Hyland's Property

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Hyland's Property Page 5

by Felicity Brandon

  I laughed when she thrashed harder, ignoring her response while Johnson complied. With only one slit of a window, this was the perfect interrogation room, but it made exhibiting my new prize difficult. I wanted to glory in what was mine.

  I wanted to show her off.

  She blinked hastily as spotlights illuminated from the four corners of the room. There were others above her head, but wisely, Johnson hadn’t activated those yet.

  “That’s better.” I smiled at her concerned expression. “Now, to get you comfy.”

  I strode around her body, surveying the mattress behind her. Everything was in place for what I had in mind next. Stepping onto it, I grasped the back of her chair and braced, slowly easing it backward, Hilary and all. She cried out as I tipped her, the panic understandable, although she was in no danger. I didn’t blame her for not believing that concept, though. So far, the man she’d bumped into at the coffee shop had turned up at her apartment building, injected her with an unknown drug, and she’d woken up here in the squalor of the room where I usually hosted my unwitting enemies.

  “Calm down.” I eased her back onto the mattress, her head resting against the thing, her legs forced into the air. “You’re safe. Nothing bad is going to happen to you.”

  Though bad was a relative term.

  “This chair has some special adaptions, Hilary. It’s not just for binding pretty little things, it’s for pleasuring them, too.” My gaze drilled into her with the declaration, and I watched her responses carefully. “I want to show you that life with Sean Hyland won’t all be bad—if you do as you’re told, I can make it pretty damn incredible.”

  Her brows furrowed at that suggestion, a litany of objections burning in her eyes, none of which she could vocalize with the plastic shoved between her teeth.

  I turned to the seat her perfect little arse was squashed against, or more precisely, to the alteration I’d had made to it. Reaching under the chair, I unlocked the middle section, easing it to the floor. With the center removed, Hilary was now effectively bound to two separate leg rests, her pretty little panties clearly visible as she squirmed below me. I smiled at the pleasing sight. It wasn’t enough to have Hilary here like this. I wanted her wet and desperate, and the new design, coupled with the massive vibrator I had stored away for the purpose, would accomplish that. She might think she hated me—she probably did—but I was going to squeeze more orgasms from the woman than any man had done. I’d eclipse anything Saul fucking Morrison could achieve.

  “Ready for my next trick?” I knew this was only a one-way dialogue but relished it, nonetheless.

  She shook her head, apparently keen to assure me she wasn’t ready, but the best was yet to come. Sauntering to the cupboards on the right wall, I opened the door of the first to reveal the sleek, black vibrator I’d bought for the occasion. If there was one good thing about London, it was the multitude of adult stores. There was a sex shop on every street corner, and one of Zander’s minions had happily visited one to make the purchase. Reaching for the toy, I grabbed the pink bondage tape I’d also acquired and wandered back to my girl. Practically hyperventilating, she eyed the objects in my hands with morbid fascination, her arms fighting all the harder as she took in my choices.

  “See,” I told her triumphantly. “Nothing to worry about, baby. I’m just going to give you a little fun.”

  Kneeling beside her, I set to work. In another time, with another woman, I’d have removed the lacy panties that hid her sex from me, but Hilary was different. I’d decided she was one I intended to keep, and I didn’t want the pussy I owned flashed around for any of Zander’s men to enjoy. They would get a good display as it was. That’s why I left the skimpy lace in place as I positioned the vibrator over her pubis. The new purchase had a curved design, cocooning her body perfectly—the head nestling between her tantalizing lips while the remainder rested on her flesh. Christ, I envied the thing. I wanted to be between her legs, exploring her fabulous cunt, but I would have to wait my turn. Fucking Hilary would be all the sweeter once she was begging me for it, once she begged for relief from the vibrator.

  “Now, just a little tape to hold it in place,” I explained, ripping an ample piece from the reel. “I don’t want one of your earth-shaking climaxes to dislodge it, do I?”

  From the far corner, Johnson sniggered at my query, and fleetingly, I lifted my chin to meet his amused gaze.

  “What do you think, doctor?” I asked. “Am I doing everything I can to meet Hilary’s needs?”

  “Well, she didn’t get her drink, but it seems her other requirements have been well thought through, boss.” He laughed harder, watching as I secured the tape in place, taping the vibrator against her sex.

  “Indeed, they have,” I agreed, casting a gaze down the length of her body.

  Her tits still looked astonishingly good pegged by the clothespins, and there was just the faintest sign of sweat building at her brow as my nefarious plan fell into place like the pieces of a puzzle.

  “The best of it is, I don’t even have to be here to revel in your pleasure, Hilary.” I nodded toward the corner of the room. “I have a number of perfectly placed cameras here to capture all the best bits, and your new best friend between your legs can be operated by remote control.”

  Throwing the tape down onto the mattress, I reached into my pocket, this time clasping the small black remote, holding it aloft for her to see. “All I have to do is use this to keep you suspended in perpetual ecstasy.”

  She panted around the gag, as well she might. Hilary was only just beginning to understand the predicament she’d landed in.

  “A demonstration, then.” I flicked on the switch, watching her hips jerk as the plastic sprung to life at her sex. “We can start gently and build up, or we can go right to factor ten, Hilary.” I took a step closer, assessing her expression as I nudged up the intensity.

  She moaned around the plastic, her wrists pulling futilely at the straps holding them down as though the bondage had suddenly disappeared.

  “Yes,” I agreed in a mocking tone. “I know that’s good.” Crouching by her side, I pressed down lightly on the vibrator, ensuring it sat snugly between her lips while the curved edge cradled her clit.

  “Seems like she’s enjoying it, Sir.”

  I grinned at Johnson’s shrewd observation.

  “Oh, yes,” I cooed. “Even though she doesn’t want to. Even though she’s exposed, bound, her wonderful tits pegged, and every fiber of her wants to resist, little Hilary has no choice. She’s going to come for me now, then over and over until she thinks she can’t take anymore.”

  Johnson’s laughter floated past my ears, but my focus never lifted from Hilary—the allure of her chest rising and falling, the way her fingers gripped the wooden chair, and as I dragged my hungry gaze south, the way her hips rocked to the rhythm of the pulsating plastic.

  “What happens then, Sir?” Johnson asked from the corner behind me. “What happens when she can’t take anymore?”

  Running my tongue over my teeth, I considered his question. The answer was immediate, as natural as the sunrise.

  “Then I push past the threshold.”

  Hilary’s strangled cry interrupted the pleasing thought. Running one finger along her inner thigh, I watched as her body erupted, every muscle tensed, her breath ragged. Detonating, her eyes closed, and her back arched. I smiled at the sight, my hand sweeping back to her sex to confirm what I already suspected. Beneath the vibrator was one wet pussy, and by the time I was through with her, she’d be flooded in her own hedonistic arousal.

  “Good girl,” I soothed, my cock swelling further at the damp fabric meeting my fingers. “That was your first orgasm.”

  Tilting her head in my direction, her eyes flickered open. Our gazes locked for one long moment, her hips rising sporadically as she rode the final waves of pleasure.

  “What do you say, little girl?”

  Hilary’s gaze narrowed at my question, and I rewarded her b
y sliding the dial on the remote control up another ratchet.


  There was no choice but to chuckle at her response. I couldn’t tell what she was trying to tell me, though it seemed fairly clear it wasn’t the gratitude I’d requested. Still, she was adorable and smoking hot.

  Pressing my digits against her damp panties, I taunted her sex with the one thing it would badly desire, but I wouldn’t permit it—anything to fill her up, anything to complete her. My fingers, my cock—she would have to wait and beg for both.

  “You’re welcome.” I glanced back at her flustered face, lifting those same fingers to my nose and inhaling the intoxicating scent of her sex. My cock thickened on demand, though it would have to learn patience as well. Rising to my feet, I turned to Johnson. “Get me another chair in here. I’m going to watch the show for a while, then I’m hitting the sack.”

  “Yes, boss.” He smiled, throwing one lingering glance in Hilary’s direction before he sauntered from the room, and I couldn’t blame him. The squirming blonde was absolutely mesmerizing to watch, and though she couldn’t understand the lesson I was teaching, she would with time. Either she obeyed, or she was made to comply. Rule two was non-negotiable.

  Chapter Nine


  DARKNESS ONCE MORE. The all-encompassing variety, the sort that threatened to swallow me up altogether. I had no idea how long I’d been here, what time of day it was, or how long the dreaded vibrator had been buzzing its relentless charm on my clit. At first, I’d kept count of the climaxes it ripped from me, finding peculiar comfort in holding onto the number. It was better than having to acknowledge what was actually happening—the dark, dank room and my most intimate parts on display, not only for the loathsome Sean but for the doctor and whoever else decided to wander in and witness my denigration. Counting helped to mute those extraneous factors—the biting clothespins, the plastic shoved between my teeth, the leather at my wrists and ankles, and worse, the unnerving knowledge, despite the pain and anguish, there was a sick, twisted part of me that was enjoying the angst. I loathed that he had bound and exposed me, but the powerlessness of not being able to prevent it or cover myself was as enticing as it was excruciating. It tapped into the same perverse psychology that had relished submitting to Saul, to the brunt of his palm as he’d spanked me, and the rub of his ropes.


  The image of my lover’s face flashed before my eyelids as the damned plastic edged me back to the brink, but I pushed his face away. I couldn’t handle thinking about him at the moment—how angry he’d be with me for landing myself in the sorry situation or even the things he’d do to Sean once he found out. Those considerations were for another day, a moment when I wasn’t being forced into the abyss over and over. Once upon a time, I complained I didn’t come often enough, but that seemed laughable in light of my current plight. My body was exhausted with the weight of the pleasure, my muscles limp with fatigue, and still, it went on, the low thrum of the battery-operated fiend between my thighs punctuated only by my occasional muffled cries and the haunting laughter that wafted from beyond my bondage.


  Sean fucking Hyland.

  He was laughing at me, amused by the pitiful situation he’d forced me into, and though I couldn’t see him, I knew he was there somewhere. Seated on the fucking chair, the doctor had brought in for him, watching my desperate, debased decline. I pulled in air through my nostrils, my head fit to burst with the dichotomy. How dare he do this to me! How dare he take me and tie me up in this awful, humiliating way. What was the man trying to achieve—death by orgasm? He said he didn’t intend to kill me, but why should I trust the word of a nefarious stranger? Especially one so gleeful at my denigration.

  “Wonderful.” His hilarity floated through the air. “You are a fucking delight.”

  My jaw, already aching at being compelled around the plastic ball, clenched at his assessment. There was nothing even vaguely wonderful about any of this.

  “I wonder how long I can keep you this way? How much pleasure can you take before you just lose consciousness?”

  My chest rose and fell, my gaze landing on the cruel wooden clothespins still clamped around my sensitive tissue. He couldn’t be serious, could he? He wouldn’t really just leave me like this? My clit ached from the unyielding attention from the vibrator, the impotency of my predicament weighing down on me like lead. I couldn’t take much more, and however much I detested his scornful attention, the thought of being left like this alone was worse—a suffocating reality.

  “Please!” I screeched the word from around the gag, though naturally, the sound came more like a string of indecipherable vowels, the resonance shaming me in spite of my already impossible position.

  “What was that?” Sean’s voice was louder, and as I searched the dark ceiling for the thousandth time, his face came into view. “Do you have something to say, sweetheart?”

  My focus flitted to the place his voice had radiated from, a hundred responses right there on the tip of my tongue, but of course, the gag ensured none of them were possible.

  “Don’t look at me like that.” His tone was playful, but he folded his arms across his chest, the gesture reminiscent of the man I’d bumped into in the coffee shop, igniting this whole sordid affair. “If you have something respectful you’d like to say to me, nod your head.”

  Arching away from the monstrous plastic beast as best I could, I nodded firmly, trying to ignore the hideous smirk which painted his face.

  “Okay, then.” Dropping to his haunches, his hands shifted to my face, one finger dipping under the leather strap at my face and easing the ball from my lips.

  Finally liberated, I stretched my lips, swallowing hard as he continued.

  “This is your chance, little girl. Talk.”

  “Please, Sir.” I hardly registered the pleading tone coming from me or the way my toes curled at the abject humiliation. The only thing on my mind was stopping the damn vibrator—seeking a reprieve so I could think, focus, and decide how to get the hell out of here.

  “Please, what?” His tone was clipped, and tension ratcheted in my body at the ominous timbre.

  “Please, no more,” I begged, my throat dry and sore from whatever drugs he’d pushed through my bloodstream.

  “You don’t like my hospitality?” he asked sardonically. “I can assure you most of the men who end up in here have more to worry about than climaxes.”

  “Please.” The intensity between my legs was growing again, tormenting me in its unique, unyielding ability to take me higher, whether or not I sought the release. “I can’t.” Close to tears, I squeezed my eyes shut, unable to handle either the arrogant glint in his eyes or the looming inevitability of the sensations.

  “But you’re so much fun to watch.” A hand at my arm drew my gaze open again, his fingers trailing a line under my pegged breast. “So delectable.”

  “You’ve had your fun now.” My voice broke with the statement, the last vestment of my pride cracking with it. “Please, just stop. Just let me go.”

  Sean eyed me thoughtfully, and reaching into his pocket, he produced the remote control that decided my fate, sliding it between his fingers.

  “I can’t do that, beautiful.” He ran his digit over the small plastic box, my attention fixed on the deed.

  I held my breath, knowing this was all part of the game. He was playing with me, demonstrating his authority over my body as though this terrible ordeal hadn’t done so already. The pressure on my clit eased, only a fraction, the plastic still vibrating happily at my weary sex, but it was enough—enough to placate me, enough to send a message he was listening and could be kind.

  “Better?” His tone was sardonic, but there was no denying the inevitable. It was better, a more manageable predicament. For now, at least.

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  He smiled. “See, I can be caring as well as cruel, and while I am not going to give you up, I don’t want to see y
ou in agony, Hilary.” Placing the remote on the hard floor beside me, he edged closer, one hand reaching between my bound legs. “I only want you wet and ready for what comes next.”

  “You’ve made your point,” I panted, trying desperately to resist the urge to climax again, now that the intensity of the vibrator had been reduced. “You’re in charge, I get it.”

  His smile widened. “You’re damn right, I am. I’m in charge of you, and soon, I’ll be in control of this whole shitty city.” His fingers brushed past the edge of the plastic, grazing my lips, soaked by the endless rounds of pleasure. “I didn’t come here looking for another hot blonde, but you’re one hell of a sweetener.”

  His hand skimmed over my aching clit until it found the tape he’d used to secure the vibrator. I gasped as he tugged it, pulling it from my flesh in one fell swoop. The relief was immediate, a reprieve for my desperate clit, but it was short-lived, the end of the vibrating monster already at my sex, and before I could process what was happening, he pushed the thing inside me.

  “Fuck!” I screamed the word, yanking at the immovable binds at my wrists yet again. I didn’t care what he made of my responses, whether he approved of my language or not. After so long and so many orgasms, there was no other reaction to being impaled by the pulsing plastic.

  “I know.” Sean’s gaze swept right to my face. “I’ve never wanted to be a vibrator so much in my whole damn life.”

  “Oh, God.” My eyes closed as he eased the thing from me before thrusting it deep inside again, and it was good—so fucking good. I was wet and desperate for its attention, the urge to be filled almost primal as it took its fill of me at his hand. “Please!”

  “Please, what?”

  His voice was louder, and by the time I opened my eyes, he was closer to me, leaning over my face even as his left hand controlled the pace at my sex.

  “Please, Sir.” I didn’t know what I was begging for anymore. Did I want him to fuck me with the bloody thing, or did I want him to leave me the hell alone? I was so aroused by his malicious attention, the desire for his focus as shocking as it was unspoken, but it was real—a true tangible entity. As he pumped the plastic in and out of me, the wet sounds of my pussy filled my ears, reminding me of the truth.


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