Age of Adepts c1-1513

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Age of Adepts c1-1513 Page 348

by Zhen De Lao Lang, 真的老狼

  The women turned their heads back in shock, and their faces flushed white when they saw who it was.

  "Lady Rose."

  "My greetings, Lady Rose."


  The women quickly left after clumsily, but uniformly, bowing and paying their respects, leaving Greem and Lady Rose alone.

  Greem was glad to see the women leave and turned his attention towards the approaching person.

  White and smooth skin, a tall nose, bright red lips, and those crimson eyes unique to the vampires. Honestly, there might have been some kind of beauty gene hidden in the bloodline of the vampires. That was perhaps what caused all vampires, both male and female, to be extremely attractive and charming.

  When paired with the black dress she was wearing, the woman's skin appeared all the more white and her figure all the more attractive.

  First Grade elite-level female vampire!

  Greem figured out her power in less than half a second with the Chip's help. The difference in grade made it impossible for her to hide her real strength.

  A vampire of this level could still harm Greem when he was defenseless and within three meters. Of course, if the enemy attempted something like that, they would not be able to escape Greem's counterattack, even if he was wounded.

  It wouldn't be weird for Greem to instantly kill the vampire with his current power if she didn't have any powerful protective magical equipment on her.

  Consequently, Greem hesitated for a moment before choosing not to stop the vampire from approaching him.

  Other women might not be able to see through Greem for his true identity, but as an elite of her family's First Grade vampires, Rose could sense the enormous fire energy within him even with her eyes closed.

  Rose could tell that the guest was a terrifying fire adept, but she couldn't be sure of his grade. If he was only a First Grade adept, he shouldn't be able to repel her spiritual senses and prevent her from figuring out his power. However, it made no sense for him to be a Second Grade adept either.

  The banquet today was no more than an internal meeting for an arranged couple from two vampire families in the end. They had not invited any outsider adepts. The arrival of this powerful adept was confusing.

  "Welcome to Rose Manor, sir!" As expected of someone who was well-versed in worldly etiquette, Rose immediately stepped forward with a brilliant smile, "Now that you have arrived, why don't you come in with me and have a seat?"

  The young nobles who had gathered behind Viscountess Rose immediately betrayed expressions of jealousy and anger on their faces. There was hostility in the gazes they cast at Greem.

  This might have been the first time Viscountess Rose had come to Rose Manor, but in a mere two hours, she had already used her irresistible charm to capture the heart of every young noble in the banquet. If this had been any normal situation, these nobles would never have acted out of jealousy, especially with their rationality and education.

  But today, Viscountess Rose's powerful personal charm had caused the heat to go to the heads of every one of the young nobles. They swarmed forward and stepped in front of Greem, all clamoring and challenging Greem to a duel.

  Viscountess Rose softly reprimanded them with mild anger on her face, but there was a hint of pride at the edges of her eyes.

  It was clear that these charmed nobles had become her instruments with which to test Greem's true powers!

  Greem was as outstanding as ever with his height of two meters, even when surrounded by a horde of noblemen. His eyes never fell upon these mortal men. Neither did they fall upon the secretly glad vampire. Instead, he raised his head slightly. His focused eyes pierced straight through the wooden door on the third floor of the building and clashed with a pair of eyes hidden in the darkness.

  The two gazes clashed mid-air. Both parties felt their hearts tremble.

  It seemed this was the person of interest!

  Greem couldn't be bothered dealing with a bunch of small fries now that he had found the person of interest. He released his massive spiritual pressure for a brief instant before immediately retracted it. He parted the crowd before him and confidently walked towards the stunned Rose.

  "O' beautiful Lady Rose, I will leave myself in your care then! Hopefully, you can show me around this beautiful manor." Greem's large hand wrapped around Rose's soft and slender waist as he talked, bringing her along as he walked towards the main building.

  A Second Grade Adept!

  He was actually a Second Grade adept!

  Rose felt her limbs go cold at the idea of this terrifying reality. She was stunned.

  She had always been a flirtatious person with high confidence in her own power. However, when faced with a true Second Grade adept, she felt her whole body shivering from just that focused gaze of his. She even felt an intolerable burning sensation on the surface of her skin when he looked at her.

  Of course, this burning sensation did not inflict any real damage. Rather, it was a magical effect caused by the powers of law contained within his concentrated mental consciousness. Her opponent had an extraordinary understanding of the laws of fire. He only needed to strengthen his mental consciousness slightly when looking upon Rose, and he would be able to allow the laws of fire to manifest upon her body.

  That was the greatest demonstration of Greem having completed his spirit elementiumization!

  Rose wanted to push away the hand that the Second Grade adept extended toward her, but her vision briefly went black under that intimidating concentration of Spirit. By the time she came to, the adept had already wrapped his arm around her and was dragging her along to the building.

  A wicked smile suddenly appeared on Rose's face as she attempted to use the agility of the vampires to escape Greem's grasp.

  However, the blood energies within her body had only just been mobilized when a warm stream of energy entered her body through the Second Grade adept's palm. That heated stream shattered the surge of blood energy that she had just gathered into oblivion.

  The warm, overwhelming fire energy quickly circulated through her body, illuminating many strange runes as they did so. These runes rapidly and tightly sealed all of Rose's energy nodes: those in her heart, her brain, and the rest of her body.

  The previously rebellious Rose turned as compliant as water. Half of her body clung on to Greem's, and there was a laziness to her posture. Her eyes were closed, and it seemed as if she hadn't the energy to even move a single finger. Rose, whose blood energy had been disrupted, would have collapsed into the arms of the opponent if it weren't for his strange power propping her up.

  The noblemen that had surrounded Greem earlier only woke up from the most terrifying of spiritual nightmares once he had entered the main building with Rose. The ones with more resilient Spirits were sweating all over while shivering and teetering on the verge of collapse. The weaker ones immediately broke down upon waking up from the nightmare. They ran everywhere in their panic, waving their arms and screaming in terror.

  Leicester personally witnessed everything unfold from the third floor of the main building. Naturally, he had also personally experienced the vastness and terror of the opponent's Spirit. That was why he immediately lifted his head to give orders to his subordinates.

  By the time Greem had made it up the stairs and arrived at the third floor, the few mad noblemen had already been escorted to a different place. The banquet had returned to normal.

  Anyone who was qualified to attend this banquet knew how to improvise. That was why they continued laughing and enjoying themselves when they had seen no reaction from the host of the dinner yet. It was almost as if the scene from earlier hadn't happened.

  However, their eyes couldn't help but shift towards the third floor, even as they danced and chatted among themselves.

  Perhaps, maybe, it was possible that a significant event unbeknownst to them was slowly brewing in that room!


  Second Grade Vampire Count Leicester Vik was
already waiting with a face full of smiles when Greem was escorted into the guest hall by a polite noble youth.

  "Welcome. Welcome, sir, to my family's humble Rose Manor! I wonder if I could be graced with your name?" Leicester was still brimming with smiles. His eyes were full of sincerity. He didn't seem to care for the unusual condition of the female vampire hanging onto Greem.

  At this moment, only Leicester, Greem, and Rose remained in the guest hall. The vampire that had escorted Greem here had known well enough to shut the door and leave.


  Greem sat down upon the sofa with the beautiful female vampire still in his embrace. He simply gave his name.

  Chapter 555 Battle of Two Titans


  Leicester quickly searched through his mind for mentions of this name as he sat down with the unfamiliar adept.

  Almost all adepts possessed eidetic memory with their powerful Spirits. In particular, it wasn't easy to forget unique individuals like Greem, especially if they have already met once before.

  However, despite all of his efforts, Leicester could not recall anything about his uninvited guest.

  Which meant this should be the first time they have met each other!

  The smile on Leicester's face only froze for a slight instant before returning to normal.

  "Sir Greem, I wonder what matter brings you so suddenly to our family's Rose Manor?"

  Even the arrogant Leicester didn't dare be disrespectful in front of an adept of the same grade as himself.

  A Second Grade adept was an important figure regardless of where they went. Even the Vik Family wouldn't aggravate a Second Grade adept, despite all the resources and power they held!

  "I'm sure you already know what brings me here." Greem smiled as he let go of Rose's waist, "Haven't you been waiting for me to arrive?"

  The energy restrictions in Rose's body vanished once Greem's hand left her body. Still, despite being freed, Rose didn't dare to make any moves. She was utterly intimidated by this adept.

  She could sense that this mysterious Second Grade adept was not a well-intentioned guest. He seemed to have some particular conflict with Leicester. If she was foolish enough to make any sort of movement, it was likely to start a fight between the two Second Grade adepts.

  Rose might think highly of herself, but she would not go unharmed if caught in a battle between two such terrifying Second Grade adepts.

  Leicester's face froze. The ominous feeling at the bottom of his heart surged to the surface all at once.

  "You mean to say… that female vampire?"

  Leicester's eyes couldn't help but sharpen but when he saw Greem nod lightly.

  The origins of the female vampire were a complete mystery. She had refused to talk after being captured. She wouldn't even divulge her name. That was why Leicester was trying to find her through the means of his family.

  What he hadn't ever imagined was the mastermind behind the female vampire showing up before he had managed to find information on her.

  "Rose, I have some things to discuss with this Adept Greem. Leave this room for the moment!" Leicester narrowed his eyes as he instructed her.

  The female vampire's body trembled, and her crimson eyes shifted their gaze toward Greem; she didn't dare move yet.

  "Sir Leicester is right! We do have some things we need to discuss. Sweetheart, you had best leave the room!" Greem suddenly broke into a smile and patted the female vampire's voluptuous bottom.

  Rose let out a sigh of relief. She then rolled her eyes seductively at Greem before swaying her hips and exiting the guest hall.

  Leicester's pointed gaze finally loosened once Rose had left.

  At least the opponent wouldn't stoop as low as to take Rose hostage. That won a bit of Leicester's goodwill. Though Greem wouldn't have been able to threaten him in the slightest, even if he had taken Rose hostage, the willing surrender of this advantage still eased the tense atmosphere slightly.

  "Sir Greem, you should know; looking into someone's familial bloodline without permission is a great taboo!" Though his face was not as tense now, Leicester's tone was still as firm as before, "I don't care what methods you used to steal my bloodline, I must take it all back now!"

  That female vampire actually possessed his bloodline. If she were allowed to grow freely, a bloodline backlash would be something that was bound to happen. That was why Leicester suppressed his bubbling anger and coldly rejected Greem's unreasonable request.

  "Sir Leicester, don't forget what you yourself did at the Sarubo Clan ninety years ago!" Greem immediately replied with a hostile tone.

  Ninety years ago? Sarubo Clan?

  Leicester eyes shone when he obtained this information. He promptly understood the cause and effect of the whole incident.

  Ninety years ago, Leicester was only a First Grade vampire that hadn't advanced for long. He had no choice but to choose a secretive location outside of the family to research his vampire bloodline in hopes of further purifying it.

  He had hidden his identity and made his way into the Sarubo's territory. There, he had bought an ancient castle and secretly conducted research that he did not wish his family to hear of.

  Sadly, he was caught by the Sarubo for abducting apprentices as experimental subjects just as he was starting to get results from his research. Leicester successfully escaped after a bloody battle, but the lab he left beneath the castle was also destroyed in the fight.

  He had initially thought that all the blood samples he had left there were destroyed. Now, it seemed that they had clearly fallen into the hands of the Sarubo Clan. Given that case, it was apparent where the female vampire's blood had come from.

  The Sarubo were pretty ingenious as well. To have successfully created a female vampire and raised her so excellently, despite only using a portion of his origin blood, marveled and shocked Leicester!

  However, the revelation of the situation made it awkward for both parties.

  Leicester had set up a laboratory in another clan's territory and abducted the apprentice adepts of said clan. News of this would bring him trouble if heard by the Zhentarim Association. However, with his current status as a Second Grade vampire, the old geezers of Zhentarim would probably only have him pay compensation, even if they were to intervene.

  He could still bear the burden of such a 'wrongdoing.'

  Of course, this was only because he was Second Grade. If he were First Grade, it wouldn't be wrongdoing. It would be a crime!

  Similarly, the opponent's clan had used his origin blood to create a female vampire. That action couldn't escape the crime of trying to look into the bloodline secrets of the Vik Family. If both parties were to start an argument and bring it to trial, neither side would be able to put the other down. They were both guilty.

  However, given that Leicester still had the female vampire in his grasp, it could be said that he held the overall advantage.

  Both adepts frowned after clarifying the cause of the event.

  Greem calculated the chances of Leicester letting go of Mary, while Leicester was trying to figure out the reason Greem wanted to set the female vampire free.

  That female vampire had exceptional potential, and even the chance to advance to Second Grade. However, the potential was only a possibility. This Greem would take the risk of aggravating a Second Grade like himself for that slight chance?

  Greem finally put it out in the open, as if he sensed Leicester's doubts.

  "Sir Leicester, to be honest with you, that Mary you have in your custody is my lover. I cannot possibly give her up for any benefit you may offer me!"

  Leicester understood the seriousness of the issue once he heard Greem's confession.

  Much like Greem couldn't give up on Mary, Leicester also had his reasons not to let Mary go. It seemed that there was no room for any negotiation between the two of them.

  Both of them seemed to sense the other's determination in their eyes. Their expressions turned more and more solem
n, and soon a dense and sinister killing intent started to surface.

  The atmosphere in the hall only hung there for half a second.

  No one knew which of the two was the first to let their killing intent surface, but both Second Grade adepts erupted almost simultaneously!

  The guest hall wasn't all that large.

  Both adepts were only five or six meters away from each other. There was also a sturdy and thick square oak table between them. Yet, in the matter of a single instant, the oak table split into several pieces and shot towards Greem. Meanwhile, Leicester's phantom-like silhouette closed in on the fire adept.

  Leicester's hands raced as his sharp nails shrouded in dense, sizzling blood energies pierced into Greem's body like blades.

  The attack had just started when Leicester sensed an overwhelming surge of fire rushing toward him. His instincts for danger caused his face to blanch. He didn't even have time to check the damage done by his attack.

  His nails had penetrated half an inch into Greem's body. If he had just one-tenth of a second more to spare, he would have been able to pierce through Greem's body completely. However, that pressing sense of danger made him give up this opportunity. Leicester flashed and left Greem's side.

  The next second, a ferocious storm of fire erupted from Greem's body, instantly enveloping the guest hall in a sea of flames.


  Greem's black suit immediately split apart when the fearsome streams of flame appeared. A fountain of blood also shot out of eight deep wounds on Greem's body at the same time. The heat vaporized the blood before it could even reach the ground.

  At the same instant, the Blaze of Destruction appeared in Greem's left hand. His body stalled for a moment, and an even large and more terrifying Ring of Fire shot out of his body and enveloped the entirety of the building.

  The scorching flames and heat enveloped the banquet in an instant. Those ordinary humans who were not protected by any magic were burned to ashes before they could even howl in pain. The members of the Vik Family quickly summoned a dense cloud of blood mist from their bodies to protect themselves as the fled from the Ring of Fire.


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