Reno's Journey: Cowboy Craze (The Wild West)

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Reno's Journey: Cowboy Craze (The Wild West) Page 44

by Sable Hunter

  True to his word, he drove with extreme caution, and stayed under the speed limit. With they neared Fredericksburg, he pulled over. He didn’t have to shake her awake, the stopping of the car did the job. “Are we there?”

  “Just past the city limit sign. Do you feel like driving?”

  “I do.” Bu the time she finished unbuckling her seat belt, Reno was standing at her side to help her out. “Thank you. You’re such a gentleman.”

  “Of course.” He assisted her behind the wheel, then came around to join her. “Where to first?”

  She glanced at the clock on the dash. “The post office, I think.”

  As they drove the short distance, Reno noted a jewelry store a couple of blocks before the post office. Once they parked and he helped her inside with the packages, he was trying to think of a way he could visit the shop without Journey knowing. At a loss, he was just about to reveal his plan when a voice called her by name.

  “Journey! Journey Stanton!”

  “Arlene? I can’t believe it’s you!”

  Reno held her place in line while she greeted what seemed to be a long-lost friend. After they’d spoke a minute, Journey introduced him. “Reno, this is a friend from high school, Arlene Seagram. Arlene, this is Reno Black. My…”

  “Intended.” He supplied the word she seemed at a loss to find.

  “How charming, Journey. Where did you find this man?”

  “I’ve known him for years,” she muttered with a serious expression.

  Reno had to hold in a laugh. “She’s not exaggerating. I’m a face from the past.”

  Journey made eyes at him. “He’s funny too.”

  “Well, I’m glad I ran into you. I heard you were selling the most luscious face and body lotions. Would you have a minute to talk to me?”

  “Sure. Let me get these packages taken care of.” Journey pointed to a table in the corner of the lobby. “Why don’t I meet you over there in just a moment?”

  When she glanced at Reno to see if her suggestion was okay with him, he saw an opportunity and took it. “You visit with your friend and I’ll take a quick walk down the street to stretch my legs.”

  “Are you sure? You can join us,” she offered at the same moment the clerk announced, “Next!”

  He helped her to the register. “No, I’ll be fine. I won’t be long.” Just as soon as she passed the packages to the clerk, he squeezed her arm and stepped away.

  “Don’t get lost.” Journey watched him leave with a hint of trepidation. “I’ve got it bad. I can’t stand for him to get out of my sight.”

  Shaking off her concern, she went to meet Arlene.

  …Down the street, Reno hurried along. Marrying Journey was his heart’s desire. Finding out a babe was on the way just spurred things on a bit. There was no way he would allow her to go unclaimed another day. The faster he could get a ring on her finger the better.

  Once he entered the shop, Reno realized he was in over his head. He didn’t know what he’d expected but the dozen or more jewelry cases with bright lights and dazzling displays was slightly overwhelming.

  “May I help you?”

  An attractive woman with short brown hair came to greet him. “Thank you. Yes, ma’am. I’m looking for a ring.”

  “Oh, a ring?” She clapped her hands. “What a lucky woman? What do you have in mind?”

  “Honestly, I have no idea.”

  She took him by the arm. “Well, let me show you around.”

  Within the next ten minutes, Reno discovered quickly that the money he’d garnered from the sale of his coins wouldn’t be enough to purchase anything more than a plain gold band. “I guess I’ll just have to save the diamonds for an anniversary present.” He held out the correct number of hundred-dollar bills.

  The nice salesclerk gave him a reassuring smile. “I can guarantee she’s going to love this ring. After all, you come with it. Right?”

  “Right. I come with the ring.” He nodded, his words having a hollow ring. “Thank you.” Reno pocketed the small velvet box, pushing aside his worry about the future.

  Leaving the store, he hurried down the street, hoping he’d returned before Journey finished her business


  Waiting in the car, Journey saw him coming. “Now, where have you been, Mister Black?”

  She peered down the street, but she couldn’t tell from what store he’d emerged. Oh, well, it didn’t matter. “There you are,” she greeted him once he’d settled into his seat.

  “Yea, sorry. I didn’t mean to keep you waiting. Did Arlene give you a big order?”

  “She did. If I were going to be around, I think she’d be a good contact to find more customers in this area. But…I’m not.” She didn’t say more as she pulled into the road. “Sheriff’s office next.”

  Reno placed his hand over the bulge in his pocket, a plan formulating in his mind.

  They’d driven no more than a half mile when Journey slammed on her brakes in the middle of the street, causing the car behind her to slam on his brakes too. Immediately, car horns started blowing.

  “What’s wrong?” Reno asked with urgency. “Are you ill?”

  “No.” She pressed the gas, drove another block, then pulled off the road. “You can’t talk to the cops. They’ll want to see identification.”

  “I’m sure it won’t matter. I’ll just tell them I lost my wallet.”

  “No, that won’t do. We can’t risk it. I know you haven’t done anything wrong but having no identification will just send up a bunch of red flags we don’t want to deal with. All we need is for you to get thrown into jail and miss the full moon.” She started the car again. “You’ll just have to keep out of sight, and I’ll give them fake information.”

  This did not set well with Reno. “I don’t want you to get into any trouble on my account.”

  Journey giggled. “It won’t make any difference. I’ll be leaving with you soon enough.”

  She found a parking spot about a block away. “Stay here and I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  “Be careful,” he warned, watching her go.

  At the sheriff’s office, Journey met with an officer in a private room.

  “Thank you, ma’am, for coming down. This is routine, nothing to worry about. All I need you to do is read your statement and sign it if you agree with what’s written there.”

  Journey did as she was asked. “Looks right to me.” She wrote her name on the signature line.

  “Now, about this Mr. Black who came to your aid and put the two…gentleman out of commission for a while.”

  Journey clasped her hands together tightly. She had plenty of time to formulate her answer to the question that seemed ages in coming. Officer Hancock, according to his name badge, seemed to take a nap between every third word he uttered.

  “What can you tell me about this Mr. Black.” He consulted his notes. “Reno Black.”

  “Not much. He was visiting the park and just happened to come along at the right time to prevent me from being hurt or killed.”

  “So, you don’t know how we can reach him?”

  “Not really. I think he’s from out of town.” Way out of town.

  “And he was on horseback, you say?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Is that allowed in the park?”

  “I’m sure you would know better than me, sir. I’m just glad he was around when I needed him.” She shifted nervously in her chair. “He didn’t do anything wrong. As far as I’m concerned, he’s a hero.”

  “Well, I’m just a country lawman. After talking to those two heathens, I can’t say I disagree with you.” He slapped the folder on the table. “Uh, about that threat…”

  She held up her hand. “Don’t worry about it. I know I’m safe as long as he’s in your custody.”

  “Very well. If you have any trouble at all. You let us know.”

  Just down the hall…Reno waited. There was no way in hell he was going to sit safe
ly in the car and just wait to see if she returned to him in one piece. When he’d entered the office, Reno had expected to be met and questioned about why he was there and who he wanted to see. He’d been surprised to find how busy the place seemed to be with people traipsing in and out. After snooping a bit, he’d caught sight of Journey being escorted into a private room. Reno claimed a spot in the hall as close to where they’d taken her as he could get. Various people made their way through the offices and up and down the hall where he’d planted himself, but he didn’t offer to leave – and no one asked him to go.

  According to the clock on the wall, the interview lasted about twelve minutes. When the door was pushed ajar, Reno’s eyes were trained on the opening and he missed the commotion at the end of the hall. As Journey emerged, she stepped into the path of two other officers who were escorting an inmate. The man was handcuffed, but that didn’t stop him from lunging at Journey.

  “Bitch! This is all your fault! So, help me God – when I get out of this jail, I’m coming after you!”

  Reno moved even before he saw Journey cringe and draw away. By the time his heart beat again, he was standing between her and the one who made the threat. He didn’t have to be told the name of the scum. “Kinsella,” was the one word breathed from his lips.

  “You! Hey, cop! This is the dirty redskin who attacked me. Arrest him!”

  The cops just pushed him on through, but Kinsella wasn’t finished.

  “I’ll find you, bitch. Next time, your Injun friend won’t be there to protect you!”

  Nothing on God’s green earth would have prevented Reno from doing what he did – not even the threat of arrest. He plowed between the cops, took Kinsella by the throat, and nailed him to the wall. “Listen to me, lowlife. You harm one hair on her head, and I will hunt you down like a dog. Time or distance will mean nothing to me, do you hear?”

  As several policemen hurried to pull Reno off Kinsella, Journey ran to his side.

  After a few moments of confusion, Kinsella was led off and Reno was left to explain himself. Fortunately, the officer who spoke to Journey was one of the ones who’d left with a restrained Kinsella. Another policeman heard the threats and was sympathetic to Reno’s reaction. However, he did have some stern words. “Another outburst like that and you’ll be paying a hefty fine or spending three days behind bars.”

  Reno wasn’t contrite, but he was very polite. “I understand officer.” His gaze went to a few scuff marks on the wall. “I’ll pay for any damages.”

  The officer waved them away. “Just…have a safe trip home.” He tipped his hat to Journey. “Thank you for your cooperation, ma’am. And sorry for the ruckus.”

  Reno took her arm. “That was more than a ruckus.” His blood pressure was still high. Seeing that man come at Journey enraged him.

  When they were out the door and to the car, Journey stopped him. “I told you to stay in the car, but I’m glad you didn’t. I love you so much, Reno Black.” She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him right there on the street in front of God and everybody.

  “I love you more,” he whispered with complete conviction.

  “I don’t see how.” For a few moments she rested in his arms in complete contentment. “I’m glad they didn’t question you further. I’m not sure how that would’ve gone.”

  “No telling. I wasn’t willing to risk it, though. Your safety is my main concern.”

  As grateful as she was to him, there was something about that statement that bothered her. “I guess we need to go on to the doctor’s office. My appointment is in fifteen minutes.”

  He helped her behind the wheel, then ran around to the passenger side. “Tell me about the interview.”

  She started the car and backed out into the street. “I’d given them a statement previously. All I had to do was read it and sign that it was correct. Oh, they asked some questions about you, but I didn’t tell them anything they could use.”

  This tickled Reno. “You make me sound like I have something to hide.”

  “Well…you do. In a way.” She combed her fingers through his hair while they were stopped at a red light. “I like the idea of you being a desperado.”

  He tilted his head to kiss the inside of her wrist. “I am desperate. For you.”

  “Oh, you say the sweetest things!” she exclaimed as she continued the short distance to the doctor’s office.

  Once inside, Journey registered, and they found a seat in the waiting room. Reno rummaged through the magazines as she filled out countless forms but didn’t find anything that interested him. “Those publications are almost as old as I am.”

  “That’s old,” she giggled as she finished giving the last item of necessary information. After turning in the clipboard of forms, she sat down and hugged herself. “I’m nervous.”

  “Why? I’m here with you.”

  She grabbed onto his hand. “I know. I need you close.” Forever.

  When her name was called, they went together. A nurse led them into a small examining room where she asked Journey to put on a backless gown. “Just stand behind that screen there to change. So, this is your husband?” she asked, eyeing Reno with a grin.

  “Will be soon.” He answered succinctly.

  The woman nodded, her smile genuine. “Congratulations.”

  “Thanks.” Journey wondered at Reno’s answer, but was grateful he’d spoken up. She was sure the nurse had ministered to women in many different relationship situations and thought nothing of them not being married. “Okay,” she announced once she’d shed her clothes and donned the embarrassing garment.

  “Okay, sit right here. I’m going to take your vitals and draw some blood. I’ll also need a urine sample.” She gave Reno the small plastic jar to hold while she took Journey’s temperature and blood pressure. When it came time for her blood to be drawn, she watched Reno with amusement as he averted his eyes from the needle and the blood it drew.

  Once the nurse finished, Journey rose to take the plastic cup from his visibly shaking hand. “Thanks, cowboy. Why don’t you sit down before you fall down?”

  He narrowed his eyes and winked at her. “I didn’t enjoy seeing them hurt you.”

  Journey was immediately sorry she’d picked at him. “Aww, you’re a doll.”

  “This way.” The nurse hurried her on and showed Journey where to go. “I’ll wait for you.”

  After giving up her urine specimen, she returned to where Reno was waiting. “You’re still here.”

  “Where else would I be?”

  She hopped up on the table. “I guess we’ll know soon enough if I’m pregnant or not.”

  “I already know you are.” He patted his heart. “I can feel it. In here.”

  Tears formed in her eyes at his admission. “What do you want? A girl or a boy?”

  His face transformed with joy at the thought. “Both. Either. I just want the two of you to be healthy and happy.”

  “Me too. How about names?”

  He thought a moment. “I’ll have to get it some thought. “Do you have a suggestion?”

  “How about Ela, if it’s a girl?”

  “Oh, I like that – maybe Cole if it’s a boy? He can be named for his uncle.”

  She agreed with him. “I like both those names.”

  About that time, a slight tap sounded on the door and the doctor let himself in for the examination. “Doctor Ingram here.” With that brief introduction, the middle-aged man got right down to business. After a complete check-up, he studied her chart. “While we’re waiting for the results, let’s go over a few things. I see you’ve been experiencing some morning sickness and weakness.”

  “Yes, but that’s normal, isn’t it?”

  “Can be. We’ll check your blood results to be sure.” He rose and pushed his glasses up on his nose. “I’ll be back with you momentarily.

  Once the door closed behind him, Reno frowned. “I don’t think this man knows what he’s doing.”

’m sure he’s fine. Besides, don’t you have a friend who’s a doctor?”

  “Domino O’Neill.”

  “Good. We’ll get Domino to check me over more thoroughly. He’ll be delivering my baby, won’t he?”

  Reno didn’t get a chance to reply before the doctor returned. “It seems congratulations are in order. You are indeed pregnant.” He went over the anticipated delivery date with Journey. “There are a couple of areas of concern that I’d like to go over with you, however.”

  “What concerns?” Reno moved next to the doctor, trying to read his chart.

  His closeness didn’t seem to faze the man. “The bloodwork shows that you’re anemic, so I’m prescribing iron in addition to your vitamins. I’m also a bit concerned with your blood sugar. We want to keep a close eye out for gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia. Either of those could be a serious situation for you and the baby.”

  Reno looked like he’d been hit with a ten-foot pole. “Serious? How serious?”

  Journey could’ve whacked the doctor with a magazine when he went to great lengths to explain to Reno the ins and outs of the two conditions.

  “Hey, you two. I may be perfectly okay. Isn’t that a possibility?”

  The doctor gave her a brief, appraising glance. “If you watch what you eat and take care of yourself.”

  “She will.” Reno was adamant in his decision. “She’ll take care of herself. I’ll see to it personally.”

  “Oh, boy.” She might as well change Dr. Ingram’s name to Dr. Frankenstein – for the man had just created a monster. “Reno, I feel fine.”

  The doctor gave her a quelling look. “Everyone has your well-being in mind, Miss Stanton.”

  “I know.” She allowed Reno to help her down, then she went behind the screen to redress. Once she was through, she found her man holding several prescriptions that needed to be filled. He also carried a dozen pamphlets and a magazine or two. “We’ll go get your medicine, then you’re going home and straight to bed.”

  “I didn’t hear him confine me to bedrest.”

  “No, he didn’t. I did.”

  Journey took him by the arm. “We need to have a talk, Daddy.”


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