Trail of Blood

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Trail of Blood Page 11

by Uzi Eilam

  “Right, Gideon, you updated me on this, and I do not doubt that it’s also an important task. I expect you, Dan, and the three young men working with you to expose the details of that connection. All of us have a lot of work to do, so go ahead and get back to it,” Nahari cut the discussion short, rising from his seat in order to clearly signal them to resume the race.

  * * *

  14The attack on the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (Argentine Israelite Mutual Association) building took place in Buenos Aires on 18 July 1994, killing 85 people and injuring hundreds.

  Chapter 17

  A thunderous knock on the door echoed through the room, and Imad Mughniyeh rapidly strode in, as was his custom, accompanied by the manager of the Shahab project and the head of the Revolutionary Guard’s Foreign Attacks Division. Something unusual has happened, Nimer muttered soundlessly to himself. What is the connection between the missile project and attacks on foreign soil?

  “Good morning, gentlemen. Uhm…” Nimer hesitated briefly. “Something happened today?” he half-asked, half-stated.

  “We have some urgent topics on which the Supreme Leader himself asked us to intervene and assist the members of the Revolutionary Guard.”

  “Is it more important than rehabilitating the Shahab missile project?”

  “Yes, Nimer. This changes our priorities and the actions we’ll have to take. We need to travel to Argentina and Brazil as soon as possible, per the Leader’s request/order. We leave in two days. The head of the missile project will stay with you here so that you can agree on work procedures during those two days.”

  “And what needs to be done in South America?”

  “We’ll talk about everything soon,” Mughniyeh replied, waiting until the research center’s administrative assistant had finished placing the cups of fragrant tea and the tray bearing nan-e berenji rice cookies on the table and promptly took her leave. Nimer looked to Mughniyeh in anticipation.

  “The first topic is renewing the activity of the Teheran Research Reactor (TRR). The reactor has ceased to operate following the United States’ decision to stop supplying it with fuel. It’s a small reactor, with an output of five megawatts, built by the Americans and intended to run on 95% enriched uranium fuel.”

  “Right, that’s a well-known story,” Nimer responded, “and I remember the United States supplying Israel with that exact type of reactor. I believe the U.S. stopped supplying them with 95% enriched uranium fuel as well. But the Israelis didn’t shut down the reactor in Nahal Sorek, although it is unclear how they’re managing to keep operating it.”

  “Our task is to prod Argentina into manufacturing 20% fuel for the Teheran Research Reactor. This would necessitate changing the reactor’s internal structure, and scientists in Argentina know how to do that. Iran’s financial delegate in the Buenos Aires embassy has conducted negotiations with the head of Argentina’s National Atomic Energy Commission. Very generous down payments have been conveyed directly to this man, as well as to the president of Argentina…”

  “From the little I know,” Nimer said, “Argentina has established an impressive scientific infrastructure in the field of nuclear technology. I just remembered, Mughniyeh, a meeting that the Iranian scientist Dr. Jawad Arash arranged a meeting for me with a Nazi underground cell in Berlin. They told me about German nuclear scientists who had managed to escape to Argentina and contributed their knowledge about nuclear weapons. Hitler had not been a supporter of the German nuclear project, but his scientists accumulated much knowledge, which was passed on to Argentina in return for a permit allowing them to dwell securely in the country. I now recall that during that meeting, I heard the name of the free-trade zone and the term ‘International Border Tripoint;’ an area where a Nazi underground team is active. It is no secret that Argentina has allowed itself to trade very freely in nuclear technology, without consulting with the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna. These liberties have been taken discreetly, and haven’t harmed Argentina thus far.”

  “That is exactly what allows us to get their assistance in restoring activity at the Teheran reactor.”

  “It sounds to me, Imad, as if you have got this all wrapped up. What exactly am I supposed to do here?”

  “There’s a technological aspect related to the composition of the fuel that Argentina is supposed to supply to Iran. The people at our embassy in Buenos Aires don’t understand it. This would be uranium-235 fuel, partially enriched to a level of 20%. From what I’ve heard, this would also require altering the internal structure of the TRR reactor. And that’s exactly where you come in…”

  Nimer stopped him, briefly retreating into his own thoughts.

  What does this activity have to do with me? I agreed to Mughniyeh’s requests to assist Iran’s research and development efforts because I saw it as a point of departure for my quest for revenge, with which I intend to persist. And now the nuclear reactor and the new fuel… I can understand where Mughniyeh’s coming from, but I don’t want to, and really can’t, relinquish my quest for revenge. Israel and the United States still haven’t paid enough for the murder of my family.

  “Imad, doesn’t this keep me away from my activity of harming Israel and the United States? This wasn’t what I had in mind when you recruited me to act as a part of Hezbollah.”

  “Don’t underestimate the status you have acquired with the Revolutionary Guard due to your important assistance in developing the long-range missiles. And now, if we complete this effort to reactivate the Teheran Research Reactor, your status will be secure. We need support from a superpower in order to carry out our activity. Iran is a superpower, and it’s important for us to continue getting their aid. We’ve marked out several targets to hit in the big city of São Paulo that I’m sure you’ll find worthy. We’re talking about the American Consulate, the Israeli Consulate, and a large Jewish center in the city. During the last few months, we’ve collected plenty of information about the targets and the routines characterizing each of them.”

  “And the information is reliable? Enough to carry out a perfect attack? Who was in charge of intelligence collection?”

  “We will fly to South America in two days, and our first stop will be the International Border Tripoint, IBT. Police forces in the free-trade zone in each of the countries are receiving generous bribes, which ensure the various organizations can act with no criticism or monitoring of what they are doing. Hundreds of thousands of fellow Muslims live in this area. Many of them emigrated there from Lebanon. I’ve conducted several visits there in the last few years, and we have sufficient infrastructure set up for any sort of activity we might require throughout South America. We have nearly unlimited financial resources there, as well as a training site located on an isolated farm that our people have purchased. It’s an excellent site to train young people, who are easy to recruit among the area’s Muslim residents. Testing of weapons and explosive charges also takes place at the farm, which is inaccessible to strangers.”

  “That sounds promising, Imad, but I have to meet the people and conduct some preliminary tours of the targets we’re hitting in São Paulo. You already know me pretty well…”

  “I never thought otherwise, Nimer. Everything will be done in accordance with your instructions.”

  “How am I showing up there, under which identity?”

  “Just like the last time, you’ll be a German scientist named Dr. Nimesdorf. The Revolutionary Guard’s Image Design Department has hacked into the German Ministry of the Interior website and updated your personal data. You won’t even recognize yourself with the blond wig and the blue contact lenses. The Image Design people promised me that you will pass the stringent security screenings in Brazil and Argentina with no problems; even the ones conducted by the security personnel in the SS unit charged with protecting the welfare of Nazis who have found shelter in South America. You’re already familiar with scie
ntist Dr. Nimesdorf’s life story, but the Iranians have put together a summary highlighting the main points of the story, which you should memorize again.”

  “Before I leave for Brazil, I have to dedicate at least one more day to a meeting with the missile people to survey the changes made in the way the warhead is attached, and to approve those changes for them.”

  “That’s just fine, Nimer. You have two days before the flight, and on the second day, you can take some time to go over the operation file. It’s only a draft, of course,” Mughniyeh hastened to emphasize, “and you’ll decide on the final structure of the mission during the preparations at the farm.”

  Imad Mughniyeh exited the room, leaving Nimer to contemplate the points Mughniyeh had relayed to him over the last two hours, one by one. He did not doubt the talent, vast accumulated experience, and creativity of the man from whom he had learned so much. And yet, he felt, he still had quite a way to go before he got to know his new environment and the people from whom he would need to accept help and whom he would have to lead. He was still perturbed by the problem of the Shahab missile and resolved to stay totally focused on the missiles during the following day.

  Chapter 18

  Dr. Gerald Deutsch, head of the SRI International research institute near Stanford University, sat in his office with his long legs raised and resting upon his desk, as was his custom. To those who criticized this habit, he would say that the wisdom of the legs was vital, and this way, it would better flow toward the head. A thick report was lying before him, and he lingered over every page. An inter-disciplinary team of the institute’s researchers had been working for an entire year on a paper regarding the influence of cyber technologies, IOT, artificial intelligence and Big Data on the decision-making process among governments in countries throughout the world, as well as major financial corporations.

  The ring of the internal phone extracted him abruptly from his focus on the document. The institute’s administrative assistant asked whether he was free to talk to the deputy director of the CIA. A brief conversation soon conveyed to Deutsch that the deputy director was inviting him for a meeting at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. That’s an offer I can’t refuse, Deutsch thought. What, however, do they want from me? Obviously, they wouldn’t go into the issue over the phone. The deputy made a point of telling me it wouldn’t take long, Deutsch thought. They don’t usually call people in on such short notice. There’s got to be a serious reason for a summons like that.

  “No problem, sir. I’ll make time to see you. Let me just tie up a few loose ends over here. Tomorrow around noontime in Langley?”

  “Sure, Deutsch, thanks. That’s perfect. The agency car will be waiting for you at the airport tomorrow at noon.”


  The way from the airport to CIA HQ in Langley was familiar to Deutsch, who had visited the agency’s headquarters before. Deutsch remembered the impressive scale of the building housing the CIA’s headquarters. Like the massive structures of churches, he thought, the agency’s heads were trying to prove to those arriving on the scene how small they were… In the waiting room sat a man who seemed familiar to him, whom he quickly recognized as Binyamin, Yitzhak Nahari’s assistant.

  “Hi, Dr. Deutsch,” Binyamin addressed him in his high tenor voice, rising to dismantle Deutsch’s hand with a ferocious handshake.

  “Hello to you too, Binyamin. I’m beginning to get a better sense of why they summoned me here.”

  “Welcome to Langley,” the deputy director called out as the two guests entered his office. “And thank you, Dr. Deutsch, for making the time to come here on such short notice. We are all aware of the connection between Hezbollah and Iran, which runs this terrorist organization. The new development concerns an escalation in the number of planned terrorist attacks, and their intended severity. I gathered from Nahari that you’re also concerned about additional threats, both those aimed at targets abroad and those concerning strategic issues, such as the long-range Iranian missiles and the continuation of their nuclear weapons plan. Needless to say, sir, Israel isn’t the only target of terrorist attacks.”

  “And what kind of preparations have you made so far to collect and analyze data?” Deutsch ventured to ask. “Is it routine collection work by research agencies and their assessments? Based on my experience, Iran’s Revolutionary Guard has abundant budgets and diverse, efficient technological personnel.”

  “We’ve put together a special team, headed by Dr. Gideon Ben Ari, and he and Dan Avni are receiving assistance from young researchers specializing in cyber-related topics,” Binyamin said. “Dan’s team of hackers has managed to infiltrate the communication network used by Iman Mughniyeh, commander of Hezbollah’s military arm, and later on they detected the presence of a technological assistant, apparently German, who is always with him. This area of activity is supported by Iran’s best hackers, but beyond that, our people have spotted distinct signs of North Korean involvement.”

  “And that’s what led you to ask for our help? I know and appreciate Dr. Gideon Ben Ari, who spent two sabbatical years at out institute in Stanford. Dan Avni, that brilliant young man, is also familiar to me from past collaborations. So, what can we contribute to your efforts?”

  “True, Gideon and Dan are talented and experienced, and we have much faith in them,” Binyamin acknowledged. “But let’s not forget the assistance that Mughniyeh and his assistant are providing for the Iranian long-range missile project. The latest powerful nuclear explosion test in North Korea also fits into this array of threats somehow. Hezbollah’s military commander has a long, efficient arm, especially when it’s being operated by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. We believe this problem concerns the entire sane portion of the world, but primarily the United States. Surveillance on Mughniyeh has also made it clear to us that he’s leaving for South America in the next few days. He will meet with Hezbollah volunteers who live in a community of Lebanese immigrants in Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay’s free-trade zone.”

  “And all this is verified? You’re certain about the assessment of an immediate timeline?”

  “That’s how it is looking,” Binyamin replied. “In addition, we have information indicating the possibility of precision-guided missiles that would allow stationing operators at an area distant from their destinations, capable of repeated activation. I do not need to remind you of the extensive aid Argentinian and Brazilian authorities have granted terrorists in the past. There are collaborators in South America enjoying significant financial compensation from Iran. For these purposes, the Revolutionary Guard has limitless funds,” Binyamin concluded.

  “Dr. Deutsch,” the deputy director addressed him. “You get alerts about the threats and realize how real they are. The head of the agency asked me to persuade you to take some time to help us deal with these threats. Both our agency’s personnel and the NSA’s representatives at our embassy in Tel Aviv will be at your disposal and are willing to help Israel. If you agree, I suggest you stay here one more day in order to receive a comprehensive summary of pertinent, up-to-date information.” The deputy director paused to look at Deutsch, who nodded. “I assume you will need a few days before taking off for Israel, which is fine with us. As you’ve noted, you’re acquainted with the Israelis heading this effort, and no one has experience comparable to yours in dealing with the Iranians. In my assessment, we’re dealing with quite a tough nut to crack here.”

  Deutsch merely nodded, and the deputy director thanked Binyamin for the important information, and Deutsch for agreeing to take on the assignment.

  Chapter 19

  “Good morning, Nimer,” Mughniyeh said. “We have a series of meetings and many operational preparations that we have not yet discussed. First on the agenda are the meetings with the managers of Argentina’s National Atomic Energy Commission, who, in the past, have agreed to develop fuel for the Teheran Research Reactor on our behalf, to get it up and running
again. We have to proceed with caution here, Nimer, in order to overcome the Argentinian president’s apprehension regarding international criticism and sanctions due to violations of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).15 During your conversations with the agency’s managers, you can promise them an endowment that will double what they have received thus far.”

  “And what about the operation consisting of a series of attacks that you promised to set up for me?”

  “That is precisely the second arm of this pincer movement, Nimer, relating to the handling of nuclear topics…”

  “How, exactly?”

  “The series of attacks in the city of São Paulo, carried out against Jewish, Israeli and American targets, must be an extraordinary occurrence that will capture the attention of the entire world. This will signal to Argentina that it would be better off fulfilling its commitment to help us on the nuclear topic.”

  “That sounds good to me, Imad. And how does my character of Dr. Nimesdorf, the German scientist, fit into this story?”

  “Have you noticed your family connection with former SS officers? It’s featured in the new biography we constructed for you. That kind of ‘currency’ is very effective in Brazil, Chile and Argentina. These are countries that have permitted many Nazis to live secretly within their borders since the end of World War II. The truth is, Nimer, that your real academic background very much strengthens the cover story we’ve constructed for you. At our base of operations, in a suburb of the city of Foz do Iguaço, in the Brazilian part of the free-trade zone, you’ll find trained teams of our people from Hezbollah. Many of them were recruited there, out of a large population of immigrants who live in the area, mainly in the Brazilian part. Thanks to the virtually free passage between the countries, there’s no problem reaching the sites of the attacks in Brazil. You’ll meet one of our best people there, the Palestinian Saleh Yassin, an expert on explosives, and he’ll update you on the workforce assigned to this operation.”


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