Iron Cross (COBRA Securities Book 20)

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Iron Cross (COBRA Securities Book 20) Page 11

by Velvet Vaughn

  “No, but I don’t want to focus on one scenario without exploring other avenues. I prefer to keep all options open.”

  “That’s excellent detective work.” Anja typed notes into her phone. “You said there were no cameras in the locker room?” She glanced at Finn, who shook his head. “Who else knows about the crosses?”

  “A few of my teammates,” Finn told her. “One of the trainers. Anyone who has been inside the locker room could’ve seen them. I don’t know how long they were hanging in there.”

  “We’ll leave the information about the crosses out of the media, so I’d appreciate it if you don’t mention them to anyone else. We might be able to use them if we locate a suspect.”

  Finn’s phone buzzed again, and he muttered a curse. “Kip’s here. Excuse me.” He left to talk to the public relations manager.

  “Now that we’re certain the murders are connected, I’ll establish a task force from different departments and agencies,” Anja informed her. “I’d like for you to be on the team. With your background and training, you’d be an asset.”

  Kayla was honored she asked, but task forces meant daily briefings. She didn’t want to be away from Finn that long since there was a threat. Her time was better spent guarding him. “I appreciate the offer, and I’ll contribute however I can, but I don’t want to attend daily meetings.”

  “Understood,” Anja said with a chuckle. “I don’t want to either. I’ll add you to the team anyway to keep you in the loop.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate it. Also, two more agents are coming to assist me. Colt Fontaine and Kaiya Quillen. I’ll still be on point, but I’ll give you their contact information in case you can’t get in touch with me, or if they need to call you.”

  “Okay.” Anja swung around and stretched out her legs on the chaise. “I could sit out here all night,” she murmured as the sun began to set.

  “Me, too.” Though the view was incredible in daylight, it was breathtaking at night with the city lights reflecting in the river.

  “Do you have any other suspects we need to check out?”

  “Not yet. I need to prod Finn to think of anyone who might want to hurt him.”

  “That might be hard. Pittsburgh loves him. He’s an icon of the city.”

  Was it Kayla’s imagination, or did the detective sound wistful? Anja sighed and pushed to her feet. “I need to get going. If I don’t make myself move, I’ll be sleeping here.”

  Kayla stood. “I’ll walk you to your car.”

  “Who is Finn talking to?” Anja asked as they stepped through the sliding glass doors.

  “That’s Kip Pennington. He’s the public relations manager for the Punishers. He’s set up a press conference in the morning with Finn and the team owner to address the recent murders.”

  “What time? I’d like to be there.”

  “I’m not sure. Let’s go find out.” Kayla led Anja to the kitchen where Finn and Kip were seated at the bar. She made introductions.

  “What’s the purpose of the press conference?” Anja asked.

  “To address the murders since Finn’s linked to Fred, Nina and Megan,” Kip answered.

  “What do they have to do with the Punishers that you would need to hold a press conference?”

  Kip’s spine straightened and he answered belligerently, “Finn’s our star player. The captain of the team. If it involves him, it involves us.”

  “What time is the press conference? I’d like to be there.”

  “Of course. It’s at ten a.m. in the plaza in front of the arena. I’ll add you to the roster to give an update.”

  “I don’t have any information to provide at this time other than to say the investigations are ongoing.”

  “Well, I’m sure the public would feel reassured to know that the police are on the case,” Kip responded flippantly.

  “I’m sure they would,” Anja responded, her jaw locked. “If it involves our city and our citizens, we’re always on the job.”

  “Oh, well, I’m sure you are. I didn’t mean to imply otherwise.”

  Kayla swiftly guided Anja out of the house before she took a much-deserved swing at Kip. The guy had a way of getting under the skin.

  “He’s annoying,” she muttered as she opened her car door.

  “Yeah,” she agreed. “I try to give him the benefit of the doubt since he’s trying to maximize exposure for the team, but it’s hard.”

  Anja bucked her belt and started her car. “See you tomorrow.”

  Kayla watched her drive off before returning to the house. Kip had finished providing Finn with a list of news outlets requesting a private interview. Standing, he stuffed papers in his briefcase. “Do you mind if I use the restroom before I leave? It’s a long drive home.”

  Finn directed him to the half-bath in the hallway by the door.

  Kayla could tell from the look on his face he didn’t want to sit through the interviews tomorrow. “How many?”

  He held up a list. “A dozen.”

  She winced in sympathy. “You should take it as a compliment that so many people want to hear from you.”

  He gave her a look that she deciphered as, “Yeah, right.”

  Kip returned and grabbed his briefcase. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Once he left, they made sandwiches and returned to the deck.

  Opening a file on her computer, she turned to him. “Ready to make the list of past girlfriends?”

  Chapter Ten

  Kayla had been dreading compiling the list of Finn’s former girlfriends, assuming the list would be pages and pages long, but it wasn’t as bad as she feared. He’d admitted to a few one-night stands, but they didn’t include those women since he didn’t know how to get in touch with most of them.

  She’d closed her computer a while ago, and they sat side by side, staring at the night skyline below. It was so peaceful. And romantic. Having him next to her was a comfort. They didn’t need to speak to fill the conversational gaps. Those feelings she attempted to push aside kept coming at her like a category five hurricane, no matter how hard she tried to ignore them.

  “It’s going to be a long morning,” she said. “We should try to get some sleep.”

  When she stood, her foot caught on the edge of the chair, sending her stumbling forward.

  “Woah.” Finn caught her before she face-planted to the deck.

  She looked up, intending to thank him, but their faces were so close the words died in her throat. Though it was dark outside, the moon provided enough light for her to see the look in his eyes. Desire. Need. The same emotions reflected in her eyes.

  She was on a case, she reminded herself. She needed to step away before she did something foolish, like jumping him.

  He took the decision away from her when he covered her lips. His mouth absorbed her gasp of surprise. This wasn’t the light peck they shared in front of Darcy. It was all-consuming with heat and intensity. He was claiming her.

  She moaned and wrapped her arms around his neck, needing more. A fire raged inside her only he could extinguish. One big hand slid beneath her shirt to cup her breast. She tore her lips away to toss her head back in pleasure.

  Suddenly she was swept off her feet. Finn placed her on the lounge chair and slowly undressed her. She’d never had sex out in the open, and the sensations were both exhilarating and titillating. Finn’s deck was private, so they were blocked from any neighbors witnessing their nocturnal shenanigans. Anyone in the city below would need a powerful pair of binoculars.

  She shivered when he removed the last article of clothing. Not from being naked in the outdoors, but from the way he was looking at her. “You are so damn beautiful.” The husky tone of his voice had her dragging him on top of her to kiss him again. She couldn’t get enough of him. He was the most skilled man she’d ever kissed, but right now, she needed skin on skin contact. She ripped at his shirt, trying to remove it. He stood to strip and her breath caught. In the moonlight, he was magnificent. S
he’d never seen a more perfect specimen of man.

  He fished a condom out of his pocket and dropped the pants to the deck before sheathing himself. He eased on top of her again, and she cried out at the feeling of perfection as he slid inside.


  Finn was the luckiest man on the planet. There wasn’t even a close runner-up. He had the most incredible woman beneath him, gazing at him with passion-filled eyes. It was all he could do to control himself when all he wanted to do was bury himself deep inside and never leave.

  He’d known the moment he laid eyes on her at Tyler’s wedding that she had the power to change his life. He was right.

  Lowering his body to hers, he slid his arms beneath her shoulders—the chaise lounge wasn’t the largest surface around—positioned his hips and drove home. She screamed, or he did, he wasn’t sure. He felt complete for the first time in his life. He couldn’t stop himself from reveling in her welcoming heat. When she wrapped her muscular legs around him, he was gone. Pleasing her was the only thing that mattered. He wanted to be gentle, but she dug her heels in his back, urging him on. He obliged, giving her everything he had. He just hoped the lounge chair held. Then she was tightening against him, and his eyes crossed in exquisite ecstasy. He covered her mouth with his—not because he didn’t want to hear her screams. He did. But he needed to taste her more than he needed his next breath. Then he was hurtling over the edge, groaning her name against her lips as sensations roared through his body.

  His arms were useless as he collapsed against her, every muscle drained and depleted. Somehow, he managed to flip so she was on top of him. Their harsh breaths mingled in the night air, along with frogs croaking a melody in the trees below and crickets chirping contentedly. He stared at the starry sky above, trying to regain control of his emotions. He knew sex with her would be phenomenal, but he hadn’t been prepared for the impact on his heart. He was off-kilter. It felt like his entire world tipped on its axis.

  When she lifted her head, her breasts pressed deeper against his chest. He groaned, wanting her again—or still. Would he ever get enough?

  “Finn, about what just happened…”

  She was about to apologize or insist it wouldn’t happen again. He wasn’t prepared to hear the words. Instead, he kissed her again, causing her to melt against him. Lifting her in his arms, he rose from the chair and carried her inside, making sure to lock the slider before he continued to his bedroom two floors above. Then he placed her on the bed, disposed of the used condom, grabbed another handful and proceeded to make love to her all night long.

  Chapter Eleven

  Despite the lack of sleep, Finn woke refreshed and revitalized. It had everything to do with the woman pressed against his side. She might’ve planned on calling a halt to their escapades, but somewhere during the night, she took over. He’d been a willing submissive, letting her lead. It was the best night of his life.

  But with the morning light came the harsh reminder of the day’s activities. He needed to get in a workout before heading to the arena for the press conference. But first, he took the time to study the woman beside him. Pale lashes fanned against her smooth cheeks in slumber. Honey-colored hair spread over the pillow. He wanted her again. Four times hadn’t begun to slake his need. He had a feeling he could never get enough of her.

  Her pale lashes fluttered open. Staring into her sky-blue eyes gut-punched him. “Morning.”

  She smiled. “Good morning.”

  He kissed her. He couldn’t help it. She responded eagerly, and if he didn’t pull away right now, he’d spend the entire day in bed with her.

  In just a couple of days, they’d settled into a comfortable workout routine. She even liked his motivational playlist with an eclectic mixture of songs ranging from Eminem to Lady Gaga to Guns N’ Roses.

  After their swim, they returned to his room and spent the next thirty minutes sharing a shower where he made love to her against the tiled wall. After the intense encounter, she became subdued. It wasn’t until they were dressed and on the way to the press conference when she opened up.

  “Last night was incredible.”

  “It was,” he agreed, feeling a trap ahead.

  “But it can’t happen again.”

  And there it was.

  He reached over and clasped her hand, taking great satisfaction when she didn’t immediately pull away. “We’re both adults. We enjoy each other’s company.” Understatement. “And we’re good together.”

  “We are, but I’m working, Finn. I never mix business with pleasure. Plus, my coworkers are arriving today. They’re both new to their jobs. I won’t allow them to know what happened between us. It’s unprofessional. I would appreciate it if you said nothing to anyone.”

  Now he was offended. He wasn’t a locker room gossip. Never had been. Other guys loved to brag about their exploits, especially Arnie, but that had never been his thing. Even when they pestered him for details, he remained closed-lipped. “Everyone I know thinks we’re dating. I would imagine they assume we’re having sex.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “No, I really don’t.”

  She huffed. “Our relationship is fake.”

  Who was she trying to convince? Him? Or herself?

  “I’ll fill Colt and Kaiya in on our arrangement, so they’ll know we’re pretending to be a couple. But inside your house will be a different story.”

  Though he wanted to continue their involvement, he wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize her job. He would abide by her wishes, even if it killed him. And it just might.

  Television trucks filled the lot when he turned in to park. A stage had been constructed in front of the arena with Punishers flags and banners fluttering in the breeze. He spotted Kip and headed in that direction. Kayla slipped her hand into his and squeezed. He’d relish the contact for as long as he could.

  Soon he was being herded to the dais where Georgiana and Detective Johansen were waiting. A swarm of reporters camped in front with their cameras and mics at the ready. It was going to be a long morning.


  As Kip took the microphone, Kayla scanned the growing crowd for any threats. Besides reporters and camera crews, curious onlookers gathered to watch. Soon the plaza was packed, and a sense of unease crept down her spine. Finn was out in the open and unprotected on the stage. With so many people, it would be harder to cover him if danger arose.

  Kip waxed poetic about the Punishers and their achievements, seemingly forgetting the reason for the press conference. He finally relinquished the microphone to Georgiana, and she expounded on Kip’s remarks, bragging about their award-winning season. Wiping a tear, she spoke of her late husband and his love for his team and how she looked forward to honoring his memory and continuing the legacy. Kayla shook her head. She’d made it all about her. Even her bright pink dress stood out from the team’s red and black color palette.

  The reporters jockeyed for position when it was Finn’s turn to speak. His remarks were brief, expressing sadness and grief for the lost lives and offering prayers for the families. They were the perfect comments, and he exuded honesty and compassion.

  Anja was last, assuring the public that the police were on the case and would catch the person responsible for the murders. She handed the mic to Kip, who took questions.

  “Is there a serial killer on the loose?”

  “Is Finn Bates the target?”

  “Should the citizens of Pittsburgh be worried?”

  Anja stepped forward to answer. “It’s too soon to assume this is the work of a serial killer,” she advised. “And we have no reason to believe Mr. Bates is the target. You shouldn’t panic but be vigilant.”

  Pop, pop, pop.

  Kayla reacted on instinct, leaping on the stage and diving for Finn as people screamed and scattered. Anja withdrew her weapon and searched for the source of the sounds while Kayla muscled Finn to the protection of the building. A squealing Georgiana had latched onto his arm, so she toted
both of them along. She was glad she’d insisted Finn wear the bulletproof vest.

  Anja grabbed the microphone. “It was just firecrackers,” she told the scared patrons. “Nothing to be afraid of.”

  The crowd calmed as Anja’s words penetrated. Georgiana dramatically patted her heart. “Oh, my word, that was frightening. I thought we were all dead.”

  From firecrackers.

  Kip had joined them against the building, and he mopped at his brow with a handkerchief. “That was close. I’m a little gun-shy after the runaway truck incident the other day.” He consulted his iPad. “Finn, we need to get inside for the first interview. I’ve set them all up in the conference room down the hall from Georgiana’s office.”

  Kip led the way inside the arena to the bank of elevators. Once they stopped on the floor, he ushered Finn to a room with a view of the ice below. Kayla accompanied them but stayed against the back wall. Finn was fitted with a microphone before taking a seat across from the interviewer.

  Her phone vibrated, and she stepped into the hall to speak with Anja.

  “It was a kid who set off the firecrackers,” the detective informed her. “He said someone paid him twenty dollars to do it.”

  “I’m guessing he can’t describe the person.”

  “Nope. Hoodie, sunglasses, baseball cap. He doesn’t know if it was a man or a woman.”

  “Where did the person approach him?”

  “The other side of the arena. We’re checking any cameras in the area now.”

  “Let me know what you find out.”

  Finn was finishing up with the first interview when she slid back inside the room. Clint sidled up next to her. “What happened out there? I was watching the live feed when all hell broke loose. It was over by the time I raced outside.”

  “A kid let off firecrackers that everyone mistook for gunshots.”

  “Sheesh. Way to disburse a crowd.”

  “Yeah, it worked. But now Finn has several interviews for the next few hours.”

  “Poor guy. Let him know I’m available if he needs anything.”

  “I will.”


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