Hyland's Property

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Hyland's Property Page 2

by Felicity Brandon

  Her eyes widened imperceptibly at the way I said her name. “Yes, but—”

  “Were you not the one who just agreed to dry clean the shirt you ruined?”

  “Y-Yes.” She stammered, decidedly less self-assured. “But that doesn’t mean you can order me around.”

  Actually, Hilary, that’s precisely what it means. My smile widened as the unspoken response swirled around my head, but somehow, I managed to resist the urge to vocalize it.

  “Apologies if I came over a little severe.” I thrust my palm in her direction, watching her breathing increase as she contemplated my huge hand. “I’m just used to doing things my way.”

  She laughed, the sound nervous, but in the end, convention won out, and my heart sped up as she reached forward to clasp my outstretched palm. She was so small, so fragile, and as my fingers closed around hers, so soft. It would be so easy to take over a woman as gorgeous and provocative as Hilary. So easy, and so damn satisfying...

  “It’s no problem,” she replied. “I’m used to men who operate that way. Do you have your phone to hand? I’ll give you my number.”

  “Sure.” I reached into my jacket pocket for the device, watching the way her gaze never left me. “Go ahead.”

  “It’s 07891 642361. Just message me when you have the invoice, and I’ll take care of it.”

  I typed her number into my phone, imagining hot little Hilary taking care of it for me. Instinctively, I grinned at the idea. Boy, could I have fun with a woman like her, and now I was stuck in London, I needed a new distraction. Yes, work would be consuming, but there was nothing wrong with a little fun as well.

  “Thank you, Hilary.” This time I employed my most seductive tone, relishing the way she smiled in response, revealing the cutest little dimple in her right cheek. “Again, please accept my apologies for my harsh approach. It’s no excuse, but I was recently bereaved, and I just arrived home to take care of the funeral. It’s been a hard time.”

  “Gee, I’m sorry to hear that.” She batted her eyelashes. “It’s no problem at all. It was my fault, after all. I should have been paying attention.”

  “Then let’s agree to start afresh,” I coaxed. “No more apologies.”

  “That sounds fair.” Hilary nodded, taking a sip of what remained of her drink. “Can I ask your name, though, so I know who it is when you get in touch?”

  “Of course,” I answered. “A beautiful woman like you should be wary of messages from strange men.”

  “Right,” she giggled. “You can never be too careful.”

  “It’s Sean, and even though we didn’t meet under the best circumstances, I’m glad you ran into me today, Hilary.”

  She flashed me a grin. “Me too, but I have to run. I’m really late for work.”

  “Please, don’t let me stop you.” I took a step back, signaling for her to move past me. “I don’t want you to get into trouble on my account.”

  Tucking her long blonde hair behind her ear, she glanced in my direction with a smile before she sashayed out of the shop. I watched the alluring way her arse wriggled as she exited the doorway, thinking how wrong I had been with my prior statement. I did want to get Hilary into trouble, and if I got my way, there’d be a whole lot of it coming her way. There was plenty she didn’t know about me yet, but on one point, I was certain.

  Sean Hyland always got his way.

  “HOW WAS YOUR COFFEE, Sir?” I stared at Cole as I settled back against the leather interior of the Mercedes.

  “My what?”

  “Your coffee?” He sounded bemused. “That was what you wanted to stop for?”

  Shit, the coffee! In the frenzy of Hilary, I’d completely forgotten the craving that had driven me into the local shop in the first place.

  “I changed my mind once I was in there,” I explained. “But not before someone managed to pour half of theirs over me.” Gesturing to my stained shirt, I reached for my phone again, searching for Hilary’s number.

  “Goodness. I’m sorry, Sir. I’m sure we can find someone to remove that for you.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” I said, dismissing his concern with a flick of my wrist. “Just get me to my uncle’s place.”

  My mind was whirring with thoughts of the woman who’d just coated me in her morning beverage. Sure, I’d had women before—plenty of them. There were young, attractive, leggy ladies everywhere on the Riviera, but there was something about Hilary that stirred me. Something that had planted a seed in my head, and it wasn’t just her smoking-hot body. Her initial defiance had spoken to me, calling to the darker proclivities I reveled in when the urge arose. I had wanted to bring her to heel, right there in the shop, manhandle her to the car before I stripped and bound her, then once I got her back to my place, I would teach her what it meant to be owned by Sean Hyland.

  I blew out a breath at the scintillating notion. There was no doubt, I had to see her again, but more than that, I had to have her. I had no idea if she was with someone, married, or maybe even a mother, but I didn’t care. Hilary had run into the wrong man, then made another mistake by proffering her personal details. Her name and number alone were enough for me to track her down.

  God help her when I did.

  Chapter Three


  I’D BEEN HERE FOR HOURS, stuck at my desk, working through the huge pile of admin that had accrued while I’d been tucked up in Saul’s bed. I smiled idly at the thought as I hit send on the latest email. I didn’t regret the time I’d spent with him, even though I was paying for it now, but I was a little resentful he could saunter in and out of his office while I was left here, picking up the proverbial pieces. Saul had swept into the building earlier, just as he’d promised, but there had been no time to play. As well as my enormous workload, he’d immediately been hit by the avalanche of people wanting to see him. Almost all the top team had stopped by to visit, and it had only taken one call from the Reilly’s to ensure he scuttled off to touch base with them as well, leaving me here all alone.

  Wearily, I glanced at the large clock ticking happily over my head. It was gone half-past eight in the evening, and even though I’d been late this morning, I’d still been here far too long. If Saul was going to be caught up in meetings with Dalton and Connor until late, I may as well just go home. I could grab the stuff I needed and meet him later. I stretched my tired limbs as the concept cemented in my head. It made sense. He was busy, and I needed to make the trip sometime. It might as well be now.

  Logging off my computer, I grabbed my purse and headed for the exit. The foyer was busy as I made my way from the elevator to the door as groups of revelers came to enjoy the host of bars, clubs, and restaurants situated in the tower. Part of me envied them. I fancied the fine dining experience I knew Saul could offer, or perhaps even a visit to Diablo, the exclusive BDSM club run by Dalton Reilly. Smiling at the prospect of visiting there with Saul, I mused about how much I’d loved the bondage and spanking we enjoyed so far. I relished the way he wanted to control me in the bedroom, but beyond that, he treated me with nothing but respect. That was all I was interested in, where BDSM was concerned. I could never cope with any type of total power exchange, though I respected those who chose to live that way.

  Stepping into the pouring rain, I immediately regretted the decision to go home. The paving stones were flooded, the result of hours of water falling from the sky, and the city seemed busier than ever. I’d never be able to get a cab, my preference at this time of the day, so with a heavy heart, I ran toward the nearest tube station. It took almost half an hour to reach my stop—twenty-five minutes crammed into a metal can with countless strangers, pressed up against men who needed to shower, with the obligatory crying baby screaming somewhere in the carriage. Scurrying out of the station with relief, I ignored the rain obscuring my view as I wandered onto the path. It was quieter here, as it always was, but it was also only a couple of minutes to my apartment. Skipping through the puddles, my mind wandered to my plans for late
r tonight. I’d pack a bag with the things I needed, then call a taxi to take me back to Saul. Reaching for my phone, I considered messaging him. Perhaps he would come by and pick me up after his meetings. The thought made me smile.

  “Wondering when I’ll text you?”

  I started at the male voice, almost dropping my device in shock, but that was nothing compared to the surprise that hit me when I looked up to acknowledge its owner. There, under the covered archway and propped up against the double doorway that led to my apartment block, was Sean—the guy I’d bumped into earlier at Maisy’s coffee shop.

  “Hi, I...” My voice trailed away as I struggled to think of what to say. “What are you doing here?”

  “I was just passing.” He smiled, though something about the expression seemed rather too smug.

  As though my body was trying to warn me, a shiver raced down the length of my spine.

  “Here?” I asked, glancing up at the reassuring presence of the building I lived in. The sight of it was comforting, assuring me everything was okay. No harm could possibly befall me when I was this close to home. “Is this where you live?”

  My pulse raced at the possibility Sean could reside here. I risked a quick glance at him under my lashes, reminding myself just how handsome he was. Dark-haired and incredibly tall, he had an air of sophistication about him I’d rarely known before, and his butterscotch skin reminded me of Saul’s second in command at The Syndicate, Manuel. While Manuel was originally from the Mediterranean, Sean shared a similar bronzed look.

  “Come in from the rain,” Sean offered, gesturing for me to join him, and on instinct, my feet moved forward in his direction.

  “So, do you?”

  “Do I what?” He beamed at me, his deep blue eyes sparkling.

  “Live here?”

  I was nervous, though that made no sense. Sean was no threat, only a guy I’d encountered earlier. So, what if he’d turned up at my door? That didn’t mean anything, did it? No doubt, I spent too much time with the men at The Syndicate and was seeing danger where it didn’t really exist. Except, I couldn’t shake that nagging feeling, and as he pushed away from the wall toward me, I had to fight the urge to retreat.

  “You do, don’t you, Hilary?”

  Now, how did he know that?

  “No, I’ve come to see a friend,” I lied. “She’ll be expecting me actually, so if you’d excuse me, I’ll just—”

  “I don’t think so, Hilary...”

  The air thickened with his words, and the pounding rain from beyond the archway and the hammering of my heart were the only sounds.

  “What do you want?” My voice was weaker than I’d hoped, my teeth starting to chatter as water dripped from my hair. I’d been stupid to take the tube home. Why hadn’t I just waited for a taxi? Why hadn’t I waited for Saul?

  “Just your time and attention.” He edged closer, still blocking my route into the building. “You intrigued me earlier.”

  “Stay back,” I hissed the words into his face, finally grasping some of the mettle I’d strived for earlier. “Whoever you are, you do not want to mess with me. My boyfriend is powerful, and he’ll kick your arse.” My heart threatened to jump into my throat as I threw the warning at him, my mind barely noticing the way I’d elevated the man I’d been casually fucking for the last few weeks into a long-term partner. It didn’t matter now, and even if my threat had been filled with bravado, it was still true. Saul cared about me, and he was powerful. He would crush anyone who tried to hurt me.

  “Is that right?” His dark eyebrow arched with the question. “That’s good to know, Hilary. I’ve been finding out all sorts of things about you today, and now you just confirmed some of them.”

  “Wh-What?” I recoiled, stumbling back toward the street, no longer caring how it made me look. “What do you mean? What have you found out?”

  “Just about your life,” he answered with a smirk that suggested he was enjoying my response. “Where you work... and a little bird told me you were involved with a certain Saul Morrison.”

  My throat dried at the sound of Saul’s name. “How the hell do you know Saul?”

  “So, it’s true then? You’re dating the leader of The Syndicate?”

  He was right on me, towering over my five-foot-five frame. Fleetingly, I glanced around, praying that somebody was passing on the street or about to leave the apartment complex, but there was no one.

  No one to see me.

  No one to help me.

  “Eyes on me, Hilary.” His deep tone drew my attention back to him. “I want your attention. remember, and you still haven’t answered my question.”

  “You don’t know me,” I murmured. “What I do is of no consequence to you.” I willed myself to turn and run, to flee from the bastard, and never look back. The tube was only a couple of minutes away, and there was bound to be someone around who could help me.

  “Ah, but that’s where you’re wrong. It is of consequence to me. Everything about you matters to me now.”

  “Why?” I practically screamed. “Who the hell are you?”

  It was then I heard the noise behind me, the sound of a car door opening, and the chance that some passing stranger could be my hero.


  I turned on my heel, ready to plead with whoever was getting out of that car in the rain, but to my horror, it was another man in a dark suit, his expression somber as his gaze landed on me, and all at once, I knew he was with Sean. He was no friend of mine.

  “Who are you?” I spun back to Sean, demanding an answer. “Who are you, and what do you really want?”

  “There’s no need to worry, Hilary,” he cajoled in a tone that made me want to shudder. “My name is Sean Hyland, and I’m going to take care of everything.”

  Chapter Four


  IT HAD BEEN PITIFULLY easy to track her down. With Hilary’s name, number, and my uncle’s network of resources and allies, I had most of her personal details by midday. I discovered where she lived and had managed to bribe the security guard on duty to miss his shift, leaving her defenseless in an already undisturbed part of the city. After I’d convened with Zander’s remaining men and taken stock, I took a little more time to investigate the enigmatic Hilary Mantle, and to say I’d been fascinated by what I’d found would be an understatement. Our chance encounter had been more fortuitous than I’d first realized.

  Not only was she one of the most desirable women I had laid eyes on—the firm, slender body hiding beneath office attire and her feisty little attitude—but it transpired she was linked to the organization that had brought down Zander. By all accounts, her connections were not only professional. The rumor mill had it she’d been sleeping with none other than Saul fucking Morrison, and now the woman had more or less confessed it herself.

  “Hyland?” Her brow creased as my family name registered.

  No doubt she’d heard of Zander—they all had.

  “That’s right, baby.” Reaching for her, my fingers slipped into her lush hair. It was soaked by the rain, but even damp, it was still the most delicious honey color.

  “Get off me!” she shrieked, and in a moment of lunacy, she lifted her foot and sent the heel slamming down onto my shoe.


  I gritted my teeth at the pain, my fingers tightening in her tresses as my gaze lifted from her vexed expression to Johnson behind her. It only took one glance, and the good doctor was on the move, stalking behind her to ensure her fate was sealed.

  Not that it hadn’t been already. Little Hilary had been fucked from the moment she’d spilled her drink all over me.

  “Do. Not. Do. That. Again.” I punctuated each snarled word as I held her in place, tears forming in her eyes as she tried to resist the prison of my hand.

  “I’m sorry,” she panted. “Just please, let me go. I won’t tell anyone. I won’t tell Saul, just please—” She startled at the needle Johnson pressed to her neck, straining to be free of its intrusio
n. I captured the hand she rose to deflect it, holding her head and exposing her pretty little vein to the drug that was going to make her mine. Johnson was a qualified medic and had assured me he had a dose that would knock her out fast without doing any lasting damage. My gaze darted from the panic in her eyes back to Johnson. His judgment had better be spot on. I didn’t want to kill Hilary, just take her for myself.

  “Get off me!” She was crying now, all too aware of the peril she faced.

  “Shhh,” I whispered, releasing her hand to cover her mouth. “Not long now, and you’ll be mine, little one.”

  “Is it done?” The question was directed at Johnson, who nodded as he withdrew the needle and assessed it in the damp evening air.

  “Yes,” he replied, slipping the needle into his pocket. “She should be out in a few moments.”

  Hilary’s eyes were large at the statement, her hands rising to pry my fingers from her lips, but even as she tried, she stumbled, and I could see the first signs of the medication taking effect—the fight slipping from her, the light fading in her eyes as her uncoordinated body lurched forward.

  “I have you,” I murmured as she collapsed into my arms. “It’s okay, little one. I have you.”

  “What have you done to me?” she murmured as I lifted her into my arms. “What have you done?”

  I smiled down at her just as a couple wandered past with inquiring gazes.

  “Is she okay?” the woman asked.

  “She just had a little too much to drink,” I explained with a warm laugh, watching as they smiled sympathetically before walking on.

  Within minutes, Johnson opened the door and bundled her into the backseat. I slipped in beside her, waiting while he leaped into the passenger seat, and Austin Michaels hit the gas. Ten minutes in total to capture the woman I’d spent the day obsessing about, and now, here she was, sprawled over my lap, sleeping as peacefully as anyone I’d ever known.

  “Where to, boss?” Michaels turned back to glance at Hilary before his focus shifted back to the road.


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