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Silver City Girl

Page 16

by Yvonne Beattie

  “Baby, you were born to wear those,” his eyes have darkened and I know what’s going through that sordid little mind of his.

  I look at all the open blinds on the windows, so I walk over to the wall with the remotes, “Which one closes the blinds?” I ask. I remember they aren’t manual.

  He gives me directions and I watch until they have all closed, then before turning around I take my dress off, pulling it over my head. I have on white lacy underwear which I bought with him in mind during my lunch hour the day before we flew over here. It’s proven very handy working in town and not far from the Ann Summers store. As I turn around, I see him adjusting himself on the sofa while looking me up and down, mesmerized.

  I slowly walk over to him and straddle him, inadvertently shoving my chest in his face, which he appears to have no qualms about as he cups my butt cheeks and pulls me further into him. He then gently pushes me back to look up at me, “Jen....”

  He expertly unclips my bra from behind, and slowly pulls it off. His mouth is on my nipples instantly, sucking and biting at one, while roughly flicking the other with his thumb. It feels immense. I throw my head back with pleasure, and grind into him.

  As his mouth starts to travel, I sit up and pull his t-shirt off, up and over his head, and unbutton his shorts to see the tip of his cock already protruding out of his boxers. Just as I’m about to step off of him, he stops me and I watch him push my panties over to the side and slide a finger inside me.

  “You’re so ready for me, as always...” Jack moans as he moves in and out of me, adding another finger, and incapacitating me further.

  He finally pulls out of me, “Stand up,” he instructs. I would do absolutely anything for him right now. I do as he says, “And bend over the dining table chair...” he instructs me further.

  I walk over to the table wearing only my cowboy boots and panties, I feel somewhat exhilarated by knowing he is watching me. I slowly bend over the chair, while he growls and walks quickly over to me.

  “I’m going to take you like this, ok?” always the gentleman.

  “Hurry up, Jack...” I instruct.

  Before I know what is happening, he has thrust into me, hard and fast, painful yet the best thing I’ve ever felt. His full length is buried inside me, thrust after thrust, I feel the chair move hard against the table. His hand comes round to rub me in exactly the right spot, and instantly I scream out in sheer pleasure. He doesn’t stop, and I feel myself let go a second time, “One more time, baby....”

  I didn’t think it was possible to come three times in a row, literally one orgasm straight after the other, but this determined man has proved me wrong, I scream his name, just as I hear him shout mine and I collapse over the table as his orgasm takes over him. He eventually collapses over me, spent. We are beyond sweaty, our bodies hot and slick, but I can’t move, not yet. I feel him kiss my back, and neck, “I’m not letting you go, Jennifer. We need to work something out, we need to be together.”

  I lie on the table, eyes wide and round in surprise with his words, and I’m thankful my hair is covering them. I guess he feels the same as I do, but I don’t know how this can be. How can we be together? How can we possibly work? We are two completely different people, from very different places physically, mentally, psychologically and geographically. I am fucking my boss, and I’ve fallen in love with him. I am such an idiot. Why did I get involved with him?

  Eventually we get up and hit the shower, I didn’t think it was possible to want him again after what just happened downstairs, but he takes me again in the shower, and I let him. I just can’t walk away from him.

  As the evening approaches and we are ready to head to the bar, he walks through wearing blue jeans, brown cowboy boots mostly hidden by his jeans, and a blue and white checked pearl snap shirt.

  My very own cowboy.

  He is just too handsome for his own good.

  “You look hot, girl,” he tells me as he walks over to me and slips a hand beneath my top and bra to greet my nipple, again.

  I laugh and smack his hand away, “You are incorrigible, Mr. S!”

  He laughs pulling his hand away and pouting before leaning down and kissing the top of my chest, then my mouth.

  I’m wearing a blue denim skirt with a plain white tank top I found in my case. I paired it with a pink scarf I also had, and my new boots, which I LOVE. I will definitely never forget the day I got these.

  The bar is near to bursting at the seams when we get there. It doesn’t look like much from outside, basically a barn. Inside it is all crate style tables, no chairs, and sawdust and straw on the floors. Interesting. We hit the bar and Jack orders for me.

  “I know you said you don’t really like beer, but you have to try a Bud Light,” he winks at me and we chink bottles.

  “Why does my beer have a t-shirt on?” I ask before taking a sip.

  He splutters as he had taken a glug of his beer. Righting himself, he laughs, “It’s a coozy?” he answers, making it sound more like a question.

  Nope, I still don’t get why my beer has a t-shirt on, so I shake my head and look at him quizzically.

  “You really don’t know?” he asks.

  “Nope...? Bottle fashion?” I ask.

  “It’s a coozy, to keep your hand warm, and your beer cold,” he laughs again, shaking his head as though it is the most obvious thing in the world.

  “Oh...right,” I reply, rolling my eyes cheekily at him.

  “You see, it’s so humid here, your beer will sweat, that’s really why we have coozy’s in this kind of bar anyway,” he is still trying to explain.

  “Its fine, I’ll take your word for it, but next time, maybe you can ask for a pretty one for me instead of this hideous black and orange thing,” I tease.

  “You gotta be kiddin’ me, Jen?” he looks mortified.

  “What?” I look up surprised.

  “That’s a Longhorns coozy, you can’t knock black and orange,” he whispers, and looks around conspicuously making sure no one has heard us.

  I find myself looking around too, hopefully slightly more inconspicuously than Jack.

  “And what on earth are the Longhorns? Cows?” I loudly whisper.

  Jack laughs out loud, “You’ve never heard of the Texas Longhorns?” he asks.

  “Jack, I’m not from here, of course I’ve never heard of them,” I frown.

  “I went to UT, the University of Texas, so I’m classed as a Longhorn, it’s like a nickname given to those who attended,” he explains.

  “Oh, I see. So that explains the t-shirts you wear with long horns, and the orange and black that keeps appearing in your attire?” I ask, amused.

  “Yes, that would indeed,” he laughs again and nudges me. “Come on, beautiful.”

  I smile and shake my head while following him over to the side, watching everyone in their denims, Stetsons, cowboy boots, the girls with their long yet set and styled hair. The place is swarming with beautiful people dressed down. It feels surreal, but I love the buzz in the air. It’s so different to any other bar I’ve ever been to. You would never find a bar like this in Aberdeen, or Scotland either I imagine.

  The band finally starts playing and Jack grabs us another couple of Bud Lights, they are surprisingly good. Nice and cold yet my hand is still nice and warm, I’m seeing something in this coozy malarkey.

  The crowd starts pulling together and swaying with the music, they are fantastic. Jack knows all the words, as does everyone else in the room it would appear. I’m guessing Jack was right about me liking some country music, it is definitely growing closer to my heart by the day.

  By the time the band finishes, we’ve both had a couple of beers each and I’m feeling happily buzzed, but tired. It’s been a long day.

  “Come on, sweetie,” Jack leads me out to the car park and into his escalade, I love how he car switches to suit the mood or occasion. “I guess I should take you back to the hotel so it doesn’t look obvious in the morning if we get
to work together, huh?”

  “Yeah, I suppose so,” I reply, my heart completely not into that idea.

  “ could just spend the night and we can get in mega early...” he looks at me eagerly.

  “I’m liking that idea a whole lot more than the first one,” I smile just as eagerly back at him.

  “Cool, let’s go home...” he hits the accelerator and I feel so glad to be going home to cuddle with him again.

  This has truly been the best weekend of my life. It’s second to none off the top of my head, and I don’t ever want it to end.

  Chapter 25

  “So what did you do all weekend, girl?” Chantelle is quizzing me, and I haven’t really had time to make up a story. We are going through some royalty figures together, making sure everything adds up before sending it to accounts.

  “Umm, just this and that...” I reply, with a shrug.

  “Did you get out?” she asks, turning to look at me.

  “Umm, yes. I actually caught up with an old friend that lives over here...” I need to think quickly and telling porkie pies is not really my forte. “We, uh, we went to Kemah.”

  “Oh that’s great! It’s so fun out there!” she replies, while changing some digits on my spreadsheet.

  “ was nice. What about you?” I change the subject onto her.

  “Oh, I had a bridal shower on Saturday. Chad and I went out to dinner Saturday night, church Sunday morning, took the dogs into Memorial to walk...and now its Monday again,” she sums up her weekend in a sentence.

  “That all sounds like fun,” I reply encouragingly, then luckily for me she gets caught up double checking my work before it is sent off to the accounting department for payments to be made.

  The next four days are spent learning the ropes of various staff members. It is interesting but I am definitely reaching the point of simply wanting my own job, my own desk, my own role. I don’t suppose it helps I know my permanent position is waiting for me to start in only a couple of weeks now. Though it is fun spending time in the Houston office and seeing the different dynamic in the office compared with home. I was told I may have been able to take a trip over to West Texas to see first oil production on one of the wells, but something came up and I got to sit in on the meeting in the office instead. To say it was riveting might be an understatement. All the engineers were whooping for joy, and frankly, I tried to fit in as best as I could, but I didn’t understand most of it. I was glad of the caffeinated drinks on tap in the meeting room. I was near enough bouncing by the end of it which hopefully made me seem just as excited as they were.

  Chantelle and I met every day for lunch, and Tuesday night after work she took me to the Galleria Mall in Uptown Houston. It is enormous, it has every shop a girl could possibly want or need, loads of restaurants, it even has an ice rink in it! I got lost in the car park alone, never mind trying to find my way around the mall. I treated myself to a couple of new tops and I also managed to find a cute little black dress with a corset top that ties up the front, a long black and blonde witches wig and a pink witches hat to match my cowboy boots. I figured that I should at least be prepared for Dana’s Halloween Party on Friday night, hopefully Jack will still bring me along to see his sister again. I really want to wear my cowboy boots again and I thought simply going as a cowgirl, while in Texas, would either be insulting, or boring, so I thought I’d try for a western witch...of sorts. Anyway, I found a cute little witches cauldron I could use as my purse for the evening, it is big enough to fit my purse, my mobile and a lipstick, and I found black tights with cobwebs on them. I’ll no doubt look stupid, but so will everyone else, I hope. Chantelle thinks it’s a great idea and I had to promise to send her some photos. I made a mental note to try and take one of myself before we go. I told her it was at ‘my friend’s’ house, and thankfully she didn’t ask any questions.

  I haven’t seen Jack since first thing Monday morning when he dropped me off at the hotel. I really didn’t want the weekend to be over and being that he nearly accosted me in his escalade outside the hotel, I don’t think he wanted it to be over either. He had told me he might have to go away for a few days again, but as its transpired, he has been away all week. My heart and my bed have both felt equally empty with him gone, it feels odd for a person who has been single for months. It’s never bothered me before.

  Thursday night, I was invited to go for margarita’s with the HR girls who came to introduce themselves to me when they heard I would be a new contact in the Aberdeen office. They are a lovely bunch but once again, it all got a bit awkward when someone got onto the subject of Jack and his sex appeal. I managed to leave with minimal excuses feeling relatively unscathed and wandered up to my room for an early night.

  I had tried to call Susie again but it went straight to her voicemail. I haven’t managed to catch her since last week. I have absolutely no idea what is going on with her at the moment. The whole ordeal with Mike just seems weird, and it is bugging the life out of me not being able to talk to Suz. Patience is not a virtue I was blessed with.

  Jack and I have been messaging each other non-stop all week which I know is the only thing that has been keeping me going being away from everything and everyone I really know. I just wish I could see a future for us together, but I can’t, I just can’t see it being a possible option.

  I crawl into bed with my phone, switch the light off and go into reread all my messages from Jack and send him a message to say ‘Good night’. Just as I click into my messages from him again, I hear the click of someone using a keycard to open my door. I immediately jump up and shout, “Stop! Who is it?” My heart is thumping out of my chest as I try to adjust my eyes to the light streaming through the open door which is slowly closing on itself.

  I finally hear a low rumbling growl, “It’s just me...”

  “JACK?” I shout enthusiastically, flickng the light back on and jumping out of my bed to run over to him.

  He immediately picks me up and I feel him inhale as he buries his face into my neck.

  “I’ve missed you,” he growls, carrying me back over to the bed.

  “I’ve missed you too! I wasn’t sure when exactly you’d be back, you never said,” I reply, excitedly.

  “Yeah, I’m sorry, I didn’t know myself, it’s been a crazy ass week, but I think I’ve finally got everything wrapped up with the press and our partners on the West Texas deal. I’m sorry you never got to go down there. I’ve had a bunch of other things to take care of this week, but I don’t want to bore you,” he says, kissing my hands and sitting us down on the bed.

  “You’d never bore me, Jack. I’m just so glad to see you,” I cuddle up to him pulling him down on the bed.

  “I need to talk to you, Jen...” Jack looks at me, and I see for the first time just how tired and drained he looks. I also realise he has been drinking, but he’s not drunk.

  “What’s wrong, darling?” I ask, stroking his side subconsciously. I feel genuinely worried now, you never want to hear a man say he needs to have a ‘talk’ with you.

  He suddenly grabs my waist and lies over me on the bed, “That’s the first time you’ve called me darling...” he kisses me deeply, passionately. “I would love to hear you say that again...” he pulls back and looks at me longingly.

  “I...I hadn’t realised...” he has taken me almost by as much surprise as I apparently took him.

  He laughs lightly with a sad face, “It’s cool sweetie, it just evoked a little spark in me hearing you say something like that. Never in a million years could I have predicted falling for such a sweet, beautiful and smart Scottish girl.”

  He is falling for me?

  “It’s’re all I have thought about all freakin’ week, Jen. I’ve never been off my game before. You just...I don’t’re just’re special,” he is looking at me with an earnest I can’t quite fathom. “I’s only been a couple weeks, but I can’t imagine you not being in my life, and i
t’s killing me the fact that you live a million miles away.”

  His openness is uncanny, “I know, Jack. That’s how I feel too. I wasn’t looking for a relationship, believe me, and I know my feelings for you are much stronger than they should be. Christ, you’re my boss for God’s sake,” I shake my head. “I’ve broken ALL my own rules before I’ve even started permanent employment.

  “What are we going to do, Jen?” he asks me, he is shaking his own head and looks crestfallen.

  “I don’t know. I’m going home next week, you come to Aberdeen a lot, you said,” I nudge him lightly.

  “I do, but it’s not the same, is it?” he sits up to pull his suit jacket off.

  “No. It’s not the same as living in the same country as someone, but maybe we could see how it goes?” I will beg him if he makes me.

  “Yeah, I guess so,” he replies while sighing. “I’m so beat, Jen, do you mind if we cuddle tonight? I should’ve just gone home, but I couldn’t rest easy knowing you were in town, alone in bed. I just wanted to be with you. I just wanted to hold you.”

  “Never apologise to me for coming over, Jack. Your appearance couldn’t have made me happier,” I hug him. “I only have one request if you’re staying over,” I tell him.

  “Anything...” he whispers sleepily, laying back on the bed.

  “You need to sleep in the skud!” I laugh.

  “What?” he asks amused, opening his eyes to look at me, and sitting back up.

  “Naked! You need to sleep naked!” I tell him, between giggles and start undoing his shirt buttons.

  “You’re one easily pleased chick, Jen!” he laughs, as he starts lifting my top off.

  “Well, I hope getting you into bed isn’t this easy for all chicks,” I chide him.

  He stops abruptly and looks at me seriously, “Jen, never think that. I haven’t been with anyone other than you for a very long time.”

  I look at him through my lashes, “I believe you, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that...” I feel awful for even insinuating that he would sleep around.


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