power

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The Staff of Power Page 38

by D E Boske

  Over the past weeks, Darian thought often of Gayla. He knew she would be worried, though she would never say it. He knew she loved him desperately. By this admission alone, The Order would demand her death. He could never carry out her punishment, nor would he let anyone else. He felt responsible for her. He was the only one who ever took an interest in her and he really cared about what happened to her.

  He decided he would go home tonight to be with her. He packed his haversack, opened a gate and stepped into his tower. He wanted to surprise her, so as quietly as he could, he made his way to their bedroom. She was softly humming to herself as she folded the clothes. He often told her that she didn’t have to work. He had spells to do menial labor, but she insisted that she didn’t mind. It gave her something to do, especially when he wasn’t around. Which was often. She was so beautiful; he stood there for several moments just watching her. Quietly, so as not to alert her he got behind her.

  “Gayla,” he whispered in her ear. She jumped, turning around swiftly.

  “Darian! Where have you been? I’ve been so worried,” she cried, throwing her arms around his neck. He gestured and the clothes she had been folding were put neatly away. He took her into his arms and just held her.

  “I’m sorry. I know I’ve been gone a long time. I never meant to worry you. How have you been? Are you okay?” she looked at him oddly.

  “What?” he asked.

  “It’s not like you to show such concern. Are you okay?” she asked seriously.

  “I’m fine. Just glad to be home.”

  “Are you hungry?” she asked.

  “Starving,” he said, his tone sultry. He kissed her softly, stroking her hair. She leaned into him, loving the way he felt. He eased her down to the bed, pushing her dress up past her hips. She sighed softly. She’d missed him. Much later, she lay on his chest, his fingers entwined in her hair.

  She deserved happiness and love. To be loved by the man she loved. It was the least he could do. It would make her so happy. After all, what did it matter? He could not be with Tynuviel. Gayla was here; she was sexy, sultry, and beautiful and did anything he wanted. She snuggled closer to him, which made him smile.

  “I love you so much, Darian,” she blurted without thinking. He held his breath for a moment before responding. Was he doing the right thing? On the other hand, how much worse could things get?

  “I love you too,” he almost choked on the words.

  “Yeah right,” she laughed bitterly. “Don’t patronize me Darian, I know better. You don’t love me, you never have.” She sounded so sad.

  “Does this feel like I’m lying?” he asked as he kissed her. He put everything into his kiss,

  every thought, emotion and feeling he’d ever had for Tynuviel. Maybe over time he could fall in love with her. Tears of joy leaked from her eyes and he felt sick inside, instantly regretting the words.

  “I’ve got something for you,” he said, rising from the bed.

  He padded naked to his study to retrieve the items. He handed her a small cloth bundle. She had such a beautiful smile. She unwrapped the parcel, giving a squeal of delight at the contents. A small crystal rose that looked almost real, so painstaking was the detail. The second item was a bottle of perfume.

  “Oh Darian! Thank you. You always know what to get me. I love them both.” In answer, he kissed her.

  “Gayla, I don’t want us to be apart anymore. From now on, when it’s safe to do so, I want you by my side.”

  “What about your friends?”

  “What about them? They’ll accept you. Nephraete likes you.”

  “I know Tynuviel will not,” she replied slyly.

  “How do you know her?” he asked, feeling slightly alarmed.

  “In Mogan Dar when I came to find you, I met Kyler and Tynuviel. I know she loves you and will be very jealous.” She remembered how he’d called Tynuviel’s name all night and she pretended not to know who it was.

  “She is with Tireniel now. I doubt she’d care.” He felt a pang of guilt at the lie. He still loved her…

  After all the hardship and pain in Gayla’s life, did she not deserve to be loved? It was The Order’s fault she was here. She almost died because of them. Darian did not believe in coincidences. He felt Delvishan must be at work here. Of all the rooms to be brought to that fateful night, it had been his. Of all the nights his regular girls were “sick,” it was the same night. At least he could heal her pain. Tynuviel’s eyes would haunt him all his days.

  “What about The Order Darian? Will you ever return?”

  “The Order can never find out. You know the punishment. I will not return until I defeat whoever is after me. He’s there in Piri-Tuma waiting for me.”

  “Is that the real reason why you left?”

  “Gayla,” the warning in his voice was unmistakable.

  “Sorry,” she said softly.

  “There are still boundaries,” he gently rebuked her.

  “I understand,” she said, but he could hear the hurt in her voice. He changed the subject

  and they talked long into the night.

  He woke early, bathed and dressed. He hugged Gayla as he kissed her softly. She did not want to let him go, but knew she had no choice.

  “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  “I love you,” she called, but he never turned around. Then he was gone. She was so happy. He told her he loved her! It was unthinkable. Finally, she would know happiness. He wanted to be with her. It was a dream come true for her.

  Since her early days in Mogan Dar, she had known nothing but pain and abuse. The first happiness she felt was the night she was sent to Darian’s room. She’d been a broken, bleeding mess and he took her in, healed her and now against all odds he was in love with her. This was the best moment of her life.

  She thought of Tynuviel. Something about Darian’s story didn’t sound right. A woman in love did not give up that easily. Especially where Darian Brade was concerned. He said Tynuviel was with someone else, but Gayla did not know how she felt about seeing her again. Would there be a confrontation? How would Darian react? Despite her trepidation, she was excited about being with Darian more. She wondered how Kyler would feel about them. He’d been kind to her then. She wondered if he still would be.

  Darian stepped from the gate into his room in the dwarven stronghold. He felt ill at ease with his big mouth. He knew he made Gayla happier than she’d ever been, but at what cost to him? He cared for her, he really did, but he most certainly did not love her. In spite of everything, he smiled to himself. At least Gayla’s tears were tears of joy.

  Tireniel had better know how lucky he was. If he ever made Tynuviel cry… He had his nerve to think such a thing when that’s all he’d ever managed to do.

  He knelt down beside his bed and for one of the few times in his life, he prayed fervently to Delvishan for help. He meditated, deep in prayer. He needed the god’s help. So deep in prayer was he that he did not hear Kyler knocking on his door. When he opened his eyes, he saw the elf standing there, looking at him curiously and cursed under his breath.

  “Darian, is everything alright?” Kyler felt slightly alarmed. He’d never seen Darian deep in prayer before. Come to think of it, he’d never seen his friend pray at all. Darian rarely even mentioned Delvishan’s name.

  “Not quite Kyler,” said Darian, feeling slightly abashed.

  “What’s wrong?” Kyler asked concerned. He could tell immediately that it was serious by his friend’s lost composure. That almost never happened. Before answering, the Mage went to the door, bolting it in place. He was pacing back and forth, giving Kyler a deep sense of foreboding.

  “I’ve really done it this time Kyler. What was I thinking? At the time, I thought it was

  the right thing to do. But… But now… I’m not so sure. I…” he trailed off as he continued to pace.

  “Darian, what is it? What’s happened?” asked Kyler.

  “I… I told Gayla that I loved her.”

  “What? Darian… do you?” asked Kyler aghast.

  “No. Of course not. I knew she would be worried so I went home last night. I feel sorry for her. I know she loves me. She deserves someone who loves her. She’s been through hell since she came to Mogan Dar. I’m the only one who’s ever cared about her. We made love, she told me she loved me and before I knew it, I told her I loved her too. She didn’t believe me so I convinced her. She was so happy she cried.” Darian finished in a rush.

  “What are you going to do?” Kyler asked, speechless.

  “I don’t know. But that’s not all.”

  “What? There’s more?” asked Kyler, feeling sick.

  “I told her I didn’t want to be away from her anymore. That when it was safe, I would bring her to be by my side.”

  “Darian, what were you thinking? Are you really going to?”

  “I’m a man of my word. Besides, Tynuviel is with Tireniel now. She needs to move on.”

  “Is that what you’re doing with Gayla? Trying to move on?”

  “Look, all I know is, she cried tears of joy. All I ever manage to do with Tynuviel is hurt her.”

  “What do you think seeing you with Gayla will do to her?

  “I know. I’m sorry. I don’t know what else to do, Kyler.”

  “Is that why you were praying?” asked the elf. “In all the time we’ve known each other Darian, that’s the first time I’ve ever seen you pray. You rarely ever call on his name.”

  “Kyler, you know I still love Tynuviel. I always will. I was praying for help to find a way for us to be together.”

  “What about Gayla, then?”

  Darian blew an exasperated breath. “I cannot make everyone happy it would seem. My first and only love is Ty. It’s always been her. If there were ever a chance… I will do whatever it takes.”

  “I came by to let you know we’re going to finish cleaning up today. If you’re not up to it, I’m sure they’ll understand.”

  “C’mon my friend. Let’s finish so I can complete the gate and we can go home,” the Mage said.

  “You think of Kiri A’ Nouell as home?” asked Kyler with a smile.

  “Actually, yes. You’re there, Ty’s there. Everyone I care about is there. You’re my best

  friend Kyler. My only friend. My home is where you are.” Kyler beamed.

  “I feel the same Darian. I was really worried the other day. I thought for sure you would go back to Mogan Dar. I couldn’t imagine traveling without you.”

  “I would never let that happen. You’re stuck with me,” said the Mage, feeling much more relieved since he told Kyler everything. A budding idea tickled his subconscious.

  “Won’t they make you return at some point?” asked Kyler.

  “That’s why I was praying. I need help. I don’t want to return to Mogan Dar. Not even after I find out the identity of the Dark Mage. I do not intend to keep my appointment with the Breeders. I do intend to come up with something concerning your sister and me.”

  “Gayla will only make that situation worse, I fear.”

  “I know. Tell me Kyler, how do you honestly feel? Should I let her go or fight for her?” asked Darian seriously.

  “Only you can truly answer that. However, … I think despite all her pain, she would choose you over anyone Darian. Even if you decide to have Gayla in your life right now… If you came to her, told her you loved her and said you wanted to be with her, she would go with you. She might make you beg for a while and you would deserve it. But in the end, it’s always been you.” The Mage merely nodded. He could not refute the elf’s words. Begging would be the least he deserved. And he would do it for as long as she required.

  “Thank you, Kyler. You’re a good friend.” Kyler nodded.

  The rest of the day passed easily as they cleared the dead. Everyone was present so the work went much faster. They laughed and joked almost as if there were not a battle here just yesterday.

  “You did good work yesterday, Mage. Thank you for saving us.” Darian looked up.

  “You’re welcome Tynuviel. Your lover is anxious, you should go,” he said dismissively.

  “Tireniel will be fine. After all, you are no danger to our relationship, are you?” she asked, her lips scant inches from his.

  “No, I’m not. I told you before that I will not interfere.”

  “I wish you would,” she said. Then she was gone. Back to Tireniel. Damn Tireniel.

  “Hey Darian! Thanks for yesterday. Never got a chance to tell you,” said Asa, but Darian was not paying attention. His focus was on Tynuviel.

  “She still loves you, but I guess you already know that.”

  “Asa…I’m sorry… I was just…” Darian trailed off.

  “Darian, it’s alright. I know this has been difficult. If there’s ever anything I can do to help, I will.”

  “Thank you, Asa. I just might take you up on that offer,” replied the Mage. A plan

  beginning to form in his mind.

  “You better. Look, I got nothing against Tireniel. He’s a good elf and I know he’d take care of her. But you two are right for each other. You belong together. I don’t give a damn what The Order thinks.”

  “Dangerous words elf. For the wrong ears. Whenever I look at her, I feel the same. I wish things were different Asa. I wish… a lot of things.”

  Mordinian and Torgyn Ro helped under the watchful eyes of Branson Thundershield. The thief fought well during the battle and the bard lent what aid he could. Though the dwarf king wasn’t sure he believed that you could lend strength through song. It sounded like rubbish to him.

  Darian made his way to the dwarf king. “Branson, would it be alright if I bring an extra guest to supper tonight?” asked the Mage.

  “O’ course! Anythin’ ye want. We owe ye much. If not fer yer timely warnin’… Ye bring whoever ye want. Any friend o’ yers is a friend o’ mine. But how ye goin’ to bring someone who ain’t here already?”

  “Mage,” he said, pointing at himself. “You are most generous, good dwarf. My sincere thanks. I will start on the gate again once we’re sure they will not return,” said Darian, excusing himself.

  “What was that about?” asked Kyler as his friend approached.

  “I was asking permission to bring Gayla tonight.”

  “You’re going through with it then?”

  “Yes. For now, anyway. If I did not, it would destroy her utterly. And I cannot let that happen,” Darian said protectively.

  “How can you care for her so deeply yet not love her?” asked Kyler, baffled.

  “I do not know. Ours is a complicated story.”

  “I saw Tynuviel come over earlier. Is everything alright?” Kyler asked curiously.

  “You were right, it seems. She told me she wanted me to interfere with her relationship with Tireniel.”

  “And will you?”

  “Of course not, not now anyway. My position is the same. I have nothing to offer her. I am confident that it will be shown to me.”

  “Do not exclude me Darian,” Kyler warned.

  “Have I ever?” Darian smiled his most winning smile.

  “Hey. That only works on the ladies. It just makes me nauseous.”

  “I have the feeling I’ll need all the help I can get. Asa offered to help as well.”

  “Really?” asked Kyler, shocked.

  “Yes. Really. I’ll tell you later.”

  They finished just in time. Snow began to fall. Thick, white flakes quickly covering the ground. The wind picked up, blowing fiercely. It soon became a blizzard. Once they were all safe inside, the great stone doors were sealed tightly against the storm.

  Back inside his room, Darian bolted the door, opened a gate and went to get Gayla. She was sitting in a chair reading a book. At his appearance, she put it down. He held his hands out for her. She grasped them tightly, letting him help her up.

  “I’ve come for you. I want you to pack some things,” he said affectionately.

  “I didn’t honestly expect you to come so soon,” she smiled.

  “Am I not a man of my word?” he asked, kissing her on the cheek. “Now go pack. It’s almost supper time,” he said, patting her on her lovely ass.

  She came back almost twenty minutes later. She took the magical haversack he’d left for her. She’d fixed her hair and she wore his favorite dress. She was so beautiful, sexy and captivating. He took the haversack from her, took her hand in his and opened a gate.

  She was a little scared. She’d never been through a gate that she knew of. She was excited, nervous and apprehensive all at once. Before she could blink, they were there.

  “Where are we Darian?” she asked, looking around.

  “Thunder Peak, the dwarven stronghold.” He emptied her pack, putting her things beside his in the wardrobe. He crossed the room to her and kissed her softly. He lifted her dress to stroke her and she trembled at his touch.

  “Darian,” she panted. “I don’t want to be messy for supper.”

  “Shhh,” he whispered.

  Lifting her easily, he put her back against the wall. He was so strong, holding her and supporting her weight as they made love. They finished washing just in time, for they were summoned for supper. She smoothed her dress out and made sure her hair was in place. Then she took his hand as he led her to the dining hall.

  All eyes were on them as they walked into the huge room. When Tynuviel saw Gayla, her jaw clenched in anger. All the non-dwarf males openly stared at Gayla.

  Except for Kyler, who was talking to Kibblewolf. He noticed how everyone else got quiet and he looked up, seeing the reason. Darian held the chair for her, and then seated himself next to Kyler. After the first awkward moments, they began to talk again.

  Shaz ogled the girl that Darian brought in with him. So, he doesn’t like boys after all. That’s a relief. Where did he find her? Where had she come from? Damn could he pick ‘em. Darian had all the luck. Him and Kyler. Why couldn’t he find girls like that? She was young. She’d maybe seen twenty-one summers. The Mage played the part of a gentleman, holding the chair for her and serving her, and treating her with respect. He saw that Tynuviel was upset, her jaw clenched tightly shut.


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