Reno's Journey: Cowboy Craze (The Wild West)

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Reno's Journey: Cowboy Craze (The Wild West) Page 23

by Sable Hunter

  “Don’t be. I find it to be…very exciting.” She pressed one hand into the cushion of the couch, leaning on it for support. “We’ve said a lot, but I’m not really clear on where we stand. You said you wanted to have a serious conversation. I took that literally.”

  “I meant it literally.”

  He came to her slowly, lowering himself onto one knee.


  “Oh, my God,” Journey whispered as he knelt at her feet. “What are you doing?”

  Reno sought to reassure her. “Be calm. I’m not proposing.”

  Journey would’ve been very disappointed had she not heard what sounded like a silent ‘yet’ at the end of his sentence. “Okay. I’m calm.”

  Suddenly, his eyes lit up with mischief. “What I am proposing is a courtship.” When he saw a myriad of questions in her eyes, he took her hand. “I want us to get to know one another. Talk. Have fun. Do some…heavy petting?”

  Journey fought back laughter and tears. “You want us to date.”

  Reno tilted his head to one side. “A more intense version of dating, since we live together.”

  “Like a crash course?”

  He smiled. “I’m not sure. Maybe. What I know is that I want to court you. Court you with the intention of marrying you, if…”

  “If?” Journey almost shouted, pressing her hand to her chest to keep her heart in place.

  “If you still feel the same way.”

  “And if you still feel the same way,” she added.

  He gave her a tender look. “I really feel my decision in this matter is easier than yours. You’re perfect.” When she shook her head, he persisted. “No. Really. I used to dream about you.”

  “What? Me?” She was rendered speechless. Almost. “You didn’t know me. You didn’t have a journal to read or stories passed down from generation to generation.”

  “No, I didn’t. What I did have was a mother with the sight. And she told me about you. She told me I would find happiness. She told me about a journey.”

  “That’s my name.” Journey was just about to bawl her eyes out.

  He nodded. “Yes, I don’t think it’s a coincidence either. She also told me I would find you waiting at the end of the rainbow.” Seeing her confused expression, he gave her a kiss of reassurance, then continued, “When you took me to see the airplanes and we were running through the wildflowers – do you remember?”


  “That little spring storm came up out of nowhere and a rainbow appeared. You said something to me, and I looked up at you – and there it was. Right over your shoulder. The girl at the end of the rainbow. I knew then that we were meant to be together.”

  “Oh, Reno.” She threw her arms around his neck. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  He let her hold him. “Because, I can’t be sure how long this will last, and I didn’t – I don’t want to leave you alone.”

  “How long what will last? Your love?”

  “No. My time here.”

  Journey felt her heart contract. “As I reminded you before, none of us have any assurance how long our time here will be. Things happen. People die. Heck, I could fall in the shower or step in front of a bus. And if you go back in time? The poet, Alfred Lord Tennyson, had something to say about taking a chance on love.”

  Reno spoke up, completing her thought. “Fancy loved poetry. I think Tennyson said, better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.”

  “Yes. I believe what he said to be true.” She touched his face. “I don’t know what the future holds for us. If. When.” Journey struggled with her meaning. “If you leave me, I will miss you forever. But if we are together now, I’ll have memories to hold onto that will last me a lifetime.”

  The answer Reno chose to give did not consist of words. He sat on the couch and drew her into his lap, his mouth claiming hers. With unrestrained passion, he kissed her over and over again. Journey was a very willing participant. She threaded her fingers into his hair, fisting it to hold him in place. She needn’t have worried; he wasn’t going anywhere.

  With careful, measured movements, he pulled at the shoulder straps on the sundress, giving her every opportunity to stop him. When she didn’t, he eased the dress down to her waist, his eyes darting from her face to the modest white bra covering the generous mounds of her breasts. “Is this what you want?”

  In answer, she sat up enough to reach behind her back to undo the clasp. When the cups of her bra loosened, she shrugged the garment from her body, holding her breath to see what his reaction might be. When he didn’t move or say anything, she raised her head. What she saw on his face and in his eyes erased any doubt in her mind.

  His black eyes were full of heat and fixed on her nipples. The sight of his desire for her made her breasts swell and the sensitive tips tingle. As he stared at her they grew large and puffy with her own arousal. If he didn’t touch her soon, Journey thought she might die. To let him know he was welcome, she lifted one of her breasts in her palm – offering it to him.

  Reno jerked, coming out of his daze. His hand came to hers, pushing it away so he could palm the beautiful mound himself. “Exquisite,” he whispered. “You are absolutely exquisite.”

  To Journey’s delight, he began to touch her breasts. Weighing them. Rubbing them. Massaging the heavy globes. To facilitate their play, he arranged her in his lap to straddle his legs. All she could do was throw her head back and luxuriate in the feel of his fingers tugging at her nipples, molding and kneading her hungry flesh. When he dipped his head to take her eager flesh into his mouth, she cried out her pleasure. And when he began to suck, she grasped his shoulders and moved against him with a rhythm as old as time.

  Reno was beside himself with need. He tongued her nipple, sucking greedily. He’d take her whole breast into his mouth if he could. She was so soft. So sweet. And God, she wanted him – there was no mistaking that fact. Gripping her waist, he helped her move. Every pass of her body over his engorged dick made him want to bellow with pleasure. He loved the sounds she made as he worshiped her breasts – as he moved from one to another, feasting on the tender flesh. Swirling his tongue, he tickled the tip of her engorged nipples – taking it between his teeth and biting gently.

  “Reno. Reno!” Her fingers bit into his biceps as she leaned back further, thrusting her breasts into his face. Her scrubbing movements intensified as she rode him harder. Faster. Pressing and rubbing her silk covered femininity against the thick iron-hard ridge of his cock. He’d seen women pretend to come before and he’d seen some actually come after a great deal of work – but he’d never seen anything like this. On the verge of exploding himself, he watched his Journey fly apart in his arms. “Oh, Reno!” she cried as she began to shake, a beautiful red blush blooming on her skin. The sight, the sound, the feel of her finding satisfaction sent him over the edge. He’d never come in his clothes before, but this seemed to be the time for new things. Wrapping his arms tightly around her, he buried his face against her neck for a moment before capturing her trembling ruby lips in a kiss full of promise.

  Gasping, Journey tried to catch her breath. She felt a bit embarrassed at how she’d lost control. Would Reno think less of her? “I got a little carried away, I guess.” Bracing her hand on the back of the couch she attempted to ease off his lap.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” He made sure she stayed right where she was.

  “Nowhere. Just to sit by you.”

  “You are fine right where you are.” He cuddled her to him. “Rest your head on my shoulder for just a second before I go clean myself up.”

  “All right.” She did as he asked, not pressing for any details. A sigh of contentment slipped from her lips. “I enjoyed that. Thank you.” In the next heartbeat, she could feel his chest rumble in amusement. “What’s so funny?”

  “Your thanking me. Why, you just gave me a priceless gift. I should be the one thanking you.”

  “Oh.” His a
dmission made everything all right. “So, what now?”

  “Well, I want to hold you for a minute or two, then change clothes. After that, we’ll eat whatever smell so good in the kitchen.”

  “My aunt’s chicken and dressing.”

  His stomach growled in appreciation. “Perfect. Then, I want to talk with you a little more about how we can proceed.”

  She wondered what he meant, but he quickly clarified.

  “I want you to show me how to use your phone and the computer. While you’re busy working with your oils, I can make myself useful doing a little research.”

  Journey had to fight herself from feeling disappointed. She knew it was just like a woman to think that sex would change everything – but he’d been very clear about his intentions. He wanted her, but he also wanted to go back to his own time. “I can do that. I also have the box of papers Apple loaned to us.”

  “Right. We’ll examine those also.” He brushed a kiss against her temple. “Afterward, we’ll do this some more, if you want.”

  “I want that very much.” Journey wanted to cram just as much living into every moment as she could – just in case.

  * * *

  She patted a stack of paper as she made a note of the military units present at Five Forks on the day that Brig. General Winthrop was shot. “All right. What do we have here?”

  “Those are the names of the top brass at Fort Macon. You said we could search to determine if they left any type of memoirs or papers. Some of them might mention who brought the initial charge against Cole.”

  “We can access the internet for this, but we might have to visit some libraries in whatever cities these guys are from, Reno. Remember what we discovered in Fredericksburg? That information wasn’t available online.”

  “Right, I remember.”

  As he tapped the keys on Journey’s laptop, she couldn’t help but think how proud she was of him. He caught on so easily to things. In no time at all, he’d mastered the use of her phone. “You’re very intelligent.”

  He looked up with surprise. “Why, thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” She watched him with affection, then jumped a bit in her chair when she thought of something. “Hey, I’ve got an invitation for you.”

  “Oh, really? What would that be?”

  “Today at lunch, the women wanted to know if you’d take part in a fundraiser for the homeless. There’s a soup kitchen in Austin known as Angel House. They provide a lot of the aid for those in need.”

  “Sounds like a very worthy cause.” He’d seen a lot of hungry, homeless men after the war. “What do they want me to do? I’m not a very good cook.”

  She gave him a cheeky little grin. “Cooking is not what they need from you. The event is called The Ultimate Hill Country Cowboy. In my opinion, you certainly qualify for that title.” There was no way she could miss the wariness on his face. “Don’t worry, it will be painless. Mostly.”

  “What would I have to do?”

  “Well, first – you wouldn’t be by yourself. They named off about thirty or so guys who are taking part. Oh, and you’d have to dress up in a tux.”

  “A what?”

  “It’s a formal suit that men wear. You’ll be a knock-out.”

  He didn’t understand all the words she was saying, but he was getting the picture. “And?”

  “You’d also wear a swimsuit.” Even as she said the words, she pictured the short pants and tank tops that men wore long ago. “Something a lot like the underwear I bought for you.”

  Reno looked shocked. “I would wear so little? Who would see me?”

  She made a wincing face. “Everybody at the event. Everybody watching on television.”

  “Nope. Nope.” He shook his head, rising to his feet.

  She just ignored his protest. “You’d also have to perform some type of talent. Do you sing?”

  “No. Not well.” He was still shaking his head.

  She got up to stand behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist, and kissing him on the neck. “Please? I think it would be fun. You’d be the sexiest man there.”

  Reno closed his eyes, realizing the power this woman had over him. “This can’t be good.”

  “Oh, I promise. You’ll have a great time.” She patted his middle playfully.

  Reno felt his resolve dwindling with every pass she made near his cock. “I’ll think about it. Okay?”

  “Good!” She kissed him on the back, then let him go. “I’ll call Apple and let her know.”

  “I said I’d think about it, Journey,” he cautioned her. “Don’t go agreeing to anything before I can get my thinking straight on it. I don’t have any fancy clothes and I don’t have any talent to speak of.”

  “Oh, I bet you’re loaded with talent.” She snapped her fingers. “I promised to find a coin shop for you.”

  “Let me try to do it.” He held out his hand for her phone.

  “All right. Go for it.” She plopped the cell into his palm.

  Much to her delighted surprise, he remembered the steps and found something. “Austin Rare Coins and Bouillon on Research Boulevard. Know where that is?”

  “I do.” She smiled at his accomplishment.

  “It says you have to have an appointment.”

  “Send them an email to set something up.” Her heart warmed as she watched him stare at the icons, trying to remember what to do to send an email.

  “Do you need some help?”

  “No. I can do it myself.”

  The way he said it made her think of how a little boy would say the same thing. From deep within, she felt her maternal instinct come roaring to life. I want to have his baby, she thought. “I’m sure you can.” She swallowed, barely able to talk. “Got it?”

  “Yea.” He checked back for the email address, then typed it in. “I’m slow. My thumbs are too big.”

  “Common problem for guys.”

  When he was through, he gave her a huge beaming smile, proud of his own success. “While we’re in Austin, will you show me where you live?”

  “I will. Definitely.” She narrowed her gaze, another thought occurring to her. “One of the girls who came to the restaurant yesterday was Skye McCoy. Her maiden name was Blue. She’s a distant relative of Kota’s. And Ela’s. She has some stories. I told her you knew some also – from your ancestor.”

  “I’m my own ancestor?”

  She shrugged. “I had to explain you, your name, and your uncanny resemblance some way.” When he looked at her with a question in his eyes, she knew what he was about to say before he said it. “She questioned the resemblance because they own a group photo of all of you that King and Fancy passed down through their family. Apple showed it to me. Of course, you look just like yourself.”

  “Fancy showed the same picture to me just a few days ago.” He pushed his hat back on his head. “Somebody is going to figure this thing out, I’m mighty afraid, Journey.”

  “Well, so what? You’re not doing anything illegal.”

  “No, I guess I’m not.”

  “The worst that could happen is that the government gets wind of it and they kidnap you to study like a specimen in a lab.”

  His eyes grew wide and his mouth fell open. “What did you say?”

  She giggled. “I’m kidding. Mostly. Don’t worry. I’ll protect you.”

  He didn’t look so certain. “So, who is this Skye McCoy?”

  “Well, she’s Native American, like you. And she’s married to one of the McCoy’s” She emphasized the word ‘the’.”

  “Really? Are the McCoy’s still feuding with the Hatfield’s?”

  She stared at him blankly for a moment, then laughed. “Wrong set of McCoy’s. I think.” She shrugged. “They could be related, I don’t know. No, what I meant was that they’re a prominent family in the state. They own two of the biggest ranches in Texas. Very influential people, but very down to earth.”

  “Where are these ranches of theirs?”

; “Tebow is south of Austin in a town called Kerrville.”

  “I know where Kerrville is.”

  “The other branch of the family’s ranch is fairly close. Highland Ranch is on the left bank of Lake Buchanan.”

  “I’m not familiar with that lake.”

  “I guess it was built later when they built the dam.”

  “What’s the nearest town to the ranch?”


  “Oh, yes. I know where that is. Close to Fort Croghan. I’m familiar with the town.”

  “I’ve never heard of Fort Croghan, but Burnet’s not too many miles from Packsaddle Mountain.”

  “Right. I’ve been through there several times.” He seemed to consider the matter carefully. “Do they hire many ranch hands?”

  His question took Journey by surprise. “Uh, I they suppose do.” Was he thinking about getting a job? “Why do you ask?”

  He shrugged his wide shoulders. “I don’t know. If…I end up staying, I’ll need to earn a living somehow and ranching is all I know. Except soldiering.”

  His idea thrilled her soul, but she decided not to make a big deal about it. She didn’t want to make him uncomfortable with her overt enthusiasm. “Well, if you choose to take part in the fundraiser, you’ll have plenty of opportunity to meet those ranchers.”

  He gave her another level look. “I’ll think about it.”

  That was all she could ask.


  “What is that?” Reno asked, tensing a bit.

  “Take it easy, Quick Draw. There’s someone at the door.”

  “Who is it?” he asked, following her to the front hall.

  “Well, I don’t know but I’m sure they’re friendly.”

  “What if it’s those men who were chasing you?”

  “Do you think they’d ring the doorbell?” She made a face at him as she stood on tiptoe to look through the peephole. “Oh, it’s Lou!”

  Dingdong-dingdong. The bell sounded again just as she opened the door to let in her friend. “Come in! Good to see you.”

  Lou gave her a quick hug. “What took you so long? I was beginning to think you’d gone to bed.”


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