Devil In Exile: A Scifi Alien Mates Romance Novel (Warriors Of Elysius Book 1)

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Devil In Exile: A Scifi Alien Mates Romance Novel (Warriors Of Elysius Book 1) Page 16

by Fiona Jayde

  I feel sick to my stomach as I realize our crew of four is now a crew of two, and from the looks of it, I’m not so sure Thom is interested in returning to Earth any time soon. Which means I’m Earth’s only hope. I’m the only one who can get back to Earth and alert my boss to the danger of that trench, providing he doesn’t lock me up in a loony bin first.

  Or accuse me of killing my crew members.

  Good glory, how will I explain their deaths? I’m finally considering the logistics of returning to my planet without zero proof of my story. Maybe I can take some specimens from this planet back with me. Maybe Kyllell will have the answers to this problem as well.

  Dammit. He is always saving me from one thing or another. I want to solve my own problems for once.

  As if he senses my steady gaze on him, he turns his head, and his eyes lock with mine. There’s heat there and a promise lurking deep within their depths. A delicious shiver tickles along my spine. I avert my eyes quickly and turn back to Thom who studies me and then Kyllell with a tiny smirk.


  “So you guys are…” I motion between Shale and Thom. He nods his head in the affirmative as if he knows exactly what I’m asking, but Thom looks a bit unsure,

  “No. But yes? It’s complicated.”

  Well, I get what that’s like.

  Shale snorts and grabs her around the waist, pulling her to his side.

  “There is nothing complicated about this at all, female.”

  She gives him a slightly annoyed look and pushes away from him, leading me to the other side of the boat.

  “And so you’re going to stay together here on this planet?” I need to understand exactly what Thom wants. If she’d rather ditch the alien and come home with me, then I need to make sure Shale doesn’t interfere. Just because Kyllell isn’t interested in forcing the mate thing with me doesn’t mean Shale is of the same mind when it comes to Thom.

  “Well, actually, he wants me to come home with him. Something about making a deal with his mother and getting married. If he does, he gets a bunch of money. So he wants to trick her into thinking we’re breeding. I’m not so clear on the details yet, but I owe him.”

  My eyes widen in shock. “That’s a hell of a favor to ask just for being decent and making sure you weren’t sold as a sex slave.”

  “No, it’s not like that. I insisted on helping him. He has a lot riding on this, and I just…well…I’m not ready to say good-bye to him just yet.”

  “How will you get back to Earth?”

  I hate to play devil’s advocate here, but she needs to consider everything. There’s a good chance she’ll never get back to Earth.

  “Once he gets his money, he plans on helping me get back home.”

  I look over at Shale who only has eyes for Thom. No way in hell that bastard is ever going to let Thom go, but for some reason, I don’t voice my protests. It may have something to do with the way she’s looking at him.

  Ah, hell. I’m no one’s mother. I’ve got my own issues to deal with now that I know Thom is safe…relatively safe…with Shale. She’s an adult. If she wants to go and possibly never return to Earth, then so be it. I won’t stand in her way, and since we’ve only been co-workers for a few months, I don’t feel like I have the right to throw out any advice. We’re not close friends, but I still want her to be safe and happy. I just hope she knows what she’s doing.

  “I guess it’s lucky you got a translator chip then, huh?” I motion to her ear. “He do that when you were unconscious, too?”

  “According to him, it was better to get it while unconscious. Less pain. I thought it was an asshat move but forgave him when I realized I could understand him.”

  I sneak a glance at Kyllell who is grinning at me with zero apology in his eyes. Looks like Thom and I have had similar experiences with aliens who are very interested in protecting us. Thom can act like all she’s doing is owing the guy one, but I’ll bet a million chuktah shells he’s made her his by the end of this if that determined glint in Shale’s eyes is anything to go by.

  “So if he was sent here as punishment, then how do either of you plan on getting off this planet?”

  Shale decides to answer this question. “The same as you, I would guess. I’ve already bartered for a dark market space craft to get us home. It’s in sector three’s docking area. Those who sent me here as punishment aren’t even on my home-world at this time, so they’ll never know I’ve escaped my punishment and returned.”

  I shake my head, not really understanding or feeling the least bit interested in the political or cultural aspects of his race. As long as Thom is safe, then I don’t really care where the hell they end up. I turn to Kyllell. “Do you think their craft is parked in the same area as ours?”

  Kyllell lets out an annoyed grunt.

  “There is too much contraband within these markets. Sector three’s docking area is much further from ours, which means we will have to drop them off several miles from their destination so as not to be seen by any Chassak officials. Then we’ll head in the opposite direction toward ours.”

  I feel some nerves set in now that I know Thom is safe and we’re going our separate ways. She’s my friend, she’s familiar, and she’s human. It’s nice to feel less out of place in her presence.

  I also can’t deny the small hope I’d harbored at the sweet relief her presence would bring. I thought if she was traveling with us, then Kyllell wouldn’t have much privacy to pursue me. There will be no buffer between us now. I don’t know how I’m going to travel with him in a cramped space craft as we make our way toward Earth. Who knows how long that will take? By then, he might have succeeded in convincing me to be his mate, to trust in him, to give my everything to him.

  I just can’t do that, and once he is free to roam the galaxy and meet new, exotic looking females, what are the odds he’ll get sick of me and bail?

  They are definitely high, no matter what he says about bond mates and forever couplings. People can change, and love can die.

  I know this, and if I give my heart to this sexy devil, I will be hurting all the more for it. I already care too much as it is.

  I can’t convince Thom to come back with me, and I can’t consider Kyllell coming back to Earth with me, either. Even though I’m on a vessel with three other people, I suddenly feel more alone than I have in a long time.

  It takes us far too much time to reach the shore within miles of the official docking outpost. I feel anxious at this unexpected detour we face, which will delay us an extra day since I do not wish to leave during the daylight hours, but it will take all night long to reach our destination. We will have to shore up in one of the many caves along the way and then travel during the day, hopefully arriving by nightfall to our next destination.

  No, I do not like the delay at all. A strange itch, a restlessness within me makes me feel as if we have missed a very important window. I do my best to dismiss this foreboding as I watch my mate squeeze Thom’s hand. I sense her emotional pain and rest a hand at the small of her back to show I am there. I support her. It must be difficult to say goodbye to the only other member of your species. She turns to me, giving me a grateful smile, knowing exactly what my intent is.

  Yes. We make a good team.

  Shale seems impatient to get moving. I don’t know what to think of him, but I am grateful that he will be the one to take care of Thomasina. I may hate his species as a whole, but it is clear he is like Berzee, wishing for peace and fulfillment amongst a vengeful people. It is obvious he has decided Thomasina is his mate even if the female is unsure of it herself. I almost feel a certain kinship with him since I am traversing the same daunting waters with my own mate. These human females’ hearts are certainly difficult to capture, but the eventual conquest should be all the more sweet.

  He holds out his hand for the female. “Just a sec,” she says to him. “So pushy,” she mutters to my female and then offers her a good-natured smile. She looks so happy, and I wish Ada c
ould look that way at the prospect of staying with me rather than returning to Earth. I step back as she gives my mate a hug goodbye.

  “I know we will see each other again,” she says. “I’ll try to get a message to you if I can figure out how.”

  Ada seems to be too overcome with emotion to say anything else. This concerns me. I do not wish for my mate to suffer like this. I return my hand to the small of her back as we watch them carefully slide into the shallow waters of the sea and make their way to shore.

  We stand there for a few moments, staring at them as they hurriedly continue along the shoreline before Ada turns to me and clears her throat.

  She is looking at me as if she is nervous or possibly embarrassed. I know she needs the comfort, but I also know she will not ask for it. So I wrap her in my arms before things become too awkward for her.

  “Your friend seemed happy,” I say, hoping this will give her some measure of reassurance.

  She tightens her arms around me, filling my heart with an aching warmth that heals just as much as it hurts. If she were mine completely, I would feel nothing but bliss.

  “I’m glad she had Shale with her. She says he took care of her while she was imprisoned. Did you know about that? That Chassaks can build a cocoon if they feel threatened?”

  “I did know. Yet another example of their cowardly, weak race.”

  Ada chuckles under her breath, lifting her furred brow in challenge. “I thought you were going to hold off on criticizing an entire race. Shale doesn’t seem so bad.”

  I scoff. “He wants one thing and one thing only when it comes to your friend, and yes, he will do everything in his power to treat her well as his mate. Mates are just as sacred to the Chassak race as they are to Elysiums.

  “You see? Something in common with them already.”

  I shake my head. “It does not change the death they have inflicted upon my planet or my people, but you have made an interesting point. Not everyone can be solely judged upon race alone. My own race, my own brother, abandoned me here, after all.”

  She lifts her hand and caresses my jaw with her soft fingers. It’s meant to sooth me, but sensations fly straight to my already throbbing cock. I growl and pull her closer as she lets out a soft gasp.

  “Why must you tempt me so, my Ada?”

  Her smile is impish when she says, “I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.”

  As if I would allow her to get away with such teasing, even though I should. I lean in until our lips are mere moments from joining together.

  “Stay with me,” I say on a whisper. “Be my mate, Ada.”

  I know my mistake the moment I feel her body tense within my arms. I nearly curse myself for being so greedy, for demanding things of her she is not ready—may never be ready—to give. She slowly pushes away from me, and I allow this even though she and I both know I could press the issue. I could make her see reason…and lose her completely in the process.

  She retreats even further and wraps her arms around herself as if they will ward off my attentions.

  “Kyllell…I…” she gives me a look of such longing, I wonder if I am actually beginning to get through to her, but her features immediately harden. Her eyes growing cold and distant. “I belong with my people on Earth. I need…” She swallows hard and stiffens her back. “I have to make certain no one else crosses through that portal.”

  With her friend safe, she is now using this portal as an excuse to leave me.

  My female is stubborn, but so am I. She may not trust in the potential that exists between us, but I will not give up on her. I know what it is to be abandoned, and I will not abandon my Ada, even if it means I must sacrifice my own wants and needs for now. She moves to the other side of the vessel and looks out across the water as I steer the ship in the other direction, heading for a cave I’ve stayed in during my many excursions, one I have already stocked with provisions and comforts.

  We ride in silence awhile. I can hear the water lapping against the sides of the boat, and eventually, she relaxes enough to come stand at my side. I am so aware of her next to me; her breath, her warmth, her heart pounding. I want to take her so badly, to bring her to the very brink. I want to bond with her and make her my mate in truth.

  I will away the burning heat within my horns and do my best to focus on the churning of the waters around us.

  After several miles, we arrive at our destination. To hunt in these areas without the Chassaks discovering my whereabouts, I’ve had to make use of several caves. I have stocked this one with provisions for future stays. This cave is not as elaborate as the one Ada and I have abandoned, but it will serve our purpose for the night. It is comfortable. It also has a small hot spring my mate can soak within. She hasn’t complained once about her leg, but I can tell it pains her still. The soak will do her some good and relax her muscles.

  And it will be best if I am nowhere near her when she is relaxing like that. Visions of her naked and wet fill my mind, but I cut them off before my need takes control of my actions.

  I dock our boat at the sandy entrance and reach to assist her, but she is already swinging her legs over the side. My capable mate. Before she can drop to the ground, I jump out and land in front of her. Reaching up, I clasp her hands in mine as she sits on the rim of the vessel, giving me a questioning look. I stare into those bottomless depths, eyes that have the power to drown a male if he isn’t prepared. I carefully think about my next words. I do not want to insult her capabilities, but I feel she pushes herself too far.

  “Ada,” I say, “please allow me to carry you into the cave.”

  She gives me a quizzical look. “Why?”

  “You’ve been favoring your broken leg. I know you require independence, but you have nothing to prove here.” She opens her mouth to protest, that fiery spirit flaming within her eyes, but I rush to intercede, to make her see…that I…I need this. “Please, let me take care of you.”

  The fire in her eyes dims a bit, and her features soften. She studies me for one more moment before gifting me an understanding smile. “Kyllell, I would appreciate it if you would carry me around like a useless sack of potatoes until my leg heals.”

  I chuckle and gently scoop up my female, feeling satisfied as she wraps her arms around my neck to steady herself.

  “This is just until my leg heals,” she warns. “Complacency will take away my self-aggrandized, bad-ass status.”

  “Your ass will always be exceptional in my eyes.”

  She rests her head on my shoulder, letting out a throaty laugh that sends fire to the very area of my body that does not need the stimulation. I take us into the cavern and head straight to the natural springs as she makes a few appreciative comments about the beauty of this particular cave. She is right. Many of these caves are lovely. The narrow tunnel we are in opens up into a smaller room with an oval pool of steamy water.

  “Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if other humans found their way around here. These caverns are my idea of paradise.” She eyes the water with no small amount of appreciation.

  “You need to soak your sore muscles,” I say. I set her down near the lip of the pool and begin to remove her pants.

  “Hey, what are you doing?” she says, slapping at my hands.

  “You will need help removing the rezzha.” She can most likely manage this on her own, but the drive to care for her propels me forward. It is sweet torture to slowly slip her leggings down her silky skin and set them to the side. I press a release button along the sleeve of the rezzah and watch as it slowly loosens from around her leg. The bruising has faded and the swelling is gone due to the rezzha’s fast-acting healing properties, but there is still some discoloration. I cannot stop myself from leaning down and placing several kisses along the damaged site.

  Her sharp inhale activates my primal need for her. I look up into the depths of her eyes, noticing their darkened hue filled with lust and wanting, and I move quickly, pulling her into my arms and delivering a k
iss filled with so much need I fairly shake with it. Her soft moans and eager acceptance spur me forward. I reach for her top, getting ready to remove it when I realize how quickly things have escalated.

  She hasn’t agreed to be mine yet. I pull back, my own instincts snarling at me to continue. Ada’s lips are swollen from my ministrations, and her eyes are half-lidded with desire. I cannot take much more of this, and staying with her to help her bathe is something that not even a well-disciplined male such as myself can handle. It is simply too much.

  I gently remove her arms from my neck and ease back.

  “Kyllell?” she says breathlessly.

  I shake my head, as I stand. “Ada, I want you more than you could possibly know, but it cannot mean nothing to you.” I tug at my horn in frustration, stepping around her and moving toward the tunnel’s entrance. Her next words halt me in my tracks.

  “It means something to me, Kyllell. I do care for you, but I can’t remain with you forever. I can only give you all of me now.” Her voice lowers to a whisper. “Can’t that be enough?”

  Can it possibly be enough? Never. I will never have enough of her taste, her smell, my arms encircling her lithe body and holding her to my heart.

  But is it better to have her for one night or to never have her at all? My attempts at convincing her to remain with me are failing, and even though we have much more time to spend together, what if I do not succeed in my mission to keep her by my side? What if she chooses to leave me in the end?

  My willpower snaps at the thought of never having a chance to worship her warm body or thrust myself deep within her slick folds. If I only have a short time to be with her, to show her how much I love her, then I will take it. I will take whatever she has to offer me and pray that the intimacy we share will eventually be enough to convince her to accept our bond. I know of no other way to convince her of my love than to show her in this manner.


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