Age of Adepts c1-1513

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Age of Adepts c1-1513 Page 573

by Zhen De Lao Lang, 真的老狼

  Atlan tried beating his wings, but he could no longer go any higher after his body hovered a meter above the ground.

  It seemed flight and levitation were all prohibited within this world.

  Atlan’s face instantly turned dark.

  He finally remembered what this place was.

  Fate’s Corridor. It was Fate’s Corridor!

  Without Fate’s guidance, anyone that entered Fate’s Corridor would have to silently wait until they were returned to their world.

  Atlan finally crouched down in sorrow.


  Alice had been stunned by the roar of the shadow dragon before he was transported away. Her body was still shaking.

  It took her a dozen seconds to barely break free of the overwhelming dragon’s aura.

  Though she had used a small trick to trap the shadow dragon in Fate’s Corridor, the difference between their power was still present.

  If Alice were Third Grade, she would be able to trap the shadow dragon inside Fate’s Corridor for an entire hour at the very minimum, unlike now where it would only last for a mere fifteen minutes.

  Fifteen minutes later, the shadow dragon would be returned to wherever he had been through the power of Fate.

  When that happened, a furious Third Grade shadow dragon would appear right beneath Alice in her shadow, and she would have to pray for herself!

  Alice charged into the Mothership without any hesitation, quickly establishing communication with Meryl as she ran toward the lower levels.

  “Quick, open the magical prison. I need to use it now!”

  Alice was a frail Fate Witch, after all. All of her elementium powers had been sacrificed to the powers of Fate. It caused her Physique to be frail as well. If it weren’t for little Helen flying by her side and enhancing her with Windwalk and Bull’s Strength, Alice wouldn’t even be able to make it to the magical prison at the lowest level of the Mothership in time.

  The Crimson Clan had come here for the dragons specifically. For the sake of capturing even more of them, a magical prison used to imprison and seal the dragons had been specially constructed in the Mothership.

  The place that Alice was hurrying toward was a cell used for imprisoning high-grade dragons.


  Alice ran as fast as she could as she checked the time left, running past corridor after corridor. She even occasionally had to sprint down flights of spiral staircases.

  “68, 67, 66…”

  “32, 31, 30…”

  When Alice counted down to fifteen, the magical prison was finally within sight. Some magical machines had already opened the doors to the cell, and a few Crimson adepts were hastily activating the sealing arrays within.

  Alice ran into the prison in a single breath and stood in the slowly activating array in the center. Meanwhile, Helen waved her magical wand, activating all other arrays in the prison and connecting them with one another.

  “8, 7, 6, 5…”

  Little Helen waved her limbs about and chased all the Crimson adepts and magical machines out of the room. She then proceeded to assume full control over the control panel of the prison.

  “4, 3, 2…”

  The wand in the fairy’s hand glowed with blinding white light. All of the sealing arrays were raring to go but were made to remain in a state of preparation.

  Only a high-grade elementium creature like Helen could do something like this. An ordinary adept would not be able to manage so many complex sealing arrays with such ease and control.


  As Alice let out one last shout, power erupted from her shadow as a massive draconic creature abruptly emerged from within.

  “You, di…”

  Atlan, having been forcefully contained within Fate’s Corridor for fifteen minutes, was beyond furious now.

  He, a proper Third Grade dragon, had fallen face-first into the trap of a mere Second Grade female adept. How could this not make him rage, not make him roar in anger?

  The moment Atlan sensed the flux of spatial power and the witch’s aura right above him, he immediately…

  Before his overwhelming shadow power could truly burst forth, his tremendous spiritual senses swept across his current environment.

  Dammit, this…this is…

  Before he could even finish his sentence, an immense sealing power washed forward, sealing him along with the Second Grade witch within the magical array.

  It didn’t matter how strong a Third Grade dragon was; they could not fend off a sealing array.

  Moreover, it was the large magic generator furnace of the Mothership that was powering the sealing array, while the host of the formation was a high-grade elementium fairy. As such, Atlan’s roars immediately fell silent. His entire body, as well as his shadow power, spiritual flux, and his mind itself, were all instantly restrained.

  To fully capture this dragon, Alice had willingly sacrificed herself and sealed herself within the array as well.

  Helen looked at Alice and the dragon, frozen within the array like wooden sculptures. She let out a sigh and carefully sealed the array and shut the prison doors.

  It was the best she and Alice could do with their powers.

  After all, they were dealing with a Third Grade dragon.

  Being able to seal a Third Grade dragon at the cost of Alice’s immobility was already an excellent result!

  The rest would fall upon Greem and whether he could rescue Alice without releasing the Third Grade shadow dragon. Otherwise, a single mistake in his actions could cause Alice’s death and the extermination of her soul.

  When little Helen beat her wings and returned to the command center, the first thing she ran into was Meryl’s questioning eyes.

  “The Third Grade dragon has been sealed,” Helen said, dispiritedly.

  “That’s good…good. Speaking of which, where’s Lady Alice?” Meryl patted her chest in relief before asking curiously.

  “She’s sealed together with the dragon!” Little Helen pouted and darted about the air anxiously, “Alice is trying too hard. To think she would choose such a dangerous method. What’s good about that big guy? Making her risk her life to capture a shadow dragon, hmph.”

  The little fairy got angrier the more she rambled. She even waved her wand and made a miniature version of Greem in the air, before lunging forward and beating down on the model. Meryl was speechless.

  At this moment, the battle on the Mothership had also started to reach the boiling point.

  The shadow dragon had yet to return since his departure, and nothing seemed to have happened within the ship either.

  That undoubtedly made Water Dragon Dominier increasingly frustrated and suspicious.

  After a few rounds of bloody exchanges, Dominier had to admit that he was no match to this strange golem when it came to melee combat.

  The golem was superior, with a sturdier body and greater strength. In addition, there were annoying magical machines around them and a series of metal turrets all raining down on him. Dominier was actually losing to a strange golem in melee combat.

  The water dragon frantically peeled away the magical machine and turned to run.

  Chapter 930 - The Battle Concludes

  Water Dragon Dominier has fallen!

  The reason he fell was not because of the elementium magical machine’s continued advances, but the giant goblin cannon on the golem dragon.

  Two goblin cannons with barrels over three meters in diameter had been rising on the wide metal platform on the golem dragon’s back ever since Dominier set foot on the Mothership’s deck.

  All the fighting was happening on the Mothership’s deck. The cannons of the golem dragon were an indiscriminate attack and should not have had the chance to fire. Thus, it had been silently waiting for its time.

  Dominier’s scrambling retreat gave the golem dragon the perfect opportunity to display its power.

  Hassled by the elementium magical machine and the many metal golems, the wa
ter dragon still managed to cut a path of destruction with the sheer might of a dragon. He smashed through the forcefield of the Mothership and charged into the air. It was this act of his to destroy the forcefield that brought calamity upon him.

  The forcefield around the Mothership had over seven hundred points of defensive power. Even the robust body of a Third Grade water dragon would be stalled for three seconds upon smashing through the field.

  The magical golem dragon took full advantage of these three seconds and fired both of its goblin cannons. Two energy pillars that connected heaven and earth immediately crashed into Dominier’s already bloody chest.

  The Wave Shields around his body had already turned to mist from breaking through the forcefield.

  As such, the energy pillars landed straight on his bare body. His last layer of defense–his dragon scales–were penetrated after just half a second. The two columns of light pierced through his body, rushing into the skies and vanishing in the distance.

  There wasn’t even time for shock or grief. The terrifying magical energy had completely corroded Water Dragon Dominier’s body. His dragon soul was instantly destroyed in the overwhelming tide of energy.

  His crystalline body stumbled and fell headfirst from the sky.

  This scene was witnessed by all the dragons and all the plane natives on the vast battlefield.

  A mighty Third Grade dragon fell just like that before their uneasy gaze, silently and without commotion!

  The dragons in the sky followed the two white pillars downward with their eyes, their gazes landing on that towering metal dragon. Though every one of its actions was clumsy and stale, and its appearance was crude and ugly, the dragons could not help but regard it with unconcealable fear and shock at the moment.

  The eyes that looked upon the golem dragon contained something different now!

  Fourth Grade.

  It was a Fourth Grade magical machine, after all!

  Perhaps the power of a Fourth Grade magical machine could only be verified through the weak death throes of Third Grade creatures.

  The dragonflight had been far too arrogant, believing that they would be able to deal with this clumsy and crude giant with their absolute numbers and honed techniques. The death of a Third Grade dragon lord had slapped them to their senses.

  A Fourth Grade would always be a Fourth Grade.

  The only one that could deal with a Fourth Grade was another Fourth Grade.

  Without any hesitation, the dragonflight turned to flee.

  Terrible and anxious roars filled the skies as the giant creatures retreated.

  Meanwhile, the dragonborn, Dragon Cultists, and plane natives still battling the machines and adepts to the death were at a loss. They didn’t know whether they were to continue their offense or to retreat along with the dragons.

  Chaos filled the battlefield.

  It was at this moment that the expedition army, having endured the horde of enemies for so long, finally started their counterattack.

  The last remaining four hundred magical machines surged forward and started firing at every hostile target within their vision. A swarm of eyeball machines rushed ahead, soaring through the air and shooting beams of blinding Scalding Rays into the crowd.

  The adept army’s retaliation was the last straw that broke the back of the panicking natives. All of them dropped their weapons, cast their armor aside, and ran into the distance without turning back.

  The original horde of an army instantly scattered like a nest of hornets that had lost their home. They screamed amidst the thick, black smoke and dancing flames, running without any sense of direction.

  The battlefield was in utter chaos now. The enemy did not know where their tribe was, nor where the camp was. The only thing they knew was to get away from those terrifying demons, and away from that rumbling metal dragon.

  Holding their positions was meaningless at this point. All the chariots and skyships had charged out of their defensive formation and started to hunt down these scurrying ants. Even the golem dragon was on the hunt.

  The low-grade Crimson adepts set their sights on the disorganized dragonborn, while the Second Grade Crimson adepts chose the First Grade dragons as their targets.

  In their panicked retreat, many dragons strayed from the flight due to the chaos or their injuries. The Second Grade adepts who could fly were all immensely excited and were hunting the fleeing dragons with wild abandon.

  On one side, you had dragons desperate to break through the enemies. On the other, you had adepts drunk with greed.

  The two parties clashed with each other, causing even more explosive sparks!

  The brutality of the battle in the skies was even harsher and more terrifying than the fight that had preceded it!

  After seven grueling hours, this battle on the Northern Wastelands of Lance ended with the defeat of the dragonflight. As many as thirty-four dragon lords had fallen in the Northern Wastelands. Though most of them were barely adolescent First Grade dragons, there were still as many as seven Second and Third Grade dragons.

  In particular, Third Grade Water Dragon Dominier died on the field, while Third Grade Shadow Dragon Atlan was still missing. These two incidents set off a bomb in the hearts of all dragons.

  These adepts from a higher plane were no longer insignificant otherworldly ants, but terrifying invaders that the dragons could do nothing about.

  The traditional combat strategies that the dragons excelled at no longer worked in front of the enemy. Instead, any mistake would cause isolated dragons to become the target of their hunts. This tremendous difference in their psychology was not something that the undefeated dragons could get used to.

  These noble dragons had always opened portals to other planes in the past, relying on their martial power and unrivaled flying ability to wreck the kingdoms of other planes to destroy one civilization after another.

  What they obtained was the mountain of glittering wealth that they hoarded in their lairs.

  A purebred dragon had over ten thousand years of life to enjoy from adolescence to old age. Nearly three-fifths of that time was spent in a comfortable sleep, with the remaining two-fifths either spent on raids and robberies or traveling to the destination of their raids and robberies.

  If a purebred dragon could not fill his lair with wealth and treasure before adolescence, then he did not even possess the qualification to attract a pretty mate.

  It was these countless successful raids and wars that gave the dragons the illusion that they were the blessed champions of the world, the noble rulers that reigned over everything. The sky was their playground, and the earth was their pasture. Everything within the world was no more than a decoration or tool used to complement and adorn their territory.

  In the hearts of most dragons, this universe had always belonged to them, only to have parts of it stolen away by dirty and wretched thieves. Their raids were only small trips taken outside to take back what was theirs.

  From the past to now, there were only stories of dragons robbing the planes of others, never of an otherworldly race coming to steal from a dragon plane.

  Thus, the battle of the Northern Wastelands utterly shocked all the dragons. It made them understand that their kingdom had also been invaded by a rude and barbaric enemy, a thief, a robber, and a butcher. And their favorite target was none other than the original owners of this plane– the dragons!


  The fires were still burning.

  The heavy smoke had turned an area of a dozen kilometers into a world of dust and ashes.

  Looking from hundreds of meters above the ground, the desolate Wastelands had undergone a complete change.

  Several hundred flames could still be seen smoldering on the earth, sending thick pillars of black smoke into the sky to obscure the horizon.

  In the scorch marks left behind by the sea of flames, burnt corpses were scattered everywhere, left in all sorts of strange poses. It didn’t matter if they had been
mighty trolls or weak gnolls in life; they were now all indistinguishable smoldering bones.

  The dragonflight had retreated, and all the surviving natives had fled without a trace. The only ones who could continue moving around this field of flames were the adepts.

  Goblin chariots drove across the wreckage of the battle as eyeball machines swept across the ground at a low altitude. Whenever they found something of value, a group of construction machines would rush forward to retrieve it and toss it into the recycling cart.

  This war had brought tremendous losses to the expedition army as well. They had lost over seven hundred magical machines, twelve goblin chariots, and seven skyships, not to mention all the other miscellaneous losses.

  Even the most valuable asset of the Crimson Clan–their precious adepts–had taken casualties! As many as five of them had died in battle.

  However, corresponding to their losses were the spoils that they had obtained. It was an inestimable amount of wealth. From all aspects and perspectives, the Crimson Clan had made an absolute killing out of this battle against the dragons in the Northern Wastelands!

  Chapter 931 - A Dragon Intercepts

  Corpse of a Third Grade water dragon obtained.

  Sealed Third Grade shadow dragon obtained.

  Four living, and one dead, Second Grade dragons captured.

  Twenty-seven First Grade dragons of various attributes, twenty living and five dead.

  Six hundred and thirty-eight dragon warriors of First to Second Grade, and over a thousand Dragon Cultists.

  Over three thousand plane natives of various races.


  The list of spoils was nearly three feet long, and this was only a rough census. More detailed and comprehensive information would take the Crimson Clan almost five days of work to complete.

  After herding the prisoners to a safe place for imprisonment, the Crimson Clan sent out a large army of construction machines to collect the damaged and destroyed magical machines on the battlefield. Though many magical machines had been smashed to iron pancakes and torn to pieces by the powerful natives, there were still plenty of magical alloys and rare resources that could be recycled from their wreckage.


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