Age of Adepts c1-1513

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Age of Adepts c1-1513 Page 236

by Zhen De Lao Lang, 真的老狼

  Furthermore, the Corpse Rot Poison and Hysteresis Halos they relied so much upon could do nothing to Sofia and Alice. The battle was utterly one-sided at this point.

  Alice drove the spider golem forward and started to fight all five of the mummy elders at once. It deflected and held back all of their attacks. It didn't matter how much the mummy elders punched the golem's body, creating small indentations in the metal; the spider golem continued to fight and use its sharp limbs and frightening claws to slice the mummies.

  The Fel Cannon also continuously fired at the mummy elders and bombarded their bodies with plasma bubbles. If it wasn't for their sturdy bodies and the magical resistance from their funeral shrouds, Alice might have been able to slaughter Second Grade creatures once more successfully!

  Even so, the mummy elders were still at a disadvantage when faced with a monstrous metallic golem that could split the ground apart. They could only retreat under the heavy blows of the two violent witches. They had none of their earlier bloodlust or recklessness.

  However, an ill feeling gradually crept up the hearts of the three favored ones in the group as time passed.

  Even though the undead beasts were strong, the mysterious person still had no intention of showing up to further help them. It seemed like she wanted to leave the undead here for them to slaughter. That meant she was planning a massive conspiracy behind their backs!

  The three witches sensed the alarm bells going off from their fate senses.

  "We can't be bogged down by this trash! We need to find a way to break through!" Alice's voice rang out from within the giant body of the spider golem.

  "Hmph! Easy to say! Each one of these monsters is harder to kill than the next. Not to mention that they are all more powerful than us. Do you think every one of us has a metal can to hide inside and slaughter the monsters with?" A mummy had just punched Sofia in the back. She was naturally upset, and thus, her words were mean and hostile.

  Of course, Sofia didn't let it go that easily. She had also smashed that mummy on its shroud-covered face. Judging by the crack on impact, the mummy's nose bone and skull were utterly shattered.

  That said, the mummies were practically meat shields after all. Even with part of their body destroyed, they still managed to fight on with as much vigor as before. However, they did protect the soul fire in their skulls and the core in their hearts very well. They would even sacrifice all the flesh on their arms to protect these critical parts.

  That was why Sofia, the Tyrant, and the spider golem were unable to kill even a single one of the mummy elders, despite working together.

  On the other hand, they had no time to waste!

  "This can't drag on any longer!" The warnings from Alice's heart was getting more and more urgent,"I'll lead the charge. You lot remember to keep up."

  The Infernal Tyrant let out a massive roar and started to charge ahead with massive steps. At the same time, a ferocious Scarlet Firestorm erupted in the middle of the group of enemies.

  The low-grade undead were helpless to resist this powerful spell. They scattered and tried to escape from the sea of flames. Meanwhile, the spider golem took this opportunity of the horde dispersing to start to propel its limbs. It knocked aside two of the mummy elders and continuously shot out beams from its compound eyes as it launched its unstoppable charge.

  The two banshees that had fled earlier descended from above. However, a couple of purple plasma bubbles rapidly greeted them. If these revenant banshees had any long range abilities, they would have easily been able to detonate the bubbles before they reached them.

  Sadly, the banshees had no such ability.

  The banshees had already experienced this earlier. They were immediately frightened away by the attack and quickly hid in the ceiling, barely managing to avoid the plasma bubbles.

  The spider golem Greem had spent six months on lived up to its name. It crashed through the horde of powerful monsters as if it trampled on the flat ground. It completely ignored all the scratches and blows directed at its metal shell. Whenever it swung one of its sharp limbs, some of the foolish undead would instantly split into two.

  Alice ignored these low-grade undead and drove the spider golem onward as fast as it could go. Its metal limbs clanged as it smashed against the ground. Alice only fired the plasma bubbles to chase away the Second Grade undead when they advanced too close.

  With the spider golem's charge, the Infernal Tyrant's dispersion of the crowd, Sofia's violent blows, and Snowlotus' large-scale Blizzards to slow the enemy down, the group of witches instantly sped up. They rushed through the army and knocked aside all the monsters in the way, heading straight for the magical facility in the distance.

  The sudden charge of the three favored ones immediately exposed Amanda and Doris.

  They had been able to obtain shelter by following alongside the Infernal Tyrant or the spider golem. However, now that their teammates had started to charge forward, the two of them were exposed at the rear of the formation. They became the most accessible pieces of meat to tear off from the group.

  The three phantom shadesteel statues, the two revenant banshees wandering the walls, and the few mummy elders Alice had blown away; all of these monsters turned their attention towards the two of them and gradually surrounded them.

  "Don't leave us behind... bring us with you… "

  The two witches screamed as they used every ability they possessed to stumble after the party.

  The entire group was like a chariot gone out of control, wildly smashing their way towards the target in the distance.

  Chapter 369 The Illusion is Shattered

  The flames of battle continued to burn within the Tower.

  Meanwhile, outside the Tower, the waiting witches were bored out of their minds!

  It had only been four hours since the Tower of Fate's activation and the closing of its gates. There hadn't been any commotion since.

  That said, the sky wasn't all that peaceful either.

  Every once in a while, a brilliant beam of light cut through the sky and sank into the walls of the Tower.

  This phenomenon had caught Greem's attention as well.

  He had performed a few subtle experiments of his own earlier. Neither Spirit nor elementium spells could pass through that mysterious force enveloping the Tower of Fate. Even the Infernal Tyrant that had his soul aura branded in its core had been completely disconnected from him. Contacting Alice was going to be impossible.

  Greem had also secretly passed one of the Black Qiraji Resonating Crystals to Alice. He had wanted to rely on this to maintain communications. Sadly, even the Resonating Crystals that claimed to be able to overcome planar barriers wouldn't work!

  Despite all these defenses, those colorful lights in the sky still managed to enter the Tower. Of course, Greem was shocked and surprised!

  "Those fools. Still dreaming of resisting their fates when they have already turned into the mediums of fate itself. Did they think they could avoid the Battle of Fate by hiding as far away as possible? Kehkehkeh. In the end, they lost their only opportunity to survive! Hmph! Fools." An old witch with a hooked nose and sunken eyes looked up at the bright lights above her head and mocked.

  Greem heard what she said, and his body trembled. He had a whole different feeling when he once again looked at these rainbow lights.

  These weren't spells, but the lives of candidates!

  There had only been one hundred and fifty candidates that entered the Tower of Fate when the Battle of Fate started. Were there so few people who had awakened to their talent for fate across the entire Continent?

  Of course not!

  Greem had talked with the Death Witches before this, and he knew that at least three or four hundred candidates would appear every time a lost witch legacy surfaced. That meant that only a third of the total candidates had reached the Tower of Fate.

  Were the ones that went into hiding able to ensure their survival?

  Greem fell silent as he
looked at the rainbow lights streaking through the sky.

  It didn't matter where you were or how powerful you were. Once the Tower of Fate closed, all absent candidates received the backlash from the planar laws. The talent of fate that had brought them unlimited glory was now a lethal poison that stole their lives.

  At this moment, across many hidden locations on the Continent, countless fate candidates were wailing and crying in agony. They prayed and begged.

  But it was useless.

  An unknown fire of the laws ignited in the depths of their souls. Their bodies, flesh, bones, organs; everything they had burned to ashes. The essence of all their body and soul was concentrated and refined into a mysterious substance and attached to a trace of the power of fate. Then the material, along with the sliver of fate, was sent all the way to the Tower.

  This scene repeated all over the world. No one could stop it, and no one dared to.

  These individuals that had given up on the Battle of Fate forfeited their last chance to fight for survival. The moment the gates of the Tower of Fate closed, all the candidates that remained outside were doomed to suffer the backlash from the laws of fate. They were transformed into the most concentrated and purest nutrition, waiting within the core of the Tower for the birth of the new Witch of Fate.

  Why was it that every Witch of Fate that came to power was so suddenly able to gain influence and authority? Why was the new Witch of Fate so important as to be noticed by every single witch branch?

  This event was the reason!

  With the nutrition to empower them, any newborn Witch of Fate was able to climb to the ranks of Second Grade, and even Third Grade, powerhouses within a short period. Of course, whether they could reach the levels of the Fourth Grade witch leaders depended on the talent of the individual.

  Still, would a person that managed to become the Witch of Fate lack in talent?

  What a joke of a question!

  That was why the new Witch of Fate was destined to become a Fourth Grade powerhouse. The only question was how long it would take for her to reach that level. Naturally, the Witch Council would have to provide this future Fourth Grade witch with the necessary respect and authority.

  It meant that if Alice won the Battle of Fate, she was very likely to rapidly rise to a level where Greem could only look up towards. At that time, the dynamics of their relationship were likely to reverse.

  It wouldn't be Alice needing Greem's power anymore. Instead, it would be Greem who would have to rely upon Alice!

  Greem possessed a rather sharp eye.

  Ever since he had heard about the Battle of Fate from Endor, he had been searching through ancient records and learning all he could about the Battle of Fate and the Witches of Fate. It was at that moment that he came up with this plan to hasten the development of his powers and his future influence.

  A one-time investment for a return that would last him his whole life!

  If he bet correctly, he would have a high-grade witch covering his back. His life would be a breeze afterward!

  Even if he did lose the bet, all he would suffer was the loss of some materials and objects that didn't impact his own body. He was a registered adept of the Sarubo Clan within the Zhentarim area. The Northern Witches were unreasonable, but they still lacked sufficient reason to kill him. As long as he didn't resist, nothing would happen to him. The worst was that being caught by the Witch Council meant being shut in jail for a couple of years.

  After all, he had only killed the adept due to the enemies' provocation. He hadn't initiated the fight. Not to mention, the adept wasn't part of the Northern Witches. Looking beyond the Witches of Deceit's malicious intent, the Witch Council had absolutely no reason to put him to death over this!

  Moreover, Greem already had a plan.

  Even if he did fail and was captured, he would use his last spacestone to negotiate for his freedom. If Alice died here, there would be a massive hole in his plan to invade another plane. That wasn't something that he could easily account for. Thus, there would not be much meaning in keeping the spacestone any longer.

  It was due to his plans that Greem had never ordered Alice around as a 'master' would. Instead, he had always thought about things for Alice's benefit and treated her as an equal. All this because he didn't want to ruin their relationship!

  Their fragile master-slave contract would probably vanish the moment Alice succeeded to the Witch of Fate title!

  After all, how could the powerful Witch of Fate ever be subordinate to a First Grade male adept? Keeping such thoughts to oneself was fine. But if Greem ever tried to make it a reality, the entirety of the Witch Council would tear him apart.

  Greem had always treated Alice as a friend in all of their previous interactions. Such a relationship might have seemed fake and insincere, but it was a deception that carried with it a trace of honesty and sincerity.

  Would Alice become a Second Grade or Third Grade Witch of Fate? The first thing she did when she met him wouldn't be to turn him into meat paste, would it? How much of his previous emotional investment would remain after she became the Witch of Fate?

  All sorts of factors that were out of his control ran through Greem's mind. The wait became even more arduous and intolerable.


  Crash. The spider golem knocked down the walls of the mystical hall and charged into an odd place filled with strange runes.

  The sea of radiance suddenly disappeared. All of the runes on the walls, ceilings, and the floorboard exploded, one after another. The destruction finally allowed the witches who were still trapped in that illusory world to break free.

  Nearly half of the apprentices, and two of the witches, collapsed to the ground when the illusion vanished. They had lost their lives. The remaining people, on the other hand, started screaming and crying out loud in pain. They frantically threw spells and attacks in every direction. It was apparent that the side-effects from the illusion were not going to be undone so easily.

  An ordinary-looking girl knelt beside a young witch. She closed the witch's mouth and used an extremely plain dagger to slit the throat of the witch slowly.

  Oddly enough, the young witch's body surged with elementium aura while the mysterious girl was utterly harmless. Still, the young witch appeared to have entirely given up on resisting. She just lied there and allowed the girl to kill her.

  The other witches had just broken free from the illusion. The impacts and tremors to their Spirits hadn't calmed down yet. The looked on as this unexpected occurrence happened before them, but they were still confused as to what was happening.

  "That's her! Kill her!" Alice's sharp voice rang out from within the spider golem.

  The next moment, the gigantic machine lunged at the girl in the crowd with unstoppable momentum.

  The spider golem raised the front of its body while the compound eyes shot out energy beams of various colors. It stabbed forward at the girl with its massive claws.

  Sofia and Snowlotus passed through the hole in the wall at this time. Their eyes also immediately fell upon the mysterious girl.

  The girl was an invisible existence to those with less than ten points of the power of fate. Even if their eyes saw her, their minds automatically ignored her due to fate obscuring the fact.

  However, for anyone with ten points and above, the girl was like a brilliant moon in the night. They couldn't ignore her even if they wanted to. The three favored ones completely disregarded everything else once they entered the hall. Their attention was drawn towards the strange and mysterious girl.

  "Kill her!" The mysterious girl lifted her head. A brilliant light of intelligence glowed in the depths of her pitch-black eyes. She pointed at the spider golem and shouted, "She's the one behind the illusion. Let's work together and kill her first!"

  Strangely enough, her voice was dull and emotionless. Even though there were no strange powers in her words, they still managed to affect all the witches around her.

  The eig
ht confused witches that had just broken out of the illusion immediately raised their staffs and wands. A torrent of spells blasted towards the spider golem.

  Chapter 370 Sever Fate


  If Alice had the time, she would have started insulting her enemies' moms; she would have gone all the way up to their ancestors right now. The mastermind behind all the pain they had suffered was right behind them, yet they shifted their attention towards Alice.

  If it were merely a group of apprentice witches in front of her, Alice would not have worried about them dealing any damage to the golem. However, the group in front of her had nine witches and seventeen apprentices.

  Any single one of them alone would be utterly useless. Alice would laugh before ordering the spider golem to roll over them. However, even Alice started sweating when she saw the torrent of spells raining down on her. Despite hiding inside the spider golem, her hands went cold.

  The colorful elementium spells merged to form a raging flood of elementium. They clashed together and surged towards the spider golem.

  Alice screamed as she ordered the spider golem to dodge to the side. At the same time, the golem's compound eyes flashed as layers of force barriers were erected around the massive machine.

  Force barriers like these were the most effective of all the defensive spells.

  Most other shielding spells had some sort of elementium inclination. It was a bonus when defending against magical spells of the same attribute, but this also meant that specific other attributes could counter the spell. On the other hand, force barriers were made with pure magical energy and were not of any elementium type. That was why they were the most suited for large-scale brawls.

  Despite this, the force barrier the spider golem had summoned didn't even manage to last for three seconds. The elementium spells had stacked together and produced almost three hundred points of power. They smashed through the transparent force barrier and engulfed the spider golem in a tide of elementium.


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