The Staff of Power

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The Staff of Power Page 47

by D E Boske

  When the Monarch sat back down, the food was served. There was something for everyone and the dwarves took his words literally. They piled their plates high with meat and vegetables, filling their tankards with ale. The elves laughed merrily at the sight.

  Kyler filled Nephraete’s glass with fresh strawberry juice then filled his own with

  Nykessa. He glanced at Darian, who was finishing his second ale and he nudged him quickly to get his attention.

  “Darian, you okay?”

  “Fine. Never better,” he said, switching to Nykessa.

  “Darian, what are you doing? I thought you didn’t like to drink too much.”

  “I’ll be alright,” he said dismissively.

  “I’ve never seen you lose your control and I don’t want to now, either.”

  “Do not worry, friend. You will not,” said the Mage, his tone softening.

  The thief, the bard and Shaz sat amongst elves. Though they appeared to be enjoying themselves, Shaz was certain they were watching them. The elf sitting next to him was shapely and beautiful. Her hair was golden with light green streaks. She wore a white dress with side slits that revealed her shapely legs.

  “I’m Shaz, what’s your name?” he asked, trying to be courteous. The look she gave him said that she was shocked that he would even speak to her. When she replied, her voice was melodious and polite.

  “Khazzuri.” It took him a moment to realize that she told him her name. He had been expecting to be cursed out in elvish. Maybe she’d like some company later.

  “That’s a beautiful name.”

  “Thank you,” she said smiling. “What do you do, Shaz?”

  “I’m a bounty hunter.”

  “Really? That’s a dangerous job for a human, isn’t it?” she replied, humor tinting her words.

  “Yeah, but I’m very good at it.” He purred, choosing to ignore her superior attitude.

  “What happened to your nose?”

  “A minor misunderstanding,” he replied. “Would you like to dance?”

  “Sure,” she said, standing. She winked at a couple of elves that were watching the display. The bounty hunter was a good dancer and she was enjoying herself in spite of the thoughts in his head. He was handsome, tall and lean, but too full of himself for her liking. Otherwise, she might have seriously considered his silent offer. She dismissed him like the Ni’ Kulana that he was.

  She could not believe that Kyler had finally chosen a consort. She’d always hoped, as she knew every female did, that he would choose her. After all, they’d been lovers for a brief time. Nephraete was a lucky woman indeed to be Kyler’s consort. Blessed by the goddess he was. In more ways than one!

  She could not deny Nephraete’s beauty. They made a lovely couple. From everything

  she’d heard about the seer, she was warm and caring. She wondered who the gorgeous elf was who sat on the other side of Nephraete. Calisha, she thought his name was. His eyes met hers and she could not look away.

  “Do you wish to be rescued from the bounty hunter?” she heard his voice inside her head.

  “You’ve no idea how badly,” she replied silently.

  She watched as he rose calmly, said something to Nephraete and then made his way over to her. He tapped Shaz on the shoulder and she could see the anger flit across his face until he saw whom it was.

  The bounty hunter raised his hands, backing away to quickly reseat himself at the table.

  A few of the elves laughed at him. One of them spoke in elvish to him saying, “Ni’ Kulana Kindara Omani drosh?” every elf at the table laughed at that. Shaz had no idea what they said nor did he really care. He knew what Calisha was capable of even if they did not. Roughly translated, what the elf said to Shaz was, “Is the feeble human afraid our kinsman will put you down?”

  Tireniel asked Tynuviel to dance and she took his hand, rising smoothly. Darian’s eyes burned through them. Asa saw the look on Gayla’s face. She looked like she would really like to dance so he drew in a breath and asked the Mage’s permission.

  “Darian, would you mind if I ask Gayla to dance?”

  “No, Asa. I’m sure Gayla would love to,” He sat there watching Tireniel and Tynuviel, unable to look elsewhere. They stayed out there for a long time and danced several dances. Finally, the Mage could stand it no more. He rose from his seat.

  “Darian, what are you doing?” asked Kyler.

  “I’m going to dance with your sister,” he said, walking away.

  “Oh no. Takasha!” Kyler exclaimed. Nephraete touched his cheek and all the worry left him.

  Darian tapped Tireniel on the shoulder and the elf thought briefly to ignore him. Honor and manners won out and he retreated with an ache in his heart. For he knew the night before was the last one he would spend in her arms. He saw it in the Mage’s grey eyes. He’d finally come to a decision. He knew he would take Tynuviel away from him, effortlessly. He was happy for her nonetheless. He honestly loved her and only cared about her happiness. And her happiness meant Darian. She had always loved him. Now it seemed they would be together finally. For that, he was happy.

  Darian’s form was perfect; his arms cradled Tynuviel like a priceless treasure. All present could feel the sexual tension of this couple.

  Gayla could feel the love Darian had for Tynuviel. It was undeniable and it broke her

  heart. If not for Asa so near, she would have broken down.

  Darian’s left hand was low on Tynuviel’s back, his eyes so full of passion. Gayla would give anything at all if he would look at her like that one time.

  “Tynuviel, it’s all coming together finally. I just need some time. Time to make some changes within The Order. I need to guarantee your safety before we get involved. Will you do me the honor of giving me this time?” he pleaded.

  “How long do you think it will be?” she asked breathlessly, unable to look away.

  “I’m hoping no more than a year. I have a plan. It’s dangerous, but I think it will work.”

  “I see. And what of Gayla?” she said with a sharp pang.

  “Her and Asa are falling in love and will soon be together.” She smiled, making his heart and his hope soar.

  “I can make no promises anymore, Darian Brade. I’ve waited long enough already and all for nothing. I don’t think I can do it anymore. I’m sorry.”

  “Tynuviel, please. I love you.” He got down on his left knee. “I make a promise to you now. I will lay with no other woman until we’re together. For I do not doubt that soon we will be. Please, do this for me, for us. Just wait a little longer and I promise it will all be worth it.” He stood again, twirling her around.

  “Darian,” she warned. “This will be your last chance. If I find out you’ve been with anyone or you fail to come through this time… Then you will have lost me forever.”

  Suddenly, he stopped dancing. He put his hands to either side of her face, his lips connecting with hers. It was a tender moment that the whole elven kingdom shared with them. He took her in his arms, kissing her as she clung to him.

  “I love you, Darian. I want you right now, please?”

  “You know there’s nothing I want more. But, I just can’t risk it until I make those changes. If something happened to you because of me… Please do not ask that of me. It won’t be long and our passion will be all the sweeter. That doesn’t mean we can’t spend time together. Tomorrow, whatever you want to do, we’ll do it together.”

  “Oh Darian,” she began to cry as she hugged him close. “I’m so scared of being hurt again. I really want to be with you. Please don’t hurt me.”

  “I won’t. I never meant to. I should have been completely honest with you from the beginning and I’m sorry. At the time, there was no hope, but now… I feel Delvishan working through me. I think he’s chosen me for this task, to remake The Order. Just knowing you love me gives me the strength to do what I must.”

  They returned to the table hand in hand and Galavad and Tiriel smiled warmly at
them. Tireniel hung his head in sadness and defeat, but he could not deny that he was happy that she was happy. This is what she always wanted. He could tell the Mage really loved her. For the first time, he was not hiding behind the robes of The Order. Something was happening. Change was in the air. The gods must be at work here.

  Asa watched Gayla closely as they danced, especially after Darian cut in on Tireniel. He was finally making his move. Good for Darian and good for Gayla and himself. He could see the pain on her face and it broke his heart.

  “Tomorrow, will you spend the day with me?” she asked as she blinked the tears away.

  “What about tonight? You shouldn’t be alone. My chambers are yours. I will sleep on the couch.”

  “Asa,” she said, softly touching his cheek. “Thank you. Because of you, I have the strength needed to face these days ahead of me.”

  “I will always be here for you. Whenever you need me. I’m so thankful Darian chose me that day.” When the dance was over, they returned to the table.

  Finally, Galavad stood. “Torgyn Ro, would you grace us with a song perhaps?”

  “Of course,” he bowed. The dancers all seated themselves, giving him room. He pulled out his lyre and began to play, seeming to know exactly which song to sing. His voice was pure and strong and it held everyone present captive.

  O’er meadows green, we have traversed

  With naught but rain to quench our thirst

  Through darkly cave and sandy trail

  On open seas, we’re sure to sail

  The days of yore have come and gone

  The elves are left to carry on

  And in the starlight, moon and sun

  They dance as if the world was young

  The scent of magic in the air

  By all who’re said to visit there

  O starless night how bright the moon

  And all will sing a merry tune

  Let none erase the sands of time

  But carry forth in time this rhyme

  Through misted vale and clouded night

  Our elven home is lost from sight

  A long-forgotten vision clear

  In mortal hearts a cold dark fear

  Awake! Awake! The hearts of men

  Afore ‘ere long remember when

  The mountain pass in darkness laid

  When mortal memories will fade

  Along dim paths we dare not take

  For fear the dragon will awake

  Then darkness soon is sure to fall

  Upon the elves, free men shall call

  To arms! To arms! Dwarf, elf and man

  All allies since the world began

  We shall not die we will prevail

  O’er torch lit path and moonlit trail

  The stream reflects the stars and sun

  Days of yore when the world begun

  The river flowing swift and strong

  O fair folk ‘tis where you belong

  Elves are fairest, immortal, wise

  See the light shining in their eyes

  All the long ages they behold

  No living man could have foretold

  Whether in jest or timeless mirth

  The elves remain upon the earth

  When the young bard was done, everyone paused for a moment. The forest erupted in cheers and clapping. All the time they’d traveled together, Mordinian never heard him sing with such enthusiasm and clarity. The little bastard had been holding out on him! The thief could feel the power in his voice. The bard’s peers were foolish indeed to so dismiss him out of hand.

  For where had he learned that ancient tune? Not many alive today knew it anymore. Like most ancient lore, it got lost in the passage of time.

  “Torgyn, you do that song justice. We welcome you here. Truly, a young master you are. Yet with much to learn if you care to.”

  “It would be an honor sir,” Torgyn said, bowing low.

  Kinistaya took the floor then, telling a long-forgotten tale. A tale dating back to before the Niri Ku’ Yamma. The ancient elf was a powerful storyteller, but Darian could not concentrate on his words.

  He put his arm around Tynuviel, holding her close. He stroked her hair as she put her head on his shoulder. Darian said a silent prayer to Delvishan, thanking him for Tynuviel’s grace.

  He kissed the top of her head and she looked up at him, smiling. Smiling! Not crying. He kissed her then as if there were no one else there. It left her breathless and wanting. They did not hear much of Kinistaya’s story, too involved in each other were they.

  It seemed kissing was not off limits and she took all she could get. Suddenly, he broke off the kiss and stood, her heart threatened to break free of her body. Tears leaked from her eyes so sure was she that he would just leave her like so many times before.

  “Galavad, I would ask you now in front of the elven kingdom for your blessing to be with your daughter if she’ll have me.”

  A tear trailed down Tiriel’s cheek at the Mage’s words. Her daughter would be so happy. Hopefully, her torture would cease to exist.

  “Darian, my son. At long last, you have spoken the words that many of us present have longed to hear. Many of us know how you love each other and you have my blessing. And it is no less than you deserve. However, you have been given a great gift and I demand that you not take it lightly. I know the kind of man you are and I know that it will not be a problem. Tynuviel, I know I do not need to ask, but I must. Tynuviel, what say you? Is this man before you acceptable to you?” In answer, she stood, threw her arms around the Mage’s neck and kissed him passionately. He gently wiped the tears from her face and kissed her again to another eruption of cheers and applause.

  The party lasted long into the night. There was much dancing and singing. Finally, one by one or two by two they retired.

  “Calisha, I’ve had a wonderful time tonight.”

  “Me, too, Khazzuri.”

  “I don’t want to say good-night. My home is not far. Would you like to…”

  “Yes, I would,” he replied, cutting her off. He looked to see Nephraete safe in the elf prince’s arms and followed Khazzuri.

  Asa led Gayla back to his chambers. “Would you like something to drink?”

  “No, thank you. I’m fine.” He led her to the bedroom.

  “You’ll be safe here. Do not worry. If you need anything I’m right outside.” Such a gentleman. He turned to go, but she caught his hand, turning him around.

  “Asa, don’t go. Please.” He came to her then, kissing her. She undid his shirt, running her hands over his smooth, muscular frame. She kissed his chest, softly biting him, caressing him as she did so. He undid the ties on her shoulders and her dress fell to the floor.

  Leaving a trail of clothes behind them, she pushed him down on the bed. She rocked smoothly, gaining momentum as he put his hands on her hips. His eyes were cloudy as he sat up gently laying her down. She wrapped her legs around his waist, changing the trajectory of his thrusts. He had amazing control and by the time he was finished with her, she dropped swiftly off to sleep. He held her close and drifted into Ru Nay’ Sha, deeply satisfied.

  Darian walked Tynuviel back to her room. “I can’t believe this is happening,” she remarked.

  “Believe it. I’m not going anywhere ever again. Tireniel opened my eyes to what I was losing and I couldn’t stand it. Things are finally going our way.” He kissed her, not wanting to leave, but knowing he must because he couldn’t trust himself alone with her.

  The guards had a hard time pretending not to hear or see anything. They just stared hard at the wall in front of them.

  “Come in?” she asked.

  “I dare not Shan Ta’ Zi,” he whispered, breathlessly against her ear. “You know I want to, but I cannot trust myself. With you so near my will is gone…” As if to test him, she put her hands on him, kissing him and nibbling his ear.

  “Takasha, Ty! What are you doing to me, baby? You’re driving me wild.” He put his hands on her bo
ttom, pulling her tightly against him. He backed her into the door, took her hands in his and held them hostage against it. His lips met hers in an electrifying kiss, his tongue telling her beyond doubt that he did not want to call it a night. That in fact, he was only getting started. His lips lingered on hers and then he was gone.

  He made his way back to his room, convincing his lower extremities to behave. Takasha, how she made him feel! He bolted the door, got undressed and went to bed alone, but with a smile on his face. Against all odds, she’d given him another chance, just as Kyler told him she would. He felt so lucky.

  He checked his tome to make sure its content was all there. He looked over his spellbook, choosing several spells to memorize and drifted into Ru Nay’ Sha.

  While he drifted, Delvishan came to him. He approved of Darian’s choices. The Mage could feel his assurance that everything would be alright. Everything would fall into place.

  “Darian…” he spoke to the Mage and it almost startled Darian awake. This had never happened before.

  “Darian, Tynuviel is the perfect consort for you. I am pleased with your choices and performance. You are everything a Mage of The Order should be.

  “Be wary of the demon Sigorna. I know your strength. I can feel it growing. I know you are more than capable of handling the Falahari, but be wary of him. He will be a great ally in the coming battle for The Order. I want you at their head.” At this announcement, the god could feel Darian’s distress.

  “Fear not, I know how you loathe being in control. I will not ask you to remain in Piri-Tuma. Nay, you are for so much more… You will make your home in Kiri A’ Nouell with the elves. From there, you can run The Order as it should have always been.

  “Trust in Aganor, he is loyal to you and me. His purpose is true. Make him your second in command. There will be much violence and bloodshed before this is all through. I’m sorry you’ve had to sacrifice so much… Your rewards, they will be great! You will have the love of your life by your side. Know that I am very proud of you. Fear not, it will not be long now. We will work closely, you and I, to restore The Order to its former glory.


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