Silver City Girl

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Silver City Girl Page 2

by Yvonne Beattie

  I hit the down arrow for the elevator and relax glancing at the news screen beside it. It flicks through news headlines, share prices and weather updates all day which is handy, I suppose, but yawn worthy if you need to use the elevator a lot. It's on repeat. Looks like a nice dry but cold weekend ahead. It is October in the North East of Scotland, and if the weatherman says it will be dry, I'll happily take it. Some sunshine would be nice, but that may be pushing it. Here is hoping he got it right.

  I hear the ping of the elevator arriving and turn to walk in just as two large suits exit it with purpose making me falter and step back. One turns and looks at me with piercing green eyes and that same devilish smirk from earlier.


  He pauses and stares at me for a second too long, then says, "Have a great weekend, Ma'am", and nods politely, then I swear he just inhaled me.

  That drawl.

  I think my knees have stopped working, they feel like jelly. He is already walking away from me with the other man and they are talking quietly. Once they round the corner, I sag against the wall and look up at the ceiling reminding myself how to breathe.

  I'm already regretting leaving the childish poem, but it's too late. I shakily stand upright and see the elevator has already gone, so I hurriedly decide to take the stairs as I'm not standing there any longer for any more chance meetings.

  I run down the eight flights of stairs and out into the cold crisp October evening. It feels so refreshing. I'm glad I can walk home as I definitely need to cool off and think about how I go into work on Monday. Or, actually, try not to think, at all. I seriously hope this guy is away on his travels again by then. I’m going to be a nervous jittering wreck if he’s here for long.

  I walk along Union Street, turn right and head down Bridge Street, then all the way down to the bottom of South College Street, past the old cobbled Arches before turning right onto Riverside Drive. I love the fact I can walk home, it’s a tonic for clearing the head. The traffic is busy and the streets are bustling as everyone is making their way home from work, or into town for the night. The headlights are bumper to bumper, it almost looks pretty meandering down the road. I'm glad Susie and I are staying in tonight. A cosy night in with some crap chat is exactly what the doctor ordered.

  Chapter 5

  "He is sooooo beautiful!"

  I've had two glasses of wine now, and I am feeling relaxed and mightily happier than before.

  "Hon, you caaaaan't fall for your bossssss!" Susie giggles at me. She's had a couple more drinks than me, "Though he must like yooooou before he gave you a C-O-N-D-O-M!"

  She actually spelled that out for me then slipped off the sofa in hysterics of laughter. Her long dark brown hair falling over her hazel coloured eyes and pretty face.

  "Would you stop going on about that little matter of confusion?!" I am helping her back onto the sofa and pleading with her, but laughing, I really want to change the subject now.

  "I bet there is nothing ‘little’ about him, Jeeeen", she is on the floor again cackling.

  I give up, "Oh stop would you!" I am properly laughing now and slouch back into my seat drawing my knees up to my chest. "We need to change the subject, how am I going to look him in the eye on Monday? I'm so mortified. He’s probably got a wife and kids over in Houston, and here’s me having all these inappropriate thoughts about him."

  The buzzer from our intercom sounds, and Susie pulls herself sloppily up to answer it. I watch her glide over to the door, albeit not in a straight line, all five feet ten inches of her. I wish my legs were as long and thin as hers. It's the pizza she ordered. I didn't think she would actually cook, but to say I am relieved she didn't, is an understatement. When I moved into the apartment with her, the plastic film lining was still on the inside of the oven, and she had lived here for a year before I moved in. I stayed in the university residential halls for two years, that’s where we met. I stayed there a year longer than Susie did as I had to rely on student loans and couldn’t afford to move out. Although her parents were paying her student fees, they own this luxury apartment and once they offered it to her, it was a no brainer for her to leave the grubby halls to reside somewhere marginally better. Understatement of the year.

  Music fills the air which is our estranged door bell Susie insisted we have installed. It was funny to begin with, now it's just plain annoying and embarrassing hearing the ‘Can Can’ sing out every time someone calls on us. She insists on keeping it simply to annoy me, I’m sure of it. I shake my head and down the remnants of my glass, as Susie dances the Can-Can solo over to open the door.

  I can smell the delicious aroma of the pizza wafting in and realise I am absolutely starving. I can hear Susie chatting to the delivery guy and asking him if he wants some of our pizza. I hear him laughing and politely declining, and then her closing the door. Thank God we don't have some random stranger coming in. I've gotten used to Susie's openness, I'm much more reserved than she is, she would literally invite everyone in the street over on a whim.

  She walks back through and lays the pizza on the breakfast bar. I move the small pile of unopened mail I had grabbed from our mail box downstairs on my way home, and the delicious smelling Apple Pumpkin Yankee Candle burning away on the gray marble top to make room. I am a sucker for those candles, I have them everywhere. I grab a couple of plates and lay them down across from each other, then I sit down on the black leather bar stool and pull the pizza box over to open it.

  "I took the liberty of ordering the Tex-Mex, Jen. I thought what with Mr. Texas an' all, you'd enjoy it the best! Yee-haw!" Susie lifts her leg and slaps her thigh, cowboy style, and unfortunately, she has found a Texan drawl she is using which is really quite hilarious.

  "Oh Susie, sometimes I wish I hadn't opened my mouth,” I roll my eyes.

  She laughs, “Let's eat, I am starving!" she announces, plonking herself down across from me inelegantly.

  I feel my tummy rumble too. In fact, she had ordered the Mexican style with chicken, and it is literally to die for. Innuendo or no, I'm glad she ordered it, it's my favourite.

  We are both silent for some time while we devour our slices of pizza. I find myself looking around our pretty apartment, it’s been a very long time since I’ve felt so happy and content. I’m no longer letting work ruin my train of thought, I’m sure it will all be fine next week.

  I go and grab some napkins.

  "So where is Mike tonight? He's usually here on Friday's," I've been so self consumed, it hadn't even occurred to me that Susie’s boyfriend wasn't here when usually he would be. I hadn’t even given him a second thought.

  "Oh, he had to fly home for the weekend," she replied with a shrug, a bit nonchalant which is very unlike Susie.

  "What, home as in Denmark home?" I ask, somewhat flabbergasted.

  Susie’s boyfriend, Mike, is half Danish, his real name is Mickael. His dad is Danish and his mum is Scottish, but he was born and grew up in Copenhagen. To look at him, there is no denying his Scandinavian roots with his white blonde hair, blue eyes and too tanned skin. He was in Aberdeen visiting family and looking around universities when he and Susie met. He decided to stay and study here in Aberdeen, which I think was mostly due to Susie’s long legs and his insatiable addiction to her larger than life personality. He graduated the same time as I did last summer, though we went to different universities. He is now working locally as an engineer for a Danish oil company.

  "Yup," she replies.

  "Well why? He wasn't due to go home until Christmas time, I thought. With you! For the holidays...", I'm not sure if I am perhaps pushing the wrong buttons here, something just seems askew. He told me not long ago he was taking Susie home for the holidays as for as long as they have been together, she has never actually visited his home. I guess that seems a little strange as they have been together over four years, but his family are in Scotland so often, and to date, they’ve both always been busy with their respective degrees and various work commitments throughout
, I suppose there has never been an opportunity.

  "Well, he phoned earlier and said he had to go. I asked if everything was ok and he said yes, but I just get the feeling that something is wrong. I think he would tell me, but, it's just kind of thrown me a bit. It's strange. He's usually so open with me. It can’t be for work as he’s going over the weekend...maybe it is...I really don’t know...he just didn’t sound like himself..."

  "Oh Susie, why on earth didn't you say earlier? Maybe you should try and call him again, talk to him properly? I'm sure everything is ok, he maybe just felt a bit homesick?" I'm not sure how convincing I sound as this all seems bizarre for him to simply drop everything and fly home with no explanation and we both know he isn’t homesick.

  "Sorry, I was feeling a bit weird about it all, and when I called you, you cheered me up, and I was trying not to think about it. I haven't called him as I don't like to pry or interfere if he doesn't want me to. I figure he will call me when he wants to talk," she looks and sounds equally upset. I guess the pizza has sobered her up. I have no idea how she has managed not to say anything all evening.

  I move around the breakfast bar and give her a small hug, "I'm sure everything is fine Suz, but to be honest, this is a little out of character for Mike. Why don't you give him a quick call just to make sure everything is ok? I can leave the room if you like? Give you some privacy."

  "No, no, I think I'll just wait until the morning. Honestly Jen, it's probably just me being paranoid and if it was something serious he would call me. I'm sure of it. I'll just wait until morning. He knows I’m away on a field trip with uni all of next week, so I’m sure he will get in touch as he knows I don’t always have a signal when I’m away. I'll keep the ringer on my phone all night in case he calls. I think I might just head off to bed soon actually. I'm kind of tired after our wine and then all this pizza. It's been a fun evening though, I've barely seen you all week, so I'm glad we got the evening to ourselves and a bit of a giggle. And I don't think you've got anything to worry about, you worry too much. I'm sure ‘Mr. Texas’ was just going out on a whim and winding you up, dry sense of humour though! I need to pop down to your office next week for a glimpse of this gorgeous man you speak of," Susie is now giving me a genuine smile in her incorrigible way.

  I softly smile back, "Thanks. I'm sure you're right on both accounts. But let me know if you need me for anything at all. And on my work thing, let's just hope my little note settles everything and I can go back to dealing with my direct report, Tim, next week when everyone is back. First thing on my agenda is to find the supply cupboard and load up."

  Susie laughs and gives me a hug, "Night bestie! Love you!" She says as she saunters off to her room.

  "Night night, don't let the bed bugs bite!" I laugh and hug myself, mum used to always say that to me and my sister when we were little, it still makes me smile, I just wish I could hear her say it again. "Love you too," I shout as she disappears into her room.

  I stay and clear up a bit, I blow out the candle and load the dishwasher with our plates and some other dishes that were left lying in the sink. I put the leftover pizza into the refrigerator, and I fix the lime green cushions on the cream leather sofa, before making sure the door is locked. I then head off to my own room. I suddenly feel exhausted too.

  I absolutely love our apartment. Susie's parents own it which is the one and only reason I can afford to live here as they are high end luxury apartments. It is right on the riverside of the River Dee which runs through the centre of Aberdeen. Our apartment looks down onto it and it is so peaceful. We are on the fifth floor, so high enough that we don't hear the traffic too much, though the sound of the river cancels out most of it anyway. Susie's dad owns his own law firm and several executive apartments which he rents out. After my first two years in residential halls I was set to stay there longer, but when mum died I moved in with Susie courtesy of her mum wanting to be able to look out for me better. Her parents didn't want any money from me as they said they liked the fact that Susie has a nice and reliable flat mate, and that is enough for them, but I like to pay my way. So we settled on an amount which I know is way below market, but being that I was only working part time then, and I'm not on a huge salary yet, we agreed. And I'm so glad. I can walk into Aberdeen City Centre in twenty minutes which is also where the office is, it's where all the shopping malls and high street stores are, and of course where the majority of restaurants, pubs and clubs are. It is perfect. Not to mention the fact I get to live with my best friend in a beautiful apartment that I could never afford otherwise. I also don't have the added expense of a car as I can mostly walk everywhere.

  As I open my bedroom door and switch the light on, I can't help but start laughing.

  “NICE TOUCH!” I shout through to Susie. She has strung and hung a banner of condoms across my bedroom ceiling. I hear her giggling and shake my head, smiling to myself as I close my bedroom curtains.

  Chapter 6

  I see our apartment block bouncing up and down in my peripheral vision as I slow down to a jagged staccato walk, or ugly limp as it more than likely looks. Whoever suggested running is good for you is insane. I hate running. Absolutely hate it. However, it's free, and it keeps me in the right clothes size, so I do it, but I still hate running.

  I lean against the side wall beside the entrance to our building and unattractively try to catch my breath.

  As the weatherman predicted, it is a nice cold crisp day. It is so pretty out with the leaves falling gently from the trees, turning beautiful shades of orange, red, yellow and brown, the streets are looking rather festively autumnal. I do love autumn, but not so much the cold it starts to bring and the dark nights as daylight time saving begins at the end of October. It definitely makes for some cosy nights in though. I wonder if Susie has any plans for tonight seeing as Mike is away, if he is indeed still away. I picked up some yummy food and drinks when I went shopping the other day knowing I had no plans for the weekend. I need to check what new movies are out. This is the first free weekend I've had for a while, so I intend on staying home, catching up on chores, putting my feet up, eating junk food, reading and watching movies. All in no particular order.

  I'm just about to swipe my keycard into our building when the door swings open and someone barges out barreling straight into me. I stumble back, catching my heel on the curb and land hard on my bum, thankfully on the grass. It takes me a minute to register what just happened, but when I look up, I do not believe it.

  It can't be...but I know it is.

  Those eyes could stop air traffic.

  He has on a baseball cap but straight away I see it is him.

  It’s Mr. Samson.

  What the hell is he doing in my apartment block?

  "Oh, hey, I'm so sorry...", he apologises to me effortlessly pulling me up and steadying me by holding on to my elbow. He seems as shocked as I am. "Are you ok? I didn't see you there. I didn't expect anyone to be here, I must have been in a world of my own...," he rushes on.

  "Hi," I reply flatly, brushing myself off and catching my breath.

  He pulls me forward to look down at my bum as I'm brushing debris off of it, as if looking at the hurt evidence. I pull back a bit embarrassed, "My arse is fine, thanks."

  "Your a-rrrr-se?!" He over pronounces and gives a small laugh. "Sorry," he straightens his face immediately though his eyes are still smiling when he realises I am not amused, "I'm glad your ass is fine."

  I really want to scold him some more, but I bite my tongue.

  "Oh, it's you!" He finally admonishes, "Jennifer? From the office?"

  "Umm, yes. Hi, Mr. Samson, what are you doing here?" I ask, but maybe I shouldn't have asked, everything from yesterday starts filtering into the forefront of my mind and I feel my cheeks heating.

  "I knew I recognised that fine ass,” he smirks, taking me by surprise.

  “Uh,” I remark, not meaning to but feeling shocked at his blatant and unsubtle compliment. If that is what it is meant
to be. Or perhaps a sleaze ball remark? I can’t decide. I feel my cheeks rapidly heat some more, and look down.

  “I live here," he simply carries on. "Well, when I'm visiting Aberdeen, I do. It's so pretty down here by the river. What are you doing here?" he asks.

  "I, umm, I also live here," I reply trying not to sound pathetic. This absolutely cannot be happening. Since when does he live here?

  "Oh, you do?!" He looks surprised and frowns.

  He has really nice white and perfectly straight teeth, I notice.

  "Well, that's awesome. We are neighbours! Maybe you can show me around some? I come back and forth to Aberdeen a lot, but I've never really gotten to know any of it very well. I recently bought this apartment block as I know it is within walking of the city, but also far enough away that I shouldn't have the bar crawlers keeping me up all night. Some of those places in town are terribly noisy. Y'all need some high rises." He laughs but I'm not really sure what to say.

  "Umm," is about all I can manage. He is very chatty, and I'm surprised. Someone this gorgeous shouldn't be this friendly. I'm staring again, I know I am. I look down at his chest, and then at his arms, he is wearing a plain black t-shirt while carrying a jumper, and I can see he is very broad and muscular, he looks even bigger than he did in his suit.

  His demeanor changes slightly as he edges towards me and with his tone lowered, he says, "Thanks for your note yesterday by the way. Interesting choice of words you Brits have for an eraser," he grins. “I enjoyed your little poem.”

  I smile coyly but try to stop myself. I look up at him again and notice he is looking at what I am wearing, and I suddenly realise I am still in my running gear with no make-up on and my face probably looks beet red after my run. As I look down at myself I see that my top is more revealing than it should be after my run, and I am obviously cold. I fold my arms over myself, but I think he has already noticed. Everything I have on is clingy and although I am thin, I have more curves than I'd like him to see. How embarrassing. I wish he would look away, though I feel kind of liberated that he seems to be checking me out. I kind of like it actually, now that I’ve thought about it.


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