The Most Eligible Lord in London

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The Most Eligible Lord in London Page 15

by Ella Quinn

  “It’s something I should know without thinking about it, but for some reason, the knowledge has gone straight out of my head. I’ll look at a map when I am home. If there is an eligible gentleman attached to any of the properties, and he is not in Town, I’ll go drag him here.”

  Poor Littleton looked so put upon, she had to laugh. He gave her a wounded look, and she struggled to bring herself under control and not go off into whoops. “I am sorry. It is not funny and I should not act as if it is.”

  “I depend upon you to watch out for me.”

  Good Lord. He was serious.

  “Just make sure you are always with either me or one of your friends and you will be safe until we can find a solution.”

  “Don’t forget that other lady is probably still planning to compromise me.”

  Good heavens. Adeline had forgotten all about Miss Hanson. “The same advice holds true. Do not go anywhere by yourself.”

  “I shall do exactly as you say.” He feathered the corner on to Upper Brook Street. “When I marry, I wish to wed a lady who wants me for more than my title and my wealth.”

  “I cannot fault you.” That is what she wanted as well, to be loved for herself and not her bloodlines or dowry. Fortunately, no one was attempting to compromise her into marriage. “Let me know tonight if you have found a gentleman for Miss Tice.” And while he was doing that, Adeline would think of a plan to foil Miss Hanson. “I hope that they are the only two ladies who feel free to trap you into marriage.”

  “So do I.” His words sounded heartfelt. He pulled up in front of her house, and was at her side, lifting her down, before she remembered they were to perform their little test. Again, his touch sent a pleasurable thrill through her. If only she knew how to stop reacting to him.

  She took his arm and he walked her to the door. “I shall see you this evening.”

  Taking her hand, he bowed over and kissed her gloved fingers. “I look forward to it.”

  Goodness, her hand felt singed.

  This has got to stop.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Abney bowed as Adeline walked into the hall.

  “You have a note from Lord Anglesey, my lady. It arrived this morning, but her ladyship had it brought down after you departed.”

  “Thank you, Abney.” She picked up the card and turned it over.

  My Dear Lady Adeline,

  Would you do me the great honor of standing up with me for the supper dance?

  I shall impatiently await your reply.

  Yr. devoted servant,


  She hoped he was not too impatient. If so, he’d had a long day waiting for her answer. “I shall pen a reply directly. Please have a footman ready to take it.”

  “As you wish, my lady.”

  She went to the morning room, removed her gloves, and pulled out a sheet of pressed paper. She did not like having to give his lordship bad news, and remembered that she had another set free. Resolving to offer that dance to him, she wrote:

  Dear Lord Anglesey,

  Unfortunately, I did not receive your kind invitation until after I was already committed for the supper dance. However, you may have the first country dance, if you wish.


  A. Wivenly

  Adeline frowned at the note. It was not very elegant, but she could think of nothing else to write.

  After she had sealed the letter, she took it to the hall, where a footman was waiting. “This must go to Lord Anglesey at Normanby House.”

  “At once, my lady.”

  Now, if she could just come up with a plan to stop Miss Hanson and the others from attempting to sink their fangs into poor Littleton.

  Lord Littleton.

  Adeline should not be so informal with him.

  * * *

  Crispin was in the study of his father’s house attempting to answer a letter from his mother, demanding to know what progress he was making regarding choosing a bride, when the butler brought in a note on a silver salver. “For you, my lord. A footman from Watford House brought it.”

  Finally. He was glad he hadn’t waited there all day for a reply. “Thank you.”

  He tore open the seal, read the missive, and cursed.

  It must be Littleton. How in hell had the man stolen the march on him? Crispin threw the missive onto the desk.

  “Will there be anything else, my lord?”

  He was surprised to see the servant still there. “No, that is all.” He had to answer Lady Adeline if he had any hope of standing up with her this evening. “Wait for a moment. I must send an answer.”

  He penned a short acceptance and handed it to the footman.

  There must be a faster way to secure the lady. As soon as they were wed and she was breeding, he could go back to Paris. This evening he’d ask for the supper dance for the next ball—that must be what Littleton had done—and to take her for another carriage ride. In the meantime, Crispin had hours before the entertainment. He wondered if Jean was up for another tryst. His cock hardened at the thought of her.

  Shoving the letter to his mother aside, he dashed off a note to his lover.

  My darling,

  Meet me.


  Crispin sealed the note and tugged the bellpull. A different footman opened the door. “Take this to Twelve Green Street and wait for a reply. Do not tell anyone where you are going.”

  “Yes, my lord.”

  Not ten minutes later, the servant returned. “The answer is yes, my lord.”

  “Very good. Have my curricle brought around, and tell Cook I shall want a picnic basket with two bottles of champagne.” It was a good thing he’d planned to eat at his club that evening, so that the cook had not planned on him dining at home. Angering that particular servant was never a good idea, and his mother would be certain to hear about it.

  Crispin arrived at the small town house before Jean did, leaving it to his groom to take his carriage back.

  He’d hired a maid of all work, and now he gave her the basket. “Set this up in the dining room. After you’re done, you may have the rest of the night off.”

  The girl bobbed a curtsey, “Yes, my lord.”

  A few minutes later, his lover arrived. “Jean.” He pulled her through the door and kissed her. “I am immensely glad you could join me.”

  “As am I.” She rubbed her hand down his cock. “My, how hard you are, my lord.”

  Almost hard enough to spill right there. “I brought a picnic, but I thought we might like to retire to the bedroom first.”

  “An excellent idea.” She removed her gloves one finger at a time, and when she reached up to remove her bonnet, the fabric of her gown stretched across her breasts.

  He couldn’t wait until he was inside her. “I want you.”

  By the time they had reached the first floor, her bodice was undone. Jean laughed. “You are very good at that.”

  “It’s a specialty of mine.” He gave her a playful grin.

  In seconds, they were naked on the bed and he was licking and sucking his way down her body. When he got to her cunny, he stood and positioned her so that the tops of her thighs were at the end of the bed.

  As he buried his nose in her sex, he saw it. “What is this?” Not that he didn’t know what it was. A string to a sponge. “And how did you know about it?”

  Jean sat up, startled. “One of the other widows told me it would stop me from getting pregnant. I thought I would try it.”

  He was tempted to pull it out, but then she’d probably leave. “You didn’t give your husband any children.”

  “Neither did his first two wives.” The chill in her voice had his erection softening. “I do not know what you have against it. Surely you do not want a bastard.”

  “I was merely surprised.” He shrugged. “It is normally considered a whore’s trick.”

  “Perhaps I should leave.” She started to roll off the bed, but he stopped her.

  “No, stay.” He cupped her
breasts, feeling them furl beneath his touch. “Forgive me. I should not have reacted as I did.”

  “I noticed you did not say you would marry me if . . .” The words were sharp, but the tone was anything but.

  She did not wish to wed him, but she wanted reassurance. He was good at giving that. “You know what my father wants, and you do not wish to marry again so soon.” He took one nipple into his mouth as he rolled the other. “I do not like the feel of the string, but I will grow accustomed.”

  “The same friend told me when it is safe without the sponge.” Jean’s eyes glazed and her voice turned sultry.

  “Until then, I’ll make do.” He kissed his way down her body until she was writhing with lust, then pulled her to him and plunged into her. Women were made to give pleasure to a man.

  Sometime later, they made their way to the dining room, dressed only in robes he insisted remain untied so he could admire her breasts and the dark hair between her legs. There was freedom in not having servants around. He never got tired of the way a woman looked.

  Jean wasn’t as comfortable as he was. “You are sure the maid is gone?”

  “I gave her the night off.” Leaning over, he whispered in her ear. “In case I want to take you on the table. Have you ever had amorous congress on a table?”

  She swallowed. “You must be the most decadent gentleman I know.”

  “Your husband didn’t know how to pleasure you.” They’d reached the bottom of the stairs, and he slid his hand between her legs. “Next time, you will know better.”

  She leaned back against him and rubbed. “At this rate, we won’t get to the dining room.”

  “Hold the back of that chair and bend over.”

  Later, she was pulling apart a piece of cold chicken when she asked, “I am surprised you have not made more progress with the lady.”

  He might, if he could get Lady Adeline alone. He poured Jean more champagne. “I have some thoughts as to how to move the wedding along, but I shall require some assistance.” Reaching out, he fondled her breast. “Would you be willing to help me?”

  Her eyelid dropped and her breathing shortened. “What did you have in mind?”

  Crispin lifted her from the chair and kissed her. “You could find us alone. I have been told the fountain at the garden party we will soon be attending is secluded.” He had her against the wall and lifted her, sliding into her as he did. Jean’s legs wrapped around him. “If you are willing.”

  “Yes.” Her back arched. “God, yes.”

  “I don’t know what to say, but thank you.” Had a more generous lady ever existed? “You are a queen among women.” Crispin wondered if she’d agree to go to France with him.

  A blush rose from her breasts, up her neck, and into her cheeks. “It is my pleasure.”

  He sent her home in a hackney and walked to Normanby House, arriving with very little time to dress for the ball. He had one dance with Lady Adeline, and he intended to make the most of it. If he could get her alone, he might be able to steal a kiss, and a bit more. Once she got a taste of what he could give her, she would be easily convinced that being his wife would have its benefits. For as long as he was there.

  St James’s Square, where Normanby House was located, was not all that far, and Crispin chose to walk there. Unfortunately, that turned out to be a mistake. He had not arrived before the music had begun for the country dance Lady Adeline had offered him. Then it occurred to him that if she did not see him, she might give the set to another gentleman.

  Damn. He couldn’t afford that.

  He made his way around the room, looking for her or any of the members of her circle, but it wasn’t until he had traversed most of the ballroom that he found her. “My lady. Please tell me that I still have the country dance.”

  She looked over his shoulder before meeting his gaze. “I am sorry, my lord. When I did not see you, I accepted Lord Quartus for the set.”

  “It is my loss.” Crispin’s back teeth hurt, but he loosened his jaw. “May I stroll with you between the sets?”

  “No.” Lord Wivenly stood behind his sister. “You may chat with us, but my sister does not stroll between sets.”

  “Thank you, my lord.” Hell! Crispin had no idea she was being watched so closely. “I will be happy to engage in a coze with your circle.”

  The man’s smile had too many teeth. “You are most welcome.”

  So much for trying to get her alone. He’d have to be patient until the garden party. “I shall see you after the dance.”

  “Until then.” She curtseyed.

  Crispin damn well wasn’t going to stand here waiting for her. He began to stroll the edges of the room. There must be some way he could occupy himself until the set was finished. He had made it over halfway around the ballroom when he saw Jean and thought of a perfect way to spend his time until he had an opportunity to speak with Lady Adeline again.

  * * *

  Completely unbidden, a low growl emitted from Frits as he watched Anglesey walk away from Adeline. The only good part was that the man appeared disgruntled.

  Turley chuckled. “You can’t keep every gentleman away from her.”

  “I don’t want to keep every other man away from her.” That was a lie. If Frits had his way, he’d be the only gentleman she danced and spent time with. “I want to keep him from her.”

  “I grant you, I don’t particularly care for him either.” Turley raised his quizzing glass and focused it on Anglesey. “And like you, I cannot articulate the reason.”

  The puppy approached Lady Holloway. “Have you noticed that the only people with whom he appears to associate are widows and matrons?”

  “Now that you mention it, it is odd.” Turley lowered his quizzer. “He did the same in Paris.” He glanced at Frits. “To the best of my knowledge, he does not frequent any of the clubs either.”

  If he dared leave London, he would go to France to see what he could discover about Anglesey. But Frits would not leave Adeline alone. “I’m going to join Lady Adeline’s circle. Do you wish to join me?”

  “Not this time. I think I’ll see who is in the card room.” Shaking his head, Turley looked at Frits. “I still think you are moving too quickly.” Then something or someone caught his eye. “I will join you after all.”

  “I cannot seem to stop myself.” She was Frits’s lodestone. He could not think of another lady in his arms for a waltz, or one who smiled so joyfully when seeing Max or going for a carriage ride. Yet, at the same time, she did not bother hiding her intelligence and strength. With her, he’d never have to guess what was bothering her or where he stood. Even now when he, admittedly, did not know her as well as he wished he did, he could see when she disapproved of something he had done. Fortunately, she did not remain upset for long, and she was quick to forgive his transgressions. Both were excellent qualities in a wife.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Adeline could not stop staring at her brother in something akin to shock. “Thank you. I had no idea you have been taking your chaperonage of me so seriously.”

  “My darling little sister.” He placed his hand on her shoulder. “I have been watching you like a hawk, and when I haven’t been able to do so, my friends have been helping. There is not a set you have danced in which someone has not made sure a gentleman did not attempt to make off with you.”

  Perhaps “stunned” was a better word. She didn’t know what to say. “I–I thank you.”

  He swept her a courtly bow. “It is my pleasure. One day Eugénie and I will have a daughter.” He glanced at Eugénie and smiled. “And I will depend upon you to help her during her come out.”

  Adeline glanced from her brother to her sister-in-law. They were so devoted to each other. How could she have missed the depth of their love? Tears pricked Adeline’s eyes, but she could not resist teasing her brother. “I knew you wanted something from me.”

  He grinned. “I want you to find the love I have.”

  Adeline waved her hand in f
ront of her face to ward off the tears. “William Wivenly, you are not to make me cry.”

  His eyes flew wide in panic. “What did I say?”

  Eugénie held out a handkerchief. “Something sweet, I am certain, mon amour, but ladies cry at sweet words.”

  “Is anything wrong?” Lord Quartus had to appear at the exact moment Adeline did not wish anyone to see her.

  “Nothing, I assure you.” She gave him a bright smile. “Shall we?”

  “You are sure? I am a very easy fellow to talk to.” His face was full of concern that she did not understand. They had just met.

  “My sister-in-law was correct. My brother said something lovely to me. It was as unexpected as it was welcome.”

  “I understand.” Lord Quartus bowed as they took their places in the set. “They are happy tears. My sisters get them as well.”

  “Yes.” She was relieved when the dance began. Still, what Will had said made her feel much more secure. For the first time in a long while, she was glad he was her brother. Maybe rakes were not as horrible as she thought. Perhaps Will could explain more about them. “I do not remember seeing you before. Have you just arrived in Town?”

  “Actually, yes. I was assisting one of my brothers, and Hawksworth, my eldest brother, invited me to visit him for a while.”

  “He is married to Meg Featherton, is he not? Her sister is my very close friend.”

  “Indeed he is. I have to say, I think the Feathertons are an excellent family.”

  Adeline did not know much about the rest of the family, but Georgie and her parents were wonderful people. Then Adeline remembered what her friend had said about her sister helping her husband’s family.

  When Lord Quartus returned Adeline to her circle, Littleton was there, and for some unknown reason, her heart beat faster.

  “Lady Adeline.” He smiled and bowed. “I hope you are having a delightful evening.”

  “I am.” He was up to something. She knew it in her bones. As much as she enjoyed his company, she could not bring herself to trust him. “What are you doing here? Our dance is not for more than another hour.”


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