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The Everly Davis chronicles

Page 2

by Amelia K Oliver

  "I'll put ya bags near the door, yea?" The driver huffs and puffs as he grabs my things from the boot.

  "Yes, thank you, I appreciate that," I mumble. Number sixty-four. The front of the house is cornflower blue with white trimming. Ivy and other foliage climb up and around the lovely blue door. Everything's overgrown, giving the impression of a jungle. I'm a city girl, I'm used to seeing plants in pots and weeds growing up from cracks in the pavement. So despite being wild, to my eyes, it's absolutely beautiful. The whole house gives me a sense of... relief.

  "There ya go love. Everything's by the door." Of course, I jump into the air. I don't think I am even on this planet at this point.

  "Thank you, sir. Here, this is for you." I dig into my purse and pull out a twenty-pound note. He's been nice since he picked me up from the station. He unloaded my belongings without even asking. "Keep the change, thanks for your help," I say with a genuine smile.

  "Aye, thanks love. I'll be off, got the missus waiting to have tea at home. Nice to meet ya." I shake his hand and send him on his way.

  What a nice man. Pulling the keys from my bag, I make my way to the door. My tummy rumbles. Ah yes, food. I haven’t eaten all day; I wonder what takeaway this town has to offer? When I push the door open with my shoulder I come up short. Something is blocking me from opening it all the way. I put a little oomph into it and try again. Success! I quickly realize ordering food won't be a problem, because about a million menus scatter to the floor when I push the door all the way open. Ugh, clearly no one lives here, what a waste of paper!

  I manage to get all of my bags in and stand in the front room, hands on hips, taking in my surroundings. The front room alone is bigger than my whole flat back in Manchester. Smells the same though; damp, old, and in need of a good cleaning. Thankfully, there seems to be a lot of furniture, all covered with dust sheets, so I won't have to buy much to make it more like home. Ooh, the spiders, I bet there are so many spiders here. My body shivers all over. Ugh, hate spiders. This is going to take some work, I think, as I take in the walls covered with peeling paper and paint. It's a good thing I don't start my job until next week.

  Thank goodness I lined up several Skype interviews weeks ahead of this move. My mother left a hefty nest egg for me, but I still like to work. I had been accepted for a job as a part-time cashier at a local DIY shop. Yay for me because I love DIY. My mother had been proficient enough to teach me a few things. I took it from there. I completed my first ever project when I was twelve. I broke my bed a few days before by jumping on it, then falling off it nearly breaking myself too.

  Mum told me, ‘You better fix that, Everly. You broke it, you fix it.’

  So I did. Only, I didn't stop at fixing it, I made it into a king sized frame. It had taken me five days, but in the end, it was amazing. My mum was so proud of me that it sparked something inside of me. I loved getting her praise, and I swore then I'd do anything to make her proud. I grab a menu from the floor and decide on pepperoni pizza. Using my phone, I order online and then find a bag for the other menus, which turns into cleaning the front door with a cloth and some soap I found under the sink. By the time my food arrives, my door is clean and sweat beads my brow. I open the door to an older man holding my pizza. I thank him and settle on the floor in the front room.

  I am pleasantly surprised that not only is it still piping hot, but delicious too. I sit cross-legged, eating pizza with one hand and with the other, make notes with the little notebook and pen I always carry with me. I feel a jolt of excitement zing through me. Working at the DIY shop is going to be handy, because this place needs a fair bit of work. The graying wallpaper peels easily, and the paint bubbles and chips away when I touch it. New carpets and bulbs for the lights are at the top of my list. I'm excited to start making the house nice again.

  I'll make this place my own. Slowly but surely, it will become my home. I'll clean up a bit tomorrow. The furniture looks to be in good condition so I'll keep most of it. 'Diiiiinngzz doonnggzzzzz." Ah just in time, that'll be the bedding I ordered while planning the move. I also add ‘new doorbell to my ever growing to-do list.

  BY THE TIME I FINISH putting the bedding on, pink flamingos and palm leaves, it's late and my body feels heavy with exhaustion. Changing into my pyjamas, I climb into bed. It's been a very long day but I fight sleep, not wanting to have the new dream again. So instead, I replay the day in my mind.

  Grey eyes immediately stare back at me. Ooh, mountain man, what was his name again? Leyland, my mind replays for me. The timbre of his voice sent jolts of electricity right down to my clit. Damn, that guy was hot. Admittedly, it's been a while, at least a year, since I've had sex. I let my mind grasp ahold of the image of him. Those wide shoulders - something to hold onto - his huge hands. My mind takes it all in and just runs with it.‘Everly.” My name on his lips in my mind makes me even wetter. I clench my thighs and close my eyes. All of a sudden, I'm on a bed with him, we’re both naked and covered in a light sheen of sweat.

  His hands are everywhere, I can almost feel them. I open my eyes, just a little, and glide my hand down my body, then under the waistband of my pants. I dip a finger into my wetness and spread it over my clit. My other hand grasps one of my hard nipples, tugging it. I close my eyes again.

  ‘Ever, I want you, I need you, will you have me?" Hell, yes, I will! He lines himself up to my core and leans forward to suck a nipple into his mouth, causing my back to arch off the bed. His grey eyes lock with mine, a question in them. I dip my chin in permission. At that, he inches into me, agonizingly slow. Inch by glorious inch, he fills me to capacity. I abandon my nipple to slip two of my fingers into my wetness, in place of his rock-hard cock, and slide them in and out at the slow pace the mountain man sets in my mind.

  Back and forth he rocks, rolling his hips into me. His body grinding my clit - while my fingers mimic his motions. ‘Oh yes Leyland, just like that, yes!’ He leans forward and takes my mouth in a passionate kiss that has me panting. I can almost feel those soft, sexy lips on mine, and it makes me pick up the pace. He's everywhere. I can feel his weight on my body, holding himself up on his elbows so he doesn't hurt me. One hand grips my hip like I'm his lifeline, the other is on my breast, squeezing it as his eyes roll back into his head in pleasure. His lips brush against my ear.

  ‘You feel so good, Ever, so wet, so tight. Ahh fuck.’ His huge cock is pounding into my pussy. A tingle travels down my spine. His words rush me towards the precipice of oblivion. His hips bang against mine, and I shatter. Stars explode behind my eyes and I cry out.

  “Yes! Oh God yes!” The walls of my pussy spasm and clench around my fingers, as if hoping to find Leyland's cock to milk.

  Wow! I've never come that hard before. Shit, I'm soaked. I'll have to wash the sheets in the morning. Climbing out of bed on wobbly legs, I change them for another new set. Good thing I ordered a few extras. If it's like this without him, I can only imagine what it would be like with him. I’d have to cover the bed in plastic wrap! I try to catch my breath, which is a little easier now I'm not in the city anymore. Padding to the bathroom, I wash my hands and grab a towel, dry myself then place it next to the sink. As soon as I’m back in bed and my head hits the pillow, I'm asleep.

  JESUS, SO MANY CHOICES. It’s the next day and I've started working my way through my to-do list. Currently, I'm standing in the middle of Currys, having a mild panic attack. Why can't there just be one coffee machine? Who needs 30 different choices? They all do the same thing, who cares what colour or shape it is? I just need coffee, damnit!

  "Can I help ya, love?"

  Err yes, I need help, I'm in machine hell here! "Yes, I need a coffee machine. I'm not bothered about bells and whistles, I just want it to make my coffee." I sound irritated, and I am. Luckily the assistant doesn't seem to notice, because it's not his fault so many companies want me to buy their machine.

  "No problem, love, this here will do the job just as good as any of the others," he says as he passes me a bo
x that weighs as much as a medium-sized dog.

  "Thanks." I let out a pent-up breath, "Can you do the same for a cooker, fridge/freezer, and washer/dryer please?" I just want to get back to the house and get on with it, but this small town only has so many shops and only a handful do online orders, so I'm stuck walking from shop to shop.

  "Yea I can do that, have ya got a budget in mind for it all?" he asks while scratching his head.

  No. Just give me what I need and let me leave. "Not really, I just want basic models please, and can you deliver today? I've just moved into a new house and the appliances don't work." I called the utilities before leaving the city so I had gas and electric, but nothing works, so now I'm having to buy everything new.

  "Aye, let me see what I can do. It'll cost ya, mind," he says with a twinkle in his eyes. Yea, I'm sure it will, but I'm in a rush. Thank god for the nest egg mum left me.

  "Ok, I'll take the lowest price washer/dryer you've got, a mid-range cooker, and a standalone fridge/freezer, all in white please." No need to drag my arse through more shops when this one's got everything I need for the kitchen. I'll get everything else I need after I've finished here. I spotted a shop down the road on the way to my current location that looks promising.

  "Sure, lady, if you'll follow me," he says as he walks away.

  I'm out of the shop faster than I expected. The cashier was quick and efficient. Thank god. It was far too warm in there with the sun blazing down on me. There’s not even a slight breeze to cut the heat. Who on earth has the heating on when you could cook eggs on the bonnet of a car? Sweat drips down my forehead, so I wipe it away. A hot mess, that's me. Help, I'm melting! I see the small bookshop just down the road that I saw earlier, and I head that way to get something to read tonight. Lucky book. The sign above the door says, Within These Pages. What a great name for a book shop. Looking through the window, I see that the place is empty. Yay! When I open the door, I'm hit with icy air. It's so much cooler in here. If I didn't have so much to do, I'd just stay here for the duration. Ah shit, more choices! Aisles and aisles of books are packed into the tiny shop. Good thing I know exactly what I'm looking for.

  I head to the romance aisle and take a deep breath. Ahh, I love the smell of books. I pick up two in quick succession. Survivor, by B C Morgan and The Wasteland, by K A Knight. These should tide me over during the long, lonely nights to come. I’ve read them before and they always get me where I need to go. The thought of reading them again makes me giddy. Once I've paid, I reluctantly leave the shop.

  The heat hits me as soon as I open the door. Ugh, I hate summer. I cross the road to the DIY shop. I don't start for another three days, but I need some bits to do the front room so I figure I can get them now, and have it done before I'm due to start working. I reach out to pull the door open to enter and my face hits the glass, I nearly end up on my arse.

  "Ouch, son of a..." Right in front of my eyes, plain as day, is the 'push' sign. Fuck! Yeah, nice one, Ever, great first impression. Hopefully, no one saw. It would just be my luck someone's just watched me make an arse of myself. Classy Ever, just living my best life. I push the door open and enter the shop. It's bigger than I expected.

  The large area is packed full of shelves filled to the brim with everything a DIY’er would need for any project. Oh, I've walked into heaven. I'll definitely be able to get the things I need to fix the house up in here, and hello staff discount. Just because my bank account looks healthy, doesn't mean I don't like a bargain. I shuffle back outside to grab a trolley. I browse the shelves slowly, making sure I've got everything I need. I head to the counter, thinking at least this trolley doesn't have a mind of its own. When I reach the checkout line, my jaw drops to the floor and I stand there with imaginary drool running down my chin. Behind the till is the most handsome man I've ever laid eyes on.

  Wide, strong-looking shoulders bunch and release as he lifts paint cans up on to the counter. Holy bulging biceps, Batman. The size of his hands capture my gaze. Jesus, they're huge! Hmm, I wonder what he could do with those.

  "Welcome to Get It Made, how can I...." His voice wraps around me like the caress of a lover.

  Holy cow! So deep it vibrates through my chest, and those eyes! An emerald green that sparkle like they've got fucking glitter in them. For the second time in as many days, I'm lost in a stranger's eyes. I'm trying to come up with a way to describe the colour, but honestly, there are just no words in my head that fit.

  Look away Ever, you can do this. Look. Away. I manage to drag my eyes from his after what seems to be an eternity, but they just roam his body like I'm no longer in control of them. He's wearing a long sleeved, red and black checkered shirt that pulls tight at his biceps. Underneath is a plain, white t-shirt that's so tight, I can see the ridges of his six pack.

  More drool than before now drips down my chin. Standing around six foot, he towers over me, another mountain man. I'll call this one Tower. His muscles have muscles. He puts serious hours in at the gym if his broad chest and huge arms are anything to go by. I'm pretty sure he could lift me above his head with those guns. Ok, time to actually talk. I can't stand here ogling this guy all day. Tempting as that may be.

  "Umm. Hello, I'm Everly Davis. I start working here next week and well... I just... I need these. DIY, you know. So yeah. These, please. Oh! And ten plasterboard sheets, please. Delivery. ASAP." I ramble on like I've lost my mind. My cheeks flame and I start swearing at myself in my mind. Jesus, get it together, Ever!

  His light brown, curly locks tickle his ears with lighter streaks here and there, like he spends a lot of time in the sun. It looks so soft, I want to run my hands through it. His nose fits his face, strong and proud. This town has two of the hottest guys I've ever laid eyes on. I am going to like it here for sure.

  "Ah yes, Everly Davis, my dad told me to expect a new employee Monday morning. Nice to meet you, Everly. I'm Garrot." He reaches a hand out to me and I stare at it dumbly for far too long. Pulling myself together, I finally whip out my hand in front of me. His massive hand engulfs mine as he shakes it. Then I’m lost again because our eyes lock, causing my mouth to go as dry as a chip that's been under the sofa for six months. I can feel myself falling headfirst into those gorgeous emerald eyes that are staring right into mine.


  The shop was so quiet today I thought it was a perfect time to do a bit of stock-taking. I decide to start with the paint. Dad was always on at me to do these. ‘With all that muscle it won't be hard work for you, son. Put them to use for once yeah?’ he'd say, making me roll my eyes.

  Thanks, Dad. I used these muscles enough, not that I can tell him that. He'd lose his shit if he knew how many times my brothers and I fought for our lives and those of the people in Scarborough. He thinks the creatures no longer come here. He's wrong. There was only one customer in when I started pulling out the returns from behind the counter so I let my mind wander to last night when my brothers and I killed a couple of creatures at the edge of town. I was so lost in my own thoughts I was a little startled when I turned to see the girl of my dreams standing in front of me. I started to rattle off the greeting Dad ground into me for so long, it’s second nature now. "Welcome to Get it Made. How may I...." I couldn't finish the sentence though, because the woman before me was more beautiful than anyone I've ever laid eyes on.

  Flaming red braids angled down framed each side of her beautiful face, the ends coming just to nipple height. Oh yea, yea I just went there. When my eyes found hers, I froze. Feelings stirred in my chest, making it tight

  Shit. Oh, hell no. No man. Ignore it. Nope, not happening. Look. Away. I will not allow this feeling right now, my mind screamed. Even as I said the words in my head, I still couldn't break eye contact. Just as I was about to make a fool out of myself, her eyes left mine to skim over the top half of my body, which could be seen over the low counter. It was like I could feel them on me, caressing me, drawing goosebumps all over me. I did the same to her, starting at her neck. Long an
d slender, the skin there looking like soft silk. Oh, how I'd like to nuzzle in there and nibble on her flaring pulse. My eyes continued down of their own accord, flicking down to her chest. Holy mother... The top of her tits peeked out past a tight, white, strappy blouse. Even though it's hotter than hell in here and outside, her nipples were pebbled under the fabric, making me lick my lips. I wanted to lick those nipples; bite them and roll them between my teeth.

  Her legs were covered with slightly baggy, grey sweatpants that hid her shapely curves. I found myself a little disappointed. With a body like hers she should be in a tight-fitting dress, not drowned in yards of material. I wanted to hear her moan my name in prayer as I drove my cock so deep inside her for so long she wouldn't be able to walk....

  "...Everly Davis" I wanted to rub my face between her breasts while her pussy spasmed around my cock... "... these please.” Shit, she's talking. I pulled myself out of my fantasy to concentrate on what she was saying.

  "Ah yes, Everly Davis. My Dad told me to expect a new employee Monday morning. Nice to meet you, Everly." I offered my hand, which seemed to have gotten a little sweaty while I was busy fantasizing about what I wanted to do to this woman. For hours, days, weeks. Fuck, forever.

  Shake it off, Garrot. You don't do commitment, remember? I got the feeling that this Everly would take my heart and run away with it. And I'd probably let her. She took my hand in her tiny one, quickly dropping it like it was on fire. That small contact sent a jolt up my arm. The fuck...?

  And now, I stand here, staring at her like a fool.

  "Yes, I start Monday. I'm excited! The shop looks amazing by the way, so much stuff here. If you need it and you can't find it...."


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