Iron Cross (COBRA Securities Book 20)

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Iron Cross (COBRA Securities Book 20) Page 7

by Velvet Vaughn

  “Finn is my business,” she remarked as if she heard Kayla’s thoughts. “He’s my superstar player. The foundation of the team. Our moneymaker. I’m new to this job, and I can’t afford any distractions to hinder his performance. He needs his head in the game.”

  “Are you threatening me?”

  Georgiana waved a hand. “Of course not. We’re just having a friendly chat.” She wiggled her fingers at Finn, who’d glanced over at them with a look of concern.

  “It doesn’t seem all that friendly to me.”

  She waved Kayla’s concerns away. “I wanted to let you know where I stand. Now that the hard part is out of the way, I think we could be great friends. I have a standing appointment at Serenity Spa for a mani-pedi every week. I’d love for you to join me.”

  “Isn’t that Megan’s place?”

  Georgiana flinched as if she’d forgotten the other woman was currently missing. “It is. Megan gives the best manicures with our logo.” She waved her talons. “I don’t know if it’ll be open this week. If not, I’ll find another one. There are plenty in town to choose from.”

  Kayla asked her a question that had been bothering her. “How did you know Finn used to date the owner?”

  Georgiana took a slow drink of the wine, savoring it as if she were coming up with a response. “I asked around about him. As I told you, being the owner of a hockey franchise is a new experience for me. I need to know everything about my players. I sought her out and spoke with her. She had a boyfriend, but it was obvious she still loved Finn. We ended up becoming friends. Her death is a great tragedy.”

  “We don’t know that she’s dead yet.”

  “You’re right, of course,” Georgiana sputtered. “But the odds of finding her alive after this much time are dangerously low, I would think. Don’t you agree?”

  That was true, but the way Georgiana spoke sounded every warning bell in her head. She made a mental note to send her name to the tech squad to dig for information.

  She spent the next hour making small talk with the Punishers’ owner until she ventured away to cozy up to the players. She pulled up a chair and squeezed between Finn and Barrett. Both men looked highly annoyed. Kayla emptied her full glass of wine into the bar sink, trying not to whimper as the beautiful red liquid disappeared down the drain. She swiped a bottle of water from the fridge and made her way to an end stool to observe the game. Arnie had a massive stack of chips in front of him, and judging by his obnoxious boasting, he was winning. The other players seemed to take his bragging in stride. After a couple more hands, it was Dmitry’s turn to gloat. Finn looked distracted. When Georgiana rubbed up against him, he appeared ready to bolt.

  Kayla wanted to run interference, but she also needed to assess the other players’ reactions. Did one of Finn’s teammates resent the attention the new owner lavished on him? Maybe one of their contracts was ready for renewal, too, and they hoped to finagle a better offer. Georgiana’s affections for Finn were obvious. One of the others could resent him. Enough to kill? She wasn’t sure. She’d spoken to each one and liked them all instantly. It was hard to believe any of them could be capable of murder, but sometimes killers hid in plain sight. She would not discount anyone without digging for more details.

  After a few more hands, it was clear that Finn was either the worst player ever, or his head wasn’t in the game. Since he seemed immensely capable in everything he attempted, she chose the latter. She’d noticed his worried glances when she chatted with Georgiana. She hoped he didn’t think she’d do anything to jeopardize his contract negotiations.

  When the game finally broke up, she was no closer to identifying a suspect. No one seemed to resent Finn, despite the constant ribbing he endured from his off night at the poker table. He laughed good naturedly at their teasing and made sure everyone had a ride home. While they made their way upstairs, she stayed to clean up the mess. Finn’s housekeeper was on vacation for the rest of the week, but she’d have picked up the glasses and paper plates anyway.

  The sound of feet descending the steps had her turning, expecting to see Finn. Instead, it was his friend, Clint. He plopped down in a chair and faced her with an assessing look.

  “So, Finn’s girlfriend Kayla, I want to know all about you. I still can’t believe he hid you from us. Where do you live? What do you do? Give me all the deets.”

  She’d expected the questions, so her answers were ready. While she’d have to lie, she tried to stick as close to the truth as possible. “Right now, I live in Indiana and work for a production company.” She had done work for TKO Productions in the past, so it wasn’t a total fib. Taylor Costa, Kendall Demarchis and Olivia Mylonas, the owners of TKO Productions, were wives of her coworkers.

  “If you live in Indiana, how did you meet Finn?”

  “At a wedding last month. He swept me off my feet. I took two weeks of vacation to visit him.”

  “Whose wedding?”

  What was this, twenty questions? There was no sense in lying. “Tyler Redmond.”

  Clint’s brows shot up. “Seriously? Ty the geeky science guy? He’s married?”

  Her jaw clenched. Tyler was not a geek. He was a genius, but he was also sweet and kind. “He is, to a wonderful, talented woman. He’s very happy.”

  “Good for him.” Clint smiled. “He deserves it. We weren’t very nice to him in high school, I’m afraid. My only excuse is that I was young and immature.”

  “I’m sure he’d love an apology.” She didn’t want to step on Tyler’s toes, but if Clint and his friends made his young life hell, they deserved to apologize.

  “That’s a great idea.”

  At his request, she rattled off Tyler’s phone number so he could log it into his phone’s address book. Sliding it back in his pocket, he studied her again. “So, Kayla, what do you like to do for fun?”


  Finn made sure his teammates were tucked safely in cabs and Uber’s for their rides home. Usually, he enjoyed the weekly poker games, and by this time, he’d have a happy buzz going. But it seemed to last forever tonight. He’d hardly touched the beer. He was skilled, could make a go at the pro poker circuit if he chose, but he’d been off his game. He’d barely won a hand. All his attention had been focused on Kayla and Georgiana, wondering what they were discussing.

  For some crazy reason, he didn’t want Georgiana scaring Kayla away. Since her arrival, he’d felt more alive than he had in years. He couldn’t wait to see her. Talk to her. It wasn’t just that she was beautiful—she was—but there was so much more. She was confident, strong, smart. He wanted to spend hours talking to her, getting to know her. Find out what made her tick. He hadn’t felt that way with a woman ever.

  Unfortunately, he couldn’t enjoy her company tonight as both Shawn and Clint decided to spend the night. Shawn’s excuse was that he didn’t want to have to ride back with Georgiana. Finn completely understood. He had the feeling Clint’s reason for staying was Kayla. He’d been eyeing her all night, much to Finn’s annoyance. The guy was a major flirt—had been since high school. He was harmless most of the time, but the thought of his friend flirting with Kayla made his blood boil.

  He knew his feelings were irrational. He barely knew her. At first, he’d been uncomfortable lying to his friends about a fake relationship. Now he was glad she suggested it, or he was sure he’d be fighting Clint for her attention. He might’ve tried something if she was unattached, but Clint wouldn’t make a move on Finn’s girlfriend.

  When his friends stayed over, they slept in the two bedrooms down the hall from Kayla’s suite. A thought struck. They were pretending to be a couple. Why would they use separate bedrooms? Shawn and Clint would expect her to stay in his upstairs suite. Added bonus: he wouldn’t have to worry about Clint trying to sneak into her room in the middle of the night.

  He found Kayla in the basement cleaning up the mess, and his hands clenched into fists. Not because she was straightening things up even though he told her he had a housekeeper,
but because Clint was perched in a chair talking to her while she worked.

  “You don’t need to do this.” He took the glasses from her and placed them in the dishwasher behind the bar. Though he told Kayla to leave it for his housekeeper, he always cleaned up after the poker games instead of leaving the mess for Della.

  “I don’t mind.” She placed the empty pizza boxes on the counter. He’d carry the trash upstairs, too.

  “Finn, my man, you’ve got some competition. Kayla’s amazing.”

  “Yeah, well, she’s mine, so back off.”

  Clint held up his hands in a surrender sign, and Finn realized he’d growled the words.

  “Whoa, you two, no need for trouble. I make my own choices. I choose to be with Finn.”

  “I was just messing with him.” Clint grinned, but Finn could tell it was forced. Kayla’s words stung. “I’ve never seen him so possessive before. And for the record, Kayla, I’m not the least surprised at your response. Even in high school, the girls picked him over me.”

  “That’s not true,” Finn argued. “We never liked the same girl at the same time.”

  “Where’s Shawn?” Kayla glanced around, obviously trying to diffuse the situation. “I thought he was spending the night, too.”

  “He is, but he ran upstairs and locked himself in the bathroom to avoid Georgiana.”

  Once they had the area in order, he gathered the trash to carry upstairs. Clint grabbed the empty pizza boxes while Kayla turned off all the lights. He placed the garbage in a container in his garage and took the boxes from Clint to add to the recycle bin.

  After making sure the alarm was engaged, they headed upstairs. Clint waved goodnight as he disappeared into his room. Finn waited until the door closed before he leaned close to whisper, “They think we’re dating, so we’d share the same room. My suite is large. You can take the bed. I’ll crash on the couch.”

  “When I heard they both were staying over, I moved my things to your room for the same reason.”

  His heart rate picked up speed. Having Kayla in the same room would be torture. He’d get no sleep thinking about her lying in his bed. He had a commercial shoot tomorrow. He’d look like hell on camera.

  Kayla showered first, and it was another form of torture picturing her gloriously naked under the spray of water. He grabbed his phone to check messages, anything to stop the images from invading his brain.

  She came out smelling fresh and feminine and flowery. He wanted to pull her close and drink in her scent. Instead, he forced himself to shower. His would be a cold one.

  Once he finished, he flipped off the light and opened the door, preparing himself to see Kayla in his bed. Instead, it was empty.

  He found her curled up on the sofa in the sitting area.

  “The couch is mine.”

  “You’re too big to sleep here. Besides, I’m perfectly comfy.”

  Though the entire third floor was his bedroom suite, when he remodeled, he had a door added at the top of the steps. Usually, it was just him in the house, so he kept it open. He was glad he closed it tonight when there was a sharp rap.

  Kayla’s eyes widened. Leaping off the couch, she dove for the bed, pulling the covers around her. He waited until she’d settled before he opened the door.

  “I am so sorry to bother you.” Shawn looked sheepish. “I have to go home. I forgot I have an early conference call before your commercial shoot, and I need to gather files. I’ve already called a cab. It should be here soon. I didn’t want to worry you if I was gone.”

  “I’ll walk you down.” Finn waited until they reached the first level before asking, “Have you heard anything from Megan’s boyfriend?”

  “Not since he called this morning. He’s worried.” He glanced over at Finn. “Do you think it has anything to do with Nina?”

  He wanted to say no, but he wasn’t sure. Kayla’s words played in his head. “I don’t know. I hope not.”

  “Yeah,” Shawn agreed. “Me, too.” He elbowed Finn. “You dog, keeping Kayla a secret.”

  “I wasn’t keeping her a secret,” he argued. “I just wanted her to myself for a while.”

  “I understand that. I didn’t get the chance to talk to her very much, but she seems like a nice woman. And, man, she’s stunning.”

  “That she is.” He willed Shawn’s cab to arrive so he could get back to her.

  “I’ll be busy with gathering documents and meeting with front office personnel for your contract negotiations, but maybe we can go out to dinner once it’s signed. I’d like to get to know the woman who stole my best friend’s heart.”

  “It’s too soon for talk like that,” he protested.

  “I know you, Finn. I’ve never seen you like this with a woman. You couldn’t even take your eyes off her long enough to concentrate on the game. You’re practically a poker pro, but man, you sucked tonight.”

  He couldn’t argue that point. He had been distracted.

  “I think she’s the one for you.”

  Finn shuddered, not because the words scared him, but because he wanted them to be true.

  Once the taxi arrived, he reset the alarms and headed back upstairs. He entered quietly and found Kayla asleep in his bed. Damn, she looked incredible. He must’ve been staring at her too intently because her eyes fluttered open, sending another shot of lust to his gut.

  “The bed’s large.” She patted the mattress beside her. “Come on and sleep.”

  He almost argued, but she was curled up on one side, taking up very little space. He climbed in and settled against the pillows, wide awake. How would he ever sleep with the sexiest, most desirable woman he’d ever met a few inches away?

  Chapter Six

  Kayla woke to find herself plastered against Finn’s side with his arm around her. Warmth permeated her skin wherever they touched. It was a pleasant way to start the day, but supremely unprofessional. Still, she lingered in his embrace before forcing herself to ease out of bed. She’d placed her workout clothes within easy reach, so she grabbed them and headed to the bathroom to change. When she came out, Finn was already dressed and ready to hit the gym.

  He said nothing about her breaching the distance between them last night—and it was her. He’d still been on his side of the bed. She knew he had to have noticed.

  “After we work out, I need to get to the arena. I’m shooting a commercial for one of my endorsement deals today.”

  She wanted to insist he take her along, but there was nothing that suggested he was a target. Yet. She couldn’t smother him. He had a life to lead. She’d spend the day digging into Darcy Driessen’s background, and Megan’s too.

  “Do you want to come along?”

  A warm feeling settled in her belly that he thought to ask her. “You don’t mind?”

  “Of course not. It’s going to be a busy week. Today is the commercial, and then I have several photo shoots with my teammates on Tuesday for team sponsors and promo materials for next season.”

  “All at the arena?”

  “Yeah. I also need to meet with the rest of my summer camp staff on Wednesday. There are several issues we need to address, and we need to hire a replacement for Fred.”

  This was all good. She’d have the opportunity to observe several of the people he interacted with on a daily basis. “Do all your teammates live in Pittsburgh year around?”

  “Not all. We were given a month off after the finals so guys could take a break or go home to their families. Some went on vacation. The ones involved with the shoot needed to be back in town today. The rest will return for a mandatory team meeting on Thursday. On Friday, Georgiana’s planned a fan appreciation evening. She wanted an epic, blow-out party with the players and the Cup.”

  “Do you have access to the Stanley Cup?”

  “The winning team gets a hundred days with it, and she wants to show it off. She had a banner made to hang in the rafters. We won’t get our rings until the start of the next season, so there will be another celebrat
ion then.”

  “I imagine tickets are sold out.” Pittsburgh loved their Punishers.

  “They are. Then on Saturday evening, Georgiana’s hosting a party for city officials, sponsors and VIPs. Our attendance is required. Players can leave on Sunday to go on vacation or to their hometowns for the rest of the summer until training camps.”

  “That is a busy week. Will it be weird if I accompany you to all the events?”

  “Not at all.”

  Good. She’d feel safer keeping an eye on him at all times. “Do other players bring their significant others?”

  “They will for the fan appreciation event and the reception.”

  Midway between their workout, Clint showed up and started sliding weight disks on the bar. “Where’s Shawn? His door was open, but he wasn’t in the room.”

  “He left last night. He had business to take care of early.”

  “Speaking of, I’ve got a change of clothes at work. Can I grab a ride to the arena with you?”


  While Finn and Clint talked, she headed to the bathroom to change into the bathing suit she left to dry yesterday. Not wanting to take the time to fix her hair, she snapped on a red Streamline swimming cap from Peyton Durant’s signature line. Peyton was a multiple gold medal-winning swimmer currently engaged to Noah Addison, Kayla’s coworker. She glanced to where Finn was spotting Clint with the weights and then dove in and started swimming. After two laps, Finn joined her and stroked through the water. Clint had joined them by the time she finished. Grabbing a towel, she headed to Finn’s suite to shower and took the time to apply makeup again. Since she’d be acting as his girlfriend in public, she needed to look presentable when they were out and about. It was a good thing she’d packed her supplies. She didn’t usually bring them along on an assignment. She wasn’t sure what made her add the case to her bag unless subconsciously, she wanted to look good for him.

  She chose a simple yet stylish outfit of a loose top with capri pants and sandals. Her bullet-proof vest was undetectable beneath the flowing material.


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