Age of Adepts c1-1513

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Age of Adepts c1-1513 Page 310

by Zhen De Lao Lang, 真的老狼

  Adept Fügen nodded awkwardly. Magical energy surged through his hand and into the magical frog equipment. He answered the emergency message from far away.

  "It's bad. It's really bad! Sir Fügen, Greem secretly snuck into the sea of lava today. He's already started attempting Second Grade advancement." The voice from the magical equipment sounded extremely flustered. It was clear that he had been caught off guard by this news as well.

  The three people in the hall instantly froze when they heard this. Light flashed in their eyes.

  Dammit, they were tricked by Greem once again!

  All three of them started cursing wildly in their hearts.

  The atmosphere in the room quickly started heating up.

  Chapter 491 Second Grade Adept

  Fire Throne Tower.

  No more than three adepts in the tower could have known about Greem's premature advancement today.

  Things were just like usual. Today was still an ordinary, average day with no anomalies.

  However, once it reached a specific hour, everyone suddenly received a message. They all exited their labs, rooms, and lecture halls to hurry to the fourth level of the tower.

  Eight tower adepts and twelve staying adepts gathered in the arcane hall, instantly filling the place to the brim.

  Most of the adepts still didn't understand what was happening. They were intimidated by the weighty atmosphere when they arrived at the scene, and they instantly figured out that something important was happening in the tower. These staying adepts were only guests. It was natural that they had no prior knowledge of the strange ongoings of the tower's leaders.

  The adepts gathered together and started talking, trying to ask about what might happen next. Some of the adepts who had been staying for a while, and who had established closer relations with the tower adepts, secretly started to communicate via magical messages.

  However, while many adepts had gathered here, only a few knew the inside truth.

  The few tower adepts looked at each other ignorantly before finally casting their gazes towards Adept Gargamel, who had gathered everyone here.

  Gargamel's wrinkled old face fell as he raised both of his hands.

  "Don't look at me. I only summoned everyone after receiving a message from Lady Mary!"

  Everyone's gaze then shifted to the crimson-armored Mary, who was casually picking at her fingernails in the corner of the hall.

  "Don't look at me either. I'm also acting according to Greem's orders to have Gargamel summon you at this time. I have absolutely no idea about anything else."

  Such irresponsible words immediately irritated the adepts present.

  However, a few people who knew some details vaguely managed to figure out a few things. They lowered their heads and hid their faces under the shadow of their hoods, preventing anyone else from seeing their expressions.

  Mary was apathetic, Gargamel was frowning, Meryl was restless, while Sabrina held her arms together and silently looked at everyone else. The rest of the adepts were either confused, betraying expressions of sudden comprehension, or putting on a poker face; no one spoke. Everyone shut their mouths and silently waited for the outcome of the meeting.


  For absolutely no reason, Fire Throne suddenly shook intensely. An unfamiliar mental flux appeared out of nowhere, rapidly and subtly sweeping past all the adepts.

  "There's an enemy."

  "The tower's under attack."

  "We must return to our stations, quick!"

  The bizarre turn of events instantly caused a riot in the ranks of the staying adepts. They all took out their staffs and gripped scrolls in their hands with faces filled with vigilance, sensing the abnormality in the space.

  "Everyone relax! I have something to announce to everyone today." A loud voice that resembled exploding flames boomed in the air. The sound reverberated in the air, and though it was thick and dull, the volume was unexpectedly loud.

  Several unprepared adepts even had to clasp their ears to endure that booming voice.

  A sharp explosion that sounded like the ripping of parchment echoed through the room. A two-meter long crack had been abruptly split open in the air in the middle of the hall. Blinding and intense red light shone out from within the break.

  An opening had torn open in the incomparably tough space right before everyone's eyes. They could vaguely see the roiling sea of lava on the other side of the crack through a thin layer of an energy barrier. A gigantic flame humanoid stood before the barrier of light, trying its best to enter the tower via the rift.

  The flame giant extended two hands made of pure elementium fire and grabbed the uneven edges of the spatial rift. It exerted strength and pulled towards each side of the breach, instantly widening it enough for the being to pass through.

  The next second, the flame humanoid's body turned into a surge of terrifying destructive flames. The flames burned through the barrier and appeared inside the tower.

  It was a frightening flame giant that measured seven meters tall when it stood up straight.

  The arcane hall would never have been able to hold such a massive being if it hadn't been constructed to be unusually high.

  As the light barrier broke, tremendous heat surged through and caused the hall to become a massive forge. All the adepts could feel the suffocating heat wave pressing against their faces, and the corners of their clothes that were unprotected by magic immediately burned with golden sparks of fire. The streams of flame even forced them to step back.

  However, the adepts no longer cared for these minor inconveniences. That was because a more horrifying and gigantic enemy had appeared before them.

  Contrary to their expectations, the flame giant hadn't started its slaughter after making it into the tower. Instead, it turned back and swiped the air with its hand of fire. It managed to use its terrifying strength to flatten out the rift in space. The surging sea of flame was once again sealed on the other side of the light barrier. As the tower's energies surged into the room, the damaged space was once again mended.

  Eh? Why did this flame giant possess the authority to control this tower?

  Several smarter adepts immediately noticed this problem. On the other hand, the other staying adepts quickly retreated to a corner of the hall. Their hands, hidden under the sleeves, tightly held onto escape scrolls and pulling scrolls. They had already made up their minds to flee the moment things turned sour.

  The tower wasn't theirs. There was no reason to pay with their lives for a reward of some magical crystals. The invading flame being was obviously no easy opponent. They could sense, just from the opponent's overwhelming mental flux, that this was definitely a terrifying Second Grade magical creature. If it started going on a rampage, even the combined strength of all the adepts present would not be able to suppress it.

  That was why it was best to flee as far as possible before the fight started.

  While the adepts were in a panicked frenzy, Mary casually walked up to the flame giant. She walked around the giant twice.

  Mary had a tall and slim figure. However, she only reached up to the knees of the flame giant. If the giant opened its palm, any one of its fingers would be as thick as Mary's waist. As the flame giant stood there proudly, all the adepts couldn't help but feel the heat and lack of moisture around them. They didn't even dare to stare into the brilliant sun-like eyes of the giant.

  After making two rounds around the giant, Mary could no longer suppress her curiosity. She extended a hand and touched the flames on the flame giant's thick leg.

  Sizzle. Green smoke rose to the air. Mary's right hand had been singed black by the fires protecting the flame giant's body, and she exclaimed in pain.

  "What's the matter? You still can't control the fires inside your body?" Mary hurriedly retracted her right hand.

  As blood energy gathered there, the charcoal remnants of her palm fell to the ground, revealing red and smooth skin below.

  "I can't help it. The
amount of fire I absorbed this time was too rich. It will take me a few days to completely digest it." The flame giant replied with his echoing voice.

  "Teacher, is that you? You…you advanced to Second Grade?" Meryl stepped forward in excitement and stuttered as she asked.

  Teacher? Advanced?

  If the audience still couldn't understand the situation at this moment, then they would have no right to be known as an always wise and knowledgeable adept.

  The adepts present couldn't help but hold their breaths as they silently waited for the giant's reply.

  "Hurhur! Meryl. Very fortunately for me, I succeeded in advancing this time!" The flame giant raised its head and let out a joyous laugh that resembled the roar of a tsunami. However, it then lowered its head and looked at its huge body. The giant sighed, "Still, the fire I absorbed during the advancement ceremony is a little too much. I'll probably need two weeks to digest it and return to my original form completely."

  The flame giant Greem had transformed into started muttering to himself. However, all the adepts had selectively ignored his comments. All their focus and attention was on the first sentence.

  He succeeded!

  The owner of Fire Throne had become a Second Grade adept!

  This kind of explosive news blew everyone away. Their mouths were opened wide, and their arms hung slack at their sides. They could only stare at the towering giant in a daze.

  The path of an adept was so treacherous that most of the adepts present had never actually hoped to make it past that threshold of rising from a First Grade adept to a high-grade adept.

  They had dreamt of the moment they would achieve such glorious heights countless times, but their calm and collected adept minds would remind them that this would always remain only a dream!

  For these people, just being able to sense the aura of a Second Grade adept at close range was already an invaluable experience. However, they had now personally witnessed the rise of a powerful Second Grade adept!

  If they recalled correctly, the owner of the tower, the legendary Flame Demon, seemed to have advanced to adept less than a hundred years ago. Lord Greem had used iron proof to demonstrate that he possessed extraordinary talent and potential by advancing to Second Grade at such a shocking speed.

  If he continued at this rate, Third Grade and even Fourth Grade didn't seem to be that out of reach!

  The adepts grew more excited the more they thought about it. The eyes with which they glanced at the flame giant started to possess a trace of respect.

  They had become blessed individuals and spoiled children of the plane after they became adepts.

  However, only the adepts themselves knew that they were only minor characters in the massive group that was the adepts. No one would truly place significance on them or care for them.

  It was this terrifying reality that bred the prideful, extreme, twisted, and resentful personalities of the adepts.

  With such emotions bottled in them, the only things that could make them submit, apart from absolute strength and profound knowledge, would be the respect and envy of powerful individuals!

  They might have been disdainful towards the idea of being a loyal dog following behind a Second Grade adept. But if it was following a future Great Adept rising to prominence, it was certain that everyone present would beg for the chance to do it.

  Unlike these staying adepts, Mary and the other eight tower adepts couldn't help but gather around Greem. They closed their eyes and silently felt the unique and powerful soul flux belonging to Second Grade adepts. Greem had only just advanced. His Spirit had yet to solidify completely. That was why the phenomenon of his soul's aura leaking was happening.

  Such a rare experience was the experience of a lifetime. If Greem had another two weeks to settle down, the other adepts would have no chance to investigate the secrets of Second Grade adepts.

  The staying adepts had no choice but to watch enviously from afar. No one dared to try and get close to Greem like the tower adepts were doing.

  After all, no Second Grade adept would allow outsiders to investigate their secrets so freely!

  Not even if those people would not be of any threat to them.

  In truth, even from a distance, the staying adepts could still vaguely sense Greem's terrifying and bottomless mental flux, along with that indescribably strange aura.

  That was the taste of the planar laws!

  The aura of planar laws on a Second Grade adept was undoubtedly denser when compared to them.

  In fact, one could even say that a Second Grade adept was no longer the same type of existence as a First Grade adept.

  Chapter 492 Good Luck

  Flame Demon Greem had successfully advanced to Second Grade. This news was spreading as fast as a plague.

  Adept Sanazar went silent when she received this news. The light in Adept Fügen's blinked his eyes, shocked and stunned. Adept Keoghan's jaw even dropped. He had no idea how to react.

  Second Grade. That was an actual Second Grade adept!

  Put them in any country or any adept organization, and they would still be core, foundational members.

  There was no need to look anywhere else. Just look at the Sarubo Clan.

  If Greem sincerely wished to stay in the Sarubo Clan, then apart from Third Grade Sanazar, he would likely be the one with the most authority in the clan in the World of Adepts. Even the veteran Adept Fügen might not have an absolute guarantee to stand above him.

  Over the past couple of years, the Sarubo Clan's influence had increased relatively quickly, thanks to the three lesser planes they held in their hands. Excluding the three adepts that had appeared in Fire Throne, seven new adepts had advanced within the Sarubo Clan. Feidnan City had become a lively and bustling place once again.

  Yet, at this moment of peak prosperity, Greem had advanced to Second Grade without their knowledge. It was a massive impact for the core members of the clan.

  However, the one that had felt most strongly about this incident was Adept Keoghan, who was only First Grade.

  He remained on the spot for a long time after hearing news of Greem's advancement. He couldn't shake off the shock he felt.

  Keoghan bent his fingers and counted. He had advanced to adept approximately a hundred and twenty-odd years ago, but his Spirit had only just reached fourteen points. It would take him another twenty to thirty years of grinding to achieve the sixteen point threshold of an elite adept. And if Keoghan wanted to reach the twenty point limit, initial estimates suggested he would need another hundred years of effort.

  In comparison, Greem, despite advancing fifty years after he did, had…

  A feeling of irritation gathered in Keoghan's heart when he thought about the matter. The frustration in his chest was so intense that he almost wanted to tear open his body to let it all out.

  Keoghan had diligently and dutifully helped the clan manage all sorts of assets, villas, shops, and resource sites to obtain the full support of the clan.

  While others were focusing on their experiments, he was patiently assigning apprentices to various locations.

  While others were going to and fro on their adventures, he was carefully rationing the clan's resources.

  While others were working hard on meditation late at night, he was dealing with the clan's multitude of internal affairs and problems.

  It was his massive contribution that allowed the tremendous amounts of resources and manpower to flow in a logical manner that allowed the Sarubo Clan to develop steadily and healthily. Naturally, after giving so much, Keoghan had obtained the whole-hearted cultivation and guidance of the clan. It could be seen in the course of his development.

  However, there was a definite trade-off in this!

  He had used his efforts and loyalty to obtain the trust and regard of the clan; resources were never a problem. The difficulties he faced in magic research were always aided with the guidance of higher-grade adepts. However, his excessive work on various matters had indirec
tly slowed down his progress.

  Keoghan had never thought of himself as making a mistake in the past. In fact, there were many times when he secretly rejoiced over his own ingenuity. But today…

  Adept Keoghan could no longer suppress the rage in his heart when he received news of Greem's advancement. He calmly returned to his room, activated the magical defenses, and started smashing the things in his room as he cursed and swore loudly.

  An expression of sympathy appeared on Fügen's face as he watched the dejected Keoghan leave.

  In the World of Adepts, there were the two most direct manifestations of power.

  One was possessing overwhelming strength. That was the most direct way for an adept to acquire resources and respect. The second was to possess authority and influence.

  If you couldn't obtain absolute strength, then you had to think of a way to gather people who could control absolute power.

  That was why those possessing authority and status used their influence and resources to attract all sorts of talented individuals. They used those resources and talents at hand to gather even greater authority and influence. It was like rolling a snowball. As long as one was able to construct a healthy cycle and hierarchy using this method, then they could become an extraordinary individual in the World of Adepts.

  Judging from the current situation, Greem walked on the first path, running straight ahead on the pursuit of power. During his time as a First Grade adept, he had been able to rid himself of the various distractions of managing his territory. He gave away his authority to a wandering adept he had coincidentally encountered and endured nearly seventy years of loneliness and boredom.

  That was undoubtedly the real reason he could rise to prominence in such a dominating fashion!

  On the other hand, Keoghan had apparently forgotten that the World of Adepts was a top-tier world that revolved around the strongest individuals. The gravitational pull of power on authority was far more significant than the influence of authority on power. Under ordinary circumstances, authority and resources would naturally accompany the strong. The same situation would hardly ever manifest for the other side.


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