Of Superior Design

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Of Superior Design Page 31

by Matt Rogers

  Chapter 31

  The Wolves were sitting around the kitchen table watching civilization implode.

  “Hey, George, you want to order a pizza?”


  Both were doing what Wolves do and the Vampires upstairs were performing their chores accordingly.


  “Yes, Vivian?”

  “Does this outfit match?”

  The television in the room was also tuned to the events of utmost importance.

  “Hello, everyone, this is Nick Price with the Channel Five Award-Winning Afternoon News. Once again I would like to apologize for my previous outbursts involving the cruise lines. My opinions were mine and mine alone. Channel Five in no way endorses the views of this reporter and has no actual opinion on the matter. Okay, on to the news. We have trouble at the United Nations. We are going live to our recently promoted, award winning border-war reporter, Tim Tidbit. Tim, are you there?”

  The screen change to show the elegantly dressed young man in suit and tie in front of the United Nation Building in New York City.

  “Yes, Nick, I’m here.”

  “Tim, what have you been hearing from the representatives of the world?”

  The camera zoomed in to catch the expression of seriousness on the news-gatherer’s face.

  “We’ve had a meltdown, Nick. It appears the representatives from the various countries are at odds with each other.”

  The scene shifted back to the local anchor.

  “How so, Tim?”

  It shifted back again.

  “Well, Nick, I believe we have footage of the event as it unfolded” he replied and then stood there in uncomfortable silence staring at the camera while waiting for the production crew in the control room to decide who would be the one to push the button allowing the reporter to go back to his business of standing around until he was on camera again.

  The picture finally changed and the inside of the United Nations appeared. It was packed to the brim with dignitaries from around the globe and on stage was the General Secretary of the body. As the camera closed in he could be heard to speak.

  “The representative from France has the floor.”

  The picture changed and a man of erect posture in a blue tie spoke.

  “France demands the immediate withdrawal of troops from the surrounding countryside of Quebec. The citizenry inside its border are under illegal siege. We demand the Canadian authorities stop their intimidating practices and sit down at the table with those who would seek peace.”

  The man sat down and the Secretary General called upon his counterpart.

  “The representative of Canada now has the floor.”

  A man with a red tie arose.

  “Canada demands France mind its own business. Canada does not answer charges which are groundless in their premise. The citizens of Quebec are not under siege, they are free to leave so long as they declare allegiance to their country.”

  The French guy stood with authority and proclaimed his outrage.

  “But they must speak with the devils tongue!”

  It got the attention of another in the room who leapt to his feet with an insulted expression and looked upon the Secretary for his right to speak.

  “The representative from Great Britain has the floor.”

  The English aristocrat was a master at the game and came right to the point.

  “Her Majesty’s peoples take great umbrage at the descriptive tone the frog from France has croaked! Maybe he should glance around at the nations of the world and ask why his silly vocabulary is not in common use by most.”

  The spectators were enjoying the show so France responded with enthusiasm.

  “Maybe because the imperialistic tea-sippers have colluded with the capitalist pig of America to force their guttural language down the world’s throat.”

  America rose to the challenge.

  “The representative from the United States has the floor.”

  She was not the tallest of Human-beings but she carried with her a vocabulary befitting her previous stint as a naval commander.

  “France can shove it up their elongated, oversized noses for all America is concerned. France has no business interfering in North American affairs and needs to get back to her un-shaven armpit ways of white-flag waving before she goes too far.”

  France’s lone voice against three did not go unnoticed.

  “The representative from Mexico has the floor.”

  The mustachioed man stood and shouted his irritation.

  “America has no grounds to demand anything of anybody! They are an illegal occupying force and should not even be allowed to sit in these regal proceedings!”

  The Vampires were having a good time multi-tasking and the Wolves were deciding on other important events.

  “Meat Lover’s or Supreme?”


  “Thick crust or thin?”


  “How many?”

  “Just six. The girls are watching their weight.”

  The plan was finally unfolding as it was desired. The world was waiting for the inevitable and Superior progress was being made by Inferiors united in national outrage.

  “The floor recognizes Cuba.”

  “We side with Mexico! America must go!”

  The television showed the various countries with implied interest in the proceedings. Everyone was watching with worried wonder which way the curtain would fall.

  “The representative from the United States has the floor.”

  She was never an intimidated woman.

  “Cuba has no standing in this room. She has openly declared her evil intentions by hijacking law-abiding maritime vessels and attacking a sovereign military base on her shores. The United States declares Cuba to be in violation of international treaties and thus should be sanctioned by this body to the full extent of world-wide law.”

  Everything was merely a formality because Human Nature demanded it so. Conflict was unavoidable when pride was at stake. The Vamps designs were working without any more prodding and the final part was yet to be played.


  “Yes, Vivian?”

  “Does this coat make me look fat?”

  They were in her room packing for the trip they would take. They were preparing for the possibility of surprise, the chance their plans went awry. Trudy was already packed, the Wolves too, Vivian was the last for she was ever the procrastinator.

  “The chair recognizes Spain.”

  The lady of Latin flavor entered the dance.

  “Spain demands the United States remove itself from the shores of our humanitarian sister nation of Cuba! The imperialistic military base is both an insult to Cuban sovereignty and a reminder of America’s war-waging ways!”

  The Vampires finished packing and went downstairs where Wolves were ordering.

  “We want three supersized Meat Lovers on thick crust and three supersized Supremes on thin.”

  They sat at the table and took in the tube.

  “The floor recognizes the representatives from Switzerland.”

  The short man stood.

  “Yeah, uh, just so everyone knows, we’re going to stay neutral on this one.”

  The gallery laughed at the joke from Europe.

  Vivian and Trudy were in animated conversation while Phillip and George waited in agonizing hunger when the inevitable arrived.

  “Hello, everyone!”

  Vivian did her thing and flew in his arms, the Wolves acknowledged his existence and Trudy waited patiently for him to speak.


  “Yes, Nat?”

  “Is this what you envisioned?”

  He had gestured at the television screen while asking the question and as Trudy bore witness to what was transpiring she giggled in delight. The gallery of the world was up in arms and at each other’s throats spitting insults and demanding satisfaction.

  “Yes, Nat, this
is what we were waiting for. We will now have our war.”

  Nat smiled for it did appear she’d pulled it off. He only had a few more questions for the wonderful Vampire.

  “Do you know which it will be?”

  “You mean Cuba, Mexico or Canada?”

  “Yes, which do you think will flinch first?”

  She didn’t care but wasn’t going to let Heaven’s Alien Monitor onto the fact.

  “I don’t know, Nat? It’s why we have our plane fueled and waiting for us. Whichever one it is we’ll be ready to arrive within the hour.”

  He had his war! All his time, all his planning were paying off. All he had to do was wait. But he was still a little concerned over one nagging matter.


  “Yes, Nat?”

  “We still have not located Johnny. What will happen if you enter into conflict with First Clan and he is not available?”

  The question was a confusing one for the answer was not readily apparent. Generally the clans fought in a somewhat military manner. The Alpha Wolves led the charge while the Matriarchs determined strategy. The problem with Johnny was his unique stamp on things. Without Johnny the outcome could not be guessed for both clans were of relative strength. With Johnny things changed abruptly. Johnny would give Phillip and George a power they previously had not known. They could sneak up on their foes without warning. A Wolf without warning was immediate death. He could not be beaten for he could not be scented. Without scent only sight and sound were available. Wolves moved so fast both were useless. All Wolves were masters in the art of death. They excelled and reveled in its seduction. They were silent and invisible in its implementation if called upon and with Johnny they were the equivalent of Human versus bug. Johnny was the answer to clan supremacy.

  “Johnny will be available, Nat” Trudy answered.

  “Yes, Mistress, I believe you believe that, but what happens if he is not?”

  The question was important because another answer was always possible; the clans would fight to a standstill. If no clan emerged as the winner then things would remain the same and the question to Heaven’s quest would not come to realization. If a Superior product could not unite to challenge the Hoard then all of Heaven’s work would be for naught. Nat hated the idea of a setback, he hated the idea of a loss and hated with all his heart the minions from Hellion.

  “If Johnny does not show then we will still battle, Nat. The challenge has been issued and Merri Li accepted therefore the question of Johnny’s involvement is irrelevant. One way or another we are going to decide on who holds the power of the clans.”

  Nat loved Vampire stubbornness!


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