The Trans Ultra Collection Vol 1

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The Trans Ultra Collection Vol 1 Page 23

by Ursula Lovelace

  Thankfully, I had timed it perfectly and everything came out at the right time. I took the bread out of the oven, drained the noodles, and took the chicken off the skillet. Finally, I brought it altogether in one big serving bowl. The bread went into its own basket.

  Emily even sneaked a small bit of the chicken into her mouth. “Oh my God, Brian! This amazing!”

  I smiled as I sat at the table. “Like it?”

  “I love it!” she said, eating another forkful of the meal. “I’m going to need a good day at the track after this.”

  I helped myself to some of the pasta. I also told Emily how to soak up the broth with the garlic bread. It was a wonderful meal. It was made it even better by the fact that I was sharing it with her.

  Emily helped herself to another serving. “I could eat this every day, Brian.”

  “Maybe I can come over and cook at your place.”

  She paused for a moment. More to its location than anything else, I hadn’t been to Emily’s apartment despite our time together. “Sure, that sounds lovely. You haven’t been to my place, right?”

  I shrugged. “It’s a bit out of the way, isn’t it?”

  “It’s still within city limits!” she giggled. “I can’t believe we been together for so long without having you over at my place.”

  I smiled. “I’ve got a few recipes in mind.”

  “Maybe you could teach me,” she replied. It sounded like a good idea. Olga probably wouldn’t have ever proposed the idea. “Just don’t teach me any comfort foods that’ll pork me up.”

  “No promises!”

  We finished the meal with plenty of leftovers. Together, we relaxed on my couch with some red wine. Until my divorce, I never appreciated slow moments like these.

  I loved how she rested her head on my shoulder. Her hair tickled my neck but I didn’t mind. Her body was warm like a heated blanket.

  I wondered what a beautiful woman like her saw in a divorcee like me. We hadn’t rushed into a romance. Instead, it had slow as if we were trying to savor each moment. He hadn’t even made love yet. In spite of my romance preparations for the night, I didn’t care if we slept together or not. After what happened with my ex-wife, I didn’t want to rush into things. Just being with her was enough. I just wanted to know why she was interested in me.

  “You’re thinking why I’m with you, Brian.”

  That caught me with surprise. Emily had a way of reading my thoughts. “Huh?”

  “It’s because I like being with you,” she said simply, leaning towards me. Her lips were inches away from mine. “Perhaps, you should be asking why a great like you is interesting in someone like me.”

  I laughed. “I have a thing for beautiful women.”

  I inched closer and closer to her. My hands rested on her legs and went up her thigh. Emily looked like she was caught in a trance.

  She looked so beautiful tonight. It was absolutely spellbinding. My fingers worked their way up as I got closer to her lips. Soon, I brought my hand near her groin.

  Suddenly, Emily leaned back and got up.

  “Brian… I should go,” she said, taking her purse. I wondered if I had done something to upset her. “Thank you for dinner.”

  With that, she left.

  At first, I had thought I had done something to upset her. I figured that I had moved too quickly for her tastes. I wanted to curse myself. However, Emily continued to keep in touch with me.

  We still dated each other without issue. She briefly had to focus on work for a new art gallery event but we kept talking to each other over the phone. I still had my promise to teach her how to cook. I made sure to spend my time with her wisely.

  Emily gave an opportunity to open up my heart again. All the things I didn’t say or do for Olga, I made sure it did and said it for Emily. I had taken my marriage for granted and lived through it on autopilot. I wouldn’t make the same mistake again.

  I wasn’t the sulking divorcee anymore. I was Brian, the optimistic transportation executive. More importantly, I started to care about Emily.

  Deeply care about her.

  Eventually we kissed one day at Amy’s Cafe.

  It was the accumulation of our budding attraction to each other. It felt so pure and genuine. Emily wasn’t just some replacement for Olga. She was her own person instead of some backup plan for my failed marriage.

  When he finally broke apart, Emily blushed. “That took a while.”

  I chuckled. “It sure did.”

  Then, she asked to my surprise. “Do you want to come upstairs to my apartment?”

  I blinked. “Huh?”

  “All this time, I never invited you in,” she giggled, noticing my confusion. “How rude of me!”

  After a long ride in the subway, I followed her up the elevator to her apartment. I couldn’t help but feel a little nervous. I had gotten along so well with Emily that something had to give. Maybe this was some scam she ran to rob me of her money. Or maybe she was a black widow type serial killer who lured unsuspecting men to her lair and killed them.

  I always had an overactive imagination.

  Emily’s apartment turned out to be quite cozy. It wasn’t big but it was better furnished than mine. There was a bedroom that doubled as an office. The living room had a small workshop in the corner for creating artwork.

  There were quite a number of paintings on easels. Judging from the painting supplies strewn around, I guessed that she had painted these works. Admiring a painting, I asked. “Did you make this?”

  “Just something I do as a hobby,” she said, looking a bit embarrassed. “I try to get a better idea of what my clients are doing. I’m nowhere good enough to be featured in a gallery.”

  “I’ve been to your art shows,” I replied. “I’d rather see your paintings than some famous artist’s work that looks like a kindergartner made it with hand prints.”

  Emily blushed. “Get yourself settled in. I’ll make us some tea.”

  As she heated the tea kettle, I got settled in on the couch. It was my first time at her place. I didn’t know by what date you could visit your partner’s house but I wanted to take things slow. With Olga, I had rushed things too fast and paid the price for it.

  I watched as Emily poured two cups of tea. She looked so beautiful doing such mundane tasks. More than that, she was kind, thoughtful person in the inside. I had only recently kissed her but it felt like we were in love. At least I was in love with her.

  I didn’t know what Emily me thought of me exactly. We had kissed and enjoyed going out together. It hadn’t gotten serious.

  Until now.

  Over tea, we made small talk. I was half paying attention with my mind. I wondered where my relationship with Emily would lead me to. I had promised myself to take it one day at a time. Yet, I couldn’t help but thing about the future.

  It felt so good to be in love again. Perhaps, what I had with Olga was not actual love to begin with. Nonetheless, there it had been a hole in my heart in the divorce. I had tried to move and ignore it. However, Emily had forced me to face my past issues. More importantly, she was patching that hole up.

  “Brian, are you listening to me?”

  I snapped out of my trance. Emily glared at me in mock anger as I said. “Yeah…”

  She smirked. “Okay, what did I say just now?”

  Emily had caught me red-handed. I stuttered the first thing I could recall. “Err… something about an art exhibition…”

  “No, I said I liked you,” she said to my surprise with eyes glistening. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “I really like you.”

  I whispered in disbelief. “Emily…”

  Before I could comprehend what was happening, I felt her hot lips upon mine. I felt so in love with this woman. We were more than good friends. This kiss was too passionate to be shared between friends. When we finally broke away, I smiled at Emily.

  However, she looked uneasy revealing her love for me and giving me a kiss. “Brian, you deser
ve to know the truth.”

  I did a double-take. “The truth?”

  “I love you too much to lie to you,” she said, tears welling up in her eyes. “Whatever happens, just know I loved the time we spent together.”

  I didn’t know where she was going with this. It felt like she was testing my resolve. “Emily, what’s this about?”

  “I don’t know where to start, Brian,” she replied, placing a hand to her head. “I’m not like other women. I’ve gone under the knife on the operating table.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Under the knife? Were you sick?”

  I wondered if she had been sick and had to undergo surgery. One my aunts had skin cancer and covered up her scarring from the surgery and treatments. It would explain why she was reluctant to reveal more of herself physically.

  However, Emily shook her head. “No, I wasn’t sick that way. The surgery was more to do with my looks. I wanted to… transform myself.”

  I paused for a moment in order to digest her words. “Transform into what?”

  “A woman,” she said to my complete and utter shock. I was too stunned to react. Emily watched me for a moment before continuing. “My soul has always been a woman but I was born in a man’s body. It’s why I needed to transform.”

  I brought a hand to my head after hearing the bombshell. “Does that mean…?”

  Emily gave me a bittersweet smile before looking down at her groin. “I’m a woman but I’m still a man in that way.”

  “Wow,” I said struggling for words. Sitting down in the couch, I couldn’t believe she had kept this from me. At the same time, I still cared about Emily and she had been the one to reveal it to me. “This is heavy…”

  Emily was as cool as a cucumber. “At least you’re not yelling and throwing furniture at me. I call this an upgrade!”

  That caught me off guard. My confusion turned into concern. “Did that happen before?”

  She gave a slight nod. It seemed like she expected me to get upset or angry. “My ex… you’re not the only one coming off a bad relationship.”

  It was a lot to take in but I knew I cherished my time with Emily. “I didn’t know…”

  “What’s important is that I’m still Emily,” she said, locking eyes with me. “Just because I have a cock doesn’t change who I am. It doesn’t change the great times we had together. I still love reading books and. Most of all, I still love you.”

  I wasn’t sure how to respond. I loved Emily but I wasn’t sure if I could ever love another man. I hadn’t the slightest bit of an attraction to other men.

  However, Emily had been more of a woman to me than my previous wife. She dressed and spoke with such femininity. More importantly, she had given me her heart. Did it matter if she was sporting a cock under her skirt?

  Nonetheless, I was simply overwhelmed with emotion. I didn’t want to say or do anything I would regret. “Emily, I need some time to take this in.”

  She looked sad but not angry. It seemed like she was fighting back tears. “Okay, I understand.”

  Going down to the elevator, I couldn’t believe what had just happened. I had gone up to her apartment expecting a night of passion. Instead, I was questioning everything I believed about Emily.

  I wondered how things would’ve been if she had brought this up at the very beginning?

  Would we still be friends and visit the museum?

  Would I still love her?

  I didn’t know the answer to those questions. All I knew was that I felt alone without Emily. She had always felt like someone I could rely on. My all too short time with her had been happiest months of my life. I loved the time we spent together. I loved kissing her.

  And I simply loved her.

  I still thought of her as a woman after the revelation. After all, she was femininity personified from her curves to her lovely dresses. She was more than just a friend to me. We couldn’t go back to being friends after the passion we had shared.

  For the next few days, I moped around my apartment. I tried to distract myself with books and television. However, my every waking thought was about Emily.

  I felt even worse than during the divorce. With Olga, I had been betrayed. With Emily, it felt like I was the betrayer. She had been kind and honest with me. She didn’t deserve such rejection.

  Finally, I got the resolve to head back to Emily’s apartment. Hopefully, she was willing to talk to me. I hadn’t spoken to her since she revealed the truth about herself.

  I knocked on the door but there was no answer. I couldn’t blame her for making me wait outside as a form of punishment. Perhaps, she had found another man. He would be someone who loved and accepted her without question. He would be with her at Amy’s Café in my place.

  Then, my jealousy turned into worry. I feared that I had broken Emily’s heart beyond repair. She could’ve tried to harm herself because of me.

  Finally, the door opened and Emily stepped through the threshold. She wore an apron and a look of sheer surprise on her face. “Oh, Brian. Sorry, I busy making tea. Come in!”

  I stepped inside her living room. Emily still looked beautiful in spite of her apron and messy hair. She checked the kettle on the stove before returning to me. The raw passion of our romance hit me again with all of its intensity. I was at a loss for words.

  “There’s enough tea for the both of us,” she said, gleefully. I was thankful for the fact that she was happy to see me. “What did you want to talk about?”

  Not sure of what to say, I let my heart do the talking.

  I took her in my arms and kissed her with all of my strength. Her breasts jutted towards me as we locked lips. It was more instinct than anything else.

  We were locked in this embrace. Our tongues tangled and probed each other’s mouth. We nearly toppled together onto the ground so I placed a hand on a wall to steady us.

  Soon, my hands found my way to her dress. I felt her smooth skin ripple under my fingers. Emily returned the favor by opening my shirt. Her soft hands caressed my chest before moving around to embrace my back.

  When we finally broke apart, there were no words exchanged. We simply looked at the other with desire in our eyes. I felt drained emotionally and physically as if I had just finished running a marathon.

  Finally, Emily spoke with tears welling up in her eyes. “I love you, Brian. I’ll always love you.”

  “I love you, too,” I replied with a smile. “It just took a while to get around to realizing it. Will you forgive me?”

  She kissed me again before placing her hands under my shirt. “There’s nothing to forgive. But let me take the kettle off the stove, first.”

  I chuckled as she turned off the stove. “Of course.”

  With that, she began to undress me. Emily didn’t rush as she unbuckled my belt and pulled down my pants. I wanted to return the favor but I decided to let her lead. Before long, I stood fully nude in front of her.

  Then, Emily took off her clothing. It was almost like a slow and sensual striptease. First, her ample breasts came into view. I gasped when I saw her cock spring up from between her legs. It was strange at first but I wasn’t repulsed by the sight. Instead, it drew out something deep within me.

  I stepped forward to kiss Emily again. Our bodies pressed against each other. I loved the feel of her bare breasts on my chest. Her cock touched the side of my thigh. It was an unusual sensation.

  I felt utterly blissful just holding Emily. I never wanted to let her go ever again. We kissed and caressed each other for several minutes. Neither of us were in a rush.

  Finally, Emily moved down to kiss my chest. I groaned before cupping her supple ass. I used my other hand to tease her nipples. They were so hard and erect.

  Emily’s hands were everywhere over me. They moved from my ass to my abdomen before moving up to my shoulders. It made my prick as hard as a rock.

  I never felt such intensity with Olga. She had always been in a rush to get her orgasm before sleeping on the edge of the bed.
With Emily, it felt like she was worshipping my body. It was two way street with how much I gave her back.

  I moved my head down to lick and tease her nipples. They were painfully long and stiff. Emily moaned at the lightest touch. I left her breathless from my teasing. Eventually, I took her breasts into my mouth.

  Emily returned the favor by reaching down to my erection. She stroked it with one hand until it was hard as an iron rod. I never felt so erect in my life.


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