Age of Adepts c1-1513

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Age of Adepts c1-1513 Page 580

by Zhen De Lao Lang, 真的老狼

  This world does not like me!

  Greem sighed resentfully.

  No planar world would like an uninvited invader, particularly when this invader possessed a planar consciousness brand on him that filled it with extreme disgust.

  The bright yellow flames slowly extinguished. Greem had no choice but to revert from his body of flames due to the suppression of the plane.

  The other fires in the forest quickly died out, and the mountain winds blew across the place.

  Greem felt an unexplainable chill as the cold winds caressed his naked body.

  His original clothing had all been destroyed by the flames. He had no choice but to take out a new set of traveler’s clothes from his storage ring. By the time he was done dressing, a low roar had rung out from the forest as a massive gray bear emerged from within.

  The bear immediately roared at Greem upon appearing. It crouched down and began a fierce and heavy charge at him.

  It had a large body, brown and gray hair, a low roar, and a large, slightly, opened mouth. However, what drew most of Greem’s attention was still its bloodshot eyes.

  Hmph! It was just a beast that was driven by the instincts of the planar consciousness!

  If it still had intelligence, it would never have been as foolish as to launch an attack against a Third Grade adept. It was only when the instincts and impulse of the planar consciousness had obscured its original awareness that it would lose its sense for danger as a beast and commit to a suicidal act like this.

  Greem let out a cold grunt and raised his left hand. A large amount of fire elementium quickly gathered in his palm, forming a red elementium fireball.

  “Hm…” Greem let out a curious sound. He couldn’t help but shift his attention to the fireball in his hand.

  With his might as a Third Grade adept, even an elementium fireball he casually created should be over three hundred points in power. Moreover, the elementium fireball could be enhanced with additional effects such as fire poison and Coldflame according to his will.

  Greem could clearly see that the elementium fireball in his hands only had one hundred and thirty points of power. It was only at the level of a mere First Grade elite adept.

  Dammit, why was the planar suppression here so intense?

  While Greem was in a daze, the gray bear had arrived near him.

  Those bloodshot eyes, that deafening roar, those sharp teeth; it was right in front of him!


  There was no time to hurl the elementium fireball any more. Greem shouted as he made a fist with his left hand and punched the bear square in the jaw.

  The sound of snapping bones rang out as this four-hundred-kilogram-heavy berserk bear was blown away like a sandbag struck by a giant. It crashed through countless bushes and felled two giant trees before finally coming to a stop.

  Greem threw the fireball in his right hand and caused it to erupt into a giant ball of flames on the body of the bear.

  The smell of burnt hair filled the air, mixed with the faint smell of cooked meat.

  “Chip, what’s the situation on the self-assessment?”

  [Beep. Self-assessment complete. Host’s current bodily attribute are as follows:

  [Strength: 18+2 (12+2) | Physique 21+1 (10+1) | Agility 11+1 (6+1) | Spirit 32+4 (12+4).

  [Note: Attributes in brackets are the highest amount of power that the host can currently unleash.]

  Greem couldn’t help but draw in a breath of cold air when he saw such numbers.

  Didn’t that mean he could only unleash the power of an elite First Grade adept at the moment?

  It was fortunate that he had never given up on the cultivation of his body’s basic attributes over these years. Though his attributes had been slashed in half, his combined might was still not a force to be underestimated. At the very least, he was still not an entity that a gray bear with seven points of Strength and eight points of Physique could hope to compare to.

  It was because his Strength was an entire seven points higher than the bear that he could create such an outstanding knockback effect.

  In the end, Greem was a Third Grade adept. Even without his terrifying fire spells, his tremendous Strength and Physique alone would be enough for him to go unchallenged in this primal forest without too many wild, magical creatures.

  Perhaps intimidated by Greem’s slaughter of the bear, the sound of fleeing beasts could be heard all over the forest, rustling the leaves as they fled. Not a single creature dared to remain close to Greem any longer.

  “Chip, how is the deciphering of this world’s planar laws coming along?” Greem asked with a frown.

  As a Third Grade adept, he was feeling incredibly frustrated and uncomfortable at having lost most of his power so abruptly.

  [Planar law deciphering has begun. Current deciphering progress is 1%. Estimated time remaining: 107 hours, 33 minutes, 24 seconds.]

  A hundred and seven hours? Given the length of this plane’s night and day, it was no more than four days. He should be able to unleash eighty percent of his power by then.

  As for one hundred percent? That was something he couldn’t even dream about.

  This place was a foreign plane, after all. The environment and magical density of the plane were only similar to the World of Adepts, not identical. Being able to perform at eighty percent of his usual capacity was already making full use of the Chip’s abilities.

  Elementium adepts without the assistance of the Chip would be lucky to be able to use sixty percent of their total power. That was the main reason why most adepts viewed foreign plane invasions as the most dangerous task out there.

  They would be leaving a familiar environment, unprotected by an adept’s tower or voodoo beast, while their power was cut by nearly half. Even small fry that they could eliminate with a single turn of their palm would become incredible opponents now. If they ran into an enemy of the same grade, it would be difficult to guarantee their own survival.

  That was why no adept enjoyed such isolated ventures behind enemy lines unless absolutely necessary!

  Greem calmed himself down and checked his equipment. It was then that he remembered the two witches that had snuck into Henvic along with him. One of them was a Second Grade, and the other was a Third Grade. They seemed to have been separated by the space storm as well and whisked to some unknown corner of this world.

  Naturally, it was impossible to die with their abilities.

  The problem was that the essential item for this trip–the core for the interplanar teleportation array–was still on the Second Grade witch. If anything were to happen to her, his plan to return to the World of Adepts would be toast.

  It was best to meet up with them as soon as possible.

  Having made his decision, Greem bent down and picked up a handful of black dirt from the ground. He then silently chanted a profound spell under his breath.

  It took several minutes for Greem to successfully form a magical spirit with no sentience and consciousness of its own from the dirt.

  The magical spirit floated before Greem, with a phantasmal human face formed out of faint white smoke. The face had no expression and silently awaited Greem’s question.

  “Tell me, in which direction lies the closest human city?”

  The white smoke turned into a small arrow and pointed in a specific direction. It then silently dispersed before Greem could ask a second question.

  Greem shook his head with a bitter smile before running in the direction pointed out by the spirit.

  Chapter 942 - The Unfortunate Blade Princess

  The World of Adepts, the Tower of Fate.

  The magical light radiating from the astrology ritual at the top of the tower was just as blinding and enchanting as ever in the night sky.

  The entire adept’s tower shimmered with prismatic light. From a distance, the whole structure looked like a seductive beauty dressed in a formal dress, making for an unforgettable sight.

  Meanwhile, a solitary woo
den table sat alone at the top of the tower, where the astrology rituals were typically held.

  Silky black velvet draped over the surface of the table, hiding its legs. A smooth magical mirror had been placed on the table, and some tarot cards in used condition were scattered before it.

  Alice sat silently at the table, her gaze fixed upon the reflection in the mirror.

  The astrology hall wasn’t dim, but Alice’s appearance in the magic mirror was hazy and obscure. Moreover, when Alice extended a hand to caress the tarot cards facing up on the table, the reflection in the mirror remained unmoving, only staring coldly at her through the thin glass.

  “I’m older than you, so it wouldn’t be excessive for you to call me ‘sister,’ would it?” The entire astrology hall was empty apart from Alice herself. Even Helen was nowhere to be seen. Yet, Alice was silently whispering to herself like a mental patient.

  “Incredible moves, sister! You managed to split them up at the very start of the show. It seems you have a series of other plans to follow it up, as well. Why don’t I try and guess who you are going to send out for them next?”

  The reflection in the mirror did not move, but the pretty eyes on the hazy face appeared to be wise and calm. Still, it was perhaps too calm, so much so that it seemed to be cold and merciless.

  Alice casually drew a tarot card from the deck and placed it in front of the mirror. The card’s face was a continually shifting silhouette, making it hard to discern its contents.

  The look of the reflection in the mirror fluctuated, betraying a faint sense of mockery.

  A mere Second Grade junior of hers dared to challenge a Great Witch like herself with astrology?

  It was the greatest joke in the world!

  Alice wouldn’t even have the opportunity to see the face of the card with her power, let alone pry into her future plans.

  Alice was not dejected at all. She swiftly grabbed the Staff of Divination at her side and lightly tapped the tarot card as she mumbled, “Who cares what you are!? I will just curse you with the worst possible luck!”

  Bright, magical light shimmered from the Staff of Divination, gathering into a torrent of Fate that surged into the card. The powers of Fate then transformed into a set of mysterious shackles of Fate, sealing the entire card.

  The black shape in the mirror finally moved. She lifted her head and glanced at Alice coldly before letting out a cold snort as the mirror faded to black.

  The mental connection between the two Fate Witches was abruptly severed!


  A small black hole slowly opened somewhere in the vast primal forest.

  Blade Princess Katherine carefully avoided a small space shard and finally arrived at her destination after much difficulty– the Plane of Henvic.

  Yet, just as she stepped out of the black hole, the massive planar consciousness crushed down upon her, forcefully pushing her power from peak Third Grade to peak First Grade.

  It was a demotion of two whole grade levels.

  The sudden disappearance of her power, and her badly exhausted Spirit, caused her to trip on a vine on the ground and fall flat on her face. Just as coincidentally, there was a fresh, steaming pile of animal feces in front of her. She crashed right into it, completely unprepared. Her entire upper body was buried in the filth.

  There was soft popping sound as Katherine plucked herself out of the pile of shit with some difficulty. An unbearable stink lingered around her nose. The immensely infuriated Katherine was just about to let out a scream, when she lifted her head and saw a massive behind, along with the strange dragon head of a creature peeking out from the side.

  The two looked at each other, both stunned by this horrific sight!

  As the tyrant of this stretch of the forest, Tyrannosaurus King Mosh had never expected there to be another living being that dared to disturb him while he was relieving himself, much less with such a strange method as emerging from a black spatial wormhole.

  A spatial wormhole? An otherworldly invader?

  Meanwhile, Blade Princess Katherine, who had emerged from the wormhole after traversing space with much difficulty, had also never expected the old hag to open the exit of the wormhole right at…at the toilet of a giant magical beast.

  The two stared at each other, just like that, while slimy and wet…shit was still trickling down Katherine’s entire face.

  It seemed like King Mosh’s stomach wasn’t doing well these few days. It was clear he had eaten something difficult to digest.

  A flash of anger appeared on Katherine’s face beneath her metal mask, and her flashing, red mechanical eye gleamed with a cold light. Five metallic appendages shot out of her modified body, and the metal blades at their tips started to spin and roar wildly.

  However, before the berserk Katherine could begin her attack, the shocked tyrannosaurus king shivered. Its massive asshole quivered as another blast of watery shit showered Katherine’s entire body.

  There was a deadly silence in the forest.

  A terrifying scream that could rend the heavens broke out, accompanied by the dull sound of metallic blades slicing against flesh and bone. That was then followed by the wild roars and howls of the tyrannosaurus king.

  A short moment later, the tyrannosaurus king’s mountainous body collapsed in the woods. A small and slender form held his giant head in her hands as she slowly walked out of the forest.

  Finally, the sound of choking and vomiting rang out from a patch of bushes in the distance.


  Lakeside Town.

  It was a human town that sat on the west coast of Silentwater Lake.

  Silentwater Lake was a deep, vast lake. The water was clean, the seaweeds plentiful, and the temperature perfect for life, making for a place teeming with marine life. Most famous among them was the spotted sunfish, a fish whose meat was plentiful, with a smooth texture. This fish made up a sizeable majority of the trades between merchants of other cities and the fishermen of the town.

  The surface area of Silentwater Lake was massive and took up over one-sixth of the land of the Cedrac mountain area. From Lakeside Town in the west, to the Tower of Ilgalar in the east, the lake stretched across the entirety of the Cedrac Mountains. The shape of it was like a dragon crouching upon the land, its wings folded against its back.

  As this was a neutral region, the mountain areas around it were rife with danger.

  Wolfspiders lurked to the east, as terrifying orc tribes ruled in the north, and jackals and wolves stalked the forest. Dozens of people in Lakeside Town died every year due to the invasions of beasts and orcs. For a small border town with a population of no more than two thousand, this was an incredibly dangerous environment.

  The mayor of the town was a human man over the age of fifty. His name was Gandas, a higher knight with a fiery personality. A tall stone fortress had been constructed at the edge of the town with one hundred and fifty imperial warriors living within. Their commander was also a powerful higher knight.

  The power system of Henvic was more inclined toward the profession of holy knights. It was somewhat similar to the Knight’s Plane that Greem had once invaded. However, unlike the Knight’s Plane, where magical power was viewed with hostility and hatred, the natives of Henvic preferred research on the combination of magical powers and warrior techniques.

  Their faith was also a simple one. It was a primal worship of holy light, without any specific deity to which the religion belonged.

  One could say that the faith of Henvic Plane was still weak and incapable of supporting the existence of even the weakest of gods!

  However, two powerful Fourth Grade holy knights existed within Henvic Plane.

  If either of them were fortunate enough to advance to Fifth Grade, they would naturally be able to gather the holy light faith of the entirety of the plane, thereby becoming a great god.

  However, there was no matured power system or available prior experience for reference in such a primal and primit
ive plane. As such, the two Fourth Grade holy knights were relying entirely on personal accumulation and luck to take that one crucial step forward.

  Still, it was more than evident that luck was the primary factor here!

  The grading system of the holy knight profession in Henvic was completely different from the adepts. They could roughly be split into: Trainee Knight—Knight—Iron Knight—Silver Knight—Gold Knight—Holy Knight.

  The two higher knights of Lakeside Town were only First Grade iron knights.

  Greem could completely ignore such a force.

  When it came to race, the humans of the Zambez Empire were not too different from the humans of the World of Adepts. They had tall and muscular bodies with short brown hair and were often seen wearing light flax robes of various colors.

  The class oppression of Henvic Plane was not severe. At the very least, the rulers of Zambez still allowed ordinary civilians to wear colorful clothes. In the World of Adepts, civilians could only wear gray.

  Any individual that dared to step out of line and wear the colors of a noble would be imprisoned by sheriffs and guards where they would be beaten up.

  To that extent, life in Zambez Empire was relatively honest and free!

  In a more unpopulated corner of Lakeside Town, Greem used magic to enchant a woman that had come to fetch water. He then extracted societal information on the Zambez Empire along with their language from her mind. It was then that he took out a black traveler’s cloak to cover his body and slowly walked along the small path toward this scenic town.

  Chapter 943 - Blade Princess Katherine

  A sturdy and beautiful stone bridge that stretched across Silentwater Lake split the town into east and west. The only tavern in town was located on the east coast of the lake.

  It was early in the morning. Though the tavern was already open, there weren’t many guests yet.

  Thus, when Greem stepped into the tavern wrapped in his black cloak, no one took notice at all. Even Ol’ Willy, who was yawning as he wiped down the counter, paid no heed after the first glance.

  Greem might have hidden most of his body and face with the cloak, but one could tell he was a human from his exposed hands and chin.


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