Devil In Exile: A Scifi Alien Mates Romance Novel (Warriors Of Elysius Book 1)

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Devil In Exile: A Scifi Alien Mates Romance Novel (Warriors Of Elysius Book 1) Page 18

by Fiona Jayde

  He isn’t kidding. His cum actually feels like it has a wicked mind of its own as it activates different parts of my cunt. It’s as if his cum is sensuously stroking my folds. I feel a building pressure on my clit and catch my breath, moaning with elation. Kyllell captures my moan with his mouth, and suddenly the tip of his cock is at my entrance, enhancing the sensations of his cum dancing along my clit. With one powerful thrust he his seated deep inside me. I arch my back and break away to scream, but his lips are over mine again, swallowing my scream as his tongue delves into my mouth just as deeply as his cock plunges into my channel.

  I just…can’t…there are no words to describe this experience. I’m awash in a million sensations, drowning in them without fearing it in the slightest. I keep my hands planted on the stone behind me, leaning back as Kyllell leans over me, wrapping his arms around my lower back, thrusting into me over and over again, and continually probing my tongue with his own in a swirl of licks, suckles, and sensuous caresses. His firm arms around me, coupled with his grunts and moans of pleasure are just as satisfying as his thick cock dipping, plunging, circling, and penetrating, making us one again and again, building our pleasure as my insides pump and clench his rod.

  “I want your cum inside me. All of it. Everything you have,” I whisper against his lips. I punctuate my request with a slow, lingering glide of my tongue along his bottom lip, and then he’s thrusting even harder, his skeema hitting me in all the right places, taking me with abandon. My cries of fulfillment and his bellow of pure euphoria echo throughout the cave as he thrusts once more and ignites with me. I feel every shot of his cum as it latches onto my walls and begins its work, tingling and drawing out even more sensations than before, lengthening my orgasm and his in the process. Burning pressure unfurls and pleasure ricochets throughout my entire body, turning me into one quivering mass of rapturous awareness as he tightens his hold on me.

  “Ada,” he rasps. He supports my back with one hand and lifts the other to cup my cheek. His eyes are filled with a tender love, a deep joy. I can see how complete he feels, and it warms my heart to know I made him feel that. I gave him that pleasure, that joy, that earth-shattering release.

  And he gave me absolutely everything.

  “I’ve never felt that…it’s never been like that before. Not for me.”

  “Me either,” I say, and I wholeheartedly mean it.

  I look at him, trying to describe the feeling of being treated so warmly by an alien who quite literally made love to me. This wasn’t fucking. This was pure, undiluted love, and I am insatiable, ready for more.

  I finally realize he is still inside of me when it feels as if smooth fingers are lazily circling the base of my clit, dipping in and out of my folds, igniting my arousal all over again. My breasts suddenly swell with need, and my nipples rise to attention. His cock, which had previously been settling down seems to sense my arousal and beings to widen and lengthen, pushing at my walls. As it grows, the tip brushes against my G-spot again. I gasp and then moan, grabbing one of his biceps to steady me. When I look up into his eyes, he is staring at me intently, waiting for me to say something. I see the lines of restraint etched around his mouth and the corners of his eyes. He wants more, but I am certain he thinks this is all I will give him.

  But I want more. I want it all.

  “Your super-charged cum is making me needy again,” I whisper.

  His grin is wolfish. “There are only two ways to relieve your need. Either I pull out and you wash away my cum, or I plunge deep inside of you and bring you to orgasm again and again.”

  I lean up and gently kiss his lips, lifting one of his hands and guiding it to cup my breast. “I don’t want to stop.”

  He flicks my nipple with his finger and then grips my breast hard. A soft purring starts in the back of his throat, and he administers a long, lingering kiss.

  He pulls back and gives my pelvis a gentle thrust with his, embedding his cock even further between my walls. I pant with pleasure as his smile turns wicked and he slowly grinds himself in a clockwise motion against my cunt.

  “Then we won’t.”

  He tilts me until my back rests against the stone. His hands grab my thighs to support them, pulling them wider, exposing all of me to his slow, sensual perusal. He pulls out until the wide tip of his cock rests between the muscles of my entrance, prolonging the sensations of pleasure and pain. He gently nudges his cock forward and then pulls back. The shallow penetration repeated over and over again causes me to moan and gasp as he spreads my thighs even further. His full lips break into a wide smile, and a wicked glint fills his eyes, soon replaced with a dark flare of possessiveness.

  “You are mine, Ada, and I will take what is mine again and again.”

  With that, he impales me with the full length of his cock. We both cry out our pleasure as he does indeed take me. That possessive light in his eyes and predatory expression never leaves his face as I submit to him for the rest of the evening.

  I’ll never let her go.

  I knew this would happen. When so much emotion is already present, when so much love already fills my heart, this joining of our bodies only solidifies everything I know to be truth.

  I cannot live without my Ada.

  I hold her in my arms as she sleeps. I had only intended to take her once, fearing that it would be all she would be willing to give me, but her response to me was more than I could have imagined. More than I ever could have hoped for.

  I know she cares for me deeply. I could see it in her eyes, feel it in her touch, taste it along her skin. The bright pinks and deep reds of her aura were already reaching for mine, inviting mine to mingle, link, and fuse together. The bond never lets one aura overshadow another, rather, the two come together, sharing energy and strength, lifting areas of weakness and giving as much as they take. It is an equal joining of spirits that makes us one on so many levels, and whether my Ada will ever admit to it or not, her aura, her soul, recognizes mine on a very profound level.

  Yet I resisted. I kept my promise. I did not engage with her aura. I did not bond us together even though my control nearly withered at denying her energies. I had to resist the bond for an agonizingly long time, but the pleasure mingled with the pain was more than worth it. After so much time of isolation, after a lifetime of searching for someone to challenge me, I’ve found exactly what I want.

  She’s everything I need.

  We made love into the early morning, until she was so physically spent I had to carry her to our bed. Now I am worried that perhaps I was too eager, too thoughtless, only considering how badly I wanted to be joined with her. I am so lost in thought, I do not realize she is now awake until her soft fingers brush across my furrowed brow ridge.

  “You look like you’re thinking way too hard for someone who hasn’t had breakfast yet.”

  I shift to look at her, and my heart fills with love, my cock lengthening against my leg even though I know she is far too spent for anymore mating. Her naked breasts brush against my chest as she leans forward and plants a soft kiss on my lips.

  Ah, what this female does to me.

  “I am simply worried about you,” I say before I can stop myself. My females is fierce. She does not like my constant worry over her well-being.

  Her eyes narrow. “Why are you worried about me?”

  “I lost control,” I say, feeling even more remorseful as I study a faint bruise on her arm from where my hands gripped her. “I did not expect…it was intense.”

  “For me, too, but why would that disturb you?” She faces me on her side, propping herself up on her elbow.

  “I fear I was too rough with you. And your leg has not fully healed. The need I felt overtook all common sense, and I forgot about your leg until after the fact. You were just so…tight. I could not stop myself.” Her gaze burns into me, a slight blush infusing her cheeks.

  Before I can say anything else, her arms come around me, circling the back of my neck as she positions the e
ntire length of her naked body on top of mine. I suck in a deep breath. My cock reacting to the smooth velvet of her skin. She brings her lips to mine in a soft, moist kiss, and I’m reminded of the slick wetness of her cunt. I slip my tongue past her lips and drink deeply. The two sides of my forked tongue massage hers in a delicate dance. I’m reminded of the sweet taste of her juices when I gently massaged and then ravaged her clit last night.

  I groan and press her more fully against me, but this path leads to another round of lovemaking that I know she isn’t ready for. Her sweet cunt and sore leg must rest for a time, and we must prepare our leave soon.

  “I am the most tortured Elysium to ever walk the face of this planet.” I moan when she slowly grinds her clit against the tip of my cock.

  “I’m fairly certain you’re the only Elysium to ever walk the face of this planet.” Her grin is impish, and I give her ass a soft swat, making her squeal in delight.

  “I mean that we must prepare to leave, and I must force myself to resist you.”

  Her eyes hold laughter within their depths, but I also notice a certain carefree shift in her demeanor, as if a weight has been lifted and she doesn’t have a single worry in the world. She doesn’t move from her spot atop my body. Instead, she stays draped over me and places her head just under my chin, resting there as her fingers trace the lines of muscle along my chest and arms. It is both soothing and erotic.

  Yes. I am most certainly a tortured male.

  “How did you save Berzee’s life?” she asks.

  I am surprised by the change in topic, but I am happy to share this information.

  “I had originally planned to steal from him.”

  “What?” Her head lifts as she gazes at me in amusement. “You planned on stealing his fruit?”

  “It is tasty fruit,” I say in my defense. She gives my arm a playful slap before nestling her head just under my chin again. Contentment suffuses my entire being. “It is always best to steal on trading days due to low security. Even better if one does it under the cover of darkness. As I was waiting for Berzee to leave his shop—at the time I was unaware that he actually lived there—two Chassaks arrived. I may not have thought anything of it, but they had a Fermaje female slave with them, one who looked battered and bruised. She tripped over something, angering one of the guards, and he backhanded her with a ferociousness that knocked her unconscious. I was about to intervene, when Berzee came out of the shop and barreled into the guard. It took me a moment to realize that he was defending the female.”

  “Berzee isn’t a fan of abuse, huh?”

  I shake my head, still marveling at Berzee’s compassion and bravery in the face of two well-trained Chassak guards. “He proceeded to beat the guard, but he was not paying attention to the other one who immediately shot his quills into Berzee’s neck. Up until that moment, I was unaware that Chassaks were susceptible to their own poison. He dropped to the floor, already unconscious, and the guard drew forth a photon blaster, ready to kill Berzee and the female.”

  “Let me guess,” Ada said, “You weren’t about to let that happen.”

  I smile and kiss the top of her head, reveling in the flowery smell of her hair. “No. I would not let that happen. The distracted guard was easy to sneak up on and terminate. The other guard was already injured. I had to kill him as well to make sure he didn’t come back for Berzee or the female. Once they were taken care of, I tended to my new charges. Unfortunately, the female had been shot by two quills and did not live through the night.” I swallow down feelings of guilt at not being able to help her. Her species was particularly susceptible to Chassak poison.

  “That is so sad. I’m sure if she had lived, you would have found a way to help her escape. You did all you could for her, Kyllell.”

  My sweet mate. Somehow she knows that this particular failure still gnaws at me. Elysiums revere females, no matter the species. We are hardwired to protect and provide. It did not sit well with me, this inability to protect the small Fermaje. I extend a claw and run it softly through her thick hair, enjoying this lazy moment we’re sharing despite the heavy subject matter.

  “Berzee remained unconscious and feverish for two days. I stayed with him, made certain he had plenty to drink, though there was no way to feed him.”

  “You helped a Chassak, someone you barely knew, someone belonging to a race you abhor.”

  “I cannot help the deeply embedded hatred I feel for the Chassak race, but in that moment, I did not see a Chassak. I saw an honorable male defending a Fermaje slave, a female from one of the most benign species in this sector of space. Chassaks wish to rule and reign over everyone. They see species like the Fermaje as weak and, therefore, less than superior compared to their species. That Berzee would put himself in harm’s way for her spoke favorably concerning his character. I had to save him. I had to know why he did it in the first place.”

  “I imagine he was very surprised to find you in his home when he woke up.”

  I let out a low chuckle, aroused by the way her body moves against my skin. “It took several tense moments to help him understand what had happened and that I was not there to kill him. We have had a bit of an alliance ever since. I have learned that the Chassak race is living under oppression from the Emperor and his military. Many Chassaks do not share this thirst for war and conquest. Many were against the slaying of our females. These are important things to know when searching for ways to undermine the Emperor, not that I will ever have the chance to impart them to the Elysium Council.”

  “Maybe not, but it’s definitely given you some helpful perspective. Not all Chassaks are bad.”

  “No. Not all, and not all Elysiums are good.”

  She lifts her head to look at me with a tender expression on her face, one that pinches my heart and steals my very breath. “You are good, Kyllell. You are nothing but good.”

  I run my finger along the soft lines of her jaw and neck, satisfied to see those strange bumps surface along her skin as she shivers.

  “If I am good, it is because you are with me.”

  Her sweet lips tip up at the edges. She opens her mouth to say something, when the low thrum of an engine catches our attention, followed by a high whine, a noise I recognize based on my extensive experience with space travel. Something has landed within close distance of our cave.

  Something that threatens my female.



  I’m about to suck up my fear, put my big girl panties on, and tell Kyllell that I intend to remain at his side, to always be with him, when the sound of something like an air missile, whizzing through the air, disrupts the conversation.

  Clearly, it’s a bad thing because in one graceful move, Kyllell has scooped me up and brought us both to our feet.

  “Quickly, Ada, gather your clothes and get dressed. If we’ve been discovered, we will need to flee at once.”

  The idea of another skirmish with a Chassak hunting party pulls my thoughts in an entirely different direction. There will be time to have this heart-to-heart with Kyllell later, but for now, we’ve been thrown back into survival mode.

  We’re both dressed in record time, and Kyllell grabs our cloaks, throwing them over his arm as we head out of the room. As we stride forward, he keeps me close behind him. I’m ready to throw caution to the wind and drop-kick any foreign thing in my path, but my stubborn devil thinks I should wait within the tunnels of the cave while he checks things out.

  Hell-to-the-no on that one.

  “I go where you go. What if you get shot by a quill?” I say as I follow him through a narrow tunnel.

  He snarls low in his throat. “If I had time to argue the point with you…or give you the good spanking you deserve, I would, but I must see what threatens us, so stay behind me, Ada, and do everything I tell you to do.”

  I chafe at this high-handed, overbearing side of Kyllell. Is he a crazy, scary bad-ass? Sure. Nothing but muscle and a trained killing machine? Yeah, I suppos

  “Just don’t forget who fished you out of the ocean yesterday, you big, green dummy,” I say, giving his ass a hard spank for good measure. The smile he shoots me over his shoulder is panty-melting.

  It’s annoying that I can’t stay mad at him for long.

  As we approach the entrance, Kyllell lifts his hand, gesturing for me to stay back.

  He may have protective instincts kicking in, but so do I. No one is shooting my alien with those damn quills.

  He turns to me when he notices that I’ve completely ignored him and grabs my shoulders.

  “You seem to lack that universal instinct of self-preservation,” he says, but I’m no longer focused on him. I stare past him at the alien standing just outside the cavern’s entrance, the one who looks nearly identical to Kyllell.

  What the hell?

  “Who’s that?” I ask, pointing over his shoulder.

  He spins around in alarm, letting out a low growl before it is cut short by a choked sound of surprise. I try to peek around him, but his arm reaches back and keeps me behind him. I can feel his claws extending along the length of my back, so I know this most definitely can’t be good.

  “Who is it?” I ask again.

  “His name is Tarian,” he says. “He is my brother.”

  Well, this is a hell of a thing.

  “Your brother?” I manage to get around him and stand to his right, which brings the other approaching Elysium to a stand-still. He stares between me and Kyllell without bothering to hide his surprise. Then he grins wide. It’s a calculated grin, one I don’t trust for a single moment.

  Tarian approaches us, hands raised. “I come unarmed, brother,” he says.

  Kyllell is not happy to see him, and I completely understand why. This asshole played an integral part in Kyllell’s banishment. I can feel the hurt and anger pulsing off Kyllell’s broad frame as I grab his hand and lace my fingers through his, hoping I can offer him some kind of moral support as he faces the family member who betrayed him.


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