The Trans Ultra Collection Vol 1

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The Trans Ultra Collection Vol 1 Page 15

by Ursula Lovelace

  Suddenly, I heard a voice call out in the distance. “Mark, is that you?”

  My heart stopped.

  It was Frank.

  “Yeah, it’s me!” I blurted out, doing a last minute check of my appearance. “I’m just washing my hands. It’s good hygiene!”

  I went down the stairs to his living room. I saw Frank fixing himself a glass of water from the adjacent kitchen. “Sorry, I was busy cleaning up and lost track of time.”

  “You okay?” he said with a chuckle. “I hope you’re not catching my kidney problems!”

  I laughed nervously. “No, it’s not contagious. I was just cleaning up and getting your medicine ready.”

  “I’ve seen what you’ve done in Magda’s old room.”

  My blood churned sluggishly when I heard that. “R-Really?”

  Did he know I had dressed up in Magda’s old uniform and pranced around like a cross-dresser?

  “The room looks great now that you’ve cleaned it up!” Frank said with a smile. I relaxed and returned his smile. “I never had the heart to throw out Magda’s stuff after she left. That woman was my rock after my divorce. I didn’t know how I could run this place without her. It’s too bad she’s gone…”

  “I’m here for you, Frank,” I said, placing a hand on his shoulder. “I’m not here for just your kidneys. I can do the same kind of stuff that Magda did for you.”

  “Thank you, Mark,” he said, picking up the phone. “Let me order some takeout for dinner. My treat.”

  Ever since that day, I discovered a new side of myself. I loved dressing up as a female nurse. Sure, I liked all of Magda’s leftover clothing but I especially loved her uniform.

  When Frank was out, I would experiment with her clothes and makeup. I learned to paint my nails and apply lip gloss. I even began to venture out and buy other feminine essentials like nail polish remover.

  Day by day, my doppelgänger looked more and more like a real woman. Most people wouldn’t be able to tell that I was cross-dressing. Hell, my coworkers would probably not be able to recognize me.

  However, I was getting more and more careless. I kept sneaking into Magda’s old room and wearing her old clothes. It would only be a matter of time before my secret came out.

  One day, I decided to bring a fresh uniform into Frank’s house. I had told management I needed a spare for a coworker. This one was even a better fit than Magda’s old uniform.

  I went all out on my appearance. I had tied my hair into a nice bun with a few hair clips. I wore a new pair of lacy socks I had picked out at a specialty store. I even ordered a pair of white nylons and a padded bra from online.

  I was so busy admiring my new look that I didn’t hear someone approach me from behind.

  “Magda…? Is that you?”

  It was Frank.

  I turned flush when I turned around to face him. He had caught me in the act of cross-dressing. I didn’t know what to do. I could only stutter. “F-Frank, it’s me… Mark…”

  He brought a hand to his head. “Oh God… it’s you!”

  Frank looked at me in stunned silence. I didn’t know whether or not to remove my clothes and make up. His face was unreadable. I didn’t know whether he was angry or disgusted.

  He could send me into a mental asylum and have me committed. I would probably lose my job. Hell, no one would hire me after they found out what I had done.

  Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

  It was Frank and he had a soft expression on his face. “Mark, I don’t really understand this or you, really. It’s a lot to take in. How long have you been doing this?”

  I sighed and fidgeted with the hem of my skirt. “I-I just started doing this when you weren’t around. I’m so sorry, Frank. I promise I’ll never do this ever again!”

  I felt so embarrassed over being caught. My cheeks turned flush as shame coursed through me. I could lose my nursing licensed for this.

  However, Frank continued. “I never suspected this. Why did you dress up as a woman?”

  I raised an eyebrow. “What?”

  “Why did you put on that uniform?” he clarified. “Did it make you feel like a woman? Are you going to do it again? If you’re going to… then I think we can work something out.”

  “Work something out?”

  He smiled. “Let’s forget this little incident for now.”

  I was shocked at his response. The only thing I could do was whisper back. “Okay…”

  From that day on, I didn’t as much as look at Magda’s old room. It was a sealed bunker as far as I knew. I had my fun but now it was time to get serious.

  Sure, I missed wearing feminine clothing and makeup. I loved the feel of the soft cloth against my skin. However, I was already in enough trouble as it was. I was lucky that Frank had allowed me to continue to work for him.

  Strange as it was, he never bought up the subject of catching me cross-dressing. I wasn’t sure what his plan was. Perhaps, he was testing me to see if I would relapse and do it again. As much as I desired it, I couldn’t take that risk.

  Nevertheless, I was depressed about the whole situation. I wasn’t sure how to approach the subject with Frank. I waited for him to bring it up first but he never did. We went on as if business was usual.

  Time passed and Frank and I continued our professional relationship. I still performed his dialysis and took care of his house. Well, except the old guest room Magda had lived in.

  When Frank’s birthday approached, I got him some new cologne. It was a bit fancier than the usual gift I got him. The man could’ve easily had me fired for cross-dressing in his house. As awkward as it had been, I was thankful that he had been merciful.

  While I was out shopping, I couldn’t help but stop by a department store. It was a women’s store filled with a variety of dresses. They were quite beautiful and some of them were on sale. I couldn’t help but imagine what it would feel like to put them on.

  Sadly, I had quit cross-dressing cold turkey. I stared at a white dress with a red trim that looked remarkably similar to Magda’s nurse uniform. The mannequin who wore the dress was held up with a pair of white heels.

  I was so enthralled by the view that I didn’t notice someone approach me from behind.

  “Planning on something special for your girlfriend?”

  I turned to see a woman who worked at the department store. “Oh… I’m just looking.”

  She smiled. “We’re having a sale on that white outfit. It’s quite eye-catching, isn’t it?”

  I nodded. “I know someone who would look nice in it.”

  The woman laughed. “Let me know if you’re interested in it.”

  She went off to help another customer as I looked at the dress. I knew I couldn’t slip back into my old habits. I left the store empty handed.

  After dinner, I gifted Frank the bottle of cologne. I planned on making dinner for him but I figured that he would treat us out. It beat having to do the dishes.

  Finally, it was time to give him his gift. I had wrapped the bottle of cologne in some fancy wrapping paper that the store had provided for me. I knew Frank wouldn’t care but it was a nice touch.

  “Happy Birthday, Frank!” I said, handing him the gift. I was a bit anxious to see if he liked the present. I still needed to be in his good graces. “I hope you enjoy it.”

  “Thank you, Mark,” he said, opening up the gift. He took out the bottle of cologne, sprayed it on himself, and gave it a sniff. “It’s just what I wanted. I’m sure I’ll have everyone swooning over me!”

  I smiled. “I’m sure they will.”

  Then, Frank turned around and pulled out a package. It had was large and had been hastily wrapped in newspaper. I couldn’t begin to guess what was inside of it.

  “I have a little something for you too, Mark,” he said, handing it to me. “Take it, I insist.”

  “Okay,” I said, not wanting to upset him. I gently opened the wrappings of the package. As soon as I unwrapped it, I saw a
familiar shade of white. It was a female’s nurse’s uniform. It looked to have been custom made with better materials. “Wait… is this…?”

  “I hope I got your measurements right,” Frank said, smiling at the expression on his face. I couldn’t speak. I just didn’t understand why he would make me something like this. “Look, when I found you in Magda’s old room, I was shocked at first. I didn’t understand why you did it but I knew it was important to you and made you happy.”

  Tears glistened in my eyes as I held the dress. “Frank…”

  “Look, I don’t care why you were doing it,” he continued. “I just know it makes you happy. It sure beats having you brood around the house!”

  I took out the uniform and marveled at it. “Frank, I don’t know how to thank you.”

  He smiled. “Well, there is one way. Why don’t you put it on for me?”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Not only did Frank not mind me dressing up as a woman but he also wanted me to dress up in that nurse outfit he had given me. Perhaps, he wanted me to fill the hole in his life that his ex-wife and Magda had done before me.

  I couldn’t help but feel compelled to do so. I wanted Frank’s affection. I didn’t know whether he loved me or the idea of me cross-dressing.

  I took out the white uniform and placed on my lap. There was another package underneath it. I unwrapped it and I saw a pair of black heels in it. Along with the dress came a pair of undergarments and pair of sheer nylon stockings. All in all, it was a sexy get-up.

  “You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” Frank said. “I can take it back if you-”

  “No,” I said automatically. “I…I love it. I’ll go change now.”

  Gathering up all the gifts, I went into Magda’s old room. Frank didn’t follow me as I entered it. I felt a knot in my stomach that quickly untangled itself when I saw the room. It needed a bit of cleaning but it looked the same.

  I placed the clothes on the bed. Then, I took off my clothing before pausing for a moment. Frank wanted me to cross-dress for him. I wondered if this was a passing fetish or if he wanted me to do keep doing it for him.

  Regardless, I felt a debt of gratitude for him. This would be my present to him for his birthday. I wasn’t sure I could continue to cross-dress for him every day despite how much I enjoyed it.

  Still nude, I used Magda’s old brush to comb my hair. I began to feel like a woman again. I didn’t have time for makeup but I put on a coat of medium red lipstick. I put on another coat for good measure.

  I raised the panties up between my legs. It was like putting on an old shoe. I loved the sensation of the silky fabric brushing against my legs. A pair of nylon stockings soon followed. I carefully held them in place with a set of garters.

  Then, I moved onto put on the bra. I found my old foam padding in a nearby drawer. I carefully placed them under the cups. They were just the right size to give me a modest C-cup.

  Finally, I put on the nurse’s uniform. The skirt came first as I zipped up its side. Then, I buttoned on the lovely satiny blouse. It accentuated my padded bra and made it look more believable.

  It was much nicer than the standard issue garments the hospital provided us. My cock grew hard as I completed the look and admired myself in the mirror. The sensation of wearing all of this clothing was overwhelming.

  I wished there had been more time for makeup and nail polish. A bit of blush on my cheeks always brought out my feminine side. I decided to just touch up my face. However, I didn’t want to keep Frank waiting any longer.

  I gave one last glance at the mirror. I looked like a woman. Hell, I was the sexiest nurse I had ever seen. For the first time in my life, I felt like a woman instead of a guy cross-dressing as one.

  I knew Frank would love it. I felt as though he needed a woman in his life to stabilize him. It didn’t matter if that woman had a cock.

  As I walked out of the room, I wondered what would happen to our relationship. Until now, it had mostly been professional. I owned him one for not telling management about the cross-dressing incident. Now, we wanted me to dress up for him. I wasn’t sure where this was headed as I approached him.

  Frank sat in the living room with a drink in his hand. He did a double take when he saw me enter. His mouth opened as he struggled to find the right words. “Oh my God! Mark… I can’t believe it’s actually you. You look so beautiful. Are you okay doing this?”

  I smiled at his reaction. “I loved the dress you gave me. It must have been expensive. But you think I’m beautiful?”

  “I think you’re gorgeous, Mark,” he replied, walking up towards me. “I can’t even tell it’s you.”

  I blushed at the compliment. “Thank you.”

  Frank gestured to the couch. “Have a seat, Mark. I got some other presents for you if you don’t mind.”

  My ears perked up at that. “It’s starting to feel like my birthday instead of yours!”

  He pulled out a number of wrapped gifts from under the couch. I was surprised at the sheer number. I guessed Frank wanted to know if I was willing to dress for him before springing these out.

  I began tearing through the presents. I didn’t need X-Ray vision to know what was inside of them. Before long, I was knee deep in lace panties, silky bras, frilly socks, and more sets of pantyhose than I knew what to do with. That wasn’t all.

  There were also sets of clothing. I found a lovely camisole and slip. There were also several skirts including one with pleats. It was nice to have something other than the nurse’s outfit.

  Finally, I opened up some of the smaller packages. I knew they were too small to hold clothing. To my surprise, they were jewelry boxes. They contained everything from gold earrings to silver bracelets. A certificate revealed they came from a well-reputed jewelry store. I gasped and said. “This must cost a fortune.”

  Frank chuckled. “I got plenty of money. I’d waste it at the poker table is it wasn’t for you.”

  I laughed before bringing him in for a hug. My fake breasts jutted against his chest. I felt so safe and happy in his arms. He whispered into my ear. “I’m happy you liked the gifts. I didn’t know how you would react to them.”

  “I love them, Frank,” I replied, letting go of him. “I just don’t know what you want me to do with them. I’m still mark, your nurse.”

  He placed a hand on my shoulder. “We’ll play it by the ear. I know you enjoy dressing up. I think you look beautiful in both a nurse’s gown and a regular dress.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “What are you getting at?”

  “You look so lovely and believable as a woman,” he continued. “I’d love to take you out for dinner today. I know every man who sees you is going to be jealous of me. What do you say?”

  I sucked in my lower lip. As exciting as it sounded, I ran the risk of being discovered. “But what if someone finds out that I’m cross-dressing? Is my look that believable?”

  “Mark, you look more beautiful than any other woman I’ve ever met,” Frank stated with a laugh. “I’ve been with you for months now. I know what you look like. If can fool me, then you can fool anyone else. Come on, let’s go out for dinner tonight. I got us a table at a nice restaurant.”

  The panic faded away in me as I imagined a lovely dinner. “Really?”

  “Of course,” he replied. “What should we call you? Mark isn’t really a woman’s name.”

  I didn’t think of that before. “How about Mary?”

  It was the first name that popped into my head. However, Frank seemed to like it. “Mary it is!”

  “Okay, Frank. Let me freshen up first.”

  In Magda’s room, I put the finishing touches to my makeup. I wondered what Frank had planned for me. I loved how he brought such beautiful clothes and jewelry for me. However, I didn’t know where this would lead to.

  Hell, I wasn’t even sure if I would be in this position if Frank hadn’t caught me wearing Magda’s old clothes. My professional relationship with him ha
d changed ever since then. I couldn’t help but feel that he saw me more as a woman than as a man. I wasn’t sure I was a nurse or a ‘nurse’ to him.

  It made me question my identity. I loved dressing up as a woman. I felt so feminine in Magda’s old clothing. It felt even better to put on the clothing and jewelry Frank had gifted me. I didn’t feel like a thief putting on someone else’s clothes. I was a woman who wore her own clothing and jewelry.

  The man had brought me all these clothes for a reason. He expected me to wear them. In all honesty, I didn’t mind. I wondered what else he would expect out of me. For now, I was content being treated out to dinner.


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