Taken By The Alien Next Door

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Taken By The Alien Next Door Page 31

by Tiffany Roberts

  Zevris caught her wrist before she could do so. She glanced at him to see him reach up with his free hand and tug off his bandana.

  His frown was heavy, and his brow was furrowed. He first cleaned off her hand, then used another corner of the bandana to wipe away the tears that must have spilled down her cheeks. Tabitha could just imagine what she looked like right now. The makeup she’d worked so hard on to perfect her sexy cat look was likely running and smeared.

  Once he finished wiping her cheeks, he dabbed at her lips. “I have not seen you react so strongly to any smell, and you work with many potent ones.”

  “The smell from one of these concession stands just hit me wrong. I’ll be okay.” Her stomach clenched again, giving her pause, but at least it didn’t force her back over the disgusting trash can.


  He shifted his arm, wrapping it around her back, and led her to a bench in the grass off the side of the road. Fortunately, it was right by a trailer where funnel cakes were being cooked. The scent wasn’t as appetizing as it would normally have been, given what had just happened, but at least it wasn’t making her stomach churn.

  Once she was sitting, he hurriedly wheeled the dolly over, set it down, and strode to the funnel cake vendor.

  Tabitha stared at the ground, sitting slightly hunched over with one hand braced on her thigh and the other clutching her stomach, which was now achy and crampy.

  Zevris’s boots entered her field of view a little while later, and she lifted her gaze to find him holding a bottled water out to her. “Drink, Nykasha.”

  “Thank you,” she said as she took the water bottle. She brought it to her lips and took a drink. That first mouthful tasted like vomit, so she used it to rinse her mouth and spat it into the grass. A hint of that nasty taste lingered when she took a second drink, but she forced the water down, guzzling nearly half the bottle.

  Zevris cupped her chin when she lowered the bottle and brushed his thumb over her jaw. “Stay and rest. I’ll get everything taken down and loaded in the truck.”

  Tabitha frowned. “Are you sure? I can help—”

  “No. My mate feels ill and she will rest.”

  She pouted up at him, but she knew he was right. With how her stomach felt, she wouldn’t have been much help and would only have slowed him down. “Okay.”

  He bent down, pressed a kiss to her forehead, and stepped back. “I will return shortly.”

  Zevris stroked her cheek again before his hand fell away. He took a couple steps backward, keeping his gaze on her as though he anticipated having to race back to her side, and finally turned to walk away, grabbing the dolly as he moved.

  Slowly sipping her water, Tabitha watched him until he was out of sight. It wasn’t long before the bottle was empty. She turned her attention to the people walking by, offering a few smiles when they cast glances at her. The last thing she wanted was for someone to come and offer her help or ask if she was all right.

  An announcement came overheard through the speakers, declaring that the fair would be closing in half an hour.

  She took out her phone and checked her messages. There was a text from Mia, which Tabitha opened, and smiled when she saw the attached picture. It was of Mia and Josh, hair whipping in their faces, with the ocean in the background.

  Below it was a text that said, We’re SO doing it on the beach tonight.

  Tabitha chuckled and type out a reply. Beware of sand getting in uncomfortable places.

  The dots appeared a moment later, preceding Mia’s response. Are you speaking from experience?

  Tabitha’s thoughts immediately went to the day she and Zevris had taken a trip to the coast. Barefoot, they’d walked hand-in-hand along the beach under silvery moonlight, listening to the sighing of the wind and the waves. Things had turned…steamy. He’d sat on a big driftwood log, taken her onto his lap, and had made love to her right there.

  It had been like a scene straight out of a romance novel—except for the fact that, even though his feet were the only part of either of their bodies touching the ground, sand had still worked its way into a few sensitive spots.

  Maaaaaybe, Tabitha wrote back, adding a winky face.

  Tabby, I am loving this new sex goddess you’ve become.

  Tabitha’s smile grew. Ever since she’d met Zevris, he’d made her feel worthy, beautiful, and loved. She had never felt as sexy as he made her feel. He was damned good for her self-esteem. She’d rocked this kitty costume with confidence because Zevris’s eyes had locked on her the moment she stepped out of the bathroom as though he wanted to rip it all off and throw her on the bed.

  She tucked her phone away to wait. Thankfully her queasiness was gone by the time Zevris returned. The sun had set, the sky was dark, and the fair’s lights—which would be going out soon enough—were brighter than ever.

  “I’m sorry I took so long, Nykasha,” he said as he jogged the last thirty or so feet to reach her. He crouched in front of her, placing a hand on her knee. “How do you feel?”

  Tabitha smiled. “Better. Actually, I’m kind of starving.”

  His lips stretched into a smile, and he shook his head. He gestured in the direction from which they’d come. “Was there anything back that way that sounded appetizing to you?”

  “Eh… I lost my appetite for fair food. Let’s just pick something up on the way home.”

  “Anything you’d like.” Zevris leaned forward, slipped one arm behind Tabitha’s back and the other behind her knees, and scooped her up off the bench effortlessly.

  Tabitha’s eyes widened and she let out a squeak, throwing her arms around his neck. “Zevris!”

  She glanced around. A few of the remaining fairgoers glanced her way. Suddenly, she was plagued with imaginings of what all those people were thinking.

  Did her ass look too big?

  Was she too fat to be carried this way?

  What was a guy like him doing with a chubby girl like her?

  “Everyone is looking at us,” she whispered.


  And? That single word pulled her attention back to Zevris. She looked at him, met his gaze, and was reminded that he only had eyes for her.


  And who the hell cared?

  What did the other people matter? All that mattered was right here in front of her. All that mattered was this man, her mate, the man who loved her. All of her, imperfections included.

  Tabitha tipped her forehead against his and closed her eyes. “I love you.”

  Zevris hugged her closer. “And I love you, Nykasha.”

  “Just do me a favor?”


  “Don’t smell my breath till I have a chance to brush my teeth.”

  He laughed, the sound rumbling from his chest and into her, kindling that delicious heat at her core. “It’s a little late for that. But don’t worry. I would still love you even if you smelled like the trash can you emptied your stomach into.”

  Tabitha buried her face against his neck and laughed. “You say the sweetest things.”

  Damn, I love him.


  Tabitha woke with the feeling that something was wrong. This wasn’t like other mornings, during which she’d drifted on a sea of contented grogginess until finally crawling onto the beaches of awareness; she was instantly awake and alert. There was a prickling sensation on her skin, and a heavy, ominous feeling in her gut.

  She didn’t know what was wrong or why she felt this way. Everything had been…perfect. Despite that bout of sickness at the fair the evening before, the last night had passed without incident. Tabitha and Zevris had shared dinner, a shower, and some pretty amazing shower sex before they’d collapsed into bed.

  She swallowed thickly and snuggled against Zevris, tucking her head beneath his chin. He inhaled deeply and let it out in a deep rumble as he pulled her closer. Tabitha closed her eyes, intending to go back to sleep.

  But the reasons for her wakefulness resurged
an instant later with much, much less subtlety.

  Tabitha’s eyes flared open, and she shoved hard against Zevris, making him grunt. Throwing off the blanket, she scrambled out of bed, slapping a hand to her mouth as bile rose in her throat, and sprinted to the bathroom.

  She barely made it to the toilet before everything she’d eaten the night before came back up. She clutched the sides of the bowl as she retched, again and again, her stomach clenching in pain.

  Tabitha wasn’t aware of Zevris’s approach, but he was suddenly there with her, pulling her hair back out of her face, crouching beside her, stroking her back with one of his big hands. When she lifted her face during one of the brief respites between her retching, he flushed the toilet, wiped her lips with a tissue, and immediately resumed his gentle ministrations.

  She groaned and lay her head on her arm, closing her eyes. Tabitha felt miserable. She was bare-assed naked, kneeling on the bathroom floor, vomiting her guts out. Even worse than that? Zevris was there to witness it all.

  Not my finest hour.

  Zevris brushed the backs of his fingers over her clammy forehead. “You are ill, Nykasha.”

  It wasn’t a question, just a statement, leaving her no room to disagree or deflect. Maybe I’m fine had worked last night, but she knew it wouldn’t anymore.

  Tabitha opened her eyes and looked up at Zevris. He was wearing that concerned frown again, and his brows were low with a crease between them, just as they’d been last night. But there was more now; despite the gentleness of his touch, she could feel the tension in him. For the first time since she’d met him, there was a gleam of fear in his eyes.

  “This is twice now, Tabitha, in twelve hours,” he said softly. “I do not like this. Tell me what I can do for you. Tell me what we need to do to help you get well.”

  Maybe this wasn’t her finest hour…but she’d changed her mind about his presence being a bad thing.

  Yet apart from vomiting, she didn’t feel like she was sick. There was a little queasiness left over, but now that she’d emptied her stomach, the unpleasant sensations that had awoken her were fast fading.

  She scratched food poisoning off the list of possibilities, as she was sure she’d be feeling more miserable than this. And she didn’t feel feverish or achy like she usually did when she was coming down with the flu. The only other thing she could think of was…

  Can it be?

  No. It was too soon…wasn’t it? And they didn’t even know if it was possible.

  Not knowing doesn’t mean it’s not possible.

  It’d been at least a month and a half since they’d first had sex, and not a day had passed since during which they hadn’t make love.

  I haven’t had my period.

  Anticipation swept in to fill the space left by the dread that had woken her, making her stomach flutter and her chest tight.

  “Tabitha,” Zevris said, combing his fingers through her hair, “tell me what ails you.”

  Tabitha smiled up at Zevris. “I’ll be fine.”

  He scowled. “Tabitha, this is not fine.”

  She lifted her head and sat back on her heels, shivering now that her skin wasn’t flushed with heat. She didn’t want to tell him yet, not until she was sure. She didn’t want to get his hopes up. Knowing what his people were suffering, knowing the reason he’d come to Earth, it seemed to cruel to even suggest it without being certain.

  “I’m feeling better already,” she said. “I’ll go to a walk-in clinic today just in case, but I’m sure this is just…an upset stomach, or something simple. The kind of thing that’s over and done in a day or two, no problem.”

  Both his frown and the crease between his brows deepened. “We will go this morning, as soon as you are dressed.”

  “I will go alone.”

  “Tabitha,” he growled.

  She reached out and placed her palm on his chest, only then realizing that he was also naked—though for once, he wasn’t sporting a massive hard-on. “I’m fine, Zevris. I promise. You don’t need to come with me. I’d like to do this myself, and you have a coffee table to get to work on for Hank, right? You told him you’d have it ready before his anniversary in a few weeks.”

  “You are more important, Nykasha. I need to know you are fine.”

  “I am fine, Zevris. Trust me. And I won’t be gone for long.”

  He clenched his jaw. “You will go as soon as they open?”

  Tabitha could tell it was taking everything within him to keep from arguing the point further, to keep himself from ignoring her wishes and going with her regardless.

  “I’ll brush my teeth, take a quick shower, be out the door as soon as I’m done getting ready,” she said.

  He was silent for several seconds, staring at her as though searching for something.

  She brushed her thumb across his skin. “Just think about how happy you’ll be to see me…and all the things we can do when you’re ready for a break.”

  “Fine,” he finally said, and his expression communicated what he’d not spoken aloud—but I don’t like it.

  Tabitha might have lied. Just a little. A teeny, tiny white lie. Barely even a lie at all, really. She had brushed her teeth, showered, and stepped out the door as soon as she’d finished dressing, just as she’d promised.

  But she hadn’t gone to the clinic.

  Definitely a lie, Tabs.

  She glanced up at the gas station she was parked in front of. Reaching for her purse on the seat next to her, she set it in her lap, took out her cell phone, and searched the internet for early signs of pregnancy, clicking the top link.

  Missed period was the first on the list, followed by nausea and vomiting, and tender breasts.

  Now that she thought about it, her breasts—particularly her nipples—had been more sensitive. So much so that she’d nearly orgasmed a few times recently just from Zevris sucking on and playing with them.

  As she read further, mentally checking off each box that seemed to apply, she grew more and more certain that her suspicions were right.

  “I still need to be sure.”

  Putting her phone away, she took a deep, calming breath. She opened her car door, locked it, and shoved it closed before making her way into the convenience store. It was busy inside, with several people lined up at the counter despite there being two clerks at the registers. Everyone was in their morning rush for gas, coffee, or breakfast. The rich aroma of coffee was strong, but thankfully didn’t trigger her stomach. It actually smelled really good, good enough that her empty stomach rumbled in hunger.

  She walked down the center aisle, glancing back and forth at the items on the shelves until she found the section she was looking for.

  “Please let them be here,” she whispered as her eyes skimmed over lip balms, travel-sized medicines, nail clippers, and tiny sewing kits dangling from pegs. Finally, at the very bottom, she spotted her quarry—a rectangular box with bold print that said, Pregnancy Test.

  Tabitha snatched it off the peg and took her place at the back of the line. Though the line moved smoothly enough, time seemed to pass increasingly slower as her anxiousness increased. When she reached the register and set the test on the counter, she felt like all the world was staring at her, but she didn’t care. She had nothing to be ashamed of.

  She paid quickly and stepped away in search of the restrooms, finding them at the back of the store. She entered the women’s room, which was thankfully single occupancy, and locked the door.

  “Moment of truth, Tabby.”

  Hanging her purse on the door hook, she opened the pregnancy test box and pulled out the wrapped test stick and the instructions, reading over the latter. She’d seen plenty of people do these in movies and TV shows. How hard could it be to pee on a stick?

  Easier than trying to pee in a cup, that’s for sure.

  “Okay. One line not pregnant, two lines pregnant. Easy.”

  Tabitha tore open the test, removed the cap, and moved to the toilet.

  After doing her business, she recapped the stick, set it down on the sink, and washed her hands. She lifted her phone out of her purse briefly to note the time.

  The instructions had assured her there would be results in five minutes.

  “And now…the wait.”

  She returned to the sink, looked at herself in the mirror, tucking back a few loose strands of hair, and forced herself to breathe slow and deep.

  Five minutes was nothing; more often than not, five minutes passed in the blink of an eye. Scroll through a few posts on social media? Boom! Five minutes gone. Try to find something intriguing to stream on TV? Boom! Twenty minutes, gone.

  Tabitha absently drummed her fingers on the sink, nails clicking against the porcelain. When her eyes started drifting toward that test stick, she forced herself away, pacing the small space instead.

  She stopped to check her phone again.

  One minute had passed.


  Not going to look. I am not going to look yet.

  The remaining minutes felt like years, and Tabitha seemed to develop a plethora of new nervous ticks during that time. She tapped her foot on the floor when she stopped moving, she picked at her fingernails, even caught herself about to chew on one. She wrung her hands, she fiddled with a lock of her hair, and ultimately reverted to her old, reliable favorite—she worried her bottom lip.

  Anticipation and anxiousness warred in her stomach in a nauseating torrent wholly unlike the sensation that had woken her this morning. She’d never been so happy, excited, terrified, and nervous at once.

  When she felt like enough time had passed, she stepped to her purse and reached inside only to stop her hand once it had closed around her phone. She closed her eyes, blew out a breath, and counted to thirty.

  Opening her eyes again, she took her phone out of the purse and pressed the button to activate the screen.

  Four minutes. How could it only have been four minutes?

  The clock changed from eight fifteen to eight sixteen.


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