Age of Adepts c1-1513

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Age of Adepts c1-1513 Page 893

by Zhen De Lao Lang, 真的老狼

  It would give him a sizeable edge in battles against opponents of the same grade!

  According to the Chip’s calculations, the four spells still needed two to three years before they could be completed. During this time, Greem would have no choice but to hang in there with Fourth Grade spells that had principle power mixed in them.

  Meanwhile, the Fifth Grade voodoo beast that Adept Karon of Mountainshade Plane was working on would probably need a few years to complete as well.

  As for creating a Fifth Grade magical golem himself? That would only be possible if he possessed a large number of Fifth Grade magical materials. Given the rarity and price of Fifth Grade materials, Greem would not be able to obtain them in bulk. If it weren’t for that very fortunate incident in the war back in the World of Adepts, he would not even be able to get his hands on Fifth Grade scrap material.

  There was no hope of making a magical golem himself for the moment, and his principle spells still needed time to be finished.

  As such, Greem had no choice but to keep a ‘low profile’ for the moment and avoid being caught by his enemies in this period of his power vacuum.


  The mission’s three-month period quickly concluded.

  Apart from the battle that erupted when they arrived, the rest of the mission’s duration was almost suspiciously peaceful.

  Greem only knew after the fact that his actions at Wintercastle had really screwed over the orc powerhouses.

  An attack from Sixth Grade Evil Dragon Cinquera was not so easily endured.

  Two of the four orcs present had been inflicted with the strange principle power contained within the black smoke of her breath. They only managed to dispel it after going through great lengths. While they had succeeded in the end, they were also significantly weakened in the process.

  Due to this, the orcs were much weaker and did not dare to cause trouble at Dun Modr again. It allowed Greem and the others to sit out the last three months of their mission calmly.

  Dun Modr’s first adept tower was established, and the city became the first impregnable fortress for the adept invasion into Plane Gere. Even without Great Adepts to defend the city, the native orcs would never be able to banish the adepts from their world.

  Moreover, with this adept tower, the adepts’ reinforcements could freely teleport into Plane Gere and slowly conquer the lands and pillage its resources.

  The war that came afterward was intense and would last for a very long time. It could be several years, or even a dozen years, with constant shifts in the tide of war. However, none of this had anything to do with Greem anymore. After all, he was just here to complete a mission.

  Once the appointed time was up, Greem and the other five Great Adepts successfully returned to Boulder Fortress through the adept tower’s teleportation array.

  Chapter 1472 - Foundations

  Fire Elementium Plane, the Molten Altar.

  A large portal shimmering with dark-red light suddenly opened in midair.

  It was obvious that this portal wasn’t all that stable. The spatial fluctuations from the fire-elementium door were incredibly conspicuous; the spatial tremors could be sensed from fifty kilometers away.

  The portal finally stabilized after a long while. Greem then traveled through the portal and returned to Molten Altar, dragging his dracolich prisoner with him as he strode through.

  “Welcome back, master!” Emberweb Broodmother Lasbes and Split-Brain Sock hastily hurried to the portal to greet Greem upon sensing the spatial fluctuations. They were the ones responsible for the affairs here.

  “Throw this fellow in a cell. Make sure he doesn’t get away,” Greem tossed the dracolich to the broodmother and took a good look at the Molten Altar before him.

  At this point, Molten Altar had become a massive construction site.

  Thousands of construction machines were busy working near the lava lake, moving blocks of stone, magical materials, magical alloys, and other necessary resources. Even more native creatures of the Fire Elementium Plane were working as hard labor, flattening the ground and using volcanic rock to build a temporary path leading into the heart of the lake.

  A giant metal furnace had been set up to the side of the lava lake. The exhaust pipes towering into the air spat out thick black smoke that almost engulfed the entirety of Molten Altar’s surrounding area.

  Magical ores that had been obtained from the camp in space were thrown into the furnace. There was a loud rumbling as they were crushed, filtered, refined, extracted, and finally turned into useable magical alloys.

  Metal columns measuring three-meters-wide and twenty-meters-long had already been forged. They were stacked on the lakeside and would be moved into the lake as foundations for the adept tower once they had been reinforced with magical runes and arrays.

  As this adept tower’s location couldn’t be revealed, the more technical work could only be completed by more intelligent, high-grade magical golems. That was why the construction progress was relatively slow.

  Given the current rate of progress, the adept tower would take over twenty years to complete. That made them seem as slow as a tortoise compared to the Silver Union. However, Greem had no choice due to security concerns.

  After all, the Silver Union had numerous esoteric adepts. All the bricks, materials, and runic arrays they used in construction were semi-finished products that had been prepared ahead of time. During construction, all they had to do was put these pieces together and assemble them into a complete tower.

  If Greem wanted to build a tower all by himself to maintain secrecy, he would have to carve runes and arrays on every brick and door himself. Given the scale of the tower he envisioned, the amount of work involved would drive anyone insane.

  In all honesty, if it weren’t for Split-Brain Sock having the ability to multitask and control a dozen magical golems to perform the carving of arrays simultaneously, the time needed for the construction would be even longer.

  Greem took a slow sweeping glance at the construction site and immediately got a perfect grasp of the progress. He nodded in satisfaction when he saw that everything was proceeding as planned.

  “How has it been? Has the construction been going smoothly? Tell me now if there are any troubles. I can deal with all of them while I’m here!”

  Split=Brain Sock couldn’t help but put on a bitter smile in response to the questions. “Master, the temperature of the lava here is too high. Ordinary construction machines melt the moment they enter it. Even specially modified heat-resistant magical machines can’t hold out for too long down there. Therefore, what we urgently lack and need right now is muscle that can move freely in the lava lake.”

  “Oh?” Greem thought for a moment. Molten giants appeared to be the only creatures in the Fire Elementium Plane that fit Sock’s requirements. The other beings were either too powerful to be forced into labor or too few in number. Greem quickly turned toward Emberweb Broodmother Lasbes and asked sternly, “Are there any molten giant tribes nearby? It’s best if the tribe has around two to five hundred members. As for their strength…Second Grade should be good enough!”

  Lasbes thought for a moment and said softly, “I remember there was a molten giant tribe seven days southeast of here. They have around four hundred members, and the leader is Third Grade.”

  “Mm! It will be them then! Find someone to lead the way for me. I’ll be back very soon.”

  There was no hesitation at all. Ten minutes later, Greem set off with a Second Grade elite ember spider at his side.

  Fifteen days later, Greem returned with a tribe of four hundred tall molten giants. It was obvious that these molten giants were diverse; there were adolescents as well as youngsters. It was a reasonably complete tribe.

  Unfortunately, the eleven-meter-tall figure of the Third Grade molten giant appeared somewhat tilted. There were obvious signs of external force applied to his body, as if he had been torn apart and put together again. Even his energy a
ura had almost fallen to the level of a Second Grade.

  “Sock, these are the helpers I got for you. His name is Nasta. From now on, leave all the construction work in the lava lake to them! Make sure to keep them on a schedule and a tight leash. Try and finish the construction as soon as possible!” Greem handed the molten giants over to Sock upon returning.

  Sock immediately smiled when he saw the hulking figures lined up behind Greem.

  The stone blocks used for the construction of this tower were all easily three to five meters wide and several tons in weight. Ordinary fire creatures and construction machines could hardly lift them up, let alone do piling and reinforcement work sixty meters under lava.

  Given the difficulty of the task and the environment, it was hard to make any progress without some proper helpers.

  Now that he had molten giants to do the work for him, everything could go according to plan.

  Of course, while Greem wasn’t paying attention, Sock secretly dragged the Third Grade molten giant leader Nasta aside. He curiously asked how he had been ‘recruited.’

  Nasta was practically crying when he explained how that powerful master of theirs had turned into a hundred-meter-tall giant and given every molten-giant warrior a fat beating.

  In particular, Nasta–as the leader of the tribe–had stubbornly resisted and caused the master to turn furious. He was then promptly torn into countless pieces. If it weren’t for Nasta having half a brain and submitting quickly after that, the master would probably have exterminated the entire molten giant tribe.

  It was the boon of working with fire creatures.

  They had fiery tempers, but once you made them submit, they were the most loyal followers that would never think of betrayal. If they grew sick of your rule, they would challenge you directly and decide their fate in battle. They would never try any schemes or plots, nor would they lie and try backstabbing or anything of the sort.

  Greem’s actions of violently forcing the molten giants into submission and complete lack of offering any incentive might seem silly. However, the truth was that the molten giants had become Greem’s most loyal followers the moment they lowered their heads.

  In the Fire Elementium Plane, whoever had the hardest fist was the leader.

  That was the creed etched into the soul of every fire elementium creature!

  It was simple, brusque, and just that tiny, little bit adorable.

  The arrival of the molten giants caused a few hundred hulking figures to appear on the construction site.

  The bodies of the molten giants were not the same as other fire creatures that were formed entirely out of flames. Their bodies were pieced together from several large chunks of magma. What flowed within and between the magma was red lava a thousand degrees in temperature.

  Their unique construction gave them formidable Physique and violent Strength that other low-grade fire creatures did not possess. They were incredibly suited to hard labor!

  The molten giants picked up the thick metal columns and slowly waded into the lava lake. The viscous, dark red lava soon engulfed their bodies.

  Other magical creatures, even construction machines made entirely out of heat-resistance alloy, could not work properly in such a harsh environment. Molten giants could move about freely in the lava. Not only did they take no damage, but they also became more energized.

  The molten giants stepped on something soft– molten rock at the bottom of the lake, where the lava was nearly two thousand degrees. They hammered the metal columns glowing with magical runes and arrays deep into the rock at specific positions.

  Strangely enough, the magical circuits on these inconspicuous metal columns immediately lit up when they came into contact with the boiling lava. An invisible forcefield emanated from them and pushed the surrounding lava aside.

  When all one hundred and twenty-eight metal columns were secured in place, the forcefield they each emanated joined together in a larger formation, opening up a half-kilometer-wide vacuum in the center of the lava lake.

  The moment the vacuum appeared, the army of construction machines that had been waiting outside swarmed forward and started working busily like ants.

  Given Greem’s current status as a Great Adept, he would no longer be using cheap volcanic rock when building his personal tower. The stones amassed around the lake like tiny hills were not ordinary rocks. They were all Firecrystal rocks that were considered valuable, even in the Fire Elementium Plane.

  Firecrystal rocks in the Fire Elementium Plane were like magical crystals in the World of Adepts. They were valuable, high-class objects.

  Yet these rocks were now being used as the material for Greem’s adept tower foundations!

  As the blocks of Firecrystal rock were tossed into the lake’s vacuum, the construction machines began to pile them up according to the blueprints. As they built the foundations, they carved complex and profound magical patterns and runes into the structure.

  Reinforcement runes, defensive runes, energy nodes, energy conductors, control arrays, magical circuits– every Firecrystal rock was a small magical circuit and energy node of its own. Once they were all connected, they formed a larger runic array that only grew larger and larger as more building blocks were laid down.

  Etching runic lines, filling the grooves with the most conductive mithril, embedding magical gemstones with different functions at powers at key nodes- these numerous and complicated tasks could only be undertaken by the indefatigable magical machines and fire creatures.

  An ordinary person would have turned into ashes before they could even approach the lava lake!

  Chapter 1473 - A Mysterious Visitor

  The Fire Elementium Plane, somewhere close to Molten Altar.

  There was a dark red cloud floating high above in the sky.

  A strange old man was stood quietly inside the cloud. He wore a black tuxedo, sleek, straight pants, and a spotless pair of boots. The white hair on his head that betrayed his age was combed finely and neatly.

  He wasn’t using any flying device, nor were there any apparent traces of magic around him. He simply stood there in the cloud, bending over only slightly as he silently evaluated everything happening below at Molten Altar.

  From the outside, he looked just like an ordinary old man. It was impossible to find anything unusual about him.

  However, given the incredibly harsh environment of the Fire Elementium Plane, he would never be able to survive if he was just an ordinary person, not to mention the fact that he was able to peek on Molten Altar while evading Greem’s spiritual senses at such a close distance!

  The old man seemed to have been hiding in the cloud of fire for a long time now. He had basically looked over every unusual detail and aspect of the construction site. In particular, he seemed very interested by Split-Brain Sock and that small teleportation array connected with the Capital of Steel in space.

  Of course, the instant Greem appeared, the old man stopped staring and instead began only observing with his passive spiritual senses.

  After confirming Greem’s actual grade numerous times, the old man took out an old-fashioned, ticking pocket watch from his breast pocket. He rubbed the metal lightly a few times before carefully putting it back into his pocket.

  The stopwatch wasn’t very large. It was golden, and it appeared to be made out of brass. However, when the old man’s finger ran over the watch’s metal surface, an unusually powerful and mysterious law fluctuation slowly spread outward.

  It was understandable that Greem had not been able to detect this old man, owing to his exceptional stealth abilities. Now that such obvious law fluctuations were spreading outward like a ripple everywhere within a thousand meters, Greem would be disgracing his title as a Great Adept if he still remained ignorant.

  Greem was discussing the matter of capturing more slaves to form an army capable of defending the territory with Lasbes. All of a sudden, he lifted his head. There was an unconcealable shock in his eyes.

eep. Detecting signs of time law fluctuations. Currently tracing the origin.]

  Time law…Greem was surprised. Time laws were perhaps the most sought-after law power within the planar worlds. Along with the space laws, they were considered the most powerful of the planar laws.

  However, both temporal and spatial abilities were incredibly difficult to acquire through training. They demanded tremendous innate talent to learn. That was why Greem had never met any adept apart from Alice who possessed such powers, despite the countless adepts he had met in his life.

  It was only natural that Greem would be taken aback when sensing this unusual law fluctuation in the Fire Elementium Plane now. His eyes quickly swept his surroundings to search for the origin of that fluctuation.

  Greem stood solemnly as blue light gleamed in his eyes, scanning the skies for any presence. Golden ripples spread outward and silently contacted the intangible planar laws hidden behind the scenes.

  There were traces–slight, yet present–where the laws clashed.

  Greem’s gaze quickly followed the trace to a thick red cloud hovering in the sky above the valley. He then increased the frequency of the beams shooting from his eyes. His vision pierced through the red cloud and allowed him to see that old man standing in the cloud clearly.

  A human?

  No…and also not possible!

  A different adept might not have been able to see through to the old man’s true form. But as a Great Adept assisted with his Chip, Greem was able to pierce through the appearances and lay eyes on the opponent’s power origin.

  The old man looked like a humanoid amalgamation composed of principle power. The insides of his body consisted of dense, tightly-meshed threads of power. His clothes, flesh, bones, skin, and even the beating heart inside his body were all made from countless layers of threads of power tightly woven together.


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