Rebel Angels: The Complete Series

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Rebel Angels: The Complete Series Page 25

by Rosemary A Johns

  Yeah, Rebel had made a balls of teaching me to be a vampire hunter.

  “Drink from my cup.” Eden pressed Gizem’s neck against Rebel’s resisting lips.

  Rebel twisted away. When his tongue licked out, across the blood dribbling down his chin, he shuddered. “I’m an Addict, a bad angel, and a ball-bag. But I’m not the Fallen. Not like you.”

  “Yes, so like me, by dawn. Drink.”

  Rebel shook his head, but then screeched, as Eden sank his claw into the base of his neck.

  I leapt up, booting the coffee table, until — shatter — it cracked, cascading lilies across the floor. “He’ll drink.”

  This time the glare that Gizem shot me was venomous.

  Hell, I deserved it.

  “I can’t, Feathers,” Rebel’s voice was husky; his eyes red-rimmed. “Your blood was like soaring to the heavens, but I’ll be cursed to hell if I—”

  “I trust you.” Rebel gave a shocked gasp. He’d trusted me to save the world, yet it’d taken me to this moment to realize that I trusted him. And it was too late. “You asked, if you Fell, what I’d do. I know now. I’d be proud to have you at my side, the same as Ash, because it doesn’t make any difference what’s done to you or who you become…you’re still you. My Irish bondage punk.”

  Rebel blinked, before he whispered, “Thank you, princess.”

  His teeth descended to Gizem’s neck. He worried at the skin, sucking at the blood.

  Mine…bound by blood.

  Only mine.

  I hadn’t realized that I was growling, until Eden elbowed Gizem onto the divan and stroked Rebel’s shoulders, calming him from the blood high.

  I shook my head, cutting off the growl.

  “Now I own everyone you love, monster. I own you. Wait, not everyone.” Eden clutched Rebel by one hand, whirling into Aylin’s bedroom and drawing out a weeping bundle in pink pajamas in the other. “One little pink bird sitting in the sun, she took a nap…and then there were none.”

  “No…” This time, I didn’t even think. I sprang over the coffee table, low roundhouse kicking Eden.

  Eden stumbled onto the glass, shrieking as his bare soles sliced. Ash struggled up, sweeping out Eden’s knees with his bleeding wings; Eden crashed over the armchair. Rebel dived after Eden, hooking him across the chin with his freed fist.

  Gizem snatched her sister’s hand, pulling her down onto the divan’s cushions.

  Slam — Bird Tattoo headbutted me.

  I stumbled, tasting my own blood down the back of my throat. Dizzy, I tripped. The orange apartment blurred.

  Then the snick of a flick-knife at my throat, and just as the world was saved, it was lost.


  The power of a shank isn’t in the sharpness of its blade, but in the brutality of the bastard wielding it.

  Bird Tattoo pressed his knife closer into my neck, before wrenching me onto tiptoe by my hair

  I grunted. Pain shot down the backs of my calves, as I struggled to balance, aching from my wounded shoulder. I bared my teeth at Eden.

  Gizem curled on the divan, trembling in shock.

  Rebel and Ash knelt beside the armchair, their heads bowed, but darting glances between the blade and Eden, whilst Eden glowered in the center of the apartment; his slashed soles dripped blood onto the laminate.

  And Aylin dangled from Eden’s hand with her legs kicking in the air.

  At last, my true angelic power awakened because of a child who was loved, rather than abandoned. With a home, big sister, and a chance. Rage surged: waves crashing on rocks, each one bigger and more violent than the last, until they exploded across the land, carrying everything away.

  Can you feel it? It’s coming now. All you need to do is ask.

  I’m asking.

  Then you’re ready.

  I jolted, and Bird Tattoo’s flick-knife nicked my neck.

  “You’re a Human Lover. No better than an Addict.” Eden scraped his fangs along Aylin’s quivering throat. “It’s why you’ll always be weak.”

  I stared at the picture of the warrior angel, whilst the cloying scent of the crushed lilies wound around me.

  “I’m all monster,” my voice hissed with the fire winding through my lungs and heart, “and loving the world’s what makes me powerful enough to burn down your house, bitch.”

  I was lost in a sea of violet.

  Righteous anger bubbled hotter than ever before, taking me over. When I pulled my hands apart, this time the handcuffs snapped.

  Bird Tattoo pulled the knife away from my neck in shock, and I dropped back onto my aching feet.

  Voices dimmed.

  I’d retreated to the back of my mind, and the grim glory reigned. When I held up my hands, frozen flames flowed across my skin, engulfing my whole body.

  Eden stared at me in terror. Bird Tattoo fell back, cowering against the radiator.

  I met Rebel’s steady stare. His smile was soft and hopeful. My heart leapt.

  Then an arcing bolt of electric violet exploded from my chest. I bowed backwards, hung on the beam that’d consumed me. The electric bolt hit Bird Tattoo first, and he howled. The beam burned a charred core through his chest, before flowing over him, until he was shrouded in flickering violet. Eden leapt for the door, struggling with the handle, but then the ray arced away…and hit him. He squealed, as the bolt shanked him. It dragged him up onto tiptoe. Then violet wept over his skin.

  We were all connected by the beam. I heard their terrified thoughts, and their fear was mine. Their pain worshiped at my feet.

  Rebel threw himself over Ash, wrapping his wings around Ash’s taller frame.

  When the electric beam shot towards the huddled vampire and angel, I battled from the prison of my mind to deflect the bolt but I wasn’t in charge; the violet ruled me.

  And it was alive, ancient, and deadly.

  It singed Rebel’s wings, hovering over his back. His t-shirt burnt; his back blistered. The beam, however, didn’t suspend them in its web.

  I closed my eyes.

  The arc’s captives shuddered.

  Then the angelic power burst in a tidal wave so intense that I rose in the air. My arms were flung out wide, as if I’d been crucified. The current flowed in one wave through the entire tower block, from vampire to vampire, skewering them through the chest and flaming them violet.

  A legion of minds caught within mine.

  I was the destroyer. The land of bones and feathers had been birthed on earth.

  The world echoed with the screams of the Pure. The beam burned fiery hot in a sudden blaze, then there was nothing but silence.

  The rage ebbed inside; I opened my eyes, in control again, as I sank to my knees.


  Eden and Bird Tattoo — every one of the Pure in Tower Block B — had been burned to ash.

  I pushed up, whilst my shoulder blades buzzed. Tendrils of glory snaked through me: a power even greater than the moment that a shank sinks through skin.

  I shook with tremors, but I laughed.

  Tune down the glory. It’s time to work your extravaganza amongst the mortals again.

  But I’m not mortal. The human mask has been burned away and now… What the hell am I? Where do I fit? This weapon…

  A taste of power makes you thirst to discover the well. But once you do…? Addiction creeps in.

  But how do I give up this feeling? The strength? It can save us.

  Or it can rule you.

  I still pulsed with the power that had healed me. I flexed my shoulder, laughing again when there was nothing but the slight tug of freshly knitted skin. I raised my arms, reveling in the sparks crackling along them, even though a dark edge pulled at my mind to…destroy and control…rather than save, as Rebel had taught me.

  A whimper.

  I stared at the blackened wings and blistered back. Rebel curled with his arms around his head. The Brigadier, who’d dragged himself out from underneath the angel, was now sprawled on the floor clasping Re
bel’s hand, whispering soothingly to him. When I booted the coffee table smashing against the far wall and marched towards them across the sea of lilies, they both cringed back.

  A flash of fury slashed at their fear: I was the hero.

  They’d both knelt to me.

  They were mine.

  Yet they were pulling away from me in the moment of my victory…? The commanding darkness itched to punish them.

  It must’ve shown on my face because Ash forced himself up onto his knees in front of Rebel to defend them both: From me.

  I paled and stumbled. Then I reached down, twirling Ash and breaking his handcuffs. He shook away the hissing metal and shrugged off his coat with a gasp.

  When I reached for Rebel, Ash tried to push me back, but I shoved him to the floor in a sizzle of flames. Then I snatched Rebel.

  “Please, princess…” Rebel’s shoulders trembled under my fingers.

  Fear feathered me through our bond, agonizing and accusing.

  Snap — I pulled apart Rebel’s handcuffs.

  Ash gripped Rebel around his waist, helping him to stand, his own bloody wings limp. Rebel’s leathers slipped from his wrist, along with the sparking handcuffs.

  Hurt them…punish them…burn them…

  I backed away, panting.

  Hell, they were right to fear.

  Help me, J, please. I’m about to unleash friendly fire on my own side. You’re right, what’s inside is ruling me. I don’t want this power if it—

  Corrupts? You’re the only one who can decide what you want to become. What’s inside you isn’t good or bad. It’s all in how you use it.

  I stumbled to the corner of the room, pressing my back against the wall.

  Jade… Rebel stroking down the back of my arm… Ash cocooning me safe in his aromatic feathers…

  Slowly, the furious buzz faded to a hum and then a tingle. The crash from the high, when it came, doubled me over. I clutched my stomach, whilst I sobbed.

  It was like soaring the heavens, only to fall to earth. Now I understood a shadow of what the Fallen had lost.

  At once, Rebel and Ash were crouched over me; their blackened and mutilated wings were veils. I stroked both their wings in comfort.

  The tears dried on my cheeks, but I couldn’t help the way that my breath hitched, “They’ll mend, yeah?”

  Ash swallowed and he looked away. “With blood. It’s a small sacrifice for you and the world.”

  At Rebel’s moan, I cradled him to the ground. His head rested on my shoulder, and his hands clasped the corners of my jacket, soothing himself against the pain. “I told you, remember?” His eyelashes fluttered. “I knew that you’d fly higher than I could even dream.”

  I brushed Rebel’s sweaty hair back from his forehead. “I had a good Custodian.” I took a shaky breath. “Who…what am I? Who are my parents?”

  At last, Rebel lifted his gaze to mine. “Who do you think we’ve been protecting you from, princess?”

  I jerked back. “What…?”

  “Monster,” Gizem stalked towards us across her shattered apartment. She was glaring at Rebel, but I knew that the word was meant for all three of us.

  Gizem held up Bird Tattoo’s flick-knife like a promise but she’d already shanked me. We were no longer the two Orphan Musketeers: I was a stranger.

  I tried to warn you. You’ll only ever truly have me. I know you, down to the bones.

  Such closeness to J would always have made me feel like a kiss inside my mind before, but now it wasn’t enough. I didn’t miss J’s hurt and longing, but I needed the world in a way that he didn’t.

  “I promised to protect you,” I glanced at Aylin’s fuzzy head, as she burrowed further into the pile of cushions on the divan to hide, “and kick this new gang out of our estate. I saved you.”

  “It’s not your estate anymore.” Gizem prowled closer, dragging her bathrobe around herself. When she waved the knife at Rebel, I held him closer. “You let that…thing…bite me. I’d never let anyone touch you. Don’t you remember all the times I saved you?” She rubbed at the scar down her cheek. “But now I reckon what everyone is saying is true. You’re a killer.”

  Ash straightened; he loomed over Gizem. “She’s Princess Leia, saving the universe, you ungrateful—”

  “Yeah, she’s not into our brand of geekery. So, you’re not making much of a point.”

  Ash shrugged. “Hero. World. Saved.”

  Gizem backed towards the divan, spinning the knife between her fingers. “I don’t care about the world,” she said blankly, “I just know that my mate Feathers is dead. Whoever you are, bitch? You’re not her.”

  “I sacrificed everything for you.” I couldn’t look at Gizem, not through the blur of tears. I didn’t dare raise my head. “I’m changed, but I’m still me. Jade will die tonight because I chose to save you.”

  Rebel startled. His fingers caressed the pouch with Jade’s necklace, as his other hand ghosted over mine.

  “Then I know that you’re not my Feathers,” Gizem looked me up and down, “because she’d never let her sister die.”

  Ash’s strong fingers clawed into my shoulder, pulling me to my feet. I yelped in shock, before Ash whispered urgently, ‘We have to go. I can sense the Fallen Army. They’re not far from here and it’s rare for them to get medieval like this, unless there’s an epic battle about to wage. Something must’ve happened that they’ve been waiting for because it takes planning and mind control to mask it from humans.”

  “I’m not saving these humans from Eden, just to—”

  Ash snatched up his coat, shrugging it on with a grimace. “They’re not after the humans.”

  Rebel bounced up, wincing as he slid on his leathers. “Bang on! They’re after you, princess. Your power was a beacon to summon them. The Supreme Commander will have stirred himself after such a fine show.”

  I froze; everything slowed.

  Rebel spun me in a circle, before kissing my forehead. It was gentle and tender as if it wasn’t a Judas kiss.

  And as if Rebel hadn’t been playing me all along and now had delivered me up to the Fallen Army.

  Fat rain tears blurred the barren sludge of London Fields, masking the wetness streaming down my own cheeks, as I forged across the park. Red tinged the clouds like blood clouding water.

  Dawn struggled to be born on a day in which my sister would die. And Rebel would Fall.

  I staggered to a stop in the downpour, shivering. My top stuck to my soaked skin.

  Two bedraggled foxes wound between the London Planes. My Blood Familiars had been following us since we’d left the tower block but they hadn’t ventured any closer.

  Maybe they were frightened of me too.

  Yet now I was the prey.

  I tried to sink back into that place where the violet flamed, alive and savage, but there was nothing but smoldering embers.

  Bring it back, J. When the Fallen find us—

  It’s too late. They’ve already found you because the punk played traitor. And where’s the righteousness in saving your own ass? You need to learn to survive on your own.

  I swung my arms, scuffing my boot through the muddy slush.

  “No stopping,” Ash grabbed my hand, “they’re almost here. The military call this a strategic retreat. Basically? It’s time to run away.”

  I shook his hand off and backed up. “I’m not running. I’ve been hiding…on the run…for months.” Rebel’s shoulders slumped; the rain plastered his hair into his eyes. His gaze met mine for a moment, before he looked away. “The bastards’ll catch us, sooner or later. But I hunt bastards. So, this is as good a place as any to fight the Fallen.”

  Ash glanced around at the wide park, before giving a brisk nod. “Old-fashioned battlefield. We can work with that. If we’d had some time, we could’ve gone guerrilla Rambo style…”

  “And you’ll fight against your own army…?”

  Ash crossed his arms, staring fixedly away at the line of London Plane
Trees. “What about him?” He raised an eyebrow at Rebel, who shrank back

  When I stalked towards Rebel, I hadn’t expected the defiant scowl or tilt of the chin. “In about an hour the sun comes up, and you Fall. Are we the bribes to buy yourself in with your new gang? Did you always plan to hand me over to the Fallen Army? Has everything been an act? Were you plotting to Fall all along?”

  Rebel shook his head. “You know me better than that, woman.”

  I dragged him forward by his collar, not loosening my grip, even though he gagged. “Trust, loyalty, and fam.” He winced at each word. “You’re like a kid, lost in the dark.”

  “I was in the dark,” Rebel choked out, “for long black decades. Centuries before, I waited. Alone. I need you but I also needed you to help me.”

  I shook him so hard that he scrabbled at my hands, but he didn’t fight back. “Why?”

  “Family,” he gasped. “Redemption.”

  “You used me.” Why the hell was my voice trembling?

  Rebel’s laugh was bitter. “Just like you were after using me? To free yourself, find your sister, and fight the Pure? Tell me, when weren’t you using me?”

  I shoved him away; my hands were shaking. The denial died on my lips. And he hadn’t even said when you snogged me…hurt me…burned me…

  Because they’d have been true too. And why hadn’t Rebel said…those other things?

  I blushed, glancing away. I knew why. Despite everything, Rebel still loved me.

  When Ash drew his shooter and held it to Rebel’s temple, Rebel didn’t even flinch. “Permission to execute the traitor.”

  Rebel’s gaze met mine unwavering. His mascara had run in the rain like black tears. He didn’t battle or beg, he simply waited on my judgment.

  Like I was Eden on his throne.

  My mouth was too dry to speak, as Ash’s finger tightened on the trigger.

  Rebel smiled sadly but he didn’t move.

  Sugary copper warred with citrus cloves.

  I knocked away Ash’s arm from Rebel’s head. “Fam is fam,” I muttered.

  How could I explain that no matter his choices, I no longer thought of Rebel as my enemy? In fact, that I hadn’t for longer than I could admit? He was my family, and mine to protect.


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