The Trans Ultra Collection Vol 1

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The Trans Ultra Collection Vol 1 Page 10

by Ursula Lovelace

  Felicia and I felt like a perfect match for each other. I knew she had never met a man who accepted her like I did. However, I would have to leave you in order to be with her. We wouldn’t have to hide our relationship any longer.

  Nonetheless, I told her I needed to take a break to focus on my work and family. The truth was that the guilt of my actions had begun to overwhelm my feelings for her. I guessed part of it was the illicit nature of our affair and my attraction to transgender women. Trying to come out of hiding seemed to destroy the thrill of our relationship.

  As I was about to exit her car a few blocks from our house, I kissed Felicia one last time. It almost felt like a goodbye. Looking over her shoulder, I saw someone familiar down the street.

  It was Carla, our next-door neighbor and your best friend, staring slack-jawed at me. I didn’t know what she was doing there but she saw me with Felicia. It didn’t seem like she noticed me looking back at her.

  However, she knew who Felicia was. That was when I realized that the affair was over. We had grown too reckless over time.

  By now, Carla has probably told you about the affair. A part of me wondered if you would believe the accusation of me being a serial philanderer when you first heard it. I knew you always thought of me as the loyal husband.

  The part of me wondered if you would ever forgive me. I had spent months having an affair behind your back. More than anything else, it was with a tranny of all people! I knew you would feel humiliated but I just had this powerful attraction to Felicia.

  At that moment, the guilt of betraying you hit me hard. In trying to discover my true self, I had hurt you. You had always been a supportive, kind person to me. You easily believed the multitude of lies I had told you. Now, I’ve written this letter to tell you the truth of the matter.

  Please know that I may not have been attracted to you but I still cared for you. I’m sorry for destroying everything we’ve built up together. I hope the words I’ve written will help you understand what I was going through.

  I want you to hear my side of the story. I’m not asking for forgiveness. I don’t expect or deserve any. I just want you to understand why I did the things I did. I had this overwhelming desire for Felicia. I couldn’t resist it no matter how hard I tried. Perhaps, one day you’ll experience the same powerful emotions that I went through.

  So this is goodbye, Susan. It’s time for me to move on from both you and Felicia. I want to find another person who can satisfy me. This time, I want it to be an honest and pure relationship.

  I’ve attached divorce papers in this letter. I can understand if you no longer want anything to do with me. I’ll also tell my family that this is all my fault. I’m leaving you the house and our bank account. Please use it to give yourself a fresh start. Start a new life without me.

  As for me, I’m planning on a fresh start as well. I’ve realized who I am and what I desire. I want to pursue these desires while being true to myself.

  Thank you for the time we spent together,


  I hated my job.

  Sure, lots of people hate their jobs. Some hated interacting with customers. Others hated their co-workers. Maybe the work itself was mind-numbingly boring.

  For me, going to work was like trying to avoid giving my bosses a reason to fire me. I made sure to keep my head down and pray no one noticed me. You’d wonder why I’d hate working at the luxurious Nassau Towers.

  I was surrounded with the finest furnishings anyone could ask for. The walls were made of marble at this luxury hotel. The floors were lined with velvet and other soft fabrics. Some of the artwork on display was won at a high-stakes auction in Europe. A vase worth more than an entire year of my salary could be seen in the corner.

  Of course, none of it was meant for me.

  As a junior clerk, I was just another cog in the machine that kept the Nassau Towers up and running. In fact, I was a rookie who got bossed around all the time by his superiors. I might as well have been a baggage boy with a fancier title.

  I should’ve considered myself lucky to even be working at the vaulted Nassau Towers. It was hard even getting a job as a bellhop here. I just wished it paid better. For all of the luxury on display, it was only meant for the truly rich and powerful rather than a mere mortal like me.

  Everyone from oil barons from the Gulf Coast to billionaires from Asia stayed at this place. Every day, I saw them enter the Nassau Towers with their retinue of supermodel girlfriends and bootlicking assistants. I even saw a famous Hollywood actor enter on occasion.

  Nonetheless, I preferred to keep my head down and do my work. There were very heavy penalties for getting on the bad side of a guest. They had money and power so your job was on the line in case of a conflict.

  We also had to be careful about damaging any of the artwork on display. If you broke something, your wages were garnished until you could pay back the damages. Of course, the cost of it was like taking on a mortgage from a bank.

  That’s if you’re lucky. Otherwise, you got fired with no severance. I knew a maid who accidentally scratched the frame of a painting while cleaning it and was let go on the spot.

  It was like working at a candy while being banned from touching any of the sweets. Thankfully, my shift was almost over. I could finally go home and not worry about having some billionaire diva trying to get me fired.

  That’s when one of the other hotel employees came up to me with a clothing rack. It was Tom and he worked in the supply department. We tended to work together every now and then to get things where they were needed.

  “Hey Tom,” I greeted him as I manned the front desk. I looked the clothing rack he had brought with him. They were lined with dress bags and maid uniforms. “What’s with the maid uniforms?”

  “There was an incident in the café,” he explained. “Long story short, a few of the maids got covered in tapioca pudding. Some guest tripped and flipped the pudding tray. We had to get the uniforms cleaned.”

  “I see,” I said, glancing up at the clock. I really wanted to go home. “What do you need me to do? I’m about to punch out in five minutes.”

  “Call up someone from management to pick them up,” he replied. “The maids were sent home but they’ll need these for work tomorrow. Just do me a solid on this. I’m up to my neck with work.”

  I sighed. “Sure, I’ll get someone to give these to the maids.”

  “Thanks, man,” Tom said, leaving the clothing rack. “I owe you.”

  After he left, I stayed after work to get someone to pick them up and get it to the custodial department. Unfortunately, they were backlogged and couldn’t get anyone to pick them up for me. I’d have to manually deliver them.

  I groaned as I took the clothing rack behind the front desk for some privacy. The Nassau Towers were big and I’d have a hard time moving these around. I didn’t have access to the freight elevator since they required a specific access card to use.

  Looking at the clothing rack, I had to admit the maid outfits looked rather sexy. I suppose they were designed to titillate the guests. It was no wonder most of the maids on staff were young, beautiful women.

  I unzipped one of the dress bags. The maid uniform inside looked good as new. There were even a bra and a pair of panties. Whoever wore this must have been drenched in tapioca pudding.

  That’s when I noticed an access card hanging at the side of the uniform. My eyes widened in shock when I saw that it was a gold card. It had access to the exclusive penthouse suite.

  While the rest of the hotel was nice, the penthouse was its crown jewel. It was divided into a handful of rooms for only the richest and most powerful guests. You had to spend a fortune to get there.

  Of course, it still wasn’t that easy to book a spot. The rooms in the suites were reserved months in advance. I knew since we had many inquires that you needed to be either very wealthy or well-connected to secure a spot. It was rumored that a night there was more expensive than the yearly salary of a senior
hotel clerk.

  It was a bit of an urban legend for the hotel staff. Most of us had never stepped foot in it despite working there for years. Only the cleaning staff went up there since the penthouse’s appearance needed to be maintained. The most I ever saw of it was in brochures.

  I couldn’t help but be curious about what the penthouse looked like. There were so many rumors about the place but so few had seen it in person. However, I now had a golden opportunity to experience it firsthand.

  After all, I had a rare gold access card. I could use it to ride the elevator all the way to the top. I could find out what all the hype was about.

  Of course, I would stick out like a sore thumb there. A junior clerk like myself was a rare sight above the ground floor. A maid was more of a common sight in the penthouse. I’d never be able to blend in there.

  That was when I got an idea.

  It was a stupid idea.

  It was a crazy idea.

  But it would get me into the penthouse without a hitch.

  I returned to the clothing rack and pulled the maid uniform from its hanger. It had everything from a dress to a set of undergarments. It also looked to be my size.

  I could wear it as a disguise as I explored the penthouse. It might have seemed crazy but I knew I could pull it off. I always had a girlish build and my short hair helped sell the look. My voice was naturally high-pitched. I would just have to keep my head down and avoid any confrontations.

  No one would notice one maid outfit missing for a night. I could enjoy myself up in the penthouse with the access card. I could stay in an unclaimed room for a few hours and have some fun. It was the least I deserved for working so hard.

  Locking the door to the office, I began to undress. I put on the panties first. They were surprisingly snug against my crotch. I could walk around them easily enough without them getting caught up in my ass.

  The bra was a bigger issue due to my lack of a bust. Thankfully, there were a pair of small exercise balls for hands in the office. I decided to put them inside the bra to pad it out. The end result was believable enough.

  I looked at myself in the mirror to make sure everything was perfect. I seemed like a completely different person. The maid outfit emphasized the feminine side of my physique. The outfit came with a name tag for someone named ‘Theresa.’ I was going to borrow her name and outfit for a little bit.

  Satisfied with my looks, I briskly made my way to the penthouse elevator. I’d have plenty of time to sneak a peek at the place before heading back down. No one would know that I was even up there. Cleaning staff visited the penthouse all the time and hardly anyone cared to track them.

  The hotel lobby was busy this time of day. Keeping my head down, I easily blended into the crowd. No one noticed that I was a man dressed up as a maid. The rich were to be busy enjoying the luxuries of the Nassau Towers. The hotel staff was too busy working and avoiding trouble.

  I took out a cleaning cart from the maintenance closet. It would provide additional cover for me and help sell the act. Finally, I waited for an elevator to clear up so I could enter it alone.

  It was now the moment of truth.

  With a deep breath, I placed the keycard into the slot. It immediately accepted it. I had full access to the Nassau Towers, including the penthouse.

  It was a long ride up that felt even longer due to my sense of nervousness. What I was doing was nothing short of crazy. If I got caught, then I wouldn’t just be fired. I’d be ostracized for dressing up as a maid. It would be hard to find a job after that. Hell, that was assuming the hotel didn’t decide to press charges against me. However, there was no turning back now.

  Looking into my reflection in the polished elevator walls, I took a moment to adjust my looks. My short hair helped me pass as a woman. I straightened up the nametag pinned to my dress. I had to remember that my name was Theresa in case anyone spoke to me.

  Even though I had never been to the penthouse, I knew the layout by heart like all the other clerks. In fact, I knew everything about the Nassau Towers. Learning the floor layout was part of the job requirement when you’re a junior clerk.

  The hotel was divided into two towers and several smaller buildings in a plaza. It included several swimming pools and a rather expansive golf course. I remember having to caddy for some billionaire when I first started working here.

  No expense was spared in building and furnishing the Nassau Towers. Even some of the less expensive rooms had imported vases and artwork. It certainly built up the hotel’s reputation amongst its rich guests. For the hotel staff, it meant more stuff to clean and avoid breaking. I wondered if the penthouse would be nicer than the rooms I had already seen. It had to be going off its reputation.

  Everyone gossiped about the penthouse. Only the top clerks knew how much it cost exactly for a night there. It was reserved for the richest of the rich. Even then, you had to be very important to be able to stay there. I felt like a mortal intruding upon Mt. Olympus.

  Of course, maids weren’t an odd sight up there. Penthouses didn’t clean themselves. Someone had to clean up after guests. It wasn’t as if the rich would get on their knees and scrub the place.

  That was why I knew I wouldn’t be out of place in the penthouse. I just needed to avoid bumping into any other maintenance staff. They would be the only ones able to identify me. Worse, they would see me crossdressing as a maid!

  I didn’t think my shift would lead to something like this. Working at the Nassau Towers wasn’t anything like I expected it to be. It didn’t pay well and they worked me to the bone. At least I’d have the privilege of finally seeing the penthouse.

  Finally, the doors of the elevator parted to unveil the penthouse.

  I gasped when I saw the view.

  There was a large window directly across from me. It revealed the skyline of the city. I was so mesmerized that I stood there and gawked until the elevator buzzed.

  I quickly exited and took the cart in tow. The penthouse halls looked empty which gave me time to take in the sights. The walls and floor were made of polished marble. A chandler hung from the ceiling.

  Suddenly, I felt a shiver down my spine. It reminded me that I was a trespasser. I needed to be careful here.

  I knew most of the cleaning staff were working as caddies down at the golf course. Driving around billionaires beat mopping floors any day of the week so most of them signed up. That meant I wouldn’t be seeing too many other maids in the area.

  I had heard that the maids hated cleaning the penthouse. I didn’t know why at first until I heard horror stories about maids getting fired over it. They could lose their job for damaging a piece of artwork. Or worse, they got the wrong side of a penthouse guest. You’d practically get blacklisted from the entire hotel industry for committing such a sin.

  Turning a corner, I saw a few penthouse guests walking down the hallway. I kept my head down pushed the cleaning cart down the path. I didn’t want to get into trouble with a guest while crossdressing as a maid.

  Thankfully, the two of them ignored me. Well, for the most part they did. I heard one of them whisper. “She’s got a nice, ass.”

  The other replied. “They really know how to pick maids here…”

  Finally, they walked out of view and I took a moment to catch my breath. I never expected my disguise to work so well. I thought I’d seen as a potted plant by men like them. Nonetheless, I decided to be more careful.

  The cleaning cart was large and provided adequate cover for me. It was heavy with a pair of vacuum cleaners, three feather dusters, and several gallons of Windex. Of course, the cart itself was high-tech.

  It had a computer built into it that told me which rooms were empty, including the entirety of the penthouse. I just had to slide in my gold access card to see that information. It was supposed to allow cleaning staff to enter rooms while they were empty so guests wouldn’t be bothered. Now, I could use it to snoop around the place.

  That’s when I noticed that the
computer screen had reported an error. Apparently, a nearby door had been left open for too long. Some guests would forget to close their doors properly which was a security risk. The computer system would give an alert if a door was left open long enough.

  I figured it would be best to close it. Someone from management could come and check it out. It would mean trouble for me if I got caught like this.

  Turning a corner, I saw that the door was slightly open. It didn’t look like the lights were on. Nonetheless, I asked in the softest voice I could muster. “Hello? Is anyone in the room?”

  It was convincing enough to be mistaken for a woman’s voice. I naturally had a high pitch voice. However, I didn’t want to put my disguise up for close inspection if I could help it.

  In case someone was out without a keycard, I didn’t want to shut the door and risk locking them out. I decided to pull the cleaning cart inside and take a look. I couldn’t help but feel like I was thinking and acting like an actual maid.


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