Age of Adepts c1-1513

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Age of Adepts c1-1513 Page 891

by Zhen De Lao Lang, 真的老狼

  The young orc watched as even those mighty orc warriors fell victim to this seemingly apocalyptic golden fire. One by one, the orcs around him turned to ashes, and the carts around him were torched into charcoal. He was horrified, but there was nowhere to run. He could only huddle together with the elderly orc and pray for the blessing of the Beast God.

  Perhaps the Beast God had indeed bestowed his favor upon them. Despite the rain of fire and the sea of flames that had now engulfed the Chillwind Plains, this lone cart had survived the destruction.

  While the two orcs were shivering in the sea of flames, a loud and resonant dragon’s roar rang out in the distant horizon.

  Numerous clouds that had been ignited by the flames surged along the trail of fire, pushed by a powerful, mysterious force. When the clouds approached the two orcs, they split apart to reveal the giant, vicious figure of a dragon.

  This hundred-meter-long dragon let out a resounding roar and beat its wings as it chased the path of fire. When its overwhelming aura of might scattered down toward the surroundings, the fragile lives of the elderly orc and the young orc were instantly extinguished. All that remained were two stiff bodies embracing each other upon the lonely plains.

  They had been literally scared to death by Cinquera’s terrifying aura of might!


  Greem did not notice anything that had happened below him.

  At this point, he had no interest in slaughtering these orc civilians that were no different than ants to him. All his attention was focused on how to lose the terrible calamity chasing after him.

  As for the calamity that his flames had brought to the orcs as he fled? That wasn’t a problem that Greem needed to think about at this moment. He hadn’t spread destruction intentionally; as an ultra-grade fire adept, every single one of his actions would unavoidably affect his surroundings.

  Along the way, Greem had tried to use fire clones several times to distract the evil dragon. He would abruptly explode as five identical blazing humanoids would split away from him.

  Initially, the evil dragon had been excited enough to unleash her breath attack to wipe out all these clones. However, as Greem continued to escape, Cinquera started to grow impatient and furious. She focused solely on catching Greem himself and ignored the distracting clones entirely.

  She could clearly sense that the faith power in the air was growing denser and more potent as they continued forward; there was a temple to a powerful god not far ahead.

  As a Sixth Grade evil dragon, Cinquera’s intelligence was not inferior to any of her opponents of the same grade. It was only her violent and cruel emotions that would often disrupt her logical rationality and push her toward committing horrifying, unimaginable acts of terror at times.

  Cinquera had basically figured out the intentions behind that little worm’s actions that she was chasing. That damned bastard! He was trying to cover his escape with the help of the temple.

  Hmph! It’s just the temple of a Beast God. It’s not like it’s his actual god kingdom. Does that annoying worm really think that this much power would be enough to scare me away?

  Endless hatred and fury filled Cinquera’s heart as she beat her colorful wings and continued soaring toward that small blazing humanoid in the distance.

  “I will tear you into a thousand pieces even if I have to chase you to this world’s edge today…that’s the only way I will be able to vent my anger for the loss of my spatial coordinate. Stay, worm!”

  Having said that, Cinquera opened her maw. A strange breath attack, shrouded in black smoke, cut across a thousand meters and appeared directly behind Greem.

  Greem could sense that fearsome dragon breath behind him, so terrifyingly powerful that even his soul quivered in fright. He detonated his body without any hesitation, splitting into four flames of differing shapes and sizes. Each of the flames escaped in a different direction.

  The dragon breath seemed to possess an intelligence of its own. It was able to curve in midair and chase after the biggest ball of fire. Greem had no choice but to explode once again, sending a few balls of fire right into the breath and detonating its power prematurely.

  Boom! A loud explosion could be heard.

  A black halo rippled out through the air. Where the halo passed, all the flames were extinguished, all elementium substance rendered inert, and all mental consciousness attached to them was obliterated.

  Greem reformed into a humanoid shape after fleeing a thousand meters. He turned around and took a look behind him. He couldn’t hide the shock and horror he was feeling.

  Even the mental consciousness attached to the elementium particles was obliterated.

  The strange characteristic of that dragon breath alone was enough to kill a principle adept like himself!

  Wintercastle was right before his eyes now, and he could see the large temple in the city center. Greem did not dare hesitate. He quickly dashed toward his target the moment he reformed.

  Whether he would be able to escape the pursuit of this monstrosity of death would depend entirely on this attempt!

  The trail of fire that Greem had left behind did not affect Cinquera at all. She beat her colorful wings as she burst through the flames, a Sixth Grade living calamity tightly pursuing Greem.

  Perhaps sensing two powerful individuals approaching, several violent auras burst forth from the temple. Four strange silhouettes of varying heights appeared in front of the temple.


  One of the four individuals was an elderly man who looked so old he almost certainly had one foot in the grave.

  He was wrapped in a colorful ritual robe, and patterns had been drawn all over his body with mud. He wore a strange feather on his head and held a long staff carved out of Panü wood.

  Three somewhat familiar orcs stood in a row behind him.

  They were three of the orcs who had fought the Great Adepts at Dun Modr.

  The elderly orc tapped his staff, and a golden halo spread outward. He then shouted in a deep and commanding voice, “This is the main temple of the great Beast God Arugel. You—”

  Greem and Cinquera were going too fast, so fast that they had arrived at the main temple before the orcs had received any warning.

  The head priest had no choice but to step forward with his subordinates to stop the intruders.

  Before he could finish speaking, the elderly orc felt Cinquera’s wild, barbaric aura. His expression turned ugly all of a sudden.

  Sixth Grade…this dragon was Sixth Grade!

  Chapter 1469 - The Calamity of Wintercastle

  Greem struck without hesitation when he saw the orcs standing in his way!

  He did not hold back. In fact, he couldn’t have held back.

  Every single orc in front of him was one of the most powerful individuals among the orcs of Plane Gere. What lay beneath him was also the main temple of the Beast God Arugel; Greem had no doubts that they would be able to call down tremendous divine power from the distant god kingdom if they had a few seconds to prepare. They would once again turn into mighty avatars of the gods.

  Throwing the whole mess on them while they were still disoriented was the only appropriate action for a proper and intelligent adept.

  For the first time, Greem revealed his most ferocious and vicious side without holding back at all!

  It was almost as if a portal connected directly to the depths of the Fire Elementium Planeepth had torn open in the Orb of the Fire God residing in his heart. Violent fire energy surged throughout his limbs as his heart pumped forcefully.

  The intensity of the fire energy inside him instantaneously rose by two to three levels. The flames turned from red to deep-red, from deep-red to dark-red, and, finally, invisible.

  Greem did not cast any spells. He simply let loose this surge of flames at the orcs. The scorching flames immediately turned the area within a thousand meters into a furnace. Every substance and lifeform exposed to the fire burned down to the most fundamental part
icles of the universe.

  Every single life the flames engulfed was quickly being extinguished.

  The orc powerhouses’ expression changed as they hastily drew on power from within to protect themselves.

  At least two of the five orcs had the power to defeat Greem as he was currently. However, under such unexpected circumstances, even they had to scramble just to remain unharmed.

  Greem’s attack might be vicious and powerful, but it was only troublesome to deal with for these orcs that stood at the summit of this planar world. It wasn’t a lethal strike. However, this attack spelled doom for all the ordinary orcs near the temple.

  Where the vicious flames spread, the orc believers that could not flee in time were immediately turned to ashes. Even the few individuals powerful enough to escape from the immediate radius completely ignited after running another thousand meters away.

  For a moment, the casualties were countless around the main temple. Numerous buildings were melting and softening under the fires and began to twist and collapse.

  “How dare you!”

  “Death upon the enemy!”

  Greem could hear all sorts of curses and insults. The five orc powerhouses, including the main temple’s head priest, let loose their strongest powers at this damned enemy.

  Simultaneously, the Sixth Grade evil dragon Cinquera had closed-in within a thousand meters of Greem. She opened her maw and unleashed another destructive dragon breath at this infuriating bastard.

  Two clusters of incredibly powerful attacks shot toward Greem from two different directions, cornering him and leaving him no room to dodge or escape. However, despite having run into a dead-end, Greem showed no fear. Instead, a sly and cunning smile crept up his face. He waved his hand calmly at his enemies as his entire person erupted and went up in flames.

  Fire’s Image!


  One and a half kilometers away from Wintercastle.

  Greem and Cinquera had passed through here; the flames and aura of might had killed every single orc along the way.

  A strange mental flux rippled out in the middle of the still-raging sea of flames. The flames shrunk and condensed before forming into a two-meter-tall humanoid form.

  The flames on the figure’s surface quickly solidified, transforming into a tall man wearing a leather suit with a purple-and-black robe draped over his shoulders.

  As this man stood up and lifted his head slightly to look toward Wintercastle, an earthshaking explosion erupted in the distance!

  Two violent attacks whose power was far beyond the limits of this plane clashed, instantly sundering the planar barrier and engulfing the main temple of the Beast God Arugel in an uncontrolled energy vortex.

  As the powers erupted, Greem could hear the furious roars and shouts of the orcs from afar.

  A visible force shockwave rushed out from within the city, instantly vaporizing every single orc along the way. This orc fortress that was had always been known for its sturdiness was devastated beyond recognition with barely any resistance.

  Greem had no idea what exactly was happening all the way over there. All he knew was that the wall he had been facing was pulverized by that shockwave like cheese and was being blown away as scrap.

  A concentrated and mighty consciousness suddenly shifted and locked onto Greem’s position from the center of that explosion.

  Cinquera again!

  Greem had managed to transfer his actual body from the battlefield using Fire’s Image, leaving behind only a clone there. However, he clearly had not managed to put enough distance between him and the evil dragon, as he was still within the range of her spiritual senses.

  Thus, after a single attack, the dragon was able to instantly pick up on the abnormality and once again found Greem’s location.

  Greem knew his location was exposed now; he didn’t dare overstay his welcome. He turned and immediately started retreating from Wintercastle.

  The main temple of Arugel had already been blown to pieces. He didn’t know what the actual damage was, but even the loss of a single brick would be an absolute humiliation for that lofty major god of the beast god pantheon.

  If he could endure such humiliation, he wouldn’t deserve to call himself the major god of his pantheon!

  As expected, the moment the force shockwave hit the main temple, a blinding golden radiance rose from the hundred-meter-tall beast god statue within the main temple.

  As the light flowed across the statue, its appearance slowly underwent dramatic changes.

  He had a gruff face, large mouth, and sharp fangs. He was clad in crude, ugly black armor, with a broad double-axe on his back. To think, it was the God of Slaughter of the beast god pantheon, Garon Arcadas.

  This God of Slaughter could sense the screams of agony from the believers the moment he descended, even before he had gotten used to this somewhat fragile body.

  The only ones that could set foot within Wintercastle and constantly pray near the main temple were the most devout of the orc pantheon. Now, tens of thousands of these believers had fallen victim to the enemy and died. Their emotions of despair and resentment flooded the Seventh Grade God of Slaughter, who couldn’t help but feel a little overcome.

  A vicious expression appeared on his ugly face. He took out the massive double-axe from his back and walked out of the temple with rumbling steps.

  “Cinquera, I see you are looking to die…to think you dare come stir trouble in the temple of Lord Arugel himself. Why don’t you stay here, huh? Forever!”

  Garon’s fierce glare locked onto the giant dragon flying out of the city the moment he stepped out of the temple. He shouted angrily as he raised his axe and leaned slightly back before hurling it with all his strength.

  The massive double-axe cut across the sky as a golden bolt and crashed toward Cinquera.

  At this point, Cinquera finally realized she had fallen into the scheme of that cunning adept.

  She might be rash, but she wasn’t foolish!

  Garon was able to appear within the plane despite being a Seventh Grade god because he was being sustained by the tremendous amount of faith power concentrated in the main temple. That was how he had managed to protect himself from the planar suppression. Garon would not be able to move or strike freely like this once he was further from the main temple.

  Cinquera knew these weaknesses and strengths of the gods very well. The instant she sensed Garon’s violent aura appear, she turned and fled from the main temple without hesitation.

  However, the might and ability of a Seventh Grade god was beyond the imagination of a Sixth Grade evil dragon. Before Cinquera could fly far, the golden bolt caught up to her and struck her on right wing.


  Cinquera released an earthshaking dragon’s cry as her wing was pulverized and blown into a rain of blood. She did not even dare to turn back for a look. She continued to struggle and fly into the distance.

  Garon opened his palm and grabbed the double-axe that had spun its way back to him. He then instantly traversed a distance of six kilometers with his heavy steps and chased after the ragged figure limping away with a single wing.

  As these dominating individuals left one by one, the ravaged city of Wintercastle finally became quiet once more. However, between Greem’s flames, that violent clash of power from earlier, and two consecutive bursts of ultra-grade powers, Wintercastle had been reduced to the brink of annihilation.

  A crumbling sound could be heard as some debris was shoved aside. The orc sword saint brushed off the dust on his body and climbed out of a crater with some difficulty. At the same time, the other orc powerhouses who had been blown away by the shockwave slowly returned, one by one.

  The five orcs had all been afflicted by Cinquera’s strange black smoke to varying extents. Dispelling this strange principle power would take quite some time and effort, given their power.

  Ultimately, this entire sequence of events had been a tremendous loss for them!

; But what truly infuriated them were the countless dead orcs in Wintercastle.

  The might of the invaders earlier was simply too terrifying. Anyone caught up in that power would die. Consequently, over thirty thousand of the orcs in the city had died. That was half the population of Wintercastle.

  The number of orc elites lost today was enough to bring tears to the eyes of these orc powerhouses.

  “Go! Find out who the adept that lured the evil dragon Cinquera to Wintercastle was! Immediately! We will tear that bastard into pieces in the next fight.”

  The head priest’s roar instantly filled the skies of Wintercastle!

  Chapter 1470 - The Interrogation Room

  The God of Slaughter stopped chasing after fifty kilometers.

  He could only curse furiously at Cinquera’s form as she slowly vanished in the distance, but there was nothing he could do.

  Cinquera, who had managed to escape by the skin of her teeth, chased Greem for another five thousand kilometers. That was when she finally stopped at the peak of a mountain, roared furiously, and turned back to the dragon’s tomb.

  Greem, looking rather ragged and worn-out, had just reformed his body on top of a mountain when Great Adept Windstern’s strange figure appeared before him. Following behind him were Poya, Catherine, and Tuncay.

  They had obviously just arrived as well. Their cold glares shot past Greem and landed on the evil dragon Cinquera the moment they appeared.

  If Cinquera were in her prime, she would have turned back and lunged at the enemy, even if the planar suppression was limiting her power and her opponents were a Sixth Grade and four Fifth Grades.

  It wouldn’t matter if she won. What was important was to fight first!

  All these so-called human adepts were just weaklings in Cinquera’s eyes. She didn’t regard any of them as an equal, even if they were the same grade.


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