Kissed on Alien Christmas

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Kissed on Alien Christmas Page 4

by Harpie Alexander

  “Ssstop. Don’t go handsssome, we can have sssome fun together.” She rushes forward, attempting to press her body against mine, but I dodge just in time.

  “Absolutely not. You’ve wasted enough of my time.” As I leave the filthy room, I turn my head and glare into her eyes. “Do not attempt to bother me again!”

  “Sssorry.” The look on her face is of pure hatred, a complete opposite of the tone her voice puts off. She appears afraid.

  Good. I don’t need her harassing me with distractions again.

  I bolt out of the room, and the shoddy door slam behind me. Regrettably it doesn’t close properly now, it hangs crooked, unable to close. The waste station was already in disarray, so I doubt they’d notice. I’m sure the establishment will do fine.

  I stand in the crowded walkway. Beings swarming around me to and from the bar. I’m in their way, but my mind is busy debating whether to head for my seat or to turn back to my hut. I’ve wasted enough time and made a spectacle of myself going into the back rooms with such a female. What if I missed my opportunity? A Crowned Daltaka doesn’t show his fear, only his strength. I must repress the desire to sink to my knees and bellow a roar worthy of attention. I cannot seek the ancestors here. I simply cannot. If I leave now, I may miss my chance to make amends, but I may have already done so.

  I’m stuck, and the only thing that can help is to clear my thoughts. A walk is out of the question, but perhaps fresh air will lessen my burden, if only slightly.

  My feet take me towards the front entrance where I plan on only taking a quick break, when my heart suddenly stops. Someone has called my name.

  “Wait. Aarvik?” a soft feminine voice calls out like a gentle whisper on the wind, its melodic tune caressing my receptive ears.

  I turn to face the female with such a soothing voice that manages to drown out the agitating banter of passers-by. The previously annoying false lights of the establishment bathe the female before me in warm, yellow tones. Her flowing brown hair shimmers under the luminous bulbs and her rich roasted-nut brown eyes sparkle with apprehension and excitement. Her gaze is piercing while it trails over my form as if to bask in my presence, the only one she seems to notice in this bustling place. She’s not alone, for I too can appreciate the delicious curves her body appears to offer.

  Unlike the female who attempted to snatch my affections in a putrid waste room only moments before, carelessly stealing my attention for a lesser cause, the one who stands before me, does not. I freely choose to spend my precious time indulging her even just for a moment, because something about her presence is calming and reassuring, not disruptive to my cause despite it being a minor interruption.

  But how did she know my name? I only ever recall giving it to the *barmaid* when she appeared to finally be exasperated, until I explained away my predicament. So, who is this female who knows my name, and what could she possibly want from me? I certainly don’t recognize her alluring species, I could perhaps maybe ask–No! I don’t have time for this, to be sucked into the traps of another female. Something is supposed to happen, the ancestors have proclaimed it.

  Chapter Six


  Not shortly after I down a drink with Jari-ri, a loud slam penetrates my ears. I whip my head towards the painful echo. Butterflies pool in my stomach. I can’t tear my eyes away, as Aarvik leaves the back room where he had only entered just a few moments before, the other woman trailing behind him, rushing out of sight with a disgruntled look on her face. Huh? Maybe I misjudged? Is it bad that I can’t help but feel glee?

  My eyes follow his carefully thought out movements, but when he chooses to pass his previous seat and head in the direction of the exit, my legs are instantly off the bar stool and I take a few steps towards him.

  “Wait. Aarvik?” The words fly from my mouth, almost silent in the noise that surrounds me, but alas don’t go completely unnoticed.

  He pauses, if only for a second, before his masculine form turns with slow increments until his attention is solely focused on me. My stomach burns with nausea, warmth flowing towards my throat as anxiety threatens to take hold. I hadn’t quite thought this through, nor was I ready to proceed with what may come next. I guess you could say I was like a rodent caught in the headlights. That’s me, right now. I swallow a hard lump while I gaze over his body. Because why the hell not? His attention is mine for the taking since I so desperately called out to him. If only I could see his masked face, the taunting hood a bane of my dreams.

  It doesn’t escape my notice that his hood appears to slightly tilt as if he’s regarding me in the same manner. It’s short lived. For then he looks away as if the moment never even happened at all.

  The long black robe swishes through the air, curling as he gives me his back. No! Not this time. Not after all these months waiting and wondering if I’d ever see him again or what the heck I'd do if I did, or even why this all mattered to begin with. I have no clue as to what this is or why I feel the need to be close to this massive and masked alien, but I simply refuse to lose what is probably my last shot to find out.

  “Aarvik. Don’t leave, not yet.” The desperation of my voice is as cold as an icy winter, threatening to freeze all who doesn’t heed the warning.

  He stops at the entrance of the bar with the doorway swung wide open allowing blackened volcanic ash to breeze its way inside. It’s almost magical how the mixture of rock and mineral particles dance in the air around him as if worshiping his presence before landing silently at his feet.

  My heart hammers in my chest, almost to the point where its uncomfortable. Tears threaten to break free from my eyes. The sentiment, although painful yet beautiful, is something I desperately needed. Just above his head are intricate decorations of circular vines, blooming with purplish-red berries. It’s rather beautiful and painstakingly reminiscent of a winter holday; Christmas.

  Christmas; my favorite day of the year, a time where my family would always get together, regardless of any other obligations. We’d all go home, bearing gifts, and celebrate another year lived. We’d decorate the tree, drink hot chocolate and then feast on a turkey, waiting for the next morning to open handmade gifts and trinkets. I know I’ll never have a Christmas like that ever again, but I’m astonished by this surreal experience. A male standing under an alien version of mistletoe while the world pretends to snow. The scene practical begs a romantic kiss. It pulls at my heart and almost feels like the universe is giving me one last go, a final goodbye, and I’ll be damned if I said no.

  Without conscious thought, I close the distance between us, leaping into the air and forcing myself into the steady arms he catches me with. He’s impressively taller than I originally thought because even with my legs wound around his firm abdomen, my head barely reaches the tip of his chin, protruding slightly from the darkness of his hood.

  The closeness affects me. My breathing hitches as I slowly take in a breath. It has been far too long since I’ve entangled myself with a man, but he’s no man. I’m not sure exactly what he is, and regardless of the apprehension I may have, it’s not enough to stop me from what I’m about to do.

  My fingers gingerly slide up his luminescent scaled chest, edging towards the edge of his robe. The fabric is rough, making me all the more aware of the mysteries Aarvik chooses to hide. Just as I’m about to touch his hood, a hand that was previously held taught against my back shoots up and snags my arm. The grip is firm, almost painfully so, but he loosens his hold as if there’s an understanding between us and he’s reading my body language like he knows me.

  No warning. No sound. No threat, except for the minor shake of his hidden face.

  Switching up the plan seems appropriate; he can’t hold two hands back after all. I reach up with my other and pull his hood back before he has a chance to even do anything about it. Black as night, vertical pupils surrounded by white irises and a violet sclera hold my gaze from above; dark and uncontrolled. A pang hits home. I know this race, the Daltakeu, their wor
ld destroyed by the Ru’tah, just like mine. And in this instant, I feel more connected to this being than anyone else since escaping Earth.

  His eyes pierce me, our breaths fan the other’s face and I reach up with the hand still held tightly around his hood and grasp the back of his neck pulling him down towards me.

  Animalistic growls whisper from his scaled face, his lips almost twitch. I want to kiss him, I need to kiss him, but I can’t force myself on another living being, regardless of the universe screaming into my head, “Do It.”

  Releasing my hold and backing my neck up to give space between us, I try to slink out of his arms, wiggling my feet, daring them to touch the floor, but his hold is strong and unrelenting.

  “No.” His voice is deep, rich and rough, laced with growly undertones enough to cause a chill down my spine.


  He leans forward, there’s nowhere to retreat. I may have made an error, misjudging a spark that I’m starting to wonder only I’ve felt. His nostrils flare in rapid successions. Is he...sniffing me? The question dissolves as he smashes his lips against mine. They’re firm and I can feel the edges of his scales slide over each other as he deepens the kiss. Our tongues rub together, his is almost abrasive like sandpaper meant for smoothing out finishing touches. Our mashing of mouths is slightly less appropriate for a holiday kiss, sending tingles to my lower bits.

  “Drakk’n move you slut.”

  The kiss ends abruptly. And I watch Aarvik’s dangerous pale violet eyes slide behind me, where a drunken alien sways from side to side. With one hand held around my body, he uses the other to hoist the nameless male up by the neck.

  “You dare insult this female? Apologize.”

  The menace in his voice is like a splash of fresh air. I’m playing with wildfire. I spot Jari-ri at the bar, watching the spectacle. Her eyes are worried, but I give her a firm nod, and she appears to sag in relief before giving me a silent toast with the glass in her hand.

  “S-s-s-sorry. Mis-s-s-understanding,” the pitiful drunken alien spatters as he pisses himself.

  Aarvik drops him. “Leave.”

  And he does. He darts away like a fish escaping a fishing net, afraid for its life. I almost feel bad for him, an insult is not nearly enough for the threat of death. I never understood why everyone tended to avoid him, now I do. He’s dangerous, seemingly uncontrollable, and wild. I should want to jump out of Aarvik’s arms and go back to the safety of my boring life before, but my body thrums with excitement. I feel powerful in his arms like I’m an extension of his strength.

  Aarvik returns to a relaxed posture, his eyes bore into mine. I’m not sure what I expected but being hoisted further up his torso and then slung over his shoulder all caveman style is definitely not on the list. Air is forced out of my lungs from the brunt movement.

  A quick turn on his heel and he’s out the door.

  “Did you really just close the door with your tail?” I giggle, not sure if I’m seeing things correctly upside-down.

  He grunts as he walks.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  Another grunt.

  Okay…So what, he’ll talk to others but not me? I’m good for a kiss and maybe a fuck and then off I go? Uh, no thanks. I’m not down for that. I refuse to be something someone can conquer. Never again will I let myself be played by another species like the way the Ru’tah ruined my home. Not that I feel like Aarvik is anything like the volatile species, but I deserve better than to be snatched and whisked away like my choice in the matter means nothing.

  Forming strong fists, I pound as hard as I can against his hips and the side of his back. “Let me go-oomph.”

  And just like that he’s off running like he desperately needs to win first place. I bang my fists against him a few more times before giving up as my efforts have had no results, and it’s difficult to speak with wind blasting in my face.


  In one fluid motion, I’m pulled back from his shoulders and into his arms. Running while carrying my one-hundred-and-eighty-pound ass at the same time; he’s strong. Resistance is literally futile. I giggle, thinking of a certain alien series. Oh, how wrong we were number one. I can’t help but wonder why I was even resisting him in the first place when I was the one that waited for him, called for him and then leapt into his arms like a mad woman. And the way he defended my honor and adjusted me when I was having difficulty…there’s something sweet about it, like he cares for me despite being a complete stranger.

  “Thank you.”

  His grunt is quick and deep.

  So, he’s not that talkative. Maybe that’s not so bad, certainly not a reason to be upset. I need to relax; he’s done nothing wrong and I’m the one that pursued him. Besides, I ‘picked’ him up at a bar after all, so what could I expect?

  With all that squared away, I can’t help but feel a certain level of excitement drown out my unjustified anger and fear. It’s just been so long since I’ve been intimate with someone and it’s not that I don’t want sex, because I do. Getting laid would be the cherry on the cake, but I just hope that whatever happens, this isn’t some strange alien fuck and chuck. I’d rather not repeat what happened last time when I got laid. I thought that Nick, a guy that I had been seeing for a few weeks and I were in a relationship, but as soon as he got the nookie that he thought he deserved, he left me on to his next conquest. That had almost been six years ago and was the last time I’d been with another man.

  Maybe that’s why I felt hesitation earlier, not because the Ru’tah, but because my heart is screaming that it wants more this time. It wants more with Aarvik. Over the next while I ponder what that could possibly mean. Am I ready to settle down? Is that what this is? I glance up at Aarvik, wondering what is going through his mind. Does he see this as a one-night stand or is he also longing for someone to press against his body during the cold of the night?

  As impossible as it may seem, the night grows even darker. It’s pitch black except for the moons and the ever-flowing lava from Valdani. Even at this distance it feels hot, almost blistering. Or possibly I’m just seriously affected by Aarvik and his mysteriousness, aggression and pent up anger behind his scowling face. I can’t help but feel turned on pressed tightly against his front.

  As if he can sense my arousal, his nostrils flare. Is he running faster?

  Wherever he’s taking me, it can’t be too far…right? I mean he obvious travelled here by foot, otherwise he’d be taking me back the way he came. It almost feels like he’s gaining speed, and I’d try to talk to him again, but he doesn’t appear to be in the mood, or he’s just the silent brooding type. Trees blur past my vision, and I wonder how far we’ve traveled since Shakaat’s. Oh shit. Jari-ri. I know she can handle herself. I just hope she doesn’t worry about me too much, but she probably saw me leave with Aarvik. Worst case, I can just comm her at Aarvik’s place.

  My eyelids eventually become too droopy to stay open and slumber takes me.

  Chapter Seven


  We’re here. It took zero effort to carry her to my hut, her weight barely even registering in my arms, but it ate at me. I worried she would be whisked away in the wind had I not been vigilant and kept her held firmly against my chest. I carefully place her on my sleeping platform, wrapping her in soft blankets. Warmth blooms in my hearts from watching the shallow rise and fall of her chest and the relaxed state of her shoulders. She looks natural here as she should. It’s where she belongs. I’m glad I had the foresight and extra time to craft the finely sewn furs where she now lay.

  I light a few candles made from a waxy substance secreted from nearby plants and trees. Should she gain consciousness before dawn, she will at least be able to see. My eyes roam over her body, the candle-light flickers, casting soft glows across her face. She’s mine. I’ve never quite heard of a mating outside of our species before, certainly not a Crowned Daltaka. I’m not sure how my people would receive such a thing, but here sh
e lies. She will never escape my grasp now that I have her. It only took one whiff from her overpowering honey fruit scent. It washed over me, igniting a fever that can neither be cooled or denied.

  A massive urge to connect with my ancestors drops me to my knees. I bow down in ceremonial fashion, clearing my head and thoughts. The room stills, an everlasting quiet. The room feels light like leaves in a storm, whipping around without an end in sight. A vision doesn’t come this time, just empty brightness.

  “We will bless this union. She is the one.” Voices of my mother and father combine, confirming the pain that already tears at my hearts. They’re long dead, because of me. “That isn’t true my son. Nothing could have stopped what has come to pass. You must show our people the new way and rebuild.” Their voices fade in the vast beyond.

  I allow the new silence to overwhelm me, bathing me in my new purpose. I knew the female who lay in my bed is my mate, the ancestors confirm it. I see the plans they have laid out for me, but I must not fail. I must mate this female, claim her as my own and then find my people. This is the only way to regain my honor. The ancestors can say what they may about that, but what I feel in my hearts are true. I cannot forgive myself and make amends until I retake my home and gather my people so we can rebuild.

  That being said, if I’m to have her, I must begin immediately. Once a Lahtva has been identified, there's only a handful of days before the mating madness kicks in. It is the way of the Daltakeu. To ensure the survival of our people by putting family and mates before anything else. Since the ancestors have already given their blessing, we won’t need to ask for it. Unfortunately, I have a strong suspicion she wants me just as badly as I do her, so wooing her may not take as long as I’d hoped. While Daltakeu come together quickly once a Lahtva is found, the female still allows their males a fair chase. The chase eliminates some of the aggression of the first mating which is why females make their mates hold out as long as they can, getting as close to the madness as possibly before allowing the chase and sealing the bond.


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