Age of Adepts c1-1513

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Age of Adepts c1-1513 Page 821

by Zhen De Lao Lang, 真的老狼

  Cassidy Peyton smiled bitterly.

  “According to the diviners’ last divination, there was supposed to be five hundred years until the next surge. However, there’s been an unforeseen variable. Apparently, remnants of the Arcane Empire intentionally detonated a Mythallar in the Abyssal World and caused a premature magic surge to avoid pursuit. That is why a magic surge is expected soon, at a maximum of ten years!”

  “What is the origin of the magic surge?”

  “Inkdeep Valley!”

  Even Gloria couldn’t help but put on a severe expression at the mention of a magic surge.


  “A magic surge?”

  Greem frowned inside Nightmare Castle. He repeated this word to himself.

  “Yes, two days ago, the Tower of Fate observed an unusual shift in the magic tides. According to my divination, a tremendous magic surge that will affect the entire universe will soon erupt. It will happen within the next ten years. That is why you must be prepared,” Alice warned with a solemn expression from the magic mirror.

  It had been over a month since Alice last communicated with Greem because of that little incident between them. She had suddenly contacted Greem now, but she brought only bad news.

  If Greem were just an ordinary adept, he might not even have heard of the term ‘magic surge.’ However, with his gradual rise to become one of the most powerful individuals of the World of Adepts, many secrets that were once hidden from him were slowly being revealed.

  Magic surges, or more specifically, magic-energy surges, were terrifying phenomena that no planar world was willing to face!

  When a magic surge occurred, the already vast and fluctuating sea of magic energy in space would grow even more ferocious and intense. The intensity of the magic energy could rise by a hundred times.

  This increase in intensity naturally affected the planar worlds greatly!

  The planar worlds were like tiny little buildings, the entrance of which was a small wooden door and some windows. As long as these entrances were guarded, most foreign intruders could be kept out.

  However, when a magic surge occurred, the shift in energy levels would force open the weak spots of the planar worlds’ barrier.

  When that happened, there would be far more passages into a planar world. Any foreign creature could pass through the plane’s barrier and enter the World of Adepts through these unknown wormholes and spatial rifts.

  The arrival of these guests would be a calamity for the ordinary creatures of the World of Adepts.

  With the exception of the few space travelers and unfortunate fools who wandered into the World of Adepts, most individuals who could break into a planar world with their own power was no pushover. Their purpose was either to reap souls, raid, or simply enjoy a banquet of slaughter.

  The adepts could protect themselves with their adept towers, surviving attacks from otherworldly magical creatures. However, ordinary mortals with no supernatural power had no means of surviving.

  Moreover, during a magic surge, the native magical creatures of the World of Adepts would also become unusually violent and bloodthirsty. They would form horrifying stampedes and rush out of the Black Forest to invade human territory.

  That was why every adept organization would carefully protect their borders during these times, monitoring every spatial weakness in their territory. They would have to guard against stampedes from the Black Forest, as well as invasions from starbeasts, trying their best to mitigate damage to their civilian population.

  The functioning of the World of Adepts still relied heavily on the countless mortals, after all!

  Chapter 1351 - Gathering at the Central Lands

  The magic surge didn’t just affect any single plane, but every one of the planar worlds.

  The spatial barriers that could protect a planar world in the past would be riddled with holes. Any simple rift could allow a terrifying otherworldly creature to slip in.

  There was no truly-safe spot across the universe!

  Such magic surges weren’t exactly disasters for high-grade adepts. After all, it was an opportunity to obtain rare and valuable resources. However, for the numerous mortals and low-grade adepts, there would no longer be any guarantee of their safety. Many of them would die because of a single magical creature’s rampage.

  Moreover, the primary world wouldn’t be the only world under siege. Even the subordinate lesser planes of the World of Adepts would be assaulted.

  Ordinary adept clans would have to send patrols to each of these worlds, continually monitoring the weak spots in space while also maintaining order in the lesser plane. Most adept clans would find themselves at a loss at this point. They did not have sufficient adepts to oversee everything.

  Consequently, most lesser planes controlled by adept clans would face problems following a magic surge. A clan’s income would be significantly affected.

  That was about all that Greem knew about the magic surges. However, after a long talk with Alice, Greem finally recognized their horror.

  If Greem were only the clan leader of a small clan, his only worry would be casualties within the clan and among the populace of his territory.

  However, he was not just the Crimson Clan’s leader now. He was also the most powerful Fourth Grade adept of the Central Lands. The very safety of the entire of the Central Lands fell upon his shoulders.

  It was a responsibility as well as a burden!

  Ten years was not long, but it wasn’t a short time, either. Should the magic surge occur and spatial rifts start appearing, any adept clan that failed to make preparations would be staring down the barrel of invasions from magical creatures and monstrous starbeasts. This event would undoubtedly be a major trail for the Crimson Clan, who had just established itself.

  If the Central Lands suffered excessive casualties in this magic surge, Greem and the Crimson Clan would likely lose their best opportunity to unify the Central Lands!

  At this point, even Greem wasn’t sure if he was the unfortunate one to have run into a magic surge at this crucial moment or if the very rise of the Crimson Clan was encouraged by the planar consciousness for this event.

  After some serious thought, the latter scenario was the more likely of the two.

  After all, the Crimson Clan had only been a regional adept clan in the past. Their military might had exploded exponentially, and they had ravaged the Central Lands without contest. Their rise to power had been the result of a series of coincidences and fortunate events. Step by step, they had made their way here.

  Before he heard the news of the magic surge, Greem had believed the current situation to be the fruit of his patience in hiding the clan’s power. When Alice told him about the magic surge, there was a shift of reference in his mind.

  Perhaps all of this had been the planar consciousness’s intent. It pushed Greem onto the throne of the ‘hero’ of the Central Lands, making him unify the Central Lands’ forces to overcome the looming calamity.

  If he performed well, the planar consciousness would probably generously ‘reward’ him with the Crimson Clan’s rule for the next thousand years to come. If he performed poorly, perhaps a new ‘savior’ would emerge and rescue the Central Lands.

  It was precisely because Greem was growing increasingly powerful that he could slowly begin to come into contact with the workings of the world behind the scenes. He began to have a strange feeling. It was a sense that the heavens and earth themselves were no more than a chessboard and the individuals living within them, no more than pieces!

  However, he was no longer an insignificant pawn as he had been in the past. No, he was a rook who could charge forth and stir the chaos. Even if the planar consciousness wanted to achieve some purpose, it would have to do so through Greem’s hand.

  This process was an excellent opportunity for Greem to peek into the principles that governed this world!

  Naturally, now that he knew this, Greem would not sit by and let the opportunity slip p
ast him. After a quick moment of thought, Greem quickly gave out a series of orders.

  Surely the Adept’s Association, Silver Union, and the Northern Witches had received similar news by now. No one would be interested in starting a war during such times. Their focus would be on defending themselves.

  Thus, the pressing calamity that the Crimson Clan had been facing was dissolved by an even greater calamity on the horizon!


  Ailovis, the Crimson Wing.

  This place was the Crimson Clan’s territory and likely the future heart of the Central Lands.

  After two hundred years of diligent management, this rich and bountiful land had become populated and wealthy.

  Villages, towns, and cities rose from the ground, dotting the green and yellow plain alongside the patches of green growth and forests. It was a microcosm of the unique liveliness and prosperity of the Central Lands.

  Ever since the Crimson Wing was chosen as the headquarters of the Crimson Clan, three tall adept towers had been erected in a triangular formation. They were the most remarkable landmarks in this land.

  There were about a hundred kilometers of distance between each other. The triangle that they protected was the most prosperous and populated territory of the Crimson Clan.

  It was early in the morning.

  A silver-white flying ship wove through several white clouds that were drifting leisurely in the light blue sky. The ship was headed toward the Crimson Wing.

  A muscular man with a stern and determined face stood at the bow of the ship. He wore a golden robe and was calmly observing the beautiful scenery flashing by on the ground.

  Suddenly, footsteps rang out behind him.

  A handsome young man in golden armor stepped forward and said, “Clan Leader, we are approaching Crimson Wing!”

  “Mm!” The middle-aged man said in a deep voice, “Have we established communications? What was the Crimson Clan’s purpose in summoning all of us here?”

  “We have inquired. Molten Fire City and the Dener Clan have already arrived. As many as seven Fourth Grade adepts are already at Crimson Wing. However…”

  “However, what?”

  “They are keeping a tight lip. We weren’t able to find out anything. Only Molten Fire City replied. They only gave us two words– ‘magic surge.’ We don’t know anything else.”

  “Magic surge!?”

  Leader of the Clan of Gold, Mornashen Gaia, couldn’t help but tremble at the mention of that taboo term. His face turned dark.

  “Are you sure that was what Molten Fire City said? Magic surge?”

  “Yes, we are absolutely sure!”

  Mornashen’s expression turned solemn. He waved his clan member away and brooded in silence.

  The flying ship cut through the air quickly, passing by a forest that stretched for fifty kilometers and crossing a river before finally arriving at its destination, Crimson Wing.

  Three adept towers stood silently on the horizon, their structure piercing the clouds.

  There were large areas of farms around the towers, along with numerous cities. You could see a stream of carriages proceeding along the grid-like roads as if they were ants marching in a chain.

  Perhaps they had seen the ship in the sky, but some of the tiny humans below waved their hands and hats at the ship.

  A massive human city slowly came within sight in the center of the three towers. It became clearer and clearer as the ship got closer.

  There were more flying objects in the sky now!

  Eyeball combat machines the size of human heads roared as they buzzed through the sky. They scanned the aura of the flying ship and did not intercept it. Instead, they escorted the ship, cutting an elegant arc in the sky as they moved toward a landing strip on the edge of the city.

  As expected of Crimson Wing. There were two Motherships merely hovering above the city. They hovered at the edges of the city, serving as giant aerial platforms.

  You could make out the countless black dots and flying objects that took off and landed on these Motherships from a distance.

  The flying ship stopped at Landing Bay 3.

  Mornashen had just led his five clan members down the steps of the ship when Molten Fire City Lord Alfred’s tall and skinny figure appeared.

  Two Fourth Grade adepts whose names sent tremors throughout the Central Lands smiled as they greeted each other.

  “You arrived earlier than me! How is it? Did you manage to find out anything?” Mornashen Gaia asked impatiently upon their meeting.

  “Come into the city with me. We will have a talk once we find a place and settle down!” Molten Fire City Lord Alfred waved his hand, and a black carriage lying in wait drove up to their side.

  The two Fourth Grade adepts got onto the same carriage while their followers hopped onto the other carriages.

  Soon, the wheels creaked as the carriages drove out of the landing bay toward the city of Crimson Wing in the distance.

  Molten Fire City Lord Alfred waved his hand, and a layer of green magical particles engulfed the carriage. The two of them then started whispering to each other.

  “What’s with the whole thing about a magic surge? Why were we summoned for a gathering? Could it be…an actual magic surge is coming?” Gaia asked hastily.

  As Fourth Grade adepts, they both understood much of the true nature of the world’s secrets. They were not unfamiliar with the term ‘magic surge.’

  “Given the information I currently have, I am certain that a magic surge is on the verge of occurring! Greem has summoned all of us to discuss how the Central Lands will respond to the magic surge.”

  “How else can we respond? Obviously, we will all be guarding our own territories……could it be? He does not intend for the various clans to transfer command of their forces to him, does he?” Mornashen’s face turned dark at the mention of this, “We can’t mobilize any more forces from our clan. If that is what he intends to do, I will never agree, even if it means I will have to fight him again!”

  Alfred finally couldn’t help but shake his head and laugh.

  Chapter 1352 - A New City

  Despite being a somewhat newly established city, Crimson Wing had a shocking population of two million.

  It was a tremendous number in a world of magic where transport and resources were not that plentiful.

  In the World of Adepts, cities with a population of ten to twenty thousand were considered small cities. Those with twenty thousand to fifty thousand were mid-sized cities, cities with fifty to ninety thousand population were large cities, while those with more than ninety thousand were massive cities.

  This standard was established for a reason. It was the limitation of transport, food, and water!

  In a higher plane like the World of Adepts, things were still incredibly limited. Even though the adepts could travel through space, upend mountains, and empty oceans with a single wave of their hands, the mortals still lived a primitive lifestyle that relied on farming, fishing, and hunting.

  The lives of adepts and the lives of ordinary people were as different as heaven and earth. It was impossible to visualize the gap between them. Adepts would rather waste enormous amounts of resources to cultivate some incredibly delicious fruits than direct even a single thought toward the improvement of a mortal’s crop yield.

  Crops grown on the large amount of land that the ordinary humans lived on was not enough to sustain too many people. The hard work of the average farmer was barely enough to fill the bellies of his own family. If a family wanted to eat meat and enjoy better meals, they would have to take the risk and hunt in the woods.

  That was why it was impossible for there to be a large population in any given place. The lack of food alone was enough of a problem for a governor.

  If local food production was insufficient, then why didn’t they import from other lands?

  Here, the issue of transportation in magical worlds had to be discussed.

  The roads in the World
of Adepts were mostly crude and simple dirt roads. At their very core, they were roads that had only appeared due to the incredible number of travelers and merchants that traversed the same paths. Such roads would often become impassable when it rained. Even when the weather was good, there were too many potholes and rocks along the road to make for a smooth journey.

  Most of the transportation of goods in the World of Adepts relied on carts- specifically, wooden carts drawn by a special breed of wildebeest. The unique features of these wooden carts were their limited load, fragility, and slow speed.

  With such roads and means of transportations, the transporting of goods over short distances was still possible. However, it was no more than a delusion if one hoped to continuously ferry essential resources such as food, drinking water, and firewood for hundreds of kilometers daily.

  It was this series of primitive and outdated technologies that the people still relied on that limited the appearance of massive cities!

  Even within the capital cities of the few famous Fourth Grade organizations of the Central Lands, the population rarely exceeded a hundred thousand. It wasn’t that these organizations did not want to attract more residents to their cities. Rather, they could not shoulder the resource shortage that would occur with the increase in population.

  Consequently, the fact that Crimson Wing could provide for two million people hinted at something deeper. Many of the Fourth Grade adepts arriving from afar started to wonder.

  Could it be that the Crimson Clan had such plentiful resources that they could even extend them toward their ordinary civilians? Still, wasn’t wasting these resources on these lowly mortals an incredibly wasteful act on its own?

  It was important to note that these mortals had absolutely no magical talent. Their only value was in working the land and, more crucially, to reproduce. They were to use their great numbers to give birth to a certain ratio of apprentice adepts.


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