Age of Adepts c1-1513

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Age of Adepts c1-1513 Page 273

by Zhen De Lao Lang, 真的老狼

  Since the berserk gelada was arrogant and prideful with no chance of yielding, Greem decided to modify it into a mighty voodoo beast. However, voodoo beast modification was a profound art that Greem did not know. Trying his hand at the task would only result in tremendous waste.

  That was why Greem had wanted to invite Keoghan over to his tower to help him modify the gelada.

  However, after half a month, Adept Keoghan still had yet to arrive at Fire Throne. Greem couldn't help but start having suspicions. It seemed his relationship with the Sarubo Clan was no longer as amicable as before.

  Of course, the main reason for this was Greem's 'isolationist' behavior!

  He chose the rural edges of the Black Forest as the location of his tower, instead of somewhere within the traditional territories of the Sarubo Clan. He hadn't even requested for help from the clan when he faced the attack from the forest beasts.

  He still hadn't requested aid when the tower was in shambles after the difficult victory. Instead, he had actively sought the Zhentarim Association's cooperation.

  These were actions that provoked speculation!

  These actions were attempts at ambition, at breaking free from the clan to start a new force of their own.

  If the Sarubo Clan understood this, then it was a given that they couldn't treat Greem with the same goodwill that they had before. It was highly likely that they would remove him from the core of the clan, and strip him of the associated privileges and conveniences.

  Meryl had already sent a message back from the tower in Feidnan City. A clan mission directed at Greem was in the works. They had given Greem ten years of freedom before this; it was time for him to contribute to the clan now!

  Greem had expected this to happen and was not surprised at all.

  The only thing he could do now was to make arrangements for all the tasks at hand, and ensure that he settled them before the mission arrived. In doing so, the Fire Throne would still be able to function without any trouble when he was forcefully called upon to accomplish some dangerous clan mission.


  The Knight's Plane.

  The silent forest seemed to lack even a single hint of life.

  A mysterious silhouette wrapped in a thick black cloak silently walked through the dense foliage.

  The black robe dragged along the ground, and the mysterious person walked with an awkward and shuffling gait. One could even see an extensive trail of purple blood and peculiar shell fragments where the person in their wake.

  The black robe silently wove through the forest.

  He would stop and listen whenever he heard the sound of flapping wings, and only continued if he was sure there was no danger.

  Finally, he stopped in front of a towering ancient tree.

  He dug out the thick layer of dirt at the feet of the ancient tree to reveal a purple ore glimmering with a star-like radiance.

  The black robe nodded in satisfaction. He extended a dirty, bony right hand with sharp nails and started drawing in the air. A brilliant green rune appeared in midair, and a piece of the tree's withered bark fell off. A black hole was unveiled behind it.

  A thick smell of blood and vague sounds of screeching bugs rose out of the hole.

  The black robe stood still for a moment. He only climbed into the hole after confirming that there were no irregularities in the woods nearby.

  A cloud of black smoke shrouded the tree once the person in black had vanished, and the ancient tree once again reverted to its previous appearance.

  Half an hour later, a pair of abnormally large bats suddenly flew out of the forest. They circled the tree quickly as if they were searching for something. However, the black robe's cave was well-hidden. The bats found nothing after a long search.

  The two bats squeaked at each other and communicated for a bit. They had no choice. One stayed here and continued searching, while the other beat its wings and flew back into the woods.

  If one were to follow the ancient tree downwards and travel a distance of approximately twenty to thirty meters, they would arrive at a terrifying den of bugs. Two dozen large worm nests stood in this tiny space of no more than thirty square meters. As they lacked sufficient blood and flesh to nurture them, the larvae in the nest couldn't mature into their juvenile forms. Consequently, not a single insect soldier could be found guarding the den.

  Acteon had nothing to hide once he had returned here.

  He tossed away the thick robe and revealed the severely wounded body beneath it. Acteon was unable to heal his wounds despite his powerful regenerative abilities! It wasn't hard to imagine how severe his injuries were!

  Horrifying crimson spots spread across Acteon's black bug body. These crimson patches acted like living things. They crawled on Acteon's gleaming bug body and were trying their best to expand to other places.

  Some of the crimson patches had eaten through his thick shell and were starting to erode the softer internal organs and muscles within.

  Evil Bugs Acteon couldn't resist the urge to cough. He coughed so intensely that it was almost as if he was on his deathbed.

  As he was taking out several vials of potion to treat his body, the magical alarms he had set up around the perimeter triggered. A water mirror appeared before him, allowing Acteon to see a red silhouette dashing through the nearby forest.

  Dammit! Those vampires managed to catch up so quickly!

  Acteon cursed as he looked up and stared at this nursery of his. A determined and savage expression flashed on Acteon's wicked and hideous face.

  A ghostly green rune floated to the ceiling of the cave after a short password that sounded both like a chant and a bug's cry. The same strange rune appeared above all the worm nests.

  "Sollana, Flesh Devouring."

  All twenty-two of the towering worm nests broke apart when Acteon's spell finished. All the semi-translucent larvae started to gather together and devour each other under the effects of the spell.

  They bit and snapped at each other; it was almost as if all the larvae had gone mad in unison. They ferociously devoured everything around them, turning flesh and blood of their companions into nutrition for their growth.

  For a moment, blood splashed everywhere, and the screeching of bugs echoed throughout the room. The entire place plunged into a bloody and cruel battle for survival!

  Even Acteon, with all his viciousness and sinisterness, couldn't help but betray a grim and horrified expression as he looked on.

  If he had enough time and enough lives to offer, this nursery room would have provided him with over two hundred soldiers. It didn't matter if they were juvenile or adolescent bugs; these carcass beetles would have turned into a terrifying flood of bugs. They would have become his most destructive force.

  He would have had absolute confidence to win, even if he faced off against four or five adepts at the same time.

  Unfortunately, his dream had been shattered at the hands of that wicked woman.

  Acteon's heart bled whenever he thought of that slender form shrouded in her mist of blood.

  At one point, Acteon had successfully produced a terrifying nest of several hundred insects, with thirty-four mature carcass beetles that could each match an ordinary adept on their own.

  Yet, the encounter in the woods had dealt a crippling blow to him.

  The fearless beetles had clashed with the vampires that could regenerate, and a savage battle erupted. They fought from one end of the forest to another, pursued each other from one mountain to the next. Both parties were like mad bulls that had seen red. They no longer cared for the remnants of the knights, and instead chose to tear at each other until one of them died.

  However, Mary the Bloody Sorceress always seemed to have an endless stream of reinforcements during this prolonged war of attrition. The wounded hid in the forest, draining blood to heal themselves. Fresh soldiers from Mary's reserves would replace the dead. It was with this wicked and ruthless method that Mary forcefully ground away Act
eon's barely formed army.

  She had paid a hefty price for the results as well. Five of her eight blood knights had died. Only two Second Grade and one First Grade knight remained.

  The most unexpected turn of events came from Soros, Mary's newest addition to her blood knights. He had successfully turned into a true Second Grade Blood Knight. He was a blood knight whose soul and intelligence was perfectly preserved.

  He was half of the reason that had Acteon lost!

  Chapter 431 Ticket

  How terrifying was a Second Grade Blood Knight with intact memories and intelligence?

  The other blood knights only knew how to run headlong into the carcass beetles, slashing at them with their most powerful techniques. They didn't know how to care for their wellbeing. They only thought of retreating when they were on the brink of death.

  These knights were quickly surrounded by the beetles as long as Acteon was willing to lay down a little bait.

  Soros was completely different. He was the perfect merger of a human's intelligence and a blood knight's savagery. Soros assigned most of the dangerous work to the other blood knights under his command. In doing so, Soros created the space he needed to unleash the unparalleled offensive powers of a Second Grade Knight. He slaughtered numerous carcass beetles with his longsword.

  Every time Acteon attempted to surround him, Soros would use tactics to foil the adept. He would send out two First Grade knights to bring up the rear while he led the rest to break out from the encirclement. In just a single fight between them, Soros had managed to trade the lives of two First Grade blood knights for those of fourteen mature carcass beetles.

  This tremendous loss caused Acteon to hate Soros with a passion!

  However, Evil Bugs Acteon had no choice but to suppress his emotions. He faced the combination of Second Grade Soros and First Grade Bloody Sorceress Mary.

  Still, it didn't do him much good to not act on his emotions. Mary seemed to have decided to take him down. An endless wave of bats cooperated with the powerful blood knights under her command. The vampires stuck close to Acteon's bugs, launching a painful war of attrition against him.

  After two months of constant battles and escapes, Acteon had exhausted the last of his swarm. Blood spells severely corroded even his body of bugs.

  Acteon had no choice but to hide as he stealthily made his way to this nursery that he had set up a long time ago.

  He had created this place in preparation for the future exponential increase in his powers. However, the winds no longer blew in his favor, and he had to activate it now.

  As the five hundred larvae continued to devour each other, the life in the cave slowly decreased. In exchange, the survivors were rapidly becoming more powerful. All the larvae were gone when the devouring ceremony had concluded. Only six elite-level carcass beetles with black shells and green wings remained.

  The six elite beetles immediately lunged at Acteon when he let out a screech. They devoured all the crimson patches on Acteon's body with their sharp claws and jaws.

  As expected of elite-level carcass beetles, these patches created by blood spells did not affect their flesh and stomachs. The beetles absorbed every bit of the crimson spots.

  The process of having his flesh devoured was terrifying and painful. However, Acteon wore an expression of freedom and enjoyment on his hideous bug face. He was finally free from the sickness that had troubled him for seven whole days. It was worth it even if he had to hurt a little for it!

  However, during this short delay, a flock of two dozen vampires had arrived in the forest above the cave. They had gleaming black fur, red eyes, white fangs, and bodies the size of wash basins. They circled the skies like vultures looking for their prey.

  Every time they found a clue, one of the bats would transform into a thin and pale human. That person would crouch on the ground and carefully check for further hints.

  The ancient tree and its enchanted door were finally found after their persistent pursuit.

  However, before they could even attempt to open the door, the roots of the trees exploded from within.

  A shockwave sent thousands of wood splinters and dirt blasting through the air, instantly riddling the three vampire spawn standing near the tree with holes.

  Even a vampire, with all their regenerative powers, couldn't endure a massive injury like that. All three of the spawn died on the spot. The other vampire spawn immediately turned themselves into bloodsucking bats and dispersed into the surrounding woods.

  Even though they spread out in every direction, they didn't go too far. Many of the smarter bats also hid atop the trees and silently observed that tree.

  They quickly let out a long and strange ultrasound wave when they saw Acteon and the six intimidating beetles following behind him. These beetles were even more terrifying than the mature beetles Acteon previously had with him.

  Bloody Sorceress Mary's flying scouts were everywhere in the forest now. They used this sound wave that outsiders were unlikely to imitate or understand to swiftly relay information between them.

  Soon, on the top of a massive tree three and a half kilometers away, Mary turned her head. Her gaze cut through the sea of trees and fell upon the location where the news had come from.

  "They found Acteon's tracks. Go!" Mary's crimson battle armor perfectly complemented and revealed her perfect figure, "Soros, you are still in command. But be careful. Do not kill off all my knights."

  Mary was no longer the lonesome, reckless, and temperamental vampire she once was. She had taken great pains to manage this vampire army of hers in this plane, fighting tooth and nail for dominance against Acteon.

  These experiences had shaped her into more and more of a fitting leader!

  In front of these vampires, she was their rightful sovereign and absolute leader. Mary held in her hands the fates of every vampire in her army, even that of Second Grade Soros. The suggestion planted deep in their bloodline compelled all the blood servants and vampire spawn to become unquestionably loyal to Mary.

  This ability was the real terror of a vampire!

  "I understand, master!" Soros gently bowed to Mary before leading the remaining three knights into the forest. They transformed into massive bats and beat their wings as they glided into the distance.

  "How are things proceeding. Has the perimeter been set up?" Mary didn't fight on the frontlines like she used to. Instead, she remained on the spot and gazed at the distant location.

  The first batch of vampires had already rushed forward.

  A battle to the death had started, and the previously silent woods had instantly bubbled into a riot. The towering ancient trees trembled, and Leaves and branches were blown into the air by violent shockwaves.

  In a matter of moments, all forty-five vampire spawn in the first wave had died. This result came as a surprise to Mary.

  "It has been arranged, master!" It was the old fox Vanlier who stood by Mary's side. He now looked handsome and charming, and his body was tall and slender. He looked nothing like the old man from before, "The army of vampire spawn have moved into position. They are only waiting for your orders, and they will die for you in battle!"

  "Then get them to move now!" Mary ordered in a cold and unfeeling tone, "I am sick of staying in this inferior world. We can leave once this war is over. The ticket to leave this place is too expensive. I can't bring so many incompetent fools with me. However, if you serve me well this time, one of the tickets will have your name on it!"

  Mary's words were light and breezy, but they sounded like thunder when they fell upon Vanlier's ears. He already had premonitions and vague guesses about what was to come. However, he still couldn't compose himself in the face of this news. Vanlier was still shocked when Mary finally said it out loud.

  The vampire army had been built up by Vanlier himself. Their numbers had reached into a surprising excess of over two thousand. This mighty army had caused Vanlier to lose sleep in excitement.

  Yet, an army
like this appeared to be insignificant in Mary's eyes. The way she spoke, it sounded like they could be brushed aside by a mere gust of wind.

  This monstrous army in a lower world was unimportant in Mary's heart. This…this was clearly beyond Vanlier's understanding.

  What did his master's world look like?

  Did his efforts here in this world mean nothing?

  What would happen to him if his master didn't choose him for his abilities?


  Vanlier started to panic the more he thought about it.

  For the first time, he felt as if the paradigm he lived in was far too small. It seemed he had never truly managed to keep up with his master. What would await a person like him? Someone with no combat ability or power? Someone whose only worth was his mind? What would happen if his master disregarded even his intelligence?

  "Master, I will go and check on the army. I will ensure that no unexpected incidents crop up! Evil Bugs Acteon; I definitely won't allow him to escape from us this time." Vanlier was practically grinding his teeth together as he swore.

  He quickly turned into a gray bat once he obtained Mary's acknowledgment. He then screeched as he flew towards his subordinates.

  Ticket! Ticket! I must get the ticket!

  Even though Mary never talked about the fates of those without tickets, Vanlier would swear on his life that it wasn't going to end simply.

  The roar of explosions came from the direction of the battlefield in the distance. Several ferocious gusts of wind ravaged the woods. Wood flew everywhere as the sea of trees shook in the winds. Flocks of bloodsucking bats fluttered through the trees, trying their best to avoid the energy fragments that shot everywhere.

  Mary sensed a subtle net with a diameter of ten to fifteen kilometers being formed. The web was slowly tightening with the battlefield at its center.

  Soros and the blood knights she had sent out earlier were already lying in wait near the battlefield. The moment Acteon betrayed a weakness, the assault team composed of Second Grade blood knights would leave him with a nightmare he would never forget!


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