Dare Game

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Dare Game Page 8

by Lexi Archer

  "It reminds me of a lot Eric," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

  "It reminds me of a song I heard once down by the beach," he said. "I'm sure you remember?"

  "You bet she remembers," Kylie muttered.

  Sarah shot a warning look to Kylie. And for a wonder that warning look wasn't immediately followed by a smile and a laugh. That was the first time she'd given Kylie an actual warning glare. Very interesting.

  Eric's face lit up as though something was occurring to him for the first time, but there was something about the practiced way his face lit up that told me it wasn't as spontaneous as he’d like us to believe.

  "Say! What would you say to one quick dance? Y’know, for old times’ sake?"

  Now things were getting very interesting. I wasn't sure what I thought of another man dancing with my fiancée. On the one hand I knew I should be annoyed at another guy trying to move in on my girl. I should be pissed off that he was taking his old crush a little too far.

  Wasn't it fucking obvious to him that I was sitting right here? I was engaged to Sarah, and there wasn't a chance she was going to be interested in him even if he had seemingly spent the last five years working out and working on his game.

  And yet.

  There was another part of me I tried to deny. A part of me that very rarely came to the surface. A part of me that had been turned on first by that hug with Kylie and then by all the things Kylie told me about Sarah's past.

  That part of me that got good and turned on by the thought of Sarah getting with other people was suddenly very intrigued by the idea of her dancing with another guy. That part was being fueled by my rock hard cock which was throbbing as I thought of him pressing Sarah's body close. As I thought of him once again fulfilling one hell of a major fantasy that could only be satisfied by my girl.

  "I don't know…" Sarah said, and she looked to Kylie and then to me.

  It was obvious she wasn't sure about dancing with this guy, but at the same time she was breathing heavily. She was intrigued by the idea even if she didn't want to let on that she was. In short, her reaction to him asking for a dance was just as confusing as everything else that’d happened tonight involving this guy.

  I would've come to her rescue, except for one small thing. A voice very close to me. A whisper that sent a shiver running down my spine as it caressed my ear.

  "I dare you to let your fiancée dance with him."

  I glanced over to Kylie who was pulling away with a thin smile on her face. I looked over to Sarah who seemed a little confused as to why her friend would be whispering in my ear. Hell, I was a little confused about why she was whispering in my ear.

  And then I shrugged. It seemed like their old game was starting up again, and who was I to deny them a little bit of fun?

  Besides, there was a small part of me still annoyed at being forced to come out here, and that small part of me was feeling just a little vindictive. That combined with my rock hard cock, with my surging interest in seeing Sarah dancing up close and personal with this muscular guy even though it defied explanation, probably contributed to what I said next.

  "That’s fine with me," I said. "If it's okay with Sarah, of course."

  Sarah stared with her mouth open, looking back and forth between me and Kylie. She looked like she'd just suffered the ultimate betrayal, and then that look of surprise and betrayal slowly shifted. It slowly became just a little angry. I was hardly surprised when she sniffed, shook her head, and turned to smile at Eric.

  "I suppose a dance is the least that I owe you, all things considered," she said.



  All of this secrecy was driving me nuts. The least she owed him? What the hell was she talking about?

  What did she owe him? What strange thing from the past was reaching out to their five year reunion and causing the three of them to act like this?

  I wasn't going to get any answers anytime soon, but at least I was going to enjoy the sight of Sarah dancing. She got up and brushed past us, making sure to press her tits against the back of my head in a move that I'm sure was intentional. Then she was taking this Eric guy's hand and moving out on the small makeshift dance floor.

  Of course I did notice a moment's hesitation before she took his hand. Almost as though she was afraid to take his hand. Why would she be afraid to take his hand?

  Then that moment's hesitation was gone and they were out on the small impromptu dance floor, lights flashing around them as though this was a school dance. It was weird watching Sarah dancing with this guy in a way he'd probably fantasized about plenty over the years, and yet he'd never been able to as far as I knew.

  Except for that one time at the beach he'd mentioned, of course. What happened at that beach? What was going on between the two of them that had Sarah acting so weird?

  I turned to Kylie intending to ask for more info, but she held up a hand and shushed me. She was staring intently at the dance floor, a small smile on her face.

  "Am I ever going to find out what the hell is going on here?" I whispered.

  "Maybe," she whispered back. "It depends on how the night goes."

  That wasn't the answer I was hoping for, but something told me it was all the answer I was going to get. So I sat back and enjoyed the show. Enjoyed watching the two of them coming together.

  At first they were hesitant, though for a surprise all the awkwardness seemed to be coming from Sarah rather than from this Eric guy who, by all accounts, should’ve been the one feeling awkward.

  They started out with his hands on her hips and her hands over his shoulders in the classic dance pose preferred by awkward kids getting used to some up close and personal time with the opposite sex for the first time.

  They were separated by at least a good foot of air in between them. They were leaving enough room for Jesus, as one of the teachers at my old school who had no appreciation of the separation of church and state used to say as she walked around the dance floor with an honest-to-God ruler in her hands making sure everyone was staying chaste.

  Only that quickly changed as they went with the flow of the music. It was a romantic standard that everybody knew word for word, and soon enough Sarah was closing her eyes and mouthing the lyrics as she lost herself in the moment and moved closer.

  I held my breath, wondering how far this was going to go. Wondering how close she was going to get.

  Pretty damn close, as it turned out. By the time the song reached the first chorus they were swaying back and forth and their bodies were pressed together just as closely as we'd ever been when we danced together.

  "Damn," I said.

  I was transfixed by the sight of him grinding against her out there. I glanced around the room and saw more than a few people nudging each other and pointing to Sarah and Eric. Some were leaning in and whispering, giggling, and it made me wonder what the hell everybody from this podunk town knew that I didn’t.

  As the room stared Eric got a little more bold. At first his hands were just on her waist, they were so big that they almost encircled her, but then he moved around to the small of her back. He started running them up and down her back, running along the silky smooth material of her top.

  He moved up to her bare shoulders where his hands ran along her exposed skin, and then back down to her shirt once more.

  Once he even went almost down to her ass, I thought I almost saw him give her a little squeeze, but at the same time I wondered if that wasn't just wishful thinking on my part. If I wasn't just seeing things I wanted to see.

  Holy shit. Seeing things I wanted to see? Did I really want to see Sarah getting felt up by some strange guy in the middle of the dance floor like that? My mind was screaming no, that I should be going out there and putting a stop to this. That I should be stepping between them with a ruler and making sure there was enough room for Jesus.

  Only my rational mind wasn't the one calling the shots. No, my cock was throbbing. It was calling the shots rig
ht now, and it wanted to see how far this was going to go. It was very interested in why my fiancée was suddenly getting so up close and personal with this guy when it seemed like he was the last person at this reunion she should be getting up close and personal with!

  "Damn," Kylie whispered next to me. "Seems like there's some unresolved tension there."

  "I'll say…" I said, without even thinking about it before I responded.

  I shouldn't be letting on that I was getting turned on by my girl with this guy. I definitely shouldn't be letting on that I was getting turned on by the sight of my girl dancing up close with that guy!

  Only it seemed that Kylie was a lot more perceptive than I would've thought. It was like she knew I was into watching Sarah dancing with another man. I was surprised that she could read me that well, but that was nothing compared to the surprise as I felt her delicate hand on my leg.

  Not that I didn't want that contact. Not exactly. She was an attractive woman, after all, but at the same time I was engaged!

  And yet at the same time the woman I was planning on marrying was out there on the dance floor with another man. She was leaning her head against his chest and closing her eyes, letting out a sigh, as everybody else from her class watched on and seemed to be scandalized or amused by the sight.

  Besides, I was so turned on that I probably would've gone along with just about anything. And so it was a combination of arousal and my annoyance at Sarah for really getting up close and personal with this guy, something I hadn't quite expected but that I'd hoped for, something that I was paradoxically pissed off about even as I desperately wanted it to continue happening, that kept me from moving her hand away from its forbidden exploration.

  "That turns you on, doesn't it?"

  I swallowed, not trusting myself to answer. I was afraid of what my answer would be. Getting turned on by Sarah dancing up close and personal with that guy, feeling my cock throbbing in time with my pulse as I watched them spin around the dance floor grinding against one another, was one thing. I could admit that turned me on in the dark twisted recesses of my mind where nobody else could know the shameful things I was thinking.

  Actually admitting it was another thing entirely. Saying the words would make it all too real in a way that it wasn't, not yet, even with her out there pressing against him.

  Only Kylie wasn't letting up. No, she moved in for the kill. Her hand moved up my thigh and then her fingers were dancing along my cock. Her eyes went wide as she smiled.

  "You don't have to admit anything," she said. "This hard monster is all the answer I need!"

  I let out a shuddering sigh in response as her hand traced up and down my cock. I sat there in disbelief. Both because of what my fiancée was doing with that guy and because of what I was doing here at the table watching the two of them. And yet I couldn't deny that a little bit of extra stimulation was nice while I was enjoying the show.

  I kept my eyes glued on Sarah both because that forbidden dance was so fucking hot and to see if she looked over here. I desperately didn't want her to know what her friend was doing under the table, but I needn't have worried. Her eyes were closed as she moved back and forth, her lips were parted, and she was practically panting against that guy.

  Kylie and I were forgotten for the moment, which was probably a good thing considering what Kylie and I were getting up to under the plastic tablecloth hiding her hand and my cock from view.

  Only this couldn't possibly last. The song was almost over. Which was probably a good thing since I was close to coming! If Kylie kept up that stimulation for just another minute while I had the added stimulation of watching Sarah and Eric then I’d go past the point of no return. A point of no return that would’ve been hellaciously embarrassing considering I was stuck at a folding table with nothing but a plastic tablecloth to hide my shame from the world.

  That didn't happen though. The song ended and my fiancée and this Eric guy reluctantly parted. Kylie's hand reluctantly lifted from my cock as I felt a familiar tingle rising and then ebbing, leaving me with the most frustrating case of blue balls in my life.

  I was a little disappointed even as I was ridiculously relieved at that loss of contact. On top of potentially creating a very embarrassing stain on my pants, there was also the even larger problem that I definitely didn't want to be caught with Sarah's old best friend from school jerking me off through my pants under the tablecloth.

  As her hand pulled away I glanced around to make sure nobody else had seen, but if anyone had seen they weren't giving any sign of it.

  For a moment Sarah and Eric stared at one another, blinking in disbelief, and I almost thought they might kiss. That kiss would’ve confused the hell out of me. Even more than I already was.

  She was supposed to be annoyed with this guy even if she had let him get a little frisky with her once upon a time. He was supposed to be the annoying nerd who had a crush on her but didn't have a chance.

  Only now that I was seeing the situation in person and not just the quick update Kylie had given me, well I was starting to think things weren’t as they seemed at first glance. There was a mystery here, and I fully intended to get to the bottom of it.

  Just not right now. Eric stared after Sarah as she pulled away from him and made her way over to the table, her walk slightly unsteady. Like she was drunk, but I knew alcohol wasn't entering into it.

  That was the same way she walked when she was getting a bad case of the shudders when she was turned on. And while I should've been upset that she was getting a case of the shudders after dancing with another man, well let's just say my cock was still calling the shots. I was still more turned on than annoyed by this turn of events!

  I fully intended to get some answers, but circumstances stepped in to prevent that from happening. Before I could even open my mouth to get Sarah out of this place Kylie moved in for the block.

  She stood and intercepted Sarah before she reached the table. Kylie's arm wrapped around Sarah's and just like that they were heading out to the entrance and presumably towards the ladies' room for one of those mysterious ladies' room conferences that beguiled men the world over.

  Damn it.



  "Oh my God you slut!" I said as I hooked my arm into Sarah's and pulled her towards the ladies' room.

  I figured whispering that dare would result in a dance and maybe the two of them talking things over. I didn't like where things had left off five years ago and considered it one of the greatest stains on my matchmaking record. After seeing the way they melted into one another on that dance floor I realized there were still very much some hot unresolved feelings between these two!

  Now what to do about that considering she was here with that hot fiancé who seemed to appreciate her getting up close and personal with Eric?

  "I don't know what came over me," Sarah said. "I don't know what I was thinking!"

  "Follow me," I said. "We need to talk about this!"

  Only she jerked her arm away from mine as we made our way to the bathroom. It was marked by a picture of a cowgirl wearing boots and a cowboy hat, only the paint was severely faded where it wasn't peeling away entirely. Everything in this place looked so run down. I was inclined to agree with Todd's assessment of this town. Anyone who came back for the reunion was perfectly justified in thinking it was a shithole.

  I could tell a panic attack was starting to go full tilt by the time we made our way into the restroom. Sarah's breathing was picking up, and there was a panicked look on her face that I recognized all too well from years ago. She was probably wondering what the hell she'd just done with Eric, probably thinking about everything that had happened years ago that filled that dance with so much meaning, and thinking about how she'd done all of that while her new fiancé was watching from a table across the room.

  I smiled. He was watching and enjoying the hell out of the show if what I'd felt under the table was any indication, but she didn't know that.

  It was time to fix that.

  I glanced around the bathroom to make sure there was nobody in there. For a miracle the place was empty. I pulled the lock shut, one of those old style sliding bolt locks that looked like it'd been put in around the same time this place was built, and turned to look at Sarah. She was leaning over a sink that looked like it’d misse a few cleanings and staring at herself in the mirror. She grimaced like she didn’t care for what she saw staring back at her from that mirror.

  "Sarah," I said. "You really need to calm down."

  She wheeled on me. "I need to calm down? I haven't been back in this town for more than an hour and already I'm dancing with Eric! Already I see you off giggling with Todd. This is just like old times, but not in a good way!"

  I winced at her words. I took a step back, and then I bumped into the door and remembered I'd just locked us in here. Great. I would've been just as smart to lock myself in with an angry grizzly bear from the way she was acting. It seemed she wasn't quite over the past.

  Maybe she did still blame me in part for what happened even though I'd just been the instigator and not the one who lost control. Maybe I really had locked myself in with the grizzly bear, but all I could do was forge ahead.

  "You don't have anything to worry about," I said.

  "I don't have anything to worry about?" she almost shrieked. I winced again, and hoped nobody could hear that from outside. The walls in this place were notoriously thin, and it wouldn't be the first time the particulars of an argument in one of the bowling alley bathrooms had escaped into the wider pool of gossip for the Tiffany's of the world to natter on about.

  "You just had a quick dance with Eric," I said. "It's not like it meant anything. Not when you're here with your fiancé, and besides…"

  Only once again I didn't get an opportunity to tell her what I was trying to get out. The one thing that made her forbidden dance with Eric okay. Well, maybe not okay, but at least sort of acceptable. She wasn't letting me get a word in edgewise, and I wanted to scream in frustration.


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