A Torn Dream (Jade Book 2)

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A Torn Dream (Jade Book 2) Page 5

by Lucy Rains

  I ripped the ropes off the man and woman’s hands, tossing them to the guys. The air reeked with the smell of burnt flesh and I gagged. My hand came up to my nose as I stepped away from the fire, not wanting to see the burned corpse.

  The man and woman stayed on the ground, scooting backwards in the sand away from both the fire and the men. The woman still sobbed and they embraced each other, sand sticking to their denim legs.

  I heard a soft beeping noise and looked up to see Alex holding a phone. He murmured quickly into the receiver about dead bodies and the stretch of beach we were on. Using his shirt, he wiped off the phone before tossing it down into the sand.

  The man and woman stood up then, still holding on to each other. “Thank you,” the man said in clear english.

  Gavin stood with his hands on his hips, “Don’t thank me,” said Gavin. He tilted his head towards me, “You’re alive because of her.”

  The young couple pivoted to look at me, smiles of gratitude on their face. The woman nodded while brushing her long brown strands off of her forehead. The man wore a baseball cap, which he removed to nod at me.

  “Did you know that man,” I asked, jerking my head towards the fire.

  The man nodded, his face dropping, “He was a friend.”

  “What do we do with them?” Alex interrupted before they could say anything else to me. He eyed the couple. “Looks like they’re involved with the cartel, should we really just let them go?”

  “You want to make them wait until the police get here?” I asked.

  “They probably deserve to behind bars!” Alex yelled.

  Their eyes widened with panic, the man shaking his head quickly, “No, you don’t-”

  “Stop,” Gavin grumbled, not interested in the man’s excuse. He turned to look at Alex, “If you do that, you sentence them to death.”

  Fear immediately escalated around me. I could hear the faint wail of sirens over the swell of the waves.

  “These assholes will have connections everywhere,” Gavin explained, waving a hand towards the shooters. “Both behind bars and out here. If they go to jail," he pointed at the couple, "they will be cornered and beaten to death within a week.”

  “If we let them go, at least they have a chance," I added softly.

  Alex looked to the sky and groaned, “Fine, whatever, I’m ready to go back to bed.” He leaned over and began patting the men’s pockets. “There’s a car back by the dirt road.” Alex found a set of keys in the dead shooters pocket and tossed them to the man.

  The man caught them, and expressed his deep gratitude to Alex.

  “Hurry,” I urged them, hearing the sirens grow louder.

  The normal ear could detect them now which spurred the couple into action. The woman grabbed the man’s hand and they took off running up the sand dunes. I watched them, feeling hope replace fear.

  “Let’s clear out,” Gavin commanded, stepping around the bodies and striding away from the scene. Alex grabbed my hand and pulled me along with him.

  We were silent on the way back. Alex was satisfied, pleased with himself. Gavin’s mind was a mix between relief and annoyance. Before I could comment on his attitude Pierce’s voice boomed in my head.

  Where the hell are you?! Why are you not in the house?!

  I groaned inwardly, knowing I was about to tame a raging lion. Someone needed help.

  I don’t give a rat’s ass who needed anything!

  I wasn’t alone! I argued back. I didn’t run off by myself.

  Alex snorted, “Pierce is pretty pissed, eh?”

  “Shut- up,” I growled.

  “He should be,” Gavin mumbled.

  “You shut-up too."

  You shouldn’t have left at all.

  You do not control me, I reminded him. I made a decision, and I stand by it. We saved lives, and you will not make me apologize for that, nor will I promise never to do it again.

  There was silence for several long seconds. By this time our beach house was in sight and Pierce was standing on the back porch with his arms folded over his chest. I could feel his distress radiating from him.

  Next time… he started and then stopped. I stayed quiet, letting him finish his thought. Take me with you.

  I gave a single nod that I knew he could see. Deal.

  At my agreement, Pierce did not wait for us to get to the house. He turned around and disappeared inside.

  “You are so busted,” Alex chuckled.

  “Alex....” I sighed. The late hour and the absence of adrenaline was finally catching up with me and I was too tired to for his comments.

  “I’m sure Pierce has been looking for an excuse to spank you,” he said with an evil grin.

  My head tipped back and I rolled my eyes. “Alex you talk a lot of smack for someone who tips over when putting on underwear.”

  He paused as I walked up the steps to the back porch. Gavin ignored us and continued inside. “How do you know that?” he asked with dumbstruck awe.

  I looked over my shoulder with a sly grin. “You still need to learn to close the bathroom door.”

  Chapter 5

  With a stubborn frown, I leaned my front passenger seat as far back as it would go and propped my feet up on the dashboard. “There's a thrift store around the corner. Can’t we just go there?”

  “No,” Pierce and Kyson answered in unison.

  “Nearest Walmart?”

  “No,” again at the same time.

  “You know, I would be perfectly fine with someone just picking up clothes for me.”

  “Even your underwear?” Kyson asked from behind Pierce.

  My mouth twisted like I had eaten something rotten and I folded my arms. No, I did not want them buying my underwear, and they knew it.

  “We can get Slushies afterwards,” Pierce offered.

  “How about we go swim afterwards?” I suggested with a smile.

  Pierce’s mouth closed and his jaw locked.

  “You can’t keep me out of there forever.”

  “It hasn’t even been 24 hours,” Pierce pointed out. “I think you can wait a little bit longer.”

  My body argued otherwise. It craved the water, could still feel the familiar flutter under my skin. Going into the ocean was definitely better than Slushies. I would argue it was better than sex, but I didn’t have the authority to make that argument.

  “Swimming,” I said firmly. “Afterwards.”

  I heard Kyson mumble something under his breath that sounded like, “We’ll see.”

  Thankfully I wasn’t taken to a mall or large department store. We compromised on one of those discount department stores that had all the name brand items but at much lower prices.

  On a Thursday morning the store was fairly empty. Kyson and Pierce stayed within eyesight at all times. I had them help me find various items like shorts, leggings, and shirts while I grabbed my necessary under essentials. This helped to make the shopping trip faster, but it also meant that they were right outside my changing room while I went through every single item.

  When Pierce’s mood shifted into a tense energy, I paused mid-button on my denim shorts. The change was slight, infinitesimal. I would not have noticed it a week ago.

  My head came up and my ears pricked. “What is it?”

  There was no answer. I knew the jerk was communicating mentally with Kyson, keeping me out of the loop. I finished buttoning my shorts and pulled the changing room door open.

  My eyes darted between the two of them. “What?”

  Kyson cleared his throat, “It’s nothing to get worried about.”

  I looked at Pierce, “Good, then talk to me.”

  Unblinking, and unfazed at my request, he sat forward in his padded oversized chair. “We were just wondering when you might be ready to talk about heading to Paris? Seeing Charles, talking to Matteo, finding out what they have to offer us in the way of information?”

  My stomach sank. This was not a conversation I felt like having and Pierce knew
it. Which explained the tense feelings from him. “We just got here,” I said, shoving my hands into my denim pockets and leaning against the dressing room wall.

  “But you wanted answers so badly two weeks ago,” Kyson reminded me. “Why has that changed?” His blue eyes, so similar to Pierce’s searched mine, looking for an explanation.

  I thought back to the night Kyson was referring to. Laying out in the grassy yard in the middle of the night with him, voicing all of my questions. He was right, I had wanted answers.

  I shrugged. “I mean,” I paused to swallow, taking time to choose my words. “It’s just, I don’t really want to leave the house. Well, not the house, but you know, the area. Our hideout. It’s nice knowing we’re off the radar.”

  “Hiding?” Kyson asked.

  “Whatever you want to call it. Going into an airport? All that security, the cameras and screens,” I ran my hands over my hair and exhaled, “it’s dangerous.”

  “We can’t hide forever,” Pierce said softly.

  “I know that,” I spat. “I’m just...not ready.” I crossed my arms and uncrossed them, putting them back in my pockets.

  “Is it more than just staying out of sight?” Kyson asked.

  My mouth closed and I chewed on the inside of my lip.


  “Just give me some time, okay?” I stepped back into my dressing room and closed the door.


  As soon as we got home and I scarfed down some lunch, I went into my room and changed into a new bikini I had found at the store. A bright teal one with gold stars printed all over the fabric. I checked the strings to make sure they were secure and then stepped out of the bedroom.

  Alex and Kyson looked up from the couch, wide eyed.

  “We going swimming?” Alex asked eagerly. He jumped up and hopped over the back of the couch, “Lemme get my suit on.”

  Gavin was M.I.A. again, otherwise I would have made him come as well.

  Kyson’s eyes were growing darker with each second as he looked over my swimsuit. “Pierce is not going to agree with this,” he whispered.

  At that moment Pierce walked around the corner that led to the kitchen and folded his thick arms. His muscles strained against his white shirt and I struggled not to stare at them. His dark blonde hair was pulled back and allowed me to see the full annoyance in his beautiful eyes.

  The lines of his jaw clenched and his eyes mimicked Kyson’s, roaming over my exposed body.

  Alex opened his door, swim trunks on, shirtless, and paused.

  “We’re going swimming,” I said to Pierce. “You’re welcome to join if you like.”

  His emotions turned from annoyed to worrisome.

  I won’t be alone, I assured him.

  The incident yesterday was concerning.

  I nodded to show that I had heard him.

  Perhaps you should wait another day? he suggested.

  His tone was authoritative, laced with the dominance I had felt from him in the past.

  I pinched my eyes together and pushed against it with my mental force. “I will be fine,” I forced through my tight jaw.

  “Jade,” Kyson spoke up from the couch, his voice tentative. “If we can’t trust how your body will react in the water, Pierce has good reason to be cautious.”

  My eyes opened at Kyson’s words. Pierce was closer to me now, and we continued to hold each other’s gaze.

  “Will it help you feel better if I go with her?” Kyson asked.

  Pierce took a step back, looking one more time over my body, and then gave a single nod.

  Taking that as permission, Alex stepped forward and grabbed my hand.

  “I’ll follow in a few,” I heard Kyson say, as the screen door slammed closed behind us.

  It was leading into the weekend and the beaches were lined with umbrellas, beach chairs, and oversized towels. We were in the panhandle area of the Florida coast, which brought visitors from the nearest neighboring states like Alabama, Georgia and Mississippi.

  The sight of all the people turned my mouth down and I pouted in displeasure.

  Alex pointed in front of us, drawing my attention to the flags that had been posted. Due to high winds, red flags of warning waved along the beaches. This was to signal that ocean swimming was not permitted. But that didn’t stop people from coming out to bask in the sun rays.

  I hissed in annoyance, pausing mid step.

  Alex grabbed my hand, “Come on, we’ll find a quiet area.”

  He guided me down the shoreline, in the opposite direction of the prior night’s incident, and for thirty minutes we walked. Passing umbrella rental stands, volleyball courts, and groups of people laying out. Slowly the crowds thinned out and the area became more rural, less developed with no beach houses and resorts. Boulders became bigger, the sand became cleaner, and the air was quiet except for the sound of the waves.

  “Do you know where Gavin is?” I asked.


  “Really? You have no idea?”

  “No idea,” Alex responded.

  “Does Pierce know?”

  Alex was quiet for a second, then said, “Probably.”

  The tide flowed around my feet, coming higher by the minute, with the delicious flutters of energy rushing up in the skin of my feet. It was like a brief moment of a million tiny bubbles popping, the sensation disappearing as soon as it started.

  “Does your skin feel all tingly and weird when the water touches it?” I asked.

  Alex’s head turned towards me, “What the heck are you talking about?”

  My steps stuttered. I had expected him to understand. To say yes, he felt them as well. Because why would I and not him?

  I stopped walking and turned to him. “You mean, you don’t feel anything when the water touches you?”

  “Sure I feel something,” he said.

  “What?” I asked excitedly.

  He looked down at his feet. “Wet. I feel wet.”

  My face fell and I was tempted to punch him right in his washboard gut.

  He smiled, “Don’t worry Babezilla, most people can’t tell if I’m being serious or a smartass. It’s kind of a gift.”

  Pulling my hand out of his, I turned and began walking again, with larger steps.

  “Wait!” he said, catching up with me, “Tell me what you mean.”

  “It’s nothing,” I said quickly.

  “You lie!” He shouted but then stopped abruptly and his gaze shifted. Over the water, the sand, up my legs and to my face. “Energy?” He asked quietly. “Everywhere?”

  My lie had opened up my mind to allow him to see what really happened with me. I needed to be more careful.

  “Yes,” I sighed. “Flickers of it, only briefly and then it's gone.” I turned and started walking again. “Can we get in the water now?” There was not a person in sight in either direction and not a red flag to be seen.

  My hair whipped around my face and I pulled it away from my eyes. Alex was looking at me with a doubtful expression.

  “Jade, maybe we should wait on swimming?”

  “Oh, hell no,” I argued, bringing a finger up and waving it. “Don’t you dare.”

  “Seriously, maybe the energy thing you feel when the water touches you has to do with you fainting? The rest of us guys don’t feel it.”

  I turned and began walking into the water. He grabbed my hand, stopping me from going any further than knee high water.

  The waves crashed all around us, the roar loud and consuming. The high winds created much stronger, much taller waves that would be dangerous to any normal persons. But for me, the water called to my energy.

  I looked back at Alex, “I’ll be fine. Just stay close by, if it makes you feel better.”

  The feeling of intense displeasure ran over me but lightened as he followed me deeper into the water. The waves near me calmed, and allowed for an easy entrance. Alex’s anxiety lessened and I could feel him relax.

  My eyes closed
and I focused inward at the tingles that ran all over my body as the water engulfed me. They were there in full force, and then gone. Leaving me with the familiar rejuvenating, peaceful trance that came whenever I swam.

  Alex made a point to look at his watch under the water and held up three fingers and then his other hand in the shape of a zero. I nodded my understanding, giving a thumbs up.

  We explored the underwater world, swimming around reefs and examining the sea life. The fish of all varieties fascinated me and I would force my lungs to allow me to stay underwater as long as possible. Algae covered rocks, large schools of silvery fish, and thin plants shaped like fans kept me intrigued for more.

  When we came to a large drop off by a reef area, the bottom of the sea floor dropped about a dozen feet lower and allowed for a larger range of physical movement. I pushed off and away from the reef, arched backwards and let my body flow smoothly through a backwards flip.

  Alex smiled, following my lead and did the same. He tucked into a ball, doing a double flip instead of just one. I tried mine again, keeping my limbs straight, my toes pointed, my hands together, trying to make the move as graceful as possible.

  When I was halfway through my back layout, my head facing downwards, there was a slight but distinct tug at my hip. A shift of my bikini string. And then it was gone.

  The right side of my bikini bottom opened up and I grabbed quickly at the strings before they drifted apart. Alex didn’t even try to hide the amusement on his face. I righted myself and went up above the surface to breath and tie my strings.

  When Alex came up with me, a hoot of laughter and wide grin filled his face, it took everything I had not to push a rush of energy into his chest. I controlled my response, knowing it could be dangerous in the water.

  “I do not have enough middle fingers to tell you how I feel right now,” I grumbled as I double knotted my strings.

  He came close to me, his hands going around my waist. His dripping brown locks hung across his eyes and he jerked his head to move them. “Nobody is out here, so clothing is basically optional.”


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