A Torn Dream (Jade Book 2)

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A Torn Dream (Jade Book 2) Page 16

by Lucy Rains

  I twisted on my stool to glare at him. “Why on earth do I need new clothes? We’re not going to be here long enough for me to worry about fitting in.”

  “It will be fun,” Lettie promised. “I know good places. Shouldn’t take very long either.”

  Pierce and Kyson looked at me, mouths chewing, their eyes bright with amusement.

  Is this really necessary?, I thought to Pierce.

  “She’s right,” Pierce spoke aloud, “you should find a few new things. All you have are t shirts and sweats.”

  My heart dropped into my stomach and pain filled my chest. Was Pierce trying to hint at something? Did he not like my clothes? A self conscious flush warmed my cheeks. His words made me realize that all this time I had been dressing like a slob, and it hadn’t gone unnoticed.

  Lettie’s nose wrinkled at his words, “You can’t go out in t-shirts here."

  "Well, I don't plan on going out at all, so it's really not a big deal." I turned to glare at Pierce. “And what is wrong with my t-shirts?”

  “Nothing,” Kyson said, shooting Pierce a look. “It will just be nice to get out.”

  “But don’t we need to talk? To plan? We need to talk with Matteo and get more information.”

  “Mr. Bruno is out for the day,” Charles spoke up behind me. “He needs to finish up other business matters.”

  My jaw went slack as I looked at Charles. “We flew halfway across the world and he’s not even here?”

  I felt him approach before I saw him. Tobias was eager as he walked into the kitchen, also dressed for the day in well fitted grey trousers and a white polo. Parisians didn’t slack on their physical presentations.

  It was like he knew right where I would be sitting, his eyes landing on me the second he walked in, and a devious smile crawled up his face. Confident lust filtered over me and I had to stop myself from gagging.

  It's not that Tobias wasn’t attractive. With this dark eyes, tousled brown hair, and perfectly proportioned mouth, I could see any girl being flattered by his attention. His tall lean frame screamed athleticism and he dressed beautifully. But I wasn’t interested in the slightest.

  Charles handed him a cup of coffee and he leaned over the counter on his elbows, his eyes still on me. The hairs on the back of my neck raised as I felt heated rage filling the blood of both Kyson and Pierce.

  “So, vhat are ve doing today?” Tobias asked, looking to Lettie. “Spas? Shopping? Museums?”

  I leaned back to put a few extra inches of space between us. Tobias’s eyes flickered to me, my movement not going unnoticed.

  There was a tinge of humour in Lettie’s feelings at the display between us and I resisted the urge to deck her.

  “Shopping,” Lettie said. “We’re going to get Jade a few things.”

  He lifted an eyebrow in interest. My body tensed at the thought of Tobias coming along. He was not invited.

  Tobias looked at his watch as he leaned back. “I have to type up reports for my father.” He turned and handed his mug to Charles. But he didn’t leave the kitchen, instead he looked at Kyson and Pierce. His eyes lit up like they did yesterday, as he walked over and sat down by Pierce. “Please, can I ask a few questions? I am fascinated with what you have accomplished.”

  Kyson and Pierce didn’t look amused as they exchanged glances, both choosing to take a drink at that moment. They were still in their loose jersey sleep shirts and pajamas sweats. But despite their clothing, they looked more masculine, more desirable to me than Tobias ever would. Their solid frames were lined with muscle definition, apparent even underneath their clothes. Their eyes holding years of knowledge and experience that I admired. Understanding life in a way Tobias never could. And knowing they wanted me, wanted me in my disheveled clothes, weakened, sometimes broken state. It was humbling.

  And salivating.

  “What do you want to know?” Pierce asked.

  Tobias leaned forward and scratched his chin, jumping into his questions on how we handled the lab, its security and the threats we faced inside. I took their distraction to look down at my baggy sleep tank and unflattering shorts. Why had I not cared? But also, did the guys care?

  I hopped off my stool. “I’m going to shower,” I mumbled. I thanked Charles for breakfast and offered a small wave as I left the kitchen.

  Alex met me in the hallway, grabbing my face for a quick kiss before continuing to the kitchen. I found my necessary toiletries and looked at the bathroom door that was connected to my room. When I realized someone was already in the shower, my feet paused.


  I reached out to taste his mood, my eyes closing as my chin tilted up. He could feel my nearness. I concentrated harder, pushing through the surface to feel his fear and uncertainty.

  Making my choice, I stepped forward and reached for the door, not surprised to find it unlocked. The small bathroom was filled with heavy steam, the mirror fogged, the floor slick with moisture. A small pile of dark clothing was set atop of the closed toilet seat. I carefully set down my bag of toiletries and took a deep breath.

  Would he want me here? I was beginning to doubt myself and my choice to come into the bathroom. I knew he loved me. But Gavin was not someone I wanted to be rejected by.

  The shower curtain moved slightly, a hand came around and pulled it aside to show Gavin’s face. My heart jumped at the sight of him. His hair slicked back and water dripping from his face. Part of his bare chest was exposed and my eyes traced over what little I could see.

  “Come,” he said softly, just barely audible over the water.

  A sensation of tremors ran through my stomach at his single word. The invitation. The implication.

  My pajamas were laid on top of his clothes and I stepped nervously into the shower area. His back was to me, as he ran his hands through his now cleaned hair. The minty clean smell filling my nose. I stared at his bare ass, the perfectly rounded cheeks that screamed to be touched, the lines that led up his narrow waist and into his back.

  When he turned to face me I swallowed hard. The burn between my legs becoming more intense with each second as I stood naked with him. The physical crave growing between us. His erection lifting as he stared at me.

  I didn’t know what to do. Where to look, how to move. My breath quickened, my breasts rising with my chest. He wasn’t even touching me and I trembled under his stare.

  Gavin reached for me, quickly pulling me into his body and pressing his mouth to mine. The hair between his legs rubbing against the soft skin of my belly. His teeth nipped at my tongue, at my lips, moved to my ears. I gasped at the sensations, loving the feel of his body rubbing against my chest. HIs hands were everywhere, burning into my skin. The warm water soothing the nerves in my body under his every touch.

  Gavin put his hand between my legs and pushed into my soft folds, into the areas that he knew drove me wild. I gasped, clinging to his shoulders as he moved inside of me. I wanted to touch him as well, grab the thick bulge between his legs. But I needed to hold onto him for stability. My knees shook and I couldn’t control the muscles in my legs.

  When I opened my eyes I found Gavin staring at me, heat pouring from his gaze. His lips were parting, as his breathing became heavy, my growing pleasure only adding to his own. He let out a groan as my orgasm built inside of me and my mouth dropped open in a soundless scream.

  His hand went to cup my ass, holding me still as the waves rocked over me. I whimpered, jerked, pushing my face into his neck to try and quiet my reaction. My parted lips rubbed over his collar bone, my blood pulsing in my ears.

  After a few seconds Gavin’s hand wrapped around one of mine, putting it around his erection, guiding me along it. I learned and obeyed the motion, careful with my grip, wanting to please him.

  Gavin leaned into me, his shoulders stiffening as he grew harder. He moaned a low growl, his hands gripping the wall behind me. My other hand went around and I pushed my fingers into his cheeks, gripping and pulling him closer to me.

>   He came with a long, low grunt of pleasure. Warmth ran over my hand and mixed with the shower water. Once he had regained some control his mouth was on mine again, his tongue swarming into me. His hands came to my face, holding me as he drank me in, making me feel desired and needed, even after his needs had been fulfilled.

  I pulled back with a gasp, needing air. Gavin looked at me with a hooded gaze, water dripping down over his nose, over his eyebrows.

  “You are mine,” he whispered.

  My chest expanded, emotion overwhelming me. I jerked my head in a nod. “I am.”

  A sharp prick of fear stabbed my mind as he looked at me. I scowled, my hand coming to his cheek. “I am,” I said again, sternly.

  He sighed, still unsettled. One more kiss, and then he stepped out of the shower.

  My stomach growled in sudden fierce hunger. I rolled my eyes in frustration, realizing there was a pattern to my hunger and what triggered it. A smile played on my mouth, my frustration turning to satisfaction. The guys and I enjoyed our physical play, our time together. Which led me to eat, which also pleased the guys.

  Something inside me burned happily. I enjoyed pleasing them. In all ways.

  Chapter 17

  I wanted to stab someone with a pair of scissors. Just like the gleaming pair that the female tailor used to snip at loose threads on my shorts. A petite older lady with a fierce black bun and fitted cream dress, walked around me adjusting the cuffs on my sleeves and collar of my floral romper. She glared at me and the muscles that bulged under the hemlines. They were a hindrance to her work.

  A heavy sigh blew out of my nose. I loathed shopping. With every occasion I was forced to go I hated it even more. For a mixture of reasons. I didn’t know what my style was anymore. I hated the money that was spent on items I didn’t know if I would even see the next day. My body had finally settled into its changes, but I wasn’t used to dressing my larger breasts and thick trapezoids along my shoulders. Maybe I would talk the guys into settling at a nudist colony when everything was said and done. No clothes needed.

  But more than anything, it felt wrong. This was not where I needed to be. Picking out clothes when more important things needed to be done felt frivolous and wasteful.

  Kyson and Pierce stood by the large windows, talking quietly to each other as Lettie flitted around the store and found over-priced items that I was forced to try on in an effort to help me blend into a society I was hoping to leave as soon as possible.

  A sharp ringing noise called through the store. When the sales lady stepped away to answer the phone, Lettie came up to me with at least ten more items.

  I shook my head, “I like this one. Since I already got a few tops and shorts from the last store, I don’t need anything else.”

  Lettie smiled at me, her enthusiasm not dampened at all. “But you need a dress!” She looked at the items in her hand as she hung them on the rack next to my changing room. “At least one, and I promise we can be done.”

  I stared glumly at the garments. A variety of colors in varying lengths. “How about you just pick one and we call it good?”

  She patted my shoulder, “Oh no, you must try it on. How else will you know if you love it? Because if you don’t-”

  “Love it, don’t buy it. Got it.” I grabbed a couple dresses and headed into the changing room.

  We had been to three stores and though that doesn’t sound like a lot, in the city of Paris, it is. You don’t just walk in, look and then leave. You must greet the sales people, talk with the sales people, listen to said sales people. And then it is necessary to tour the entire boutique, and then you are allowed to try on a few items of your choice. Or Lettie’s choice. Which was a lot.

  I pulled on a grey cotton dress that had thick ruffled sleeves and a full waist that slimmed down at the knees. Not being very familiar with French fashion, I had no idea if the dress looked good on me or not. But what I did know, was that it felt like a costume. I pulled it off and went with the next one.

  The second one was a dark green chiffon dress with mini white polka dots. The neck was wide and the bottom hemline had varying lengths around the skirt. The dress felt nice, but again, I was completely unsure if I looked remotely attractive in the piece.

  Needing another opinion, I slowly pulled open the dressing room door and stuck my head out. I could hear Lettie and one of the guys but I couldn’t see them. My head turned, searching but still not seeing. I pushed the door all the way open and walked out into the little shop.

  The sales lady was still on the phone, and my eyes finally landed on Lettie.


  At Pierce.

  Talking with Pierce.

  With big round doe eyes and that familiar tilt of the head to signal flirting. I could taste the thick desire pooling in her mind.

  Kyson was off to the side, talking on his cell phone. Pierce chuckled softly, his eyes pinching at the corners as he smiled down at Lettie.

  My hands balled into fists, the familiar pinch of my nails digging into my palms. She pushed her glasses up her nose and then touched his elbow as she talked animatedly. He didn’t pull away. He didn’t stop smiling.

  Had she given me a pile of dresses to keep me busy?

  Kyson ended his phone call and joined their conversation. A smile quickly lighting up his face. It was like gasoline on a fire. I felt her desire, her sweet adoration for the both of them. Their smiles only building her physical and emotional want for them.

  A hiss escaped my lips, causing both guys to look at me. Angry and embarrassed, I turned and went back into the dressing room. A fire had been lit in my chest. My tongue licked over my sharpened canines as I drew in deep breaths of air to remain calm. The conversation in the shop had stopped, and I felt the guys come closer to my dressing room.

  Are you okay? Pierce asked.

  Glaring at my reflection, I grabbed the dress in frustration and began pulling it over my head. Can you find me a water bottle?

  His presence disappeared from behind my door and I quickly looked through the rest of the dresses. I picked out a white tank dress, its simplicity and versatility seemed the best option. Not bothering to try it on, I walked out of the dressing room and set it on the checkout counter. Kyson came up and purchased the dress for me.

  Pierce appeared with a calm look on his face. “I couldn’t find any. But we’ll head to lunch now anyways.”

  I nodded, biting my tongue as Lettie walked up to us. Her red lips pulled into a pleased smile. “There’s this great place a few blocks down, close to the condo. They have the best parisiens and monsieurs.”

  Her eyes left mine and she smiled up at Pierce, asking him if he liked ham and cheese. My jaw had to clench to prevent me from hissing at her again. My other wordly instincts threatening to take over any second.

  Kyson’s hand wrapped around mine as we walked to lunch. My lungs were fighting for clean air in the smug filled streets. Lettie and Pierce walked ahead of us, her talking about some sort of art gallery and him looking straight ahead. My fingers dug into Kyson’s hand and I felt him wince.

  Pulling me to a stop he bent down into my face. We stood in the middle of a busy sidewalk, forcing tourists and locals to walk around us. But when Kyson locked his crystal blue eyes on mine, putting a hand to my cheek and silencing all my thoughts, everything around me disappeared.

  “Little jewel,” he whispered.

  “It’s been a rough day,” I pouted.

  His thumb went to my bottom lip, his eyes watching me. “Stop worrying about him.”

  I closed my mouth and swallowed. “It hurts.”

  “Anything Pierce does, is for good reason. Trust him.”

  My eyebrows came together in a scowl. “Does that mean? He’s not going to,” I jerked my head away from Kyson’s hand to look at Pierce. He and Lettie had stopped and were watching us. My head head jerked back to Kyson, “He’s not going to...with her?”

  A dark feeling shot through him. Kyson’s lip curled up ev
er so slightly to bare his canines. “No,” he growled. “Never. But we don’t trust anyone. We have to play nice to lower any defenses, and see if information comes out.”

  I looked away from Kyson, my cheeks still burning in jealousy. But Kyson had made his point. My shoulders relaxed and my jaw unclenched.

  Feeling my relief, Kyson grabbed my hand and pulled me along to catch up. Lettie smiled and turned to continue walking. My eyes narrowed on her slim frame, her hips that swayed as she walked. Her right elbow seemed to jut out far enough that she was forced to brush against Pierce with every step.

  When we were seated inside a small rustic Parisian cafe, I made a point to sit at the opposite end of the large table from her, Pierce and Kyson on my right side. My appetite had completely disappeared and I knew I wouldn’t be consuming anything but water.

  Kyson was next to Lettie and Pierce was by me. I leaned back and propped my feet up on the empty seat to my left.

  “I hear you guys like to swim?” Lettie asked, looking at all of us. “Charles said you would need a pool?”

  I nodded slowly, already tensing. Pierce glanced back at me, his face blank of emotion.

  Not a chance in hell, I thought to him.

  The corner of his mouth pulled up and I smiled in innocence.

  “There’s a good one just around the corner from here we could go to tonight,” she offered.

  “Do you swim?” Kyson asked.

  Her blonde head bobbed as she sipped on a straw. “Yes, a few times a week at least.”

  “Since Jade hasn’t felt well, we haven’t swam much,” Pierce explained. “But thank you for the offer.”

  Lettie looked at me and smiled sweetly, “Of course, I know Jade needs to take it easy.” She turned back to Kyson, “But if you guys are interested I could still take you. You can use the pool as a visitor on my membership.”

  My teeth chewed on the sides of my tongue to keep from hissing, growling, and cussing.

  “We’ll see,” was all Pierce said in response.


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