A Torn Dream (Jade Book 2)

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A Torn Dream (Jade Book 2) Page 39

by Lucy Rains

  Merrick’s voice was behind me, saying something I could not hear.

  Kyson’s energy was stirring under my hand, and I needed to pull it into my body and push it through Pierce’s. But I couldn’t. My head fell forward and my hands began slipping from their chests.

  I drew in a ragged breath when I felt hands come around my body and press into my chest. The action sent a vibrate current of energy through me, opening my lungs and filling my body with renewed strength. I opened my eyes, pulled myself up and replaced my hands back on Pierce and Kyson’s chests. The connection to Roman was bringing my krin to the level I needed it to be in that moment. So many sensations at once, the feel of Roman’s hand against the thrum of my energy, the feel of Kyson’s energy flowing through me and the glorious feeling of Pierce’s chest pounding with life again.

  It was beautiful, intoxicating. I pushed harder. My arms began shaking again. I felt Roman’s mind in my own, urging me on. Pierce jerked under my hand, his mouth opening. Kyson coughed, blood spewing from his mouth.

  Voices sounded around me, threatening to break my concentration. My eyes squeezed tighter, my teeth clenched together, as I gave my all to reviving them. Saving them.

  I clung to the elated feeling of their heartbeats that pulsed strong, knowing I was so close.

  Just a little more.

  Just a little longer.

  Until everything went black.

  Chapter 41





  I cracked an eye open.

  “She’s waking up,” Gavin said.

  A hand went to my chest and I sunk into oblivion again.



  Fingers in my hair.

  A high beeping.



  I tried swallowing, tried moving my head.

  “Kyson,” Pierce said.

  “Pierce!” I called out.

  “It’s okay.”

  I managed to get an eye open.



  “Where are we?”


  “Almost, little jewel,” he whispered.

  His hand moved to my chest again, and again I slept.


  When I awoke again, the pain was less but still there. Everywhere. My chest, my head, my arms. Like a dull throb through my entire body.

  My eyes flew open and I checked my surroundings. The smells were familiar. The sound of tapping feet against the hardwood floor. White furniture. The open window showcasing downtown Paris.

  The door to my room flew open and Pierce stepped in. My eyes filled with tears at the sight of him, my body swelling with emotions. “Pierce,” I whispered.

  He took long, quick strides over to my bed, sitting down and pulling me into his lap. I wrapped my body as tight around him as I could, leaving not an inch between us.

  “Oh my gosh, Pierce,” I mumbled, burying my face into his hair. Inhaling his scent, running hands over his back. Visions of blood filled my mind, his lifeless body, his white skin. I shuddered against his body as tears spilled down my cheeks.

  “I’m here,” he whispered.

  I pulled back and pressed my mouth to his, filled with a desperate need to feel his lips on me. To feel the warmth of his tongue on my own. He obliged my need for a few seconds and then pulled back.

  His hand came to my cheek, pressing against my face and I knew he was trying to calm my emotions.

  My hand came up and went straight to his chest, desperate to feel his energy. His heart beat strong, warm sensations crawling up my arm and making my own chest vibrate with increased intensity.

  “Kyson?” I asked.

  He nodded, “He’s good.”

  “What happened? After I…”

  Pierce brushed my hair away from my face and tucked it behind my ear. “Kyson and I woke up first, tended to Merrick. Waited for Gavin and Alex to wake up.”

  “You guys were passed out for so long,” I remembered. “What did they put in you?”

  “The same thing as before only quadrupled. I think they learned that we were too strong for their standard tranq serums.”

  “Then what?”

  Pierce shrugged. “We left. We wrapped you up in jacket and carried you onto the airplane.

  I shrank back, “Covered in blood?”

  “We were able to clean you off a little. We lost all of our luggage when we were ambushed, so Gavin and Tobias went to buy us new shirts.”

  “Everything?” I asked. “Your laptops?”

  He frowned, nodding. “We had our plane tickets to Moscow and Paris. So we decided that was our only option.”

  “Why did you keep me unconscious?” I raised an eyebrow.

  His head tilted as he looked at me, “How are you feeling?”

  I rolled my shoulders and winced. “Everything hurts.”

  “Your body went through something so traumatic, it was best that you stayed asleep as long as possible. Kyson said your muscles had broken down to shreds, your blood pressure dropped so low you were almost comatose. He said your kidneys couldn’t keep up with regenerating new muscles fast enough and were causing toxins to fill your body.”

  “But couldn’t he just fix me? Heal me back up?”

  Pierce shook his head. “He pushed some of his energy through you but was only able to slow your racing heart and replenish your lost energy. The rest needed time as your krin healed what it had damaged pulling from your body to heal us.”

  I rolled my sore head around slowly, “Maybe he could try again,” I said.

  “Maybe you need more sleep,” he suggested with a smile.

  “I’m hungry.”

  “Don’t say that too loud,” Pierce muttered.

  My stomach rolled in agony at its empty state and I grimaced. “Like, really hungry.”

  “We managed to get some protein and fluids in you last night when we arrived,” he nodded at an IV stand in the corner of the room. “But I’m sure you’re ready for more.”

  “How’s Matteo?”

  “He woke up yesterday,” Pierce said with a sigh of relief. “He will stay in the hospital for a few more days, make sure everything continues to heal as it should.”

  “Maybe Kyson should pay him a visit,” I said with a mischievous smile.

  “Who says he hasn't already?” Pierce raised an eyebrow.

  A chuckle escaped my lips and he smirked at me. “I take it the doctors were extremely impressed with his miraculous recovery?”

  “Well,” Pierce smiled, “He couldn’t fix everything, that would raise way too many questions. But he did reduce the swelling in his brain and heal the grade 3 concussion, and stopped the internal bleeding from his stomach.”

  “So what didn’t he fix?”

  “His collarbone is still broken and so are a few ribs.”

  My mind became caught up in a swell of emotions as I looked Pierce. We had been through so much. Overcome everything thrown at us. Together. My protector, my victri. I smiled, as I knew in that moment I would be with him forever.

  “I love you,” I whispered.

  The words brought a glisten to his eyes and smile to his face. The depth of his emotions ran over me and I could feel my krin warm in my veins.

  He leaned forward and kissed me gently, “I love you.” When he pulled back he sighed, “I should probably share you before Alex comes marching in here.”

  I nodded. My eyes caught sight of dried blood crusted around my fingernails and in the creases of my palms. “I think I should shower,” I whispered.

  Pierce nodded and helped me stand up. The oversized white T Shirt I was wearing fell to the middle of my thighs. “Whose is this?” I asked, pulling the shirt away from my body so I could look closely at it.

  The door to my room opened again, and we both looked to see Roman walk cautiously into the room.

  “Roman,” I
whispered. Memories of his hands pressing into my chest came flooding back to my mind. A flutter ran through my stomach at the memory.

  The anxiety that had once filled his mind had tapered off, but there was still a swell of nerves running through him.

  Pierce kissed me on the cheek, nodded at Roman, and shut the door behind him as he left the room.

  Mixed feelings ran through me as Roman stepped cautiously towards me. Someone had found him a nice pair of jeans and a simple navy sweatshirt to wear. The sight of him in normal clothes, in a normal environment, walking towards me, sent my pulse through the roof. My eyes ran over his body, settling on his face as he came to a stop in front of me.

  His long brown hair hung forward, passed his jaw bone. His lips, no longer dried and cracked, were pressed together as he stared at me. I waited for him to say something, but wasn’t surprised when he looked down at his hands.

  “So,” I started, nervous in our private conversation. “Are you leaving soon?”

  Determined to keep calm no matter his response, I watched his head shake slowly. “No,” he said softly.

  Keeping my face calm despite the surge of happiness, I asked, “Do you think you will leave eventually?”

  Again his head shook.

  Elation filled my body and I nodded.

  My hand came up, pausing mid reach for fear of scaring him. I eyed him warily, not wanting to ruin the moment. But he did not step back, did not move away from me. He looked at my hand, reached up and gently pulled it to his face, pressing my palm to his cheek.

  I released a breath I had been holding, my shoulders dropping. My fingers skimmed over his cheek, pleasure filling me as I felt his skin. His deep green eyes fluttered for a brief second as my fingers moved across his face and over his hair.

  When I reached the tips of his hair I let my hand drop lower, hovering in front of his chest. I waited, my fingers trembling, my eyes looking at his for permission. He responded by reaching out and pressing my hand to his chest.

  The warmth of his energy spread into my hand and I almost groaned in pleasure. My eyes closed as I savored the feel of his energy spreading into my fingers, up my arm and through to my chest. A swell of peace settled over my mind. I smiled as I opened my eyes.

  I felt his own pleasure in his mind, his face filled with a sense of peace I had not seen before.

  I grabbed his hand and slowly pulled it up to my own chest, knowing how much he would enjoy the full connection. He let me move him, watched as I guided his hand to me. When he realized what I was doing he moved his hand from mine and pressed it firmly to my chest on his own accord.

  A soft moan rumbled in his throat as my energy ran through his arm, heightening the experience for both of us. His eyes closed and his head tilted forward, bringing him even closer to me. The masucline smell of his body filled my senses and my blood warmed in my cheeks.

  A small spark of arousal lit in his mind, low beneath the peace and pleasure he was feeling. I dropped my hand slowly from his chest, offering him a smile. I knew he could feel my own hint of arousal, and also knew he was not ready for that step. Not yet.

  He swallowed and nodded, about to step back but I held on to his hand. “Thank you,” I said softly.

  Roman nodded again. Not quite smiling, but no longer frowning.

  Chapter 42

  I made it through a shower and bowl of oats before falling back into bed.

  Over the next 24 hours, the guys stayed close and could predict what I needed before I even knew. Food was by my bed whenever I woke up. My water glass was always refilled. A small assortment of basic clothing were laid out for me. Thankfully, I had not taken all of my things with me to Russia. So I knew I had a dress and swimsuit somewhere.

  Each guy had taken a turn laying with me, holding me, comforting me with their connection. Roman was the exception. He did not bury his face in my hair, or snake his hands beneath my shirt to feel my skin as the others did. He pulled up a chair and simply rested his hand on my chest, still helping my body heal with his touch.

  The house was much quieter than before. This brought a deep sadness to me. It was hard not to think of Charles being back in Matteo’s house with us. I kept expecting him to check on me, to ask me what I wanted to eat. I kept waiting to hear his voice calling for me with ‘Miss Jade'.

  I had let myself get too deep in my sorrows that night, shedding a few tears for Charles. Next thing I knew, Alex was barging into my room with a plate full of chocolate cupcakes. He insisted that no one could be sad when holding a cupcake, and would not leave until I had eaten three. Alex was therapeutic in his own way.

  After spending another day resting, the next morning I pulled myself out of bed, threw on a normal sized t-shirt with black leggings and finally left my bedroom. Male voices and emotions told me that all five guys were in the kitchen.

  I leaned against the door frame, taking in the sight of them. Roman and Gavin sat at the window table seat talking and tapping at phones. Gavin was pointing at things and showing his own phone to Roman.

  Pierce was stirring something on the stove and Kyson was throwing raisins in the air so that Alex could catch them in his mouth. Merrick was perched on a bar stool with his back to me, looking at a travel guide magazine.

  My chest warmed, a smile spreading across my face at the sight of my victri.



  With me.


  After eating a few bowls of Pierce’s minestrone soup the six of us moved to the white living room couches, where there was enough room for all of us to sit comfortably.

  Alex pulled me into his lap and wrapped an arm possessively around my waist. Roman sat across from us, still tapping on his new phone. However, I did not miss the curious glances we threw at Alex and his arm around me.

  “Matteo comes home tomorrow,” Kyson announced. “I went back to see him last night and his vitals have been stable long enough that they are willing to release him.”

  “Is that where Tobias is?” I asked.

  Pierce nodded. “He’s been back and forth, but mostly at the hospital with his father.”

  “What do we do now?” I asked. “I assume you guys have been discussing this over the past couple of days?”

  “It’s hard to discuss plans when you’re not around,” Gavin pointed out.

  My eyebrows rose in mock surprise, “You mean, you waited for my input?”

  Gavin stared at me with his usually moody expression, unamused.

  “We have no choice but to stay here for the time being,” Pierce explained. “We don’t have any financial resources to go anywhere else.”

  “I’m sure Matteo will need help with some work?” Alex suggested. “Since he’s down a few employees.”

  “You mean Clive…?” I couldn’t finish the sentence.

  Both Kyson and Pierce shook their heads, their faces pulled down in regret.

  “Still no word from him,” Kyson said. His tone suggested that there never would be.

  “Nara was taking out anyone that knew anything about her?” I thought outloud. “What about Lettie?!”

  I looked at all the guys, my eyes landing on Roman and then Merrick. “What happened?”

  I had been so caught up in my violence and thirst for blood I had no memory of her once Nara had told her to run.

  “We don’t know,” Roman said, his voice lacking the level of confidence the rest of the guys spoke with.

  “She fled from the room,” Merrick added. “That is all we know.”

  The temperature of my body immediately began to rise as I thought of her. Still alive. Free. My hand went to my cheek, remembering the slap she had given me.

  “She is your cousin,” Merrick reminded me.

  My mouth twisted like I had drank sour milk.

  “Okay Babezilla, back to us,” Alex patted my thigh gently.

  I released a low slow breath to bring my heart rate back down and ease the tension from my shou
lders. My hands closed and then opened.

  “Did you ever find the money?” I asked.

  Pierce sighed, shaking his head. “No.”

  “Can’t you track it somehow?” I looked Alex, “See where she stashed it?”

  “Tried,” Alex said, without offering any more explanation.

  “So we stay here?” Roman asked.

  Pierce nodded. “It’s the only option right now. Get jobs, save up some money, maybe in a year we can look at relocating.”

  Living in Matteo’s condo for a year? I tucked my hair behind my ears and looked around the living room. “That’s assuming Matteo is okay with this?”

  “He is,” Kyson winked at me.

  “Are we safe here?” Alex asked.

  I tilted my head to look at him, “Safe from who? There is no one else out there who should come looking for us.”

  Pierce, Kyson, Gavin and Alex all looked at me curiously. That’s when I realized they had been unconscious during Nara’s admissions.

  I frowned at Roman and Merrick, “Didn’t you tell them the things Nara said?”

  Roman looked to Merrick and Merrick shrugged, “I apologize your highness, I thought I had told them what mattered.”

  I couldn’t help the cringe of my muscles at Merrick’s term for me. Was there anyway I could get him to stop saying that? But I shook it off and recounted what Nara had said about Zraa and her involvement. It was actually nice to be the one to share the news, since I was able to see their stunned reactions in person.

  “So that’s it?” Alex wondered. “Zraa’s gone?”

  Pierce held up a hand, “Let’s not get carried away here. We have to remember who we are.”

  “There will always be someone who wants something from us,” Gavin growled.

  “If there is still anyone out there who knows what we can do…” Kyson trailed off.

  “That’s impossible to keep track of,” Alex complained.

  “We always need to be on our guard,” Pierce stated.

  My krin surged in my veins, creating a fluttering sensation over the skin of my arms. I smiled, remembering the victory of breaking through indestructible restraints with the energy that flowed through me. Looking at my five victri and knowing what we were capable of, the fear that had once followed my every step was now gone. Thinking of what we had been through and what we had accomplished...


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