Hogtying the Bartender

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Hogtying the Bartender Page 3

by Charlie Richards

  Groaning harshly, Vance bowed his back as he stared upward without actually seeing the ceiling. His seed pulsed from him in bliss-inducing spurts. Trembles rocked his body as his prick twitched.

  Through a haze of pleasure, Vance realized Jimmy continued to use one hand on his spit-slicked erection, jacking it gently. It must have been the fingers of his other hand, the one holding the cloth over his crown, ever-so-lightly massaging the sensitive skin beneath it. The stimulation extended his orgasm, causing his pleasure to roll through him, and his body sagged against the door behind him.

  Vance slowly came back to himself, the microbursts of ecstasy that danced along the flesh of his groin slowly easing their hold on his senses. By feel, he realized Jimmy had his forehead pressed against his upper thigh. He threaded his fingers through his brown hair, mindful not to tug when he ran into stiffness due to product.

  A husky moan drew Vance’s attention away from the ceiling. He felt the tug of his hat on his forehead, so dipped his head down to make room for his black Stetson’s brim. His focus riveted on the sexy man still kneeling at his feet.

  Jimmy’s head was bowed a bit and also turned inward. While Vance couldn’t see his hook-up’s deep blue eyes, he guessed the man was eyeing Vance’s half-hard prick. Jimmy still rested the palm of his left hand on Vance’s abdominals, seeming to pet his grooves, and he had his right arm tucked between their bodies while his shoulders moved just a little in a rhythmic way—a way that Vance recognized.

  His hook-up was beating off.


  Vance didn’t know where the suddenly forceful tone came from, but to his pleasure, Jimmy obeyed. He tipped his head a bit and peered up at him. His heavy-lidded expression appeared questioning... and even a bit dazed.

  After a few seconds of hesitation, Vance leaned down so he could grab Jimmy’s upper arm with his free hand. He tightened his grip on the man’s hair, then corrected the move and massaged Jimmy’s scalp. Using his hold on the other man’s upper arm, Vance urged a clearly confused Jimmy to his feet.

  Releasing Jimmy’s hair, Vance lowered that hand and wrapped it around the slim bartender’s waist. He used his grip to turn him, pressing the man’s left side to his chest. At the same time, Vance skimmed his hand down Jimmy’s arm to where the man gripped his own erection.

  “Let go,” Vance whispered, gently tugging at his wrist. A hum of approval rumbled from him when the man obeyed, giving him an unobstructed view of Jimmy’s bobbing, straining erection. “Beautiful,” he whispered as he wrapped his fingers around the slender rod of male flesh.

  Jimmy’s erection appeared shorter than his own, maybe eight inches. It was slenderer, too, but that also made it seem to be in perfect proportion to the bartender’s body. He wished he could see more of it... could explore to his heart’s content. He wanted to—

  “Vance, please!” Jimmy whispered, drawing Vance out of his thoughts. “Do something!”

  Upon hearing Jimmy’s pleas, Vance let out a moan that nearly drowned out the other man’s. He tightened his grip and began a slow jacking. It had been so damn long since he’d allowed himself the pleasure of touching another man’s rod. He’d forgotten the silky feel covering firm flesh, the way it pulsed and twitched in his palm as if it had a mind of its own, as well as the heady feel of power it gave him.

  The tremble that worked through Jimmy’s body heightened that feeling.

  Vance sped up his strokes even as his own groin heated once again. Growling softly, he squeezed Jimmy against him. He watched with satisfaction as the man’s eyelids slid to half-mast and his lips parted. When Jimmy slipped his tongue out and wet the bottom one, Vance found himself flooded with the desire to kiss the man, to taste him, to explore his mouth, and to finally know what that felt like.

  Knowing some men didn’t kiss—hell, he used to be one of them, but Jimmy was just too damn tempting—Vance tipped his head and dipped it. The move made certain his hat’s brim skimmed along the back of Jimmy’s head, allowing him to position his lips against the man’s ear. He placed a gentle kiss to the lobe, then swiped up it, exploring the curve. Having dated plenty of women with piercings, Vance didn’t mind the couple studs and hoops he found there.

  To Vance’s satisfaction, a tremble worked through Jimmy, and the bartender’s husky moan filled the storage room.

  “Do you kiss, Jimmy?” Vance whispered into his ear before nipping at the flesh lightly. “Can I explore your mouth with my tongue?”

  Jimmy gasped and jerked away from him. “R-Really?” He met Vance’s gaze, his eyes wide with his disbelief.

  Vance nodded once. “Oh, yes.”

  “Hell, yeah,” Jimmy replied breathily as a huge grin curved his features.

  Not second guessing either Jimmy and his response or his own desire, Vance lowered his head and sealed his mouth over the bartender’s. He swiped along Jimmy’s lower lip, finding it plump and soft. With just the lightest of pressure to Jimmy’s seam, the man opened to him, and Vance took complete advantage. Vance thrust in his tongue and swirled it around Jimmy’s cavity, enjoying a mild cinnamon flavor mixed with something light and fruity. Those were coating a flavor that Vance knew was his own pre-cum and flesh. Beneath that was something else, an earthy masculine taste that had to be all Jimmy’s own.

  The flavor went straight to his head, and he lapped at Jimmy’s tongue, wanting more. Bending over Jimmy, using his hold on his waist to clutch him close, he delved deeper. He ravished the man, unable to get enough, licking and nipping, teasing at his tongue and mapping his mouth.

  All the while Vance had just enough presence of mind to continue jacking Jimmy’s prick. He swallowed down the other man’s moans and relished the way his body shuddered against him. Even the way Jimmy clutched at his shirt sent fiery tendrils of pleasure through his body, and his blood surged sluggishly back to his dick.

  A second later, Jimmy fed him a low moan, and Vance kissed it away. Between that and the way Jimmy shuddered in his hold, he knew the man had gotten off.

  Breaking the kiss, Vance peered down. He softened his hold but continued to jack his hook-up’s still spurting erection. Vance admired the way two more spurts erupted from the slit of Jimmy’s slender erection.

  “God, that’s a gorgeous sight,” Vance mumbled appreciatively. Then sliding his focus up Jimmy’s body, he groaned softly. “Everything about you is gorgeous.”

  Jimmy huffed a laugh, drawing Vance’s gaze. “Thanks.” His grin appeared a bit loopy. “Wow. You sure can kiss.”

  Vance couldn’t help but grin. “You’re not so bad yourself.” Sweeping his gaze from Jimmy’s mouth that he found spectacular in so many ways, Vance spotted the tell-tale gleam of something on his lips. Unable to help himself, he swiped his tongue along the corner of his kiss-swollen flesh. “Mmm, strawberry,” he whispered, placing the fruity flavor he’d enjoyed while kissing the man.

  Jimmy cleared his throat and glanced away. “Yeah, well—”

  “I like it,” Vance murmured, interrupting him. Seeing that Jimmy didn’t appear to believe him—the way his eyes widened gave him away—he added, “Hell, it certainly tastes better than a majority of the lipstick most women cake on their lips.”

  Jimmy barked a laugh, his blue eyes twinkling even as a pretty blush filled his cheeks.

  Vance found the look stunning and admired the rest of the man’s face. Jimmy sported eyeliner, which accentuated his deep blue eyes. The bartender had medium-brown hair with dark-blond highlights streaked throughout. While at the moment the medium-length strands stood at wild angles, Vance remembered when he’d walked up to the bar, it had been brushed away from his face in a way that framed his lean features to perfection.

  Jimmy was pretty... but in a masculine way.

  On top of that, Vance spotted the tell-tale bulges of nipple rings in Jimmy’s distended buds. His mouth watered just thinking about how they would taste.

  Before Vance could decide if he shoul
d broach the subject of a repeat—Jimmy’s earlier comment had made it seem as if he might be open to it—or if he wanted to leave it alone, the soft wrap of knuckles on the door behind him caused him to tense.

  “Jimmy, it’s been thirteen,” came a deep voice through the door.

  “Thanks, Garth,” Jimmy immediately called back. “Be right there.”

  Vance didn’t hear the sound of footsteps, but he figured whoever Garth was had retreated. “Guess that’s our cue,” he murmured softly. At least the interruption had caused his burgeoning erection to deflate to half-mast. “Thank you, Jimmy,” Vance murmured as he made certain the man had his feet before he released him. After untying the handkerchief from around his neck, he used it to clean the traces of Jimmy’s seed from his hand followed by a quick wipe-down of his groin.

  “I’m pretty sure that should be my line,” Jimmy murmured, glancing at him in a surprisingly shy way. “Can’t remember the last time I was kissed like that.”

  “That’s a damn shame,” Vance found himself responding. “Whoever you’ve been with, you deserve better.”

  Jimmy’s gaze snapped to Vance, his brows high on his forehead. He flicked an intense gaze over Vance’s face. The bartender seemed to be looking for something.

  Uncertainty filling him—hell, what do I actually know about Jimmy’s life—Vance cleared his throat and righted his underwear and jeans. After doing up his fly and belt, he shoved his bandana into his back pocket. Vance realized he’d been scowling at the floor when he felt Jimmy touch his jaw, drawing his attention back to him.

  Vance spotted Jimmy’s smile, and for some reason, seeing that eased the tightness in his chest.

  “Thank you,” Jimmy whispered. Easing a step closer, he murmured, “And I happen to think”—with one hand on Vance’s chest, he rested his weight on him and pressed his lips lightly to Vance’s, then backed a step away—”that we both deserve better than what we’ve been dealing with.”

  Unable to help himself, Vance cupped Jimmy’s nape, dipped his head, and pressed a light kiss to the other man’s lips. Again, he marveled at the softness, as well as how Jimmy responded, so open and welcoming. Vance was about to deepen the kiss when another soft knock sounded on the door.


  Jimmy pulled away once more. “Right. Sorry!” he called.

  From the other side of the door came a low husky rumble.

  “Shit,” Jimmy mumbled, pulling away. He flashed a wry smile Vance’s way before saying, “You’re trouble.” Laughing softly, he dropped to his knees and began wiping what appeared to be a bar cloth over the floor.

  Vance winced, realizing Jimmy was wiping up the cum he’d spilled. He also saw that it was the same cloth the man had wisely held over his own prick. Feeling his face flush, Vance wondered just how often the man used the storage room to remember to carry such precautions.

  Not my business.

  Maybe something in his expression gave Vance away, for as Jimmy stood, his lips curved into a wry smile. “Good thing I always carry this whenever I’m here.” Jimmy scoffed and tipped his chin toward Vance’s waist. “Kinda like you with your bandana, right? Tools of the trade.”

  “Sorry I didn’t think of it,” Vance murmured in response. For some reason, Jimmy’s comment caused the tightness in his chest to ease. Weird. “Thanks again, Jimmy.” Reaching out, he touched the man’s cheek. “Your mouth deserves a medal”—he smirked—”for more reasons than one.”

  Vance really liked the way Jimmy’s cheeks pinked in a flush. As he stepped sideways and watched the man reach for the doorknob, something told him that the response was genuine. Hearing Jimmy’s depreciative snort, as if he didn’t believe Vance, well... he didn’t like that nearly as much.

  “It’s the bartender thing,” Jimmy muttered, casting him a look dominated by a twisted smile. “Everyone wants the bartender.”

  Scoffing, Vance followed Jimmy out of the room, watching as the man carefully closed the door behind him. “I don’t know who you’ve been associating with, but no... that ain’t it.”

  Jimmy sent a confused look Vance’s way before heading down the deserted hallway and back the way they’d come.

  Good god, doesn’t he know how stunning he is?

  As soon as Jimmy pulled open the door, the thump of the dance music washed over them once more, and Vance knew his time with the handsome bartender was at an end.

  Following Jimmy’s sexy frame, Vance recalled how he’d felt in his arms and felt a pang of regret at the missed opportunity to enjoy more of the man.

  Chapter Four

  Barely managing to peel his eyelids open, Jimmy had to blink several times to make out the number on his ringing cell phone. He groaned and rolled to his back. As much as he wished he could ignore it, he knew if he didn’t answer, the asshole would just keep calling.

  Then he would never get back to sleep.

  “What the fuck do you want?” Jimmy mumbled.

  If his ex was going to be so inconsiderate as to call at nine-twenty-seven on a Sunday morning—a morning where the bastard knew Jimmy had always worked until three or more—the jerk could deal with his surliness.

  “Oh, Jimmy. Work too late again? Picking up extra hours to make ends meet?”

  Jimmy clenched his jaw, but he managed to bite back a nasty retort. “Lars, you know I always work until after three on Sunday mornings.” He did his best to keep his exhausted voice sounding mild and unaffected. “Make it quick, please.”

  Go me, bein’ all polite.

  “I’d like you to meet me for lunch at Solversons’ Café, Jimmy,” Lars stated. “My treat.”

  As if that was some great thing.

  As much as Jimmy loved Solversons’, there was no way he wanted to deal with Lars to get it.

  “No, thanks,” Jimmy replied. “I have stuff to do.”

  It was true, too. He had an overflowing basket of laundry. He anticipated making at least a half-dozen trips to his apartment’s basement laundry facility that afternoon.

  “Come on, Jimmy-baby. We need to talk.”

  Jimmy rolled his eyes while rubbing at his pierced eyebrow. “No, we really don’t.” His fatigue was beginning to get to him, making him lose track of the conversation. Knowing he needed to get off the phone, Jimmy muttered, “I’m going back to sleep. Please don’t call again, Lars. Bye.”

  “Wait! Don’t hang up.” Lars’s voice lowered to a wheedling croon. “I miss you, Jimmy-baby. Please?”

  In the past, the rough rumble of Lars’s tone had always caused a fissure of heat to pump through Jimmy’s veins. He’d always loved how it had sounded, and he would often give in to whatever the man wanted.

  That was before he’d discovered Lars was a cheater, though. To Jimmy’s pleasure, he didn’t feel a damn thing other than annoyance.

  Manipulative son-of-a-bitch.

  “Then you shouldn’t have cheated, Lars,” Jimmy stated evenly. “Bye.” Ignoring Lars’s cry of hold on, he pulled the phone away from his ear, then hit the disconnect button. Jimmy even went so far as to silence his phone before placing it back on the nightstand.

  Rolling over, Jimmy tugged the covers over his head and focused on going back to sleep. Just before dreamland took him again, the image of his Hot Cowboy—Vance—popped into his mind, and his lips curved into a smile.

  To Jimmy’s pleasure—and surprise—he didn’t have to share the building’s washing machines with any other occupants, and between the three washers and dryers, he finished his laundry in under three hours. Next on his list was grocery shopping. After checking his budget and what he had in his refrigerator and cupboards, he typed a list in the Listonic app on his phone, then headed out the door.

  Jimmy strolled down the sidewalk, enjoying the chilly afternoon air. He tightened the scarf around his neck, then zipped his coat up to just below his chin. After shoving his hands into his pockets, he peered at the lingering Christmas lights left over f
rom the holiday season.

  When people had asked him what his New Year’s resolution was, Jimmy had told them he intended to make smarter relationship choices. His little interlude with Vance had totally blown that up, but whatever. Jimmy didn’t really believe in the stupid tradition anyway.

  Besides, it’s not like I was going to have a relationship with the guy.

  Reaching the store, Jimmy grabbed a cart and got to work. As he shopped, checking his list and entering prices into his app, he thought about Lars’s allegations... that he needed money. Jimmy sure was glad he’d never allowed Lars to talk him into discussing his finances.

  Jimmy wasn’t broke, poor, or even hard up. He was just on a budget. He lived beneath his means.

  After watching his parents buy crap they didn’t need, running up debt, and getting in over their heads to the point of losing the house, well, Jimmy vowed never to make those mistakes. If that made it seem like he was poor, so be it. Jimmy would bet that his savings account looked a lot better than other guys his age.

  As Jimmy paid for his groceries, sliding his debit card into the chip reader slot, he mentally winced at recalling how Lars used his credit card for every meal.

  Pushing away the memories—god, I hate that one phone call from him and I can’t get these memories out of my mind—Jimmy put away his card and wallet, then gathered up his grocery bags.

  “Thanks, Melanie,” Jimmy murmured, placing the handles of his cloth grocery bags in the crooks of his elbows—two on each arm. “Have a great afternoon!”

  “You, too, Jimmy!” the middle-aged woman replied with a smile and a wave before turning her attention to the next customer.

  Walking home, Jimmy whistled happily, mentally congratulating himself on the great deal he’d gotten on the applesauce.

  While at work that evening, Jimmy decided his great luck for the day had run out. He turned around and saw Lars standing at the bar.

  Shit! What is he doing here?

  Even while they’d been dating, Lars had rarely come to see him at work. That was okay, too, since the man had a tendency to glower at him and the customers. He’d claimed Jimmy was flirting, even though he wasn’t.


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