Reno's Journey: Cowboy Craze (The Wild West)

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Reno's Journey: Cowboy Craze (The Wild West) Page 21

by Sable Hunter

  Hell, he needed Journey.

  You pushed her away. Again.

  Yea, sometimes he wasn’t too smart. He had good intentions. He couldn’t stand the thought of her falling for him and then being left alone. But…as Miss Emily Dickinson wrote in a poem Fancy read to them not long ago – the heart wants what the heart wants. He probably wasn’t quoting it perfectly, but he understood the meaning. Wanting Journey might not be the wisest thing in the world but that didn’t matter. His heart wanted her. Body and soul. The way she loved him was amazing. And he’d resisted her for as long as he could.

  Behind him, the roar of an engine froze him in his tracks. Relieved, he whipped around to see her driving in. She was all right. Thank God. He took off at a trot to meet her. He’d only gone a few yards before he caught sight of another vehicle pulling in. Who was this? While he closed the distance between himself and Journey, he saw another man climb from his truck. This man hurried over to open Journey’s door. As he watched, Journey hugged this newcomer. A flood of jealousy hit Reno so hard he almost went to his knees. “Well, that’s what you get for dilly-dallying around.” He’d pushed her away and right into somebody else’s arms. “Over my dead body.”


  Reno covered the ground between the barn and Journey in as few strides as possible. “Journey!”

  Hearing her name called, she smiled and touched Sam’s arm. “Hold up, Sam. There’s someone I want you to meet. Reno Black.”

  Just about the time that Sam put out his hand in greeting, Reno swung and punched him in the jaw, knocking the big man flat on his ass.

  “Reno! Stop!” Journey slapped out at him as she went to her knees. “Sam! Are you okay?”

  Sam winced and rubbed his jaw. “Yea, I’ll live.”

  Journey jumped up to get right in Reno’s face. “What are you doing, Reno? Are you crazy?”

  “Yea, I guess I am.” Reno wheeled around and stalked toward the barn. He could hear Journey speaking as he stormed away.

  “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over him.”

  Sam chuckled as he got to his feet. “I think I do.”

  “Well, I am just appalled.” Journey was so embarrassed. “Do you need to go to the doctor?”

  “No. No. I’m fine. This was nothing.” Sam tried to reassure Journey. “I’ve been clocked before.” He pointed toward the barn. “You’d better go check on Reno. Talk to him. Tell him I’m just a friend.”

  “I’ll talk to him all right.” She folded her arms over her chest and stood fuming as Sam backed out of the drive and left.

  Once he was gone, she set a course for the barn, ready to give Reno a piece of her mind.

  …Inside Traveler’s stall, Reno slammed his fist against the wall. He felt like shit. If Journey had a reason to be disappointed in him before, he’d just given her another one. Yea, he knew he’d just made matters worse. He’d made a fool of himself. Probably owed the damn man an apology. And Journey, he owed her one too. Lord, she’d been angry. He’d never thought to see her so mad. She’d probably never speak to him again.

  “Reno! Where are you?”

  Well, maybe he was wrong about the speaking part.

  “I’m in here.” With the rest of the horse manure, he thought.

  Journey stalked down the aisle between the stalls looking for him. “I can’t believe you hit him! What were you thinking? My car wouldn’t start, the battery was dead. He was good enough to help me, then follow me home to make sure I made it okay. Then – when he gets here, you go and attack him! What do you have to say for yourself?”

  By the time she got through speaking, they were standing nose to nose. Her cheeks were pink, her eyes were bright, and that amazing chest of hers was rising and falling with every breath. She was all riled up and Reno thought she was the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen. “I guess I lost my head.”

  “That’s no excuse. You may be from the old wild west, but we’re civilized now!”

  “I don’t feel civilized,” he growled. “You touched him!”

  Journey was still too mad to think straight. “I gave him a simple thank you hug.”

  “Well, I didn’t like it!”

  Seeing his lip turn up in a snarl just set her off again. “Well, that’s too dang bad! I just hugged him, no big freaking deal.”

  “It was a big freaking deal to me!” Whatever that meant.

  She threw her hands up in exasperation. “Well, I don’t know what you’re going to do about it!”

  “This!” He put his hands on her upper arms to crowd close. “I’m going to do this.” The delicate sweet scent of her stole his good sense. He could feel the tips of her breasts burning his chest with every heaving breath she took.

  As Journey stared into his black as sin eyes, her heart thudded madly. “I don’t see you doing anything.”

  Reno licked his lips. All the anger flowed from him, leaving behind an incredible longing. He wanted her so badly he ached. “Give me time. I’m getting around to it.” She wore some type of a blouse with a square, lowcut neck. From this angle, he could see the upper swells of her breasts. “So beautiful. So soft.” He trailed the tip of one finger down the delicate curve of her neck to the sweet indention by her collarbone. “You are put together so perfectly. Like a fine piece of china.”

  Journey shivered at his touch, the connection between them was electric. She held her breath as he bent to kiss her neck, the touch of his lips on her skin was as soft as the brush of a butterfly’s wing. “Oh, Reno,” she whispered. “My Reno.” Going to her tiptoes, she swayed against him, rubbing her cheek against the scruff on his. “I need you to kiss me.”

  “Lord knows, baby, I need that too.” He cupped her face, looking deep into her big blue eyes. “You are a mighty temptation. Resisting you will be the death of me.”

  A soft whisper of laughter bubbled from Journey’s lips. “Who said anything about resisting? Don’t you know how long I’ve wanted you?”

  “Longer than you’ve known me. That’s what so bothersome.”

  “Hush.” Tired of waiting for him to make the first move, Journey wrapped her arms around his neck and layered her mouth to his. She kissed him with her whole heart, rubbing her lips over his, nibbling at his mouth, and kissing the corners. When she teased the still closed seam of his lips with the tip of her tongue, she finally got the reaction she craved.

  Letting out a groan of surrender, he clasped the back of her head, weaving his fingers through her hair. With his breath coming harsh and fast, he didn’t’ just kiss her back, Reno devoured her. He captured her lips, then surged inside to map the inside of her mouth with his tongue. She didn’t push him away, God no, she gathered him closer. Reno almost went to his knees when he felt her lift one leg to wrap around his thigh. His hand slid down to her firm round hip, urging her closer. When he felt her lower body nudge against his in need, he almost lost it right there. Shaking with lust, his cock was hard and full. “Oh, honey,” he moaned as he pushed his thigh between her legs, lifting her body slightly so she could ride him if she wished.

  Journey was mindless in her quest for pleasure. She’d never felt like this – ever. Burying her face in his neck, she clung to him, letting instinct guide her. Every move she made created sparks of heat and desire.

  Reno cradled her, rubbing her back, kissing her where he could reach. The scrape of her teeth on the tendon of his throat almost sent him over the edge. Oh, who was he kidding? He’d been hanging by a thread from the first moment she touched him. Leaning back against the rough barn wall, he held her as she moved. He loved how she rubbed against him, her little mewls of pleasure made him hot all over.

  Journey wanted more. She needed more. Grasping for one of his hands, she brought it to her breast. When he cupped the aching mound in his hand, she almost wept with joy. “Yes. Help me, Reno. I’ve never done this before. I don’t know what to do.”

  She’s never done this before.

  Reno felt like someone
just poured a bucket of cold water over his head. He stopped. He just stopped. He held her while she quieted, pushing her damp hair from around her face. “Shhh. We need to get you inside.”

  “What?” She didn’t understand. Her skin felt too tight on her body. She ached in places she didn’t know she could ache. “Why do we have to stop?”

  Reno took a calming breath, willing his errant dick to calm the hell down. Gently he straightened Journey’s clothes and patted her silky hair back into place. “We stopped because you’re a lady and I’m supposed to be a gentleman. You just said you’ve never done this before and I damn well don’t intend to take your virginity in a barn.”

  “Will you take my virginity inside the house?”

  Her hopeful question and big pleading eyes melted his heart. “Well, we’ll talk about it.” Without asking permission, he put an arm beneath her knees and lifted her into his arms. “You’re a handful. Did you know that?”

  She wiggled, trying to get down. “Am I too heavy?”

  “Not at all. You’re just right.” He stole a kiss. Just because. “So, who was the Indian?”

  “Don’t say that word with disdain. I love what you are.” She wound a lock of his long dark hair around her finger.

  Reno felt his heart melting again. “Okay. Who was the man you felt the urgent need to wrap your arms around?”

  “That was Samuel Blackhawk. Benjen’s brother.” She pointed to the Subaru. “Apple sent a box of papers for us to look at. We should take them in.”

  Reno veered in that direction, cutting across the yard, his boots making no noise as he walked through the lush St. Augustine grass. “What were you doing with him?”

  “I wasn’t with him. If you didn’t happen to notice, we were in separate vehicles.” Journey answered his question calmly, her fingers still playing with his hair. “But, if you must know, he showed up at the restaurant just as we were leaving. The Subaru wouldn’t start, and he jumped off the battery. He followed me home from Austin to make sure I was safe.” When Reno grumbled under his breath, she playfully put a finger over his mouth. “What was I supposed to do? I couldn’t call you for help.”

  “You’re right. I need to remedy that situation immediately.”

  His comment gave her hope. “Really? You want a cell phone?”

  He frowned. “Yea, I guess I do. Mostly, I want to be able to get to you if you need help.”

  Journey hugged him tight. “I’ll teach you what you need to know.” When he reached the Subaru, Reno set her down gently on her feet. “The box is in the back seat.”

  After retrieving the pasteboard container, he put it under one arm to carry, then placed a guiding hand to the small of her back. “You know, I’ve been thinking…”

  “You have?” She knew she needed to tell him what she’d learned about Ela Blue – and she would when the time was right. “What were you thinking about?”

  “What I’m doing, spending hours hanging around that spot in the canyon…it isn’t working.”

  “I’m so sorry.” She could hear the regret in his voice, and she felt so torn. To make him happy, she wanted to help him leave, and yet she needed him to stay forever. “What conclusion did you come to?”

  “I want you to teach me everything. The phone. How to drive. How to work the computer. If there’s as much information as you say there is out there, surely I can learn something to help my situation.”

  She admired his willingness to try new things. “Sure. I’ll help you with anything you want to learn.” They came to the kitchen steps. The dogs were pawing at the glass, wanting out. Reno opened the door and they scampered wildly into the yard. “We’ll have to watch them,” she cautioned. “I’ve seen coyotes in the yard before.”

  “Okay. Let me put this down on the dining table.” He went into the house, then came right back to join her. As they watched the dogs, Kota Blue came driving up. “What’s he doing here at this time of day?” Reno asked with curiosity.

  “I called him on the way home to come over and take a look at the Subaru. Sam said there might be something more wrong than just a weak battery. I didn’t want to take a chance.” Seeing Reno’s eyes follow the old man with interest as he placed his toolbox on the ground and opened the hood, she gestured toward the Subaru. “Go over and watch him. I’m sure he won’t mind. If he asks why you don’t know anything about engines, tell him you’re from the city.”

  Reno chuckled. “I’m not sure if he’ll believe me. I don’t exactly look or sound like I’m from the city.”

  She gave him a little push. “You’re charming. Just be yourself.”

  Journey sat on the doorstep with the dogs, watching as Reno joined Kota. Together, they stared under the hood. Soon, the older man was pointing and talking. He dug in his toolbox and showed something to Reno, who took the tool in his hand and leaned in to do whatever he was instructed.

  After a little while, she heard them laughing together. Journey couldn’t help but laugh along with them, although she had no idea what amused them so. Finally, Kota shut the hood and dusted his hands together. He didn’t leave right away but stood and talked to Reno for the longest. Journey watched as they walked together to the fence, leaning on the rails, and looking off into the distance. She knew they were discussing something intently; she just didn’t know what it could be.

  When Kota took his leave, Reno came walking back slowly. “Well, did you learn anything?” she asked in a teasing tone.

  He nodded. “Yes. He gave me a pretty good overview of how an internal combustion engine works. The next time he comes over, he said he’s bringing a lawn mower for me to take apart and reassemble.”

  “Well, that’s great. Is the Subaru in good working order now?”

  “Yea. Kota said it’s ready to go.”

  She could tell something was wrong. “Do you still want me to teach you how to drive?”

  “Yea. I do.”

  The look on his face troubled her. “Aren’t you going to tell me what’s wrong? Did Kota say something to upset you?”

  He bowed his head, rocking back and forth on the heel of his boots. “I asked him how Ela died, and he told me he didn’t know for certain, but his father thought she was killed in the massacre Blackhawk was telling us about.”

  “Oh. I’m so sorry, Reno.” She wrapped her arms around her knees, wishing she could hug him instead. “I actually talked to a relative of Kota’s today about Ela. She told me the same thing. I intended to tell you later what I’d learned.”

  He came to sit next to her on the doorstep, absently rubbing Cleo’s dappled head. “They called it the Leaf Moon Massacre because it took place on the full moon in June. He said many were slaughtered like the buffalo were slaughtered. As far as they know, only Ela’s youngest son survived.”

  Journey placed a comforting hand on his back, rubbing up and down. He leaned against her and she wrapped her arms around him. “I know you loved her. Do you want to talk about it?”

  “Soon. Not now.” He stood up. “In my heart, I knew this to be true. The only thing I can do for Ela now is to continue searching for a way back home.” He offered his hand to pull her to her feet. “Come. Teach me to drive.”

  …An hour later, Journey glanced in the rearview mirror to see if she had any new gray hair. “You’re a quick learner, I can say that for you.” A little too quick maybe. Apparently, he’d paid pretty close attention when she’d driven. After a quick run through, he’d gotten behind the wheel and driven up and down the driveway about fifteen times, backing up and going forward. Backing up and going forward.

  She’d gone over the rules of the road with him – how to drive defensively, the use of the turn signal, what the bright and dimmer switches were for, even how to use the emergency brake. The only thing they couldn’t practice was parallel parking, but she wasn’t worried about that right now.

  “I want to drive somewhere,” he announced patting the steering wheel. “I’m tired of going in circles.”

nbsp; “Well, okay. But, remember, I’m in charge.” She gave him a playful warning look.

  Holding up his hands in surrender, Reno grinned. “That’s fine. You can be in charge now – I’ll be in charge later.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He just laughed. “You’ll see.”

  Journey went all warm, wondering if he meant in bed. She hugged herself, smiling secretively. She hoped he meant in bed. “All right. Go through your checklist.”

  “Okay. Seatbelt.” He fastened his. “Check the mirrors.” He made sure he could see from every angle. “We have plenty of gas. The oil light isn’t on. The engine light isn’t on.” He flipped a switch. “A/C is on max.” He grinned at her. “I’m hot-blooded, I like it cool. And the radio is turned to the nearest country station.”

  “Very good. Let’s go.” Before she could say Wild Bill Hickock, he was off. “We’re not at the Indy 500, Reno. A slow, smooth start next time!”

  When he came to the end of the drive, he slammed on the brakes a little too hard, causing Journey to jerk forward against the seat belt. “Sorry. I’ll do better.”

  “I know you will.” She pressed her lips together as he put on the left turn signal and headed north toward Llano.

  “How fast can I go?”

  “Stay under the speed limit.”


  From that point on, to her surprise, his driving was flawless. “You were messing with me, weren’t you?”

  “What do you mean?” He tapped his finger on the steering wheel in time to the music. “That shaky start? Yea, I was just having fun with you.”

  “Well, you’re doing great now.” She let herself relax. “We’ll get you a telephone tomorrow.”

  “Sounds good.” When it came time to turn around to go home, he did it flawlessly and without trouble.


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