Dom: Hell Squad #18

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Dom: Hell Squad #18 Page 13

by Hackett, Anna

  He had no idea why she’d left the cabin to him, but she’d saved his life.

  Through the trees, his cabin came into view. It was small, made from wood, with a tiny deck at the back. It hadn’t changed much from when Janine had lived here. He’d repaired parts of it, including most of the roof. He enjoyed working with his hands.

  Pausing, Nate breathed deep, pulling in the crisp mountain air.

  He’d come here just a few months before the alien invasion and gone off-grid. He’d disappeared from the regular world, keeping in touch with his family via email. He’d left all the responsibility and expectations of life behind. The cabin had a generator, water from a stream, well-used garden beds. It was completely self-contained.

  Then the aliens had come and destroyed the world.

  After the invasion, he’d followed the news on the radio until the stations had gone silent.

  He’d tried to contact his family, but there’d been nothing.

  Shit. He blindly scanned the trees and hoped his parents and brother and sister had survived. He wished he’d talked to them more. Wished he hadn’t caused them so much worry and heartache.

  Nate had seen plenty of the aliens in the mountains. Luckily, the bastards didn’t like the trees. He’d done recon, gathering intel on them, but steering clear of their big ugly, scaled asses.

  He dumped the wood by his back door.

  He also knew about Blue Mountain Base, and the survivors who’d gathered there. He’d watched them, too. Knew about the squads.

  He’d seen them fighting back. He’d watched the Hawks in the sky, seen the armor-clad soldiers. A part of him had yearned to help.

  With a huge swing, he thrust the axe into the wood pile. Then he reached up and yanked his damp T-shirt over his head. He rubbed his sweaty face with it.

  Nate barely had any body fat. Living off the land and what he hunted, as well as being active every day, kept him in better shape than his Marine days.

  Sometimes he missed a beer with friends. Conversation. Sometimes he missed women—their soft bodies, sweet smells, and sliding his hard cock into warmth instead of his callused hand.

  Shaking his head, he stomped up the steps and into his cabin.

  Blue Mountain Base had been destroyed by the aliens months ago. The survivors had left in a convoy, and he assumed they’d found another shelter. He still saw Hawks in the sky on occasion, so he knew they hadn’t died.

  The battle-hardened Marine in him rose up again. You could be helping, using your skills to fight.

  No. He stomped over to the old-fashioned kitchen, pulled out one of Aunt Janine’s heavy, etched glasses, and filled it with water. He drank it in two large gulps.

  He’d done all the fighting he could. He was thirty-seven years old and still had nightmares. Even if he’d wanted to, he couldn’t face fighting the aliens on top of that.

  Wrenching open a cupboard, he grabbed Blue’s bowl. He had to feed his damn dog. The blue heeler was sitting beside him, waiting patiently. He watched Nate with soulful, gold eyes.

  “Just you and me, Blue.”

  Blue’s tail thumped the faded, lino floor.

  With a grunt, Nate dumped some meat from a rabbit he’d caught that morning onto the bowl and set it on the floor. Blue dove in.

  Being alone kept Nate sane. He straightened, looking out of the window at the trees beyond. And alone was how he was going to stay.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Dom rubbed the towel over his damp hair, then tossed it on the floor. He reached for his clothes, and put on his trousers and a black, button-down shirt.

  As he did up the buttons, he looked at the bathroom door. Arden was still soaking in the tub.

  She’d earned it.

  She’d held her own out there. Dom smiled. His woman had been magnificent.

  After they’d returned to base, Emerson had checked them over. Apart from a few bruises, they’d been given the all clear.

  He headed back to the bathroom, and when he stepped into the doorway, his chest tightened.

  Arden had just gotten out of the tub, and stood on the mat, naked and beautiful. He let his gaze roam over her. All that smooth, white skin, the wet, tangled hair at her shoulders. She had a slender, elegant body that hid so much strength.

  Desire stormed through him, followed by need, and a deeper, intense emotion he now knew was love.

  This woman loved him. She was the first person to ever say the words to him.

  And the only woman who would ever hear the words from his lips.

  She must have sensed him, because she turned and smiled.

  “I can’t believe that you love me,” he blurted out.

  Her face softened. “I’ll spend every day showing you I do until you never doubt it.”

  Dom couldn’t breathe. His need rose up, wrapping around his throat and clutching at his heart. He strode to her, sweeping an arm around her.

  He lowered his head. “I love you so much.”

  Her fingers slid into his hair. “You deserve to be loved, Dom.”

  He took her mouth with his, thrusting his tongue inside. The need inside him was greedy, starving for her.

  It turned off all rational thought. Mine, mine, mine. He pulled her down onto the mat, covering her with his body. He knew he was being rough, was out-of-control, but he couldn’t seem to stop. His body was trembling. He needed to be surrounded by her, soaked in her scent.

  He tore his trousers open, freeing his cock. He shoved her legs apart.

  Then he thrust hard.

  Arden arched into him, screaming.

  “Arden.” Cazzo, he’d hurt her.

  But then she cupped his face, her legs locking around his hips. “Shh. Take what you need. I want you.”

  He slid a hand between their bodies, rubbing her clit. He felt the wetness of her around his hard cock. His Arden wanted him with the same ferocity he wanted her.

  Dom pulled back and plunged inside her.

  “Yes,” she hissed.

  He kept up the pounding rhythm, his thrusts mindless. And she took it, all of it, and asked for more.

  As they coupled on the floor like animals in heat, all Dom could feel, see, smell was Arden. His woman.

  “I love you.” She sang the words. “I love you. Light and dark, good and bad, my feelings for you will never change.”

  “Bella.” She tore him open. She put him back together.

  And then she was coming, throwing her head back. Her gorgeous, elegant face was flushed, and small, husky noises came from her throat.

  The pleasure was almost painful. His muscles strained as he kept thrusting inside her.

  Everything inside him contracted, then exploded outwards. He lodged deep inside her and roared as he came.

  * * *

  Arden stood beside Indy, both of them standing at attention behind General Holmes.

  He was talking with the leader of the Groom Lake Base in the USA.

  The middle-aged, African-American woman styled her hair in a neat and tidy bob and wore a black, military uniform. She had a serious look on her face as she listened to Holmes.

  At her back, stood a silent man in fatigues. He’d been introduced as her head of security.

  Arden had snuck a glance at him more than a few times. It was hard not to. He was tall and well-built, with bulging biceps. His strong jaw was covered in not-quite-a-beard, but definitely more than scruff.

  And he had flat, impenetrable gray eyes.

  He was the kind of man who you’d want on your side of the battle.

  “I’m disappointed to hear that the bomb wasn’t destroyed, Adam,” Major General Michaela Marshall said. “I’m sure it must be disappointing for you, and your squads as well.”

  Holmes nodded. “We aren’t giving up. We’re working hard to find it.”

  The major general nodded. “And my head of security—” she looked at the man beside her “—Captain Dak Vaughn is heading up our search here at Groom Lake.”

��We have nothing to report yet,” Dak Vaughn said.

  Oh. The man had a smooth, sexy baritone that was completely at odds with his tough, military appearance.

  Indy made a small sound. When Arden glanced her way, her friend rolled her eyes back in her head.

  Holmes nodded. “We’ll keep in communication about the search, and with the other bases. We’ll keep you updated.”

  “Good hunting, Adam,” the Groom Lake leader said.

  As the screen blinked off, Holmes rose. “We need to get to the Garden for the update meeting.”

  Arden nodded. The general had called a gathering of all the Enclave residents to update them on the situation.

  Everyone was well aware their survival hung in the balance.

  Arden and Indy followed Holmes out of the Command Center.

  “Did you hear that man’s voice?” Indy made a humming sound.

  “You have a man,” Arden reminded her.

  “And I’ve loved Griff practically all my life, but Dak Vaughn’s voice…it’s like being dipped naked in melted chocolate and then having it licked off you.”

  Arden giggled.

  Indy glanced at her and smiled. “That’s the sweetest sound, Ard. I’m so glad that your hunky Italian is making you happy.”

  In front of them, Holmes made a choked sound. “You know I can hear you.”

  Arden bit her lip and Indy’s smile simply widened.

  “Yep,” Indy replied unrepentantly. “You might be the boss man, but I’m pretty sure you know exactly how Liberty ended up with your baby in her belly.”

  Holmes just held up a hand and kept walking.

  Arden and Indy shared another glance, then burst into laughter.

  When they finally reached the Garden, they found the space crowded. Sunshine filtered in from the open roof, and the grass was lush and green. Remembering sleeping on that grass in the arms of her very own dark knight, Arden scanned the crowd.

  She saw Levi and Chrissy tossing a ball with a young boy. Arden knew Chrissy had helped rescue the boy from Gizzida captivity. The trio were smiling.

  Nearby, several kids had made the bad decision to throw mud at each other. One boy scooped it out of a garden bed and tossed it at his friends. Arden shook her head, imagining that her Emmett would be right in there for an impromptu mud fight. Another boy scooped up a handful of mud and tossed it. But his aim was way off.

  It hit the back of Marcus Steele’s T-shirt.

  As the squad leader slowly turned, the boys froze in horror. Beside Marcus, Elle was trying to hide her smile behind her hand. Marcus’ gaze zeroed in on the perpetrators. Then, in a fast move for a man his size, Marcus scooped up some mud and swung his arm.

  The mud splattered the boy’s shirt. His eyes went wide, then he saw the smile on Marcus’ face. The boy started laughing and his friends joined in.

  Light in the darkness. Arden watched the mud fight escalate. That’s what kept all the survivors going. Even when the shadows surrounded them, they found the glimmer of light that kept them going. Her lips curved. Or they found their own dark knight to guide them through the darkness.

  Shaw and Claudia had joined in the fun, although, it looked like the lovers were more interested in getting each other than the kids. Arden watched Claudia shove a handful of mud down the back of her man’s shirt with a gleeful laugh.

  Shaw arched his back and grabbed Claudia’s long ponytail. “You’ll pay for that, Frost.”

  Shaking her head, Arden turned. She spotted Alyssa from Mount Wilson and her smile faded. The woman stood a little apart from the people around her, her face blank, her eyes downcast. Grief covered her like a cloud. She couldn’t see the light yet.

  Arden pressed her lips together. The woman would need time, and Arden prayed that sooner, rather than later, she would find some peace. In her heart, she sent up a small message. Jason, Beth, and Emmett, if you spot two kids up there, Annie and Mickey, give them a hug from their mama.

  Next, Arden spotted her squad. Taylor, Cam, and Sienna waved at her and she waved back. Beside Squad Nine stood the berserkers, all looking rough and sexy.

  Arden’s gaze fell on Dom as he stood talking with Griff. Her chest swelled with warmth. Looking at him was a reminder that she was very much alive. She started in his direction.

  Suddenly, something brushed her ankle, almost tripping her over. She looked down and saw a crawling baby grinning at her, showing off a small collection of tiny teeth.

  “Hey, there.”

  The baby gurgled.

  “Sorry. She’s quick.” Cruz appeared, scooping his baby up with one muscled, tattooed arm. He kissed the little girl’s neck, making her giggle. “Escape artist in the making.” With a smile, he turned, tucked baby Kari into the curve of his arm, and headed toward his woman, Santha.

  “There go my ovaries,” Indy muttered. “I want to see Griff cuddling our baby now.”

  Arden watched Cruz. “I don’t think I want any more kids.”

  Indy reached out and grabbed her hand.

  Arden smiled, bittersweet pain piercing her heart. “I raised my kids.” She’d have to talk about it with Dom, but until the Gizzida bombs were destroyed, there was no way she could bring a child into this world.

  “You deserve whatever you want,” Indy said.

  “For the moment, I just want to have hot sex with my hunky Italian.”

  Indy broke out in wild laughter.

  “What’s this about hunky Italians?” Griff appeared, a mock scowl on his face.

  A hard arm circled Arden’s waist and Dom pressed a kiss to her temple. She leaned into him, breathing in his cologne. She spun, sliding her arms around his lean waist.

  “Hi,” she said.

  “Hi.” His face was as dark and intense as always.

  Holmes stepped up on the bench of one of the picnic tables in the front of the crowd, his woman Liberty standing nearby. He cleared his throat.

  Everyone quieted.

  “By now, you’ll all have heard that our squads walked into a trap in the Blue Mountains.”

  You could have heard a pin drop.

  “The bomb wasn’t there.”

  Now, there were a few unhappy murmurs.

  “But despite a vicious fight, our people made it back safely. We’re continuing the search for the bomb, as well as staying in regular contact with all the other survivor bases. All of us have our squads out there, searching.” Holmes paused, his blue gaze scanning the crowd. “Nothing will stop us, deter us, or frighten us. We will find all three bombs, and we will neutralize them.”

  A man raised his voice and called out, “The Gizzida won’t stop either. They’ll keep trying to destroy us.”

  Holmes nodded. “And we’ll keep refusing to let them.”

  Now, there were a few laughs.

  “The road ahead isn’t going to be easy,” the general said. “When has it been? Some of us might die in sacrifice to the fight. But all of us will fight, in our own ways, from the cooks who feed us, to the soldiers who protect us.”

  He glanced over to where Liberty stood, her golden locks shining in the sun and her hand resting on her pregnant belly. She looked at him and smiled—a warm, sexy, love-filled smile.

  A smile flickered on Holmes’ lips as he turned back to the crowd.

  “We fight,” he said. “For love, for hope, for our home. Every day, we fight so the aliens won’t win. They can’t have our home.”

  Cheers erupted.

  “They can’t have our people.” Holmes raised his voice.

  The cheers got louder.

  “And they can’t have our planet!”

  The whole crowd erupted, cheering and slapping backs.

  “He makes it sound easy,” Arden murmured.

  Dom pulled her tighter against him. “It’s not easy, but we take it one day at a time. And we hold on to hope.” He dropped a kiss to her lips. “Feel like sketching?”

  She lifted her shoulder. “Maybe.”

be a willing model.”

  She smiled, letting her gaze wander down his chest. “My nude model?”

  “Any way you want me, Arden. I’m all yours. Whatever you need from me, I’ll give it to you.”

  She pressed her palms against his shirt. His heart beat, strong and steady, beneath her palm. And now she knew it beat for her.

  “Your heart, my dark knight. That’s all I need.”

  * * *

  I hope you enjoyed Arden and Dom’s story!

  Hell Squad will continue with Hell Squad Survivors, a novella collection containing stories of survivors outside the Enclave including former Marine Nate Caldwell, Groom Lake Head of Security Captain Dak Vaughn, and Alexander Erickson.

  After Hell Squad Survivors will be Tane, the final action-packed book in the Hell Squad series.

  Both coming in 2020.

  For more action-packed romance, read on for a preview of the first Eon Warriors adventure, Edge of Eon.

  Don’t miss out! For updates about new releases, action romance info, free books, and other fun stuff, sign up for my VIP mailing list and get your free box set containing three action-packed romances.

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  Preview: Edge of Eon

  She shifted on the chair, causing the chains binding her hands to clank together. Eve Traynor snorted. The wrist and ankle restraints were overkill. She was on a low-orbit prison circling Earth. Where the fuck did they think she was going to go?

  Eve shifted her shoulders to try to ease the tension from having her hands tied behind her back. For the millionth time, she studied her surroundings. The medium-sized room was empty, except for her chair. Everything from the floor to the ceiling was dull-gray metal. All of the Citadel Prison was drab and sparse. She’d learned every boring inch of it the last few months.


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