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Age of Adepts c1-1513

Page 396

by Zhen De Lao Lang, 真的老狼

  Jintha'Alor was built upon a gentle hill. Training facilities could be seen everywhere on the hill from the base to the very top, from the very inside to the outside. The contents of the training covered most possible job advancements.

  Of course, a small elven tribe of three to four hundred elves also lived in Jintha'Alor. They were not combat professions and were simply elf civilians. Their main reason for staying in Jintha'Alor was to provide logistics for the elven warriors who came to train.

  Jintha'Alor was only a training facility in the border areas of the elven kingdom, after all. There usually wouldn't be more than two hundred elites training here at a time. A similar training facility in the central mountains would easily see over ten thousand elites gather together to train and socialize.

  As a standard training facility, Jintha'Alor also possessed a set amount of pegasi, hippogryphs, and chimeras. However, they were mostly used as training mounts. Usually, Jintha'Alor's defenses and security wholly relied upon the flower fairies and the more powerful green spirits, both of whom were skilled at stealth.

  Nature creatures that were allied with the elves were abundant in the forest surrounding Jintha'Alor. The flower fairies would pick up on any commotion from them, even if it were the slightest blow of the wind. These palm-sized flower fairies that could hide within blooming flowers or behind large tree leaves were the best scouts of the elves.

  No enemy could silently sneak into an elven settlement while they were there.

  It was because of all these advantages that the elves believed themselves to be completely safe as long as they hid within the forest!

  The elves didn't believe anyone could cross hundreds of kilometers of the forest to assault them as long as they were on their home ground within the Great Fantasy Forest upon which they grew and lived. Consequently, the security of Jintha'Alor was even looser and more relaxed than the elven villages by the shore.

  It was currently the afternoon when the sun was at its brightest.

  The hardworking silhouettes of the elven elites could be seen everywhere upon the rugged hill of Jintha'Alor.

  Down on the blade dancer fields, surrounded by battle cries and the clashing of weapons, elven warriors bared their chests covered in confusing elven tattoos and swung their shining elven sabers around with both hands. They formed pairs and were engaging in duels.

  Further up on a different platform was the archery range for the elven archers. The enthusiastic cheers of young elves would break out occasionally. Claps and cheers would arise whenever one of their companions stuck an arrow in the bullseye of the target with a fancy archery technique.

  There was also a pegasus and hippogryph training ground on the slope of the hill. All of the youths who wanted to become elven knights would cautiously climb up the backs of the pegasi and hippogryphs before being taken into the skies as they screamed out their lungs.

  Behind the hill was where the Druid Conclave gathered.

  Young druid gathered there to listen to the teachings of the druid elders, trying their best to learn the heart of nature. However, most of the time, they would leave the camp and enter the wondrous Great Fantasy Forest. There they would eat and stay with those nature magical creatures, learning their behavior and personalities through such a method.

  They druids learned their Wild Transformation through such observations and copying.

  Most druids would even successfully recruit a powerful magical creature as their animal companion after a great deal of interaction and living alongside them. This way, when they stepped upon the battlefield once again, a strong and reliable partner would be at their side, charging and fighting with them.


  High in the cloud layers where the flying ship was cruising.

  The weather today was simply too excellent. Most of the clouds were too light and thin. The flying ship had to be extremely careful not to expose its massive metallic body.

  The various witches were standing by the sides of the ship, using their different methods to spy on everything happening in Jintha'Alor beneath them.

  Sinister and chilling smiles appeared on their faces as they watched the energetic and youthful bodies move. Truly, they were a bunch of unsuspecting and fearless fools! They didn't seem to have realized that their kingdom, their very home, was on the brink of war and that they had become prey in someone's eyes.

  While they arrogantly absorbed themselves in the fictional happiness and safety they had created for themselves, the beast of war had already opened its fanged jaw and was preparing to swallow them in one fell swoop.

  "Deserra, you bring five Archers with you and set up an ambush to the south of Jintha'Alor. Dana, you bring your tribesmen and seal off the west. Unguja, guard the east properly with your fiendhounds. Snowlotus, take two Fate Witches with you and watch over the north. Everyone else; attack Jintha'Alor at the same time. We will try and throw the ranks of the elves into disorder at the very start of the fight.

  "The main force of the battle will be the combat machines. Tigule, you bring fifty magical machines with you and lead the charge at the very front. Scatter all elves that try to form up. You don't need to worry about the extermination and capturing that comes after. Just charge to the hilltop with all you have.

  "Sofia, you lead the remaining Fate Witches and follow after Tigule. You guys are responsible for the second charge.

  "Zacha and I will be responsible for clearing away the Second Grade creatures and powerhouses.

  "Endor, you need to complete the poisoning before the fight starts.

  "As for you noble Dark Witches, you can kill and slaughter as you like. There's no need to be bound by any of our plans.

  "How about it? Lady Uzzah, are you satisfied with these arrangements?"

  Greem quickly gave out all the combat orders to the participants of the battle.

  Even though they were slightly dissatisfied that a male adept was so proudly arranging all the combat matters in front of their faces, the Dark Witches still betrayed satisfied smiles upon hearing these plans. Witch Uzzah replied with a chilling laugh, "Don't worry, male adept. Once the battle starts, we Dark Witches will definitely not be dragging you down.

  "Sisters, it seems someone still doesn't believe in our power. Bring out your ferocity and power later. Let these foolish male adepts all go to hell."

  Uzzah's arrogant speech immediately drew cold laughter out of all the Dark Witches. These sinister-looking witches in black robes all took out their staffs and scrolls and started equipping themselves.

  The flying ship was now slowly drifting toward the skies above Jintha'Alor. With a single order from Greem, magical energy surged around the massive metal ship, and several energy fields and defensive forcefields were erected around it. The vessel then quickly descended toward the town.

  It was hard to ignore it when such a large object pushed past the clouds and abruptly appear before your eyes while reflecting the blinding sunlight with its metallic structure.

  From the uneven training grounds and platforms of Jintha'Alor, many elves noticed the abnormality in the sky. They raised their hands to block out the light and get a better look.

  Just as they were murmuring and wondering about the identity of this suddenly appearing object, countless black dots emerged around the quickly descending ship. These dots flew toward the surroundings of Jintha'Alor.

  The outer blockade squads had set off!

  "Endor, the poison!" Greem solemnly spoke.

  Endor was currently sitting crossed-legged upon an empty spot of the deck. Twisting and winding magical runes covered the floor around her. Pale green halos would occasionally rise from the ring of magical runes as Dense, almost solid-state green smoke was trapped within the array.

  "Lord Greem, I need to borrow your Spirit of Pestilence for a moment!" Poison Hag Endor took out a black poison capsule from somewhere, crushed it, and threw it into the array. Meanwhile, she smiled and looked at Greem.

  Greem didn't
reply. He merely patted his waist, and the magical tome suspended there with a silver chain flashed with a green light. A strange, green, and palm-sized puppet floated out into the air.

  This doll had eyes, ears, a mouth, and a nose. It also had limbs. Its wooden body was also carved full of odd runes.

  A compassionate smile appeared on the usually sinister face of Endor when she saw the Spirit of Pestilence. The Spirit of Pestilence also flashed and appeared in her hands, constantly calling out 'Grandma,' 'Grandma.'

  "Poison attribute magical golem?" Uzzah also saw this happen. She turned and looked at Greem, "Brat, I didn't think you knew something about poison as well. Guess you can go and seduce a Death Witch once we return."

  Greem couldn't be bothered with this person who had never liked male adepts. He simply ordered with a serious tone, "Do it, Endor!"

  Poison Hag Endor acknowledged the order and sent the Spirit of Pestilence into the magical ring with a wicked smile on her face.

  The next second, a horrifying scene instantly appeared in the skies above Jintha'Alor.

  Chapter 634 The Attack Begins

  A fearsome human face slowly appeared in the air above the massive Jintha'Alor camp.

  "Death, Plague, Ruin, Ablation; In the name of the Spirit of Pestilence, I curse you all."

  The scary human face screamed in the most commonly used language of the ancient adepts– Gubaillestin. Supposedly, no elves should be able to understand the face. Yet, strangely enough, all the elves were able to comprehend those terrifying words as the loud and frustrating curses entered their ears.

  The next second, the face crumbled and turned into motes of green light, lightly falling downward.

  Up in the flying ship, Poison Hag Endor suddenly started coughing intensely. Her already hunched body shrunk even more. She lifted her head after a long while and displayed a 'tragic' smile in Greem's direction.

  "The plague has been cast down through the curse. If you want to send someone in, it's best you have them come here and take an immunity rune first!"

  Having said that, Endor nodded to the Spirit of Pestilence. The voodoo doll-like fellow stomped his feet while standing within the magical ring as three dozen yellow brooches shot out from within. These brooches all flew toward one of the adepts present.

  The Crimson adepts and the Fate Witches grabbed the brooches and stuck them on their chests without any hesitation. The Dark Witches hesitated for a moment and put them on after finding no issues with their spiritual scans.

  "Let's go; it is time for us to take the stage!"

  Greem turned his head. Tigule, who had been standing on the side of the ship, chuckled, turned, and jumped into the Second Grade magical machine warrior Goblin Shredder that had been custom-made to his specifications. He roared and jumped down unhesitantly by grabbing onto a rope.

  Zeng, zeng, zeng!

  Much like dumplings thrown into the water, forty Archers and ten Shield Swordsmen magical machines followed tightly behind Tigule and jumped down along with him.

  "Sisters, today is a good day for harvest. It's time we set out."

  Dark Witch Uzzah cackled chillingly and rode on her flying broom along with her flock of dark witches. They quickly charged out of the flying ship.

  "Let us go as well!" Alice's face was a little pale, but her expression was just as calm as ever, "This is also the first time you all will be stepping upon a planar battlefield. Be careful, and let's go!"

  Even though Alice was concerned for the Fate Witches under her, she knew very well that they would never grow up if they didn't experience the trials of planar battlefields. Compared to the veteran Dark Witches, they were like rookie soldiers that had never touched a spear or seen the shade of blood.

  Perhaps one or two of the Fate Witches would bid an eternal farewell to their companions after this battle, resting forever in these foreign lands. However, the remaining witches would be able to absorb nutrients from the blood of their enemy and their companions, becoming even stronger and more cautious.

  As such, Alice looked upon the faces of every one of her companions with gentle yet determined eyes but said absolutely nothing in the end. She was the first to flip over the side of the ship and fly down.

  Jintha'Alor was currently in chaos.

  The ultra-large scale witch poison spell had brought about indescribable agony to the elves of Jintha'Alor.

  All of the elves that had heard the roar and curse started shivering when the green sparks entered their bodies. Their spirits, stamina, resistances, endurance, and will were all corroded to varying degrees. The combat professionals that had completed advancement only felt some slight discomfort in their bodies. They could easily suppress this abnormality by raising their spirits.

  However, the ordinary elves that lived in Jintha'Alor all collapsed the moment the green light entered their bodies. They started to twitch and convulse as if they had lost consciousness and control.

  For a moment, all elven civilians across the Jintha'Alor camp were showing severe reactions to the poison curse!

  The elves were thrown into disarray. They weren't sure whether to first save their tribesmen or to fight off the terrifying silhouettes that were quickly descending from the skies.

  A few druids that had nature magic started to chant the Heal and Remove Disease spells loudly. Once their chant ended, beams of green light covered the tumbling tribesmen. The mighty powers of nature instantly expelled the plague viruses within their bodies, allowing them to recover.

  Sadly, new green sparks entered their bodies the moment they stood up in their confusion. The people who had just recovered collapsed to the ground in agony once more and started howling in pain.

  The druids raised their heads in shock. Expressions of hatred and resentment appeared on their faces when they saw the rain of green motes that continued to float down from the flying ship above.

  Before they could roar and transform into birds and take to the skies, a druid elder stopped them.

  "Don't be reckless. The enemy is coming on strong. We cannot split up and let them defeat us one by one. Go and meet up with Utas and the others."

  From inside a giant tree hall at the waist of the hill where Jintha'Alor resided, Second Grade Weapons Master Utas stormed out of the door. He looked at the sky full of green lights and those rapidly falling shapes with a face full of surprise.

  He turned, grabbed a young female elf mage, and shouted, "Hurry…hurry and contact Seradane City. The metal monster is here. Have them hurry and reinforce…"

  The young mage hurriedly took out a communication wand. Yet, despite how much magical power she inserted into the wand, all she received as feedback was a bunch of ear-piercing sounds.

  "We've been disrupted. The magical message can't be sent." The young female mage seemed never to have experienced such an urgent and dangerous situation. She was almost crying from the pressure.

  "These damned enemies. It seems they are planning to bag all of us here. Gather and immediately send my message; have all the camp guards gather toward me."

  Several flower fairy dispatch troops flapped their wings and charged out of the tree hall as Utas shouted.

  Sadly, these frail flower fairies were mostly at the advanced-apprentice level. Most of them crashed to the ground in pain the moment they came into contact with the green lights. Only a few barely managed to keep flying, stumbling into the distance as they hung in there.

  After all, the adepts wanted to capture all of these elves. Otherwise, if Endor's large-area poison spells had been changed to focus on weakening and lethality, these elves and flower fairies infected by the plague viruses would long be dead!

  Dong! Dong! Dong!

  Several large, heavy metal golems descended from the skies. Even though the ropes had reduced their falling speed, they still smashed up all the grass, flowers, and trees along the way, creating deep craters in the solid ground.

  These magical machines plunged their hands into the dirt and climbed
out of the craters to the unique sound of creaking and grinding mechanical parts.

  They had been prepared for this. The first assault squad that Tigule led 'crashed' right at the entrance of Jintha'Alor camp. Consequently, when they gathered together, what stood before them was a winding road that extended toward the top of the hill.

  Even though there were plenty of trees here as well, it was a considerably thinner concentration compared to the surroundings. Bright sunlight shone down from between the gaps of the waving leaves, leaving spotty patches of light on the hill road.


  Tigule's ear-piercing shout rang out from within the Goblin Shredder's body. This massive magical machine warrior led the way and stepped on the road.

  The lowest level of Jintha'Alor was mostly composed of blade dancer training grounds.

  These agile and strong elven warriors leaped out of their camps, brandishing their narrow, long elven sabers as they rushed at Tigule.


  There was no need for Tigule to lift a finger. The Archers in formation behind him raised their arms, and a torrent of metal bullets whizzed past both sides of the Goblin Shredder, pouring at the enemy.

  It was apparent that these magical machines had been controlled by the goblin technicians to lower the targets of their guns when fighting. That was why the one dozen blade dancers only collapsed to the ground after the barrage. Their legs had been shot and broken, but they weren't dead.

  Greem, who was still in midair, looked over from a distance. He frowned and twisted the snake-eye ring he wore on his right little finger, softly sending a magical message to Tigule.

  "Have the technicians change the attack pattern of all Archers from barrage to sniping. If they were to shoot up all these elves, just the cost of healing would be a massive sum. Remember, under situations where you can guarantee your safety, your people are only allowed to snipe non-vital spots of the enemies. Do not kill them all."

  Tigule casually continued his march forward and quickly transmitted Greem's message to the goblin technicians hiding within the Archers. The storm of bullets stopped, replaced by the crisp and clear crack of sniping shots.


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