Age of Adepts c1-1513

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Age of Adepts c1-1513 Page 839

by Zhen De Lao Lang, 真的老狼

  Apart from the two of them, Declan’s battle with the flame fiend was also exceptionally intense. Fortunately, Declan wasn’t fighting alone. Molten-Fire City Lord Alfred rushed forward and used his unusual soundwave magic to help him establish an advantage.

  Flame fiends were unusual demons that relied heavily on their elementium powers. Their Physique and Strength were vastly inferior compared to the hezrous. However, they possessed a tremendous innate talent for fire spells.

  Manipulating fire was as easy for them as breathing was for humans!

  As befitting their identity as demons, they also had decent physical prowess. In addition to their Burning Domain and Infernal Halo, there weren’t many enemies that could close in on them for a melee.

  Human adepts couldn’t compare to these natural magical creatures when it came to both bodily attributes and elementium talent. However, an adept’s incredible intelligence allowed them to maximize the utility of magical equipment and optimize their fighting prowess.

  A flame fiend’s fire magic was shocking. However, Declan was able to gain temporary fire immunity with a Fourth Grade Talisman of Fire Resistance and a Firebath Potion.

  Through his complicated combat techniques as a body-refining adept, Declan was able to stay close to the flame fiend, beating the demon down and forcing it to run away constantly. The demon had absolutely no time or space to unleash its terrifying and fiery might.

  Meanwhile, Nicolas and Matthew’s battle against the Fourth Grade succubus was even more decided.

  Succubi were not known for their fighting prowess among the abyssal demons. On the contrary, they often obtained higher positions by seducing and relying on other powerful demons.

  Their primary weapons were the whip wrapped around their waist, their dagger-sharp claws, and their Charming Kiss ability.

  They were constantly flaunting their bodies and seducing the enemy, even in the middle of an intense battle. They would wink and send flying kisses at their enemy while they fought. In fact, when they flicked their whips, the cracks would be accompanied by enchanting moans.

  Young adepts with weak wills would probably be charmed by the winks and the kisses before the battle even started.

  In truth, succubi preferred group battles!

  Most of the time, through conscious seduction and charm, they could turn one of the opponents against their own teammates.

  Unfortunately, the succubus’ opponent today were two old, sly, and sinister Fourth Grade adepts.

  Nicolas and Matthew.

  At their old age, they no longer preferred fighting directly with their enemies. That, however, didn’t mean that they were weak or mediocre.

  Both Nicolas and Matthew were veteran adepts that had advanced to Fourth Grade seven or eight hundred years ago. They might not be very powerful Fourth Grades, but they had a speechless array of sinister abilities to defeat their enemies.

  Rotworm: An unusual insect that could cause the victim’s flesh and blood to rot rapidly once it entered the victim’s body.

  Dagger of Separation: A gold dagger with unusual powers. Any limbs severed or wounds opened by this dagger could not be healed by means of magic or regeneration.

  Heartbreak Bell: A tiny metal bell that could cause any who heard its ring to die of a broken heart.

  The Staff of Curses: Once the staff was dipped in even one drop of the enemy’s blood, it would be able to apply a random curse on the enemy every five seconds.

  Shadownail: Puncturing the victim’s shadow with this nail would cause them to lose the ability to move for a brief moment.


  While none of this myriad of magical equipment could inflict a lethal wound to the succubus, they all possessed incredibly annoying and infuriating abilities.

  After being attacked by both of these elderly and sinister adepts, the succubus demon lord was already covered in wounds and thoroughly enraged.

  However, no matter how furious she was or how hard she tried to attack the adepts with suicidal moves, they simply relocated and patiently wore her down.

  As for her charming abilities? Even if she threw out her hip flaunting her body, the two adepts would remain completely unmoved as if they were scarecrows. Her seduction had absolutely no effect.

  No, it did have an effect. There was a glint of greed flickering in the two cunning adepts’ eyes, a light that struck fear into the heart of the succubus demon lord. She began to retreat backward as they fought. She no longer dared to fight these two adepts with all her strength.

  The one-sided nature of the battle pushed the succubus demon lord over an edge. Finally, she could no longer tolerate it. She let out a shrill cry.

  “Meillerie, you bastard! If you don’t come out now, I will die here today!”

  Meillerie……who’s Meillerie?

  Nicolas and Matthew were a little curious, but they didn’t give much heed to what the succubus was saying. It was important to note that succubi were creatures that excelled at charming; every single movement of their bodies and every word they uttered was imbued with magical charm.

  That was why the two adepts had applied Frigid Heart on themselves before the battle, rendering them immune to all charming effects. However, their souls were still lustful, which was why their eyes betrayed their desires, even as they remained seemingly unmoved.

  “Hmph! You useless whore! Can’t even charm two elderly human adepts. Watch me!” A booming roar rang out as fire flashed on the battlefield. A five-meter-tall demon appeared behind Nicolas and Matthew.

  A massive executor’s blade blazing with abyssal fire slashed horizontally, instantly slicing Matthew’s defenses in half, along with Matthew himself. Matthew cried out in pain. His entire body was cut in half, and he exploded into a cloud of black smoke, which promptly vanished from the spot.

  Meanwhile, Nicolas was extremely sly. While Matthew’s body stalled the enemy’s blade for a brief moment, his own body suddenly froze on the spot.

  The massive executor’s blade landed on Nicolas’ body after slicing through Matthew.

  Nicolas’ living body suddenly turned into a paper person, which was instantly ignited by the abyssal flames and reduced to ashes.

  A thousand meters away, at the edge of the adept’s tower, the space warped and trembled.

  Nicolas and Matthew appeared simultaneously, coughing up blood as they stumbled onto the ground.

  Matthew, in particular, was in a terrible state. His body had been cut in half. Both pieces lay strewn on the ground, but he had not died yet.

  “Come back!” Matthew propped up his upper body strenuously and pointed a finger at the bloody lower half. The lower half of his body stood up on its own and walked over to his side.

  Matthew pressed both hands against the ground and tried to piece the two halves of his body together once more. However, the moment they were pieced together, purple flames flashed from his wound and blew them apart.

  “Dammit! Abyssal fire!”

  Matthew pounded the ground with his fist angrily, but there was nothing he could do.

  The flames of that powerful demon had attached themselves to the surface of the cut. It would be impossible to rejoin his body until the abyssal flames were purified.

  Matthew could only pick up the Dagger of Separation and swiftly cut off the parts of his body that the purple flames had attached themselves to. He could finally use his strange magic to piece his body together once again.

  When he finally stood up, he was half a head shorter than he was before.

  Once he was done treating his wounds, he finally had a chance to take a proper look at the demon that had injured him.

  It was a perfect and exemplary specimen of the abyssal demons!

  Its muscular and powerful body was over four meters tall, and it weighed a shocking two tons.

  Its crimson skin was covered in fine, gray scales, while a pair of gleaming wings flared behind its back and a long scaly tail extended from its spine. There were four pairs of
thick twisted horns on its head, making it appear even more vicious than it already was.

  Chapter 1382 - Fourth Grade Battlefield

  There were simply too many types of demons.

  In the World of Adepts alone, they had several hundred tomes and books dedicated to the recording and illustration of the various abyssal demons. Even so, the adepts still had a hard time differentiating the demons at times.

  However, this new demon was clearly no small fry. He was a fearsome higher demon- an abyssal pit fiend.

  That meant his original form was that of a Fifth Grade demon, though the World of Adepts currently suppressed him; he was only capable of unleashing the power of peak Fourth Grade. Even so, his terror and strength were enough to shock everyone.

  It was said that pit fiends were terrifying monsters that had climbed out of the depths of the abyss. Their bodies blazed perpetually with eternal abyssal fire. Where they went, all life withered and died. They were the incarnation of the death and destruction brought down by the Abyssal consciousness.

  When this powerful demon appeared, he did not need to lift a single finger to intimidate every human adept present. His vicious appearance and dominating aura alone were enough to achieve that.

  All the human adepts began to move toward the adept tower and gathered together. They looked upon this strong and vicious pit fiend cautiously.

  In particular, the executor’s blade that he held in his hand drew everyone’s attention.

  It was written in the books that the weapons of the pit fiend was known as Butcher Knives. They were forged with an unusually robust abyssal metal. They were demonic weapons with numerous fearsome abilities, including destroying the soul or stopping regeneration.

  Everyone couldn’t help but look at Matthew at the thought of this.

  Could this abyssal pit fiend have yet to forge his own personal weapon? How else was Matthew still alive?

  Matthew was ghastly pale right now. He trembled as he took out a wooden doll the size of his palm. It was intricately carved with all sorts of complicated runes and lines. The wooden doll looked quite similar to Matthew himself when it came to appearance and dress. It even had eyes and eyebrows drawn on.

  However, a deep crack ran throughout the wooden doll’s body, almost threatening to split it in half. The voodoo doll was obviously useless now!

  Everyone finally realized what had happened.

  Matthew had, in fact, ‘died’ once to the demon already. However, his voodoo doll had died in his place.

  Upon this revelation, everyone looked toward the massive executor’s blade in the pit fiend’s hands, their eyes betraying a trace of fear and cowardice. Even though everyone had their own secret means of saving their lives, no one could bear to be cut by the pit fiend’s Butcher Knife.

  Even Mornashen Gaia, the hundred-meter-tall Gold Titan, was intimidated by the blade. His pupils shrank abruptly when he saw it.

  He could hear the resentful howls of spirits emanating from the blade. He could feel the fearsome threat that the weapon posed to his soul.

  He couldn’t help but feel his heart tremble slightly. He stood silently in front of the adept tower, scanning the battlefield over and over.

  However, he quickly let out a cold laugh.

  “What are you all scared of? This is our territory! If he dares step close to the adept tower, it’ll be the perfect chance to skin him, tear out his tendons and, slice him apart. If he doesn’t dare come closer, then we will just deal with them with our long-range spells.”

  Having said that, Mornashen Gaia raised both hands into the sky, calling bolts of violent lightning the size of pillars from above. They crashed down onto the battlefield in the distance as a waterfall of lightning.

  The other adepts followed his example, leaning against the adept tower as they conjured powerful and violent spells down on the battlefield.

  One had to admit that the might of Fourth Grade adepts was extraordinary.

  When the Fourth Grade adepts unleashed their power in this fashion, it instantly pushed the demon army swarming ahead of them to the brink of extermination. However, with so many dead demons, their corrupt blood and evil souls were able to further corrupt the surrounding planar space.

  The demonification of the area around the mega-rift progressed even further!

  The more dead demons there were, the more power the Fifth Grade pit fiend could unleash within this world. Overall, the situation was certainly not in the adepts’ favor!

  If it were only ordinary demons that died, the demon lords couldn’t have cared less. Instead, they would be glad to see it happen. However, many of the demons on the battlefield were their elite subordinates or trusted tribesmen.

  They couldn’t just let these demons die!

  The demon lords followed behind the pit fiend and strode toward the human adepts.

  The abyssal pit fiend was unusually large and heavy. Every step he took with his hooves left a half-meter-deep crater in the ground. Cracks ran across the earth from them.

  Moreover, wherever he stepped, the earth would crack and burn. Even the rocks and pebbles were corrupted by the abyssal aura and seemed as if they had turned more depraved and evil.

  “We can’t let this demon keep growing stronger on our land!” Mornashen Gaia’s expression turned solemn as he shouted, “If we let his power break the limit of Fourth Grade, no one here will be able to be his opponent. We need to banish him from this world before he adapts to the environment.”

  “Mornashen, if you are planning to strike, count me in!” A crimson figure appeared in the air and said, “I’ve been wanting to taste the blood of a higher demon for a while now.”

  “Count me in as well!” It was Andrew who spoke up this time.

  This place was Ahlden Clan territory. If everyone decided to flee out of cowardice, the Ahlden Clan had the most to lose. Out of both reason and emotion, he had no choice but to grit his teeth and step forward.

  Two ultra-powerhouses and an intermediate Fourth Grade adept, against a powerful Fifth Grade pit fiend versed in both the magical and martial arts. Even though he only had the power of a peak Fourth Grade, it was still a perilous battle for the adepts.

  However, since the three adepts had agreed to deal with the strongest demon, the others had no excuses.

  The adepts and the demons let out their own battlecries and charged toward each other.


  High up in the sky, three kilometers away from the battlefield, the silver Mothership Versailles sailed in the air, blocking the demons’ path to the rest of the Central Lands.

  This way, even if the Ahlden Clan was defeated, the demons would first have to get past the Mothership to enter the inner territories.

  A few of the Crimson Clan’s higher-ups were silently observing this battle on the bow of the deck.

  “Teacher, are you not going?”

  Meryl’s red dragon bloodline had been stimulated by the sight of the bloody and terrifying battlefield. Her blood boiled, and her red wings had appeared.

  Her body was now covered in fine crimson scales, and her usually seductive eyes now had a glaring, scorching quality to them. Four horns, two small and two large, quickly grew on her forehead, making her appear like the red dragon adept she was.

  Meryl was having trouble suppressing her restless red dragon bloodline after sensing the air of savagery and bloodthirst pressing in from the distant battlefield.

  Behind her, the beautiful Emilia, dressed in a soft green robe, also had a tense and combat-ready look on her face.

  Commander Locke, who stood even further behind them, was also on edge. His green goblin face had turned scarlet, and specks of red light had appeared on the edges of his beady green eyes.

  Bug Adept Billis stood at the end of the group. His hood hung low, and his black robe obscured his figure and his face. However, you could sense his restlessness just from the occasional lumps that rushed across the surface of his robe.

em was wearing plain, crimson leather armor. He turned back and looked at the eager Meryl and glanced at Emilia, whose face was flushed red with excitement. Her hands were balled into fists as she suppressed the urge to fight. Greem shook his head and chuckled, “Of course I’m going. Otherwise, the mega-rift will be breached today!”

  “Then…then we will…go as well…to help you!” It was a short sentence, but Meryl hesitated as her voice fluctuated.

  “This is a Fourth Grade battlefield. Third Grades like yourself could die at any moment!”

  “I…we……aren’t scared!”

  “Cough!” Greem shook his head again and waved his hand. A radiant red barrier engulfed everyone.

  Strangely enough, the moment the barrier enveloped them, the Crimson higher-ups instantly snapped back to their senses. They broke out in a cold sweat at the thought of what just happened.

  “Awake now?” Greem smiled faintly.

  The few of them that represented the Third Grade core members of the Crimson Clan lowered their heads, wiped away their sweat, and bowed. “Thank you for your help, clan leader!”

  “No need to feel guilty over that. This is a battlefield of two planar civilizations, after all! Only Fourth Grade adepts can sense the laws’ presence and resist the Abyssal will’s temptation and corruption. All of you will have to keep growing before you can participate in a battle of this level!” Greem stood their leisurely, calmly observing the battlefield in the distance as if victory and defeat in this battle did not matter to him.

  “That demon is too strong. I am only concerned…that Lady Mary will be injured at his hands!” Of all the adepts present here, only Meryl dared to speak to Greem in this fashion as his disciple. The rest of them could only wait silently and listen.


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