Unbreak My Heart (Valentine Bay Book 5)

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Unbreak My Heart (Valentine Bay Book 5) Page 12

by Melanie Shawn

  His thrusts grew so powerful that he felt himself bumping up against the back of her throat with every stroke. A thrill went through him at the thought of it.

  I’m driving as deep into her as I possibly can go! Fuck, yeah!

  He never wanted this to stop. If there had been a way to make it last forever, he would’ve done it. But it was impossible, her mouth just felt too fucking good.

  He knew somewhere deep in the back of his mind that he was going to have to stop this, switch positions…something…anything to break the hypnotic rhythm that was going to lead to orgasm, and very soon.

  That was easier said than done, though. That small awareness whispering in the back of his mind was being drowned out by the much larger awareness in the front of his mind, which was screaming that this felt so fucking good, he’d have to be a certifiable idiot to stop it now.

  The large voice had a point.

  Then, she started doing something that really got his attention. Reaching her hand down underneath her body, she began to touch herself as he drove in and out of her mouth.


  Even his inner monologue was at a loss for words at the sight.

  She closed her eyes as she focused inward, on her own pleasure, and he could see the excitement coursing through her body as it played like a movie screen over her face, and he thrilled at the way her body was trembling and writhing as her mouth continued to accept his thrusts.

  She took a deep breath and then let out a low moan, and he felt the vibrations resonate through his dick. It wasn’t only the physical sensations, though. He could also sense her deep arousal on a base level, and it drove him crazy. When her orgasm hit her, he not only saw it course through her, but he felt it through the spasms in her mouth, and it was all he could do to keep from emptying himself right into her.

  The minute her shudders stopped, though, he knew he couldn’t wait any longer. He had to be inside her. As fast as he could, he grabbed a condom from the nightstand, ripped it open, and slid it down his massively engorged dick.

  He looked over at her and gave a wicked smile, which made her blush. He had to laugh to himself. She was such an adorable contradiction. After what she had just done to him, completely without inhibition…but then she blushed when he shot her a suggestive smile.

  He wouldn’t have thought that his desire for her could possibly be raised any higher than it already was, but in that moment, a level of arousal shot through him that almost stole his ability to think. He was operating on pure instinct, then, and there was only one thing that his instinct was pushing him to do—claim her.

  He pressed her down on her back against the mattress and positioned himself over her, thrusting inside her with a powerful push. Her walls clamped down around him, and he felt completely surrounded by her. It was magic.

  Her eyes flew open as he pumped in and out of her and they locked gazes. Energy flowed between them through that stare, and he never broke it, even as his thrusts became more powerful and he felt himself building toward his own climax.

  When the orgasm did crash over him, he pulled her to him and held her close. Held her to him like he never wanted to let her go…which was true, in fact. He wouldn’t have minded staying there like that, with her, forever.

  He smiled peacefully to himself as he kissed the top of her head and they drifted off to sleep, still entangled with each other. Yeah. If he could have one awesome gift for Christmas, that would be it: to stay there with her, just like they were, forever.

  Chapter 25


  Luna smoothed down her dress for the hundredth time and turned back and forth in front of the full-length mirror in her bedroom.

  The room was still the same as it had been when she was in high school, including the closet, which was where she’d found the long black dress she had on.

  It was just about the only thing she’d been able to find that was appropriate for the Christmas benefit, and she thanked her lucky stars she still fit into it, and that Grandma Grace had been able to have it steam cleaned on short notice. What with working at the diner and everything else, there had been zero time for shopping.

  She also thanked her lucky stars that her personal style had always leaned toward classic, timeless pieces because if she tended toward trendier clothing, then wearing a ten-year-old dress bought when she was a high school student would’ve made her look a little ridiculous. As it was, though, it was simple and lovely—exactly the look she was going for.

  She leaned closer to the mirror. She hadn’t been able to take all the time she wanted to for her hair and make-up. She and Connor had closed the diner a few hours early to work on the food, then had finished putting together the last batch of appetizers just as Genevieve’s volunteers had shown up to transport them.

  By the time they’d finished loading the truck with all the trays, there’d barely been enough time to shower the food smell off of herself and dry her hair, let alone attempt a complicated style.

  She’d done her best to look formal and put together, but given the chance, she would’ve gladly spent a few more minutes…hell, a few more hours would’ve been nice!

  She breathed deep. She was being ridiculous. Again, she knew what it was about. Not looking nice for the benefit. Looking nice for Connor.

  There was just something about the way he looked at her and his eyes sparked…the way his voice rasped when he said she looked beautiful. Maybe it was shallow of her, but she couldn’t help it—she was addicted! And she didn’t want a cure!

  With a glance at her bedside clock, she straightened her shoulders and grabbed her small clutch. Whatever she looked like, that was what it was going to be. She was out of time.

  She hurried down the hall and, as she started down the stairs, she was startled by the sound of applause and wolf whistles.

  Her head snapped up. Her grandparents were there, sitting on the couch in the living room, as she expected. They were clapping, grinning, and beaming. Again, that wasn’t a surprise.

  What she hadn’t expected to see was Connor standing at the bottom of the stairs, looking up at her and beaming.

  And holding a corsage in a clear plastic clamshell case.

  She stopped on the stairs and her hand flew to her mouth before she hurried the rest of the way down.

  “Connor! When did you have time to get a corsage? And what are you doing here? I thought we were meeting at the venue?”

  He grinned. “I got it yesterday. This is sort of like our prom, take two. So you needed a corsage. And while I didn’t rent a limo, I did bring something pretty special. Because you’re pretty special.”

  She couldn’t help it, she teared up a little at his words. He took the opportunity to slip the corsage onto her wrist and then slipped her wrap over her shoulders.

  She hugged and kissed her grandparents goodnight and then followed Connor out the front door and down the walk.

  When she saw the car he’d brought, she gasped. Luna had known that he restored classic cars, but she hadn’t been prepared for the gorgeous mint green 1950s beauty parked on the street in front of her house.

  “Connor, this is gorgeous! I swear, if Jet Valentine plays ‘Johnny B. Goode’ at the benefit tonight, it will be like we’re in Back to the Future or something.”

  He slapped a palm to his forehead in mock frustration. “Oh, man! If I’d known that’s what we were going for, I would’ve brought a DeLorean.”

  Riding through the streets of Valentine Bay in her fancy(ish) dress, in the incredibly special car, and with Connor behind the wheel—man, she really did feel like a princess. It was a magical night.

  She glanced down at her feet to make sure her shoes hadn’t suddenly transformed into glass slippers. But, no, they were still the black suede pumps she’d worn to high school graduation.

  Walking into the event venue, which was the ballroom at the resort that Genevieve worked at as an event coordinator, was an experience Luna knew she would never forget.
/>   Ella had really outdone herself creating a winter wonderland. There were fairy lights strung from just about every surface, white birch trees placed among stark white chairs and tables. All of the serving staff were dressed all in white.

  Most of all, though, it just seemed that everything sparkled. Like glitter had been strewn about and lent a sheen to every surface.

  “Wow,” Luna breathed. “This is incredible.”

  “It is,” Connor agreed. “I feel like we walked into a movie or something.”

  “Yeah. Like a fairytale.”

  He slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her against his side, kissed her on the cheek. “If this is a fairytale, you’re the beautiful princess.”

  She smiled up at him. “And you’re the handsome prince.”

  Just then, the lights dimmed and a spotlight shone on the small stage that had been constructed at the far end of the ballroom.

  Mrs. Valentine stepped up to the podium to a round of polite applause from the attendees. Luna noticed that the woman was dressed to the nines and felt thankful once again that she’d had a classic, appropriate LBD in her closet to wear to the event this evening.

  “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the first annual fundraiser for the pediatric unit at Valentine Bay hospital. We’re raising money so that children will always get the best care, regardless of their parents’ ability to pay. I think we’d all agree that’s a worthy goal.”

  She paused while strong applause rang out through the ballroom.

  When she continued, she’d tucked her cards into her bag and Luna could see that she was simply speaking from the heart. “What I see when I look out at all of you tonight is the beating heart of Valentine Bay. You are the ones who rush to help those in need. Who value family, and community. You are the people that make this place so much more than a town. You make it a home. Thank you.”

  Connor’s arm pulled tighter around Luna, and he whispered in her ear. “Are you okay?”

  She turned to him to answer and realized that two tears had escaped and were rolling down her cheeks. She nodded and wiped them away.

  But then, when Allison stepped to the microphone and sang the most haunting and beautiful a cappella version of, “I’ll Be Home For Christmas,” that Luna had ever heard, there was no point in holding them back any longer. She decided to just let them flow.

  She turned her face up to Connor, smiling through the rivulets of tears running down her face and, in all likelihood, ruining her carefully applied makeup. She didn’t care.

  “I’m fine,” she told him. “I’m just home for Christmas. For the first time in a long time, I’m home.”

  Chapter 26


  Luna took a moment to glance around the interior of Main Street Eats, all decked out for Christmas Day. It was beautiful. She and Connor had worked so hard to make this happen, staying after closing pretty much every night to decorate and prep the special holiday meal that the restaurant served for free each year to those in need.

  It had been so important to her grandparents that the people who’d come to depend on the meal as an important part of their Christmas tradition not be disappointed this year, and once she’d seen how much it meant to them, she’d been determined to make sure that didn’t happen.

  But she knew one thing for sure: she never would’ve been able to pull it off without Connor. He had dropped everything in his life to help her and her family when they’d needed it, even after all the years of no contact. Damn. If that wasn’t the most amazing thing in the world, she didn’t know what was.

  “Okay, everybody. Are we all ready?” A murmur of agreement went up from all of the volunteers behind the counter who’d be spending the day serving. They’d come out in droves. Connor had been right when he’d said that people in town would want to help. Gen and Gavin were there, along with Ella and Donovan, Jet and Abby, Troy and Allison, Mila…basically all of the Valentines and the people who loved them. It warmed her heart.

  She took a deep breath. There were only a few more minutes until it would be time to unlock the front door. This was definitely going to be the last quiet moment all day, and she wanted to savor it while she had the chance.

  Connor stepped over to her, giving her an encouraging smile. “Are you ready to take charge of the tradition this year?” he asked.

  “I wish Grandma Grace and Grandpa Serge could’ve been here, but he’s still not up to it. It doesn’t seem right that all the people get is me.”

  “They’re lucky to have you. Plus, things should be back to normal by next year. Right?”

  She shrugged. This probably wasn’t the right time to get into a conversation about the future, what with the doors about to open to scores of hungry people, but she couldn’t help it. “I don’t know. I’m thinking that maybe next year, it’ll be all three of us running the restaurant. In fact, I’ve been thinking that maybe that should just be how things are all the time.”

  Connor’s eyebrows rose. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

  “Yeah. Well, if what you think I’m saying is that I’m moving back. Because I am.”

  A slow grin spread across his face until it was split from ear to ear. “It’s a Christmas miracle,” he said.

  “Kind of. More like It’s a Wonderful Life. I saw a bleak version of the future where my grandfather worked himself into an early grave, and I didn’t like that. Not one bit. I’m in a position to make sure that doesn’t happen. So I am.”

  Connor nudged her. “Are you sure that’s the only reason?”

  She made a point of thinking it over, as if she really had to wrack her brain. “Well…I guess the beauty of the Oregon coast is alluring. Not to mention, proximity to Portland. Yeah, I guess there are a couple more reasons.”

  He chuckled. “How is it possible that I’m this in love with such a smartass?”

  Her breath caught. “Are you saying you love me again?”

  He leaned down close to her ear. “I’m saying I never stopped.”

  She put her hand to the side of his face and pressed her lips to his. “I love you, Connor. Now, and always. Forever.”

  Connor wrapped his arms around her and tears welled up in Luna’s eyes as he held her, although she refused to let them fall. Not on Christmas.

  Her grandparents were both alive and well. That meant more than she could say after the scare they’d just had. But, not only that, she was moving home, where she would finally – finally – be with the man she’d always loved.

  Yeah. It was a Christmas miracle all right. That was the only way to put it.

  The End

  Rescuing His Heart

  Interested in reading Gavin and Genevieve’s story? Check out the following excerpt from Rescuing His Heart.

  Available Now

  Genevieve lounged back against the motel room pillows, her raven-black hair cascading over the white cotton of the pillowcase, basking in the glow of a little afternoon delight. She stretched her arms over her head, as content as a cat in sunlight.

  Across the room, Gavin Valentine pulled his boxer briefs up over his finely sculpted ass, and she gave a low wolf-whistle. “Damn, boy. Your glutes get harder every time I see you. That military regimen agrees with your booty.”

  He gave her a tight smile over his shoulder. That didn’t bother her. He played his emotions close to the vest. His smiles were always tight. But, then again, so was his body, and since that’s what she was using him for, it worked out.

  She and Gavin had been hooking up since they were in high school. At first she’d wanted to keep it a secret because he was a year behind her and dating a lowerclassman would’ve damaged her cool-girl cred. Then, she was off to college, so it became a summers-and-breaks thing. By the time she graduated, he’d been off to the military, so it was a when-he-was-home-on-leave thing.

  In the end, it just seemed like too much trouble to get everyone else involved in their business, so they kept it under wraps. She h
adn’t even told her best friend.

  Oh, Lord! Can you imagine what Ella would think? Sweet, adorable Ella? In her mind, we’d be walking down the aisle by the end of summer!

  Besides, she liked it this way. She smiled to herself, thinking about it. It was so hot. No strings, no responsibilities, no attachments, no feelings… just this torrid, undercover affair only the two of them knew about.

  She feasted her eyes on him as he dressed across the room, taking note of his finer points. Thick, full brown hair. Sculpted jaw. Deep brown eyes. Broad, muscular shoulders. Six-pack abs…

  Her skin flushed, and a distinctive heat grew between her legs, even though they’d just finished.

  Mmmm. Sexy Thoughts About Gavin – 1, Refractory Period – 0.

  “So, how long are you in town this time?” she purred, getting herself even more worked up. “I could stand to do this once or twice more before your leave is up. Or ten.”

  Gavin turned to face her as he buttoned his shirt, and then replied in a casual tone, as if he weren’t dropping a bomb that would blow up her whole world. “Oh, didn’t I tell you? I’m not on leave.”

  She barked out a laugh. “So, what? Are you AWOL? On the run from the MPs? I’m not going to jail for you, just FYI. I’ll sing like a canary.”

  He shook his head. “No. Not AWOL. I’m out. I’m back for good.”

  Available Here

  Rocking Her Heart

  Would you like to read more about Valentine Bay during Christmas? Check out the following excerpt from Rocking Her Heart.

  Available Now

  Abby placed wine bottles on the shelf, one after the other, and marked them down on her inventory sheet as she completed each section. Usually, she relished this task. Filling her shop with exciting new varietals to share with customers gave her a thrill every time. She generally buzzed with excitement while she unloaded, imagining the descriptions and details that she’d share with people when they asked for recommendations.


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